Beverages      01.12.2021

Recipe for elk stroganina. We prepare feathered and wild game meat without heat treatment in the field and at home. Dried meat - basturma

Elk meat. Cutting an elk carcass, recipes and elk meat dishes.

Cutting up a moose carcass

Cutting up the carcass begins with bleeding. It is not necessary to release blood that has accumulated in the chest cavity as a result of internal hemorrhage. It will not spoil the quality of the meat; moreover, it can be removed directly when cutting the carcass. But if you don’t cut the elk’s throat immediately after shooting, some of the blood remaining in the blood vessels will not drain when cutting the carcass, but will remain in the tissues, worsening both the appearance and taste of the meat.

One of the difficult aspects of cutting a carcass is removing the skin. The skin is removed from the elk in the same way as from cattle, in a layer. The animal is turned over on its back, fixed in this position with placed blocks or rope braces. From the larynx in the middle of the neck, sternum and belly to the tip of the tail, the skin is cut in a straight line. Then the skin of the legs is cut open from the hooves, the incisions are connected in the middle of the chest and at the anus. The skin is removed from both sides immediately or sequentially, as long as possible, then the carcass should be turned on its side and the skin from the opposite side should be removed beyond the line of the spine. After this, the carcass is turned over to the other side and the remaining part of the skin is trimmed until completely separated.

Direct cutting of the carcass. The carcass is skinned. First, all the legs are cut off, then the sternum along the line of cartilaginous connections with the ribs. The peritoneum is incised along the midline of the abdomen. As they rip open, part of the carcass is tilted on its side and the stomach itself falls out of the cut. Next, the esophagus along with the trachea is cut at the neck and pulled inside the chest through the hole between the ribs. By pulling the internal organs by the trachea and esophagus and cutting the ligaments and diaphragm with a knife, all the internal organs are removed from the carcass and taken to the side. The liver is separated. The remaining part of the carcass is cut in half, between the twelfth and thirteenth ribs. The head can be separated either at the beginning or at the end of the operation.

In frosty weather, after cutting up the carcass, each part of the carcass (if it is not possible to carry them away immediately) is placed separately on clean snow, otherwise the frost will “grab” the pieces and it will be possible to separate them from each other only with an ax. In this case, all dirty and bloody areas must be cleaned with snow. The skin is folded into an envelope, with the flesh inside. The skin laid in this way freezes gradually, its commercial quality does not decrease even in severe frosts.

After skinning and removing the entrails, the elk carcass must be cut along the midline of the spine into two halves, and each half must be cut crosswise between the last and penultimate ribs into the front and back parts. Cut out bloody meat in places of bullet wounds. Then divide the carcass into four parts. When cutting the carcass and transporting the meat, it should be protected from contamination. It is best to wrap it in skin.

Moose meat dishes

Fried liver

1. Some say that fried liver is extremely tender and tasty, others do not find anything special in it, and still others simply scold it. And it’s all because of the inability to cook. Liver - best dish from elk meat. The liver should be fried on a well-heated baking sheet, always in butter. The liver is cut into pieces no thicker than 1.5 cm, salted on both sides and placed tightly on a baking sheet, piece by piece. One side is fried until the piece is cooked to ^ thickness. Then the pieces are turned over and fried on the other side, but with the onion cut into slices. The liver is served directly from the baking sheet, without a side dish, but with onions fried in the same pan. TO fried liver mustard is very good.

2. Another recipe for cooking elk liver. Moose liver is soaked in cold water for an hour, remove the film, cut into pieces, salt, roll in flour and fry in ghee or other fat. Served with buckwheat porridge or potatoes.


For this simple elk dish, any low-fat meat and liver, but heavily frozen, are suitable. It is especially popular among Siberian hunters and all northern peoples. The method of preparation and consumption is extremely simple. A piece of frozen meat or liver is taken and thin slices are cut from it with a sharp knife. They are dipped in salt, and the elk meat dish is ready to eat. In cases where you need to quickly reinforce your strength, it has no equal. Fast, tasty and nutritious.

Boiled tongue

1. A well-cleaned and washed tongue is placed in a pot and boiled with salt. Cook for a long time - 2-3 hours. You can add bay leaf, pepper, onion, or you can do without them - as you like. You need to serve boiled tongue directly from the heat, then it literally melts in your mouth, especially those parts that are closer to the base - they are fattier and more tender. Horseradish or mustard are good with boiled tongue.

2. Second recipe for making elk tongue. Place the tongue in the pot, add spices (1-2 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns), chopped onions, carrots, salt, add water and cook for 3-4 hours until tender. Remove the skin from the hot tongue and cut it into thin slices. It is served both cold and hot. Side dish - mashed potatoes, green pea, horseradish.

Roasted elk

Prepare the marinade: boil water, add coarsely chopped vegetables, pepper, bay leaf, cook for 5-10 minutes, pour in vinegar, add salt and remove from heat. Cool and strain.

Stuff large pieces of meat soaked in marinade lard and fry in the oven. Cut the finished meat into 1-2 slices per serving, pour over the meat juice and serve with fried potatoes, boiled beans, pickled grapes, plums or red cabbage salad. You can also use hot sauce, lingonberry or blackcurrant jam.

Ingredients: 700 g meat. 400 g marinade, 100 g spinach, 50 g lard, 200 g hot sauce or 150 g jam. For the marinade: 0.5 liters of water. 0.5 l of vinegar. 1 carrot, 2-3 parsley roots, a slice of celery, 10-15 black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt.

Large pieces of fried meat

For this elk dish, it is better to choose meat with a bone - it turns out to be juicier and tastier after cooking. A piece of meat can be large, weighing several kilograms, but its thickness should not exceed 15 cm, or even better - 10 cm. The meat is thoroughly washed, all outer veins and films are cut off. Then, using a narrow sharp knife, holes are made in it, into which finely chopped garlic and pieces of lard are stuffed. Rub in salt and pepper, place the prepared piece on a baking sheet with pieces of cooking oil and place it in the coals of an extinguished fire. Fry for at least 2 hours, during which the piece of meat is turned over several times and poured over the released juice. This elk dish is served whole on a platter. A good side dish would be whole fried potatoes, greens, lingonberries, sauerkraut, pickle. Mustard and horseradish are good spices.

Elk or venison, hunter's style

Another excellent elk recipe. Elk meat or venison in pieces up to 1 kg is soaked in a weak solution of vinegar, stuffed with lard and garlic, fried in a pan heated with fat on all sides, pre-salted and sprinkled with pepper. Add chopped onions and fry the meat along with the onions. Add tomato puree and fry again. Then transfer the meat into a pot, pour in broth, add pureed cranberries or lemon juice (you can citric acid), sugar and simmer until done.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of elk or deer meat. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. 100 g lard. 50 g fat, 50 g cranberries, 50 g tomatoes, 5-6 cloves garlic, large head onions.


This elk dish is inferior in comparison to fatty lamb kebab. But what to do when there is no lamb. You can get by with elk meat. For shish kebab, meat from sirloin or any other part is cut into small pieces of approximately 50 g and placed in white table wine or in a standard prepared marinade for several hours. Then they are strung on skewers, alternating with onions and lard, thoroughly salted and fried over hot coals (on an open fire the meat will burn, but not cook through). Appetizing dish elk meat is ready in 10-15 minutes. You can lightly pepper it, sprinkle with parsley or green onions. Good garnishes: sauerkraut, pickles, lingonberries, any edible greens.


Finely chopped pieces of meat, salted and lightly peppered, are fried on a baking sheet until cooked. Sometimes finely chopped potatoes are added to almost finished meat and fried together until cooked. The roast is served directly on the baking sheet. Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, and herbs are good seasonings.

Siberian dumplings made from elk meat are good (better if you add a little fatty pork to the minced meat). You can prepare all those dishes that are prepared from beef and lamb from elk meat. You just need to know that wild meat is always preferable to domestic meat. A wild animal or bird feeds on natural foods and has the opportunity to choose these foods, many of which have a preventive and therapeutic effect, imparting the same properties to the tissues of animals that eat medicinal herbs.

Natural elk steak

In the lumbar region under the spine of elk and other large deer and roe deer there are two longitudinal, low-functioning, tender muscles belonging to the highest grade called tenderloin or fillet. To prepare this elk dish, the tenderloin is freed from tendons (films), cut across the muscle fibers into pieces about 3 cm thick, weighing about 150 g, lightly beaten and sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste. If the meat weight is insufficient, the softest muscles from the inner thigh are used. Then fry in a greased hot pan for 15 minutes. For lovers of steak with blood, it is fried for only 8-10 minutes so that the bloody juice is preserved in the thickness of the piece. Grated horseradish, green peas, fried potato wedges or other side dish are served as a side dish.

Beef Stroganoff

This dish can be prepared from elk tenderloin, as well as the flesh from the back of the carcass. The meat is cut across the grain into thin slices (2 cm), beaten, cut into narrow strips, like homemade noodles, and fry for 5-7 minutes in oil. Separately, fry the onion cut into rings in butter, add the meat “noodles” and fry for another 7 minutes, then remove the meat from the mold, add dried white flour, sour cream, stir, add the fried meat again, as well as the meat juice from the mold where it was fried. meat and let simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Ingredients: 500 g elk meat. 60 g butter, 20 g flour. 150 g sour cream, 2 onions.

Stewed elk meat, Chukchi dumplings, roast elk or chamois, roast red deer, stroganina, roe deer in the oven


Izubrina - roast
Wash a piece of raisin weighing about two kilograms, clean it from the top films and windy places, pour two liters of kvass for two or three days, turning twice a day, then remove it, wipe it dry, fry it in 3 tbsp. spoons butter over high heat in a frying pan, then place in the oven over moderate heat, pour over the dripping juices, and fry for about two hours.

Red deer meat, which has a special pleasant smell and taste, has never been seasoned with spices before and was fried in its own fat, without the use of lard.

Elk stew
After the meat is soaked in marinade, put it in a pan with hot water, add salt and cook until tender. Then place it in a roasting pan along with whole potatoes, finely chopped onions, and spices. Pour all this over with the broth in which the meat was cooked and simmer covered for two hours.

Old-fashioned elk roast
Cut off a piece of elk meat, put it in a pouring pot, pour in vinegar, boil with salt and spices, put in a cold place for two days, turning daily. Then take out the meat, roll it in pepper and crushed cloves, cut small holes with a knife, put lard in them, fry lightly in a hot oven, pour over the drained juice, transfer to a saucepan, pour in 1.5 cups of vinegar, 0.5 cups of wine, cover Cover tightly and simmer over low heat until done.

After soaking in the marinade, freeze a good piece elk meat, cut it across the grain into thin shavings, put it on a piece of bread, salt and pepper, sprinkle with fine garlic and eat with hot tea. You'll get breakfast in the Ural style.

In Chukotka, you can prepare stroganina in the same way from venison. It is good to eat with adjika. You don’t have to drink it with tea, it goes well with vodka.

Chukchi dumplings
Meat - 300 g of venison, 250 g of pork and 150 g of beef - mince twice, pour in 3-4 tablespoons of water, add chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. It is important that the minced meat is not dry.

The formed dumplings can be placed in a canvas bag and stored for the time being in the cold.

Serve the dumplings with butter, sour cream, and vinegar. Lovers pour ketchup on the dumplings, wash them down with milk, and snack on bread. These dumplings are good with mayonnaise and crushed garlic.

Sujuk hunting
To prepare it, use 2 parts pork, 2 parts red forest game meat and 1 part solid lard. Chop the meat and lard into small pieces with a large kitchen knife. For each kilogram of mixture, add 25 g of salt, 2 g of black pepper, 2 g of saltpeter, 5 g of sugar and 2 g of red pepper. Knead the mixture well and leave for 8-10 hours. Then stuff it not very tightly into the thin pork intestines, twisting them to get small sausages of the same length. Place the sujuk on the table and press it with a board with a small weight for two days. Dry them for 5-6 days in a ventilated place, then smoke. Serve raw or cooked.

Roe deer in the oven
Boil the spices for half an hour in 2 bottles of dry red wine: 3 cloves, 6 bay leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of curry, rosemary, thyme, nutmeg, filter and put in it, marinate the roe deer carcass, its back part, for 10 days, turning it twice a day. After this period, remove the meat from the marinade, stuff it with lard across the grain, place it on a baking sheet, pre-grease it with 100 g of butter, place it in the oven at high temperature for an hour, frequently stirring with the marinade.

Serve very hot. Separately, prepare a mixture of hot capsicum, boiled with a small amount of cinnamon.

Roast elk or chamois
Knock out a piece of elk or chamois, put it in a drenching pot, pour in already cooled vinegar, boiled with salt and spices: finely chopped celery, parsley, carrots, onion, a handful of pepper, a handful of bay leaf, a little nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and garlic, as you like, so as to cover the meat. Place in a cool place, turning every day.
Then take out the meat, chop the bacon, roll it in ground black pepper, cloves and marjoram, cut small holes in the meat with a knife, put the bacon into them. Cover the entire piece with slices of bacon, fry lightly in a hot oven, transfer to a saucepan, pour over the juice that has drained from it, first removing the fat from it, pour in 1.5 cups of vinegar, 0.5 cups of Madeira, put three cubes of dry broth, cover tightly with a lid. , simmer over low heat until soft.
When ready, place on a dish, cool, cover with the sauce in which the roast was stewed; In this case, this sauce must be thoroughly boiled and mixed in a mixer to thicken.

Roast chamois, elk or wild boar fillet

Boil five glasses of vinegar with spices, as in the previous recipe, cool, pour it over a well-beaten chamois or elk fillet stuffed with bacon for several hours. Then take it out, squeeze it out, and roast it on a spit until half cooked. Place in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with thin slices of bacon, a spoonful of butter; put 2 onions, lemon slices without grains, 5 cloves, roots, 3-4 cubes of dry broth and optional greens: tarragon, parsley, green onions, watercress. When browned, gradually pour in 0.5 cups of red wine, a spoonful of vinegar, two glasses of broth or water, each time closing tightly with a lid, and simmer until soft. To serve, pour over the strained sauce, to which you can add 3 pieces of truffles or half a spoon of soy.

This roast is also served with cabbage, seasoned as follows: dissolve 2 tbsp in a saucepan. spoons of butter, add a finely chopped, salted and squeezed head of red cabbage, a couple of pieces of sugar, 4-5 cloves, a cube of dry broth, cover with a lid, fry, stirring, so as not to burn. When the cabbage becomes soft, pour in 0.5 cups of table wine, boil twice more, and cover the roast.

After much debate and conversations in high offices, they made a decision: there will be gastronomic tourism in the Khabarovsk Territory! As is customary in such cases, officials developed an action plan and identified cafes and restaurants in Khabarovsk that could serve tourists national cuisine, have developed tourist routes to places where it is impossible to stay hungry. But the meaning of the term “Far Eastern culinary brand” hung in the air. What exactly can we consider original dish, characteristic only of the Far East?

In order to solve this problem at least a little, the film crew of the 5th TV channel (St. Petersburg), represented by journalist Danil Gorchakov and cameraman Alexey Sakhno, decided to go to the suburb of Khabarovsk to the Berloga restaurant. And they called me and the famous travel blogger Dmitry Kulikov as experts.

The Berloga restaurant was chosen for only one reason: its menu contains a lot of dishes from Far Eastern herbs, wild plants and local game. Dmitry Kulikov not so long ago also raised the topic of a Far Eastern culinary brand on his social network page, so he also had something interesting to tell journalists.

In general, what can be called Far Eastern cuisine? This is probably, first of all, what is in the regular diet of residents of the Russian Far East. What is in our diet? Fish, seafood, taiga wild plants. This is what we need to start from when defining a Far Eastern culinary brand.

But at the same time, dishes that are prepared from fish, seafood and taiga wild plants have long included the peculiarities of cuisines different nations peace. Do not forget that the Far Eastern land is inhabited by people both from the West (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars) and from the East (Koreans, Chinese).

Plus, indigenous peoples also live here and have also contributed to the local cuisine. So it turns out that finding a middle ground when defining a single Far Eastern culinary brand is not easy...

But I still came to a conclusion for myself and I think that as an option we can offer a salad as such a brand, which is on the menu of almost all cafes and restaurants in the Far East. This is the Amur salad! Routing This salad was developed in one of the Khabarovsk restaurants back in the 50s. They named the salad in honor of Father Cupid, who every autumn pampers us not only with picturesque landscapes and sunsets, but also with red fish: without red fish this salad is impossible. This salad also requires tomatoes, onions, herbs, black ground pepper And olive oil. Sometimes green peas are also added.

At the Berloga restaurant (where the salad costs 270 rubles), these ingredients are topped with another Far Eastern attribute - red caviar, which did not spoil the taste of the salad at all.

Stroganina is also highly valued in the Far East. It is also on the menu of the Berloga restaurant: we ordered red deer stroganina (150 grams - 330 rubles). To prepare stroganina, you need four things: properly prepared meat, a good sharp knife, a strong, experienced hand and a head that guides the process, while observing the necessary rules. Stroganina is cut into shavings in small portions to avoid premature defrosting.

For taste, stroganina is dipped in “makanina” - salt mixed with ground black pepper in a 1:1 ratio. At the Berloga restaurant, makanina was present on the table.

Red deer meat was also included in the ingredients of the “Forest Edge” salad (170 grams - 270 rubles). The salad also included cucumbers and paprika. Red deer meat has high taste qualities, while compared to red deer, the meat of red deer is somewhat more tender.

But when preparing jellied meat in the Berloga restaurant (150 grams - 310 rubles), they immediately use the meat of wapiti, elk and roe deer. While eating the brought jellied meat, Alexey Sakhno and I had an argument. I asked for Russian mustard to go with the jellied meat, but Alexey thinks that mustard takes away the taste of real jellied meat.

We were tried on by Danil Gorchakov, who tried jellied meat for the first time (!!!) in his life and was very pleased!

Another ingredient without which it is impossible to imagine Far Eastern cuisine is fern. At all times, we salted it, fried it, boiled it: fern is very tasty and healthy. From fern, we ordered the “Taiga” salad (170 grams - 320 rubles) with red deer meat, champignons and garlic. The salad turned out to be very unusual in taste.

We decided to try the wapiti cutlets, which were served in the restaurant with lingonberry sauce(2 cutlets and fried potatoes in wedges – 370 rubles). The taste is excellent, but the cutlets seemed tough to me: maybe you need to add more onion to the minced meat?

But pike cutlets with mashed potatoes were perfect (2 cutlets with mashed potatoes - 250 rubles).

We couldn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of trying red deer dumplings (250 grams – 350 rubles). Everything about them is good, but there were few of them: our company famously dealt with them in less than one minute!

Thin Armenian lavash (55 rubles) looked quite unusual on the Far Eastern table that evening. But Armenians have also been living in the Far East for a long time, so why shouldn’t their lavash also claim the title of “Far Eastern culinary brand”?

The total bill for our Far Eastern dinner with drinks was 4200 rubles. The main thing is that we enjoyed the food and came close to solving the Far Eastern culinary brand...

Today you can buy almost any ready-made product in the store, but homemade dishes are always valued much more. Likewise, delicious stroganina from meat or fish can be made at home and its quality will be much higher than purchased. In addition, you will be absolutely sure that it does not contain harmful additives or preservatives. You will learn a few secrets with photos of cooking frozen fish below.

What is stroganina

Stroganina is thinly cut pieces of meat or fish that are not heat treated, that is, in fact, it is raw meat. The very name of the snack suggests that the meat or fish is not cut into pieces, but planed and then frozen. The chips are served frozen with various sauces. The homeland of the snack is the Arctic, where the ideal fish for stroganina is always found: sturgeon, omul, whitefish, muksun, and salmon. Fish was caught there using the ice method and this dish is considered national in those parts.

What are they made of?

The main feature is that the shavings are made from fresh, live fish that has been frozen. Siberian fishermen consider it bad form to serve an appetizer that was prepared from a carcass that died in the nets, but today this point is easily overlooked. If we consider Yakut meat recipes, the peoples of the north used elk or venison to prepare snacks. It is clear that today not everyone has access to such game and this dish is prepared even from chicken breast. The main thing is to deep freeze the cut meat.

Stroganina recipe

The cooking process is not something complicated. If you are lucky and got a fresh catch of fish, then you can safely start preparing this northern snack. The main tool is a sharp knife, with which you can cut the meat into thin slices. The thickness of the piece should not exceed 2 mm, and the length should be approximately 10 cm.


  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 170 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Arctic.

Classic fish stroganina is prepared from northern species. Since a frozen product is used, it is necessary to prepare it first: if the fish is completely frozen, then you need to let it thaw slightly. If the knife enters 0.5 cm, then you can start cooking. To prevent your hands from freezing, use a towel or rag. This will also help prevent the carcass from melting quickly.


  • nelma carcass – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut off the head from the carcass.
  2. Wrap the tail of the fish in a towel or rag and place the fish vertically on the board (head down).
  3. First cut off all the fins, then carefully remove the skin. You need to clean from top to bottom.
  4. Using a sharp knife, start slicing the fish from top to bottom. Make sure that the thickness of the pieces does not exceed the norm.
  5. Wrap the shavings in paper and place in the freezer until serving.

From mackerel

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 170 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Today you can buy frozen mackerel in almost any store. This fish is ideal for cooking shavings, because it is moderately fatty and its meat is very tender. While you are carrying it home from the store, it will thaw slightly and you can immediately start slicing. Mackerel served with soy sauce. It is best to lay out the finished shavings on the table on a wooden board. This will help it melt more slowly.


  • frozen mackerel – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut off the fins, remove the head and skin.
  2. Place the fish vertically with the head below and, holding the tail with a sharp knife, begin to plane.
  3. Place the finished pieces in the freezer for a day.

From meat

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 110 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you want to cook more satisfying shavings, then make them from chicken fillet. It is believed that this meat is best suited for such a dish after venison or elk. If you bought an unfrozen product, you need to freeze it before cooking, otherwise cutting into pieces will be very inconvenient. However, some housewives bypass this advice and cut defrosted meat.


  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the slightly defrosted fillet vertically on a board.
  2. Using a sharp knife, start planing so that the pieces are no more than 2 mm thick.
  3. The chopped chicken needs to be put in the refrigerator so that it freezes well.
  4. Served with tomato or creamy garlic sauce.


Fried venison and elk

Stuff the back and large parts of the ham or shoulder, soaked in the marinade, with lard and fry in the oven. Cut the finished meat into wide slices, 1-2 per serving, pour over the meat juice.

Serve with fried potatoes, boiled beans, pickled grapes, plums or red cabbage salad. You can also serve the meat with pepper sauce with vinegar, sweet and sour sauce with nuts, spicy sauce with tarragon, lingonberry or blackcurrant jam.

For 1 serving: 150 g of meat, 75 g of marinade, 20 g of lard, 5 g of pork lard, 150 g of side dish, 75 g of berries, 50 g of sauce or 30 g of jam.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 13 g of garlic. For the brine: 1 1/2 liters of water, 5 g of cloves, 10 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 5 g of caraway seeds, 250 g of salt. Method of preparation: Wash the venison, remove large tendons. , cut into strips 3–3.5 cm thick. Garlic

Smoked venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g juniper berries (crushed), 2-3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper. Method of preparation Grate the prepared venison

Swedish Venison Ingredients: 1 kg venison (flesh), 50 g butter, 10 g salt, 3 g freshly ground white pepper. For the broth: 1 1/2 l water, 500 g reindeer saddle bones, 50 g butter, 100 g carrots, 100 g celery roots, 20 g garlic, 2 g ground cumin, 1 bay leaf,

DEER “DIANA” Prepare venison meat as follows. First clean it of films and tendons, rinse thoroughly and cut into pieces. In a pot, fry the chopped onion and celery in lard along with ground red pepper, then add the venison. Meat

Elk meat stewed with champignons Ingredients Elk meat – 1.5 kg Pork lard – 100–150 g Champignons – 500 g Onions – 1–2 pcs. Garlic – 3–4 cloves Ghee – 2 tablespoons Dry red wine – 1 glass Wheat flour – 2 tablespoons Garden herbs – 1 bunch

Smoked venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g crushed juniper berries, 2–3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper. Method of preparation Prepared venison

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 5 clove buds, 5 g of caraway seeds, 10 allspice peas, 200 g of salt Wash the venison, remove large tendons, cut into strips 3 cm thick. Peel the garlic, wash. For

Venison “Spicy” Ingredients: 10 kg of venison, 10 g of horseradish root, 20 g of ginger root, 5 black currant leaves, 2 bay leaves, 2 cinnamon sticks, 400 g of salt Wash the venison, peel off large tendons and films, cut into strips 5 thick see blackcurrant leaves

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 5 buds of cloves, 10 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 5 g of caraway seeds, 3 cloves of garlic, 200 g of salt. Wash the venison, remove large tendons, cut into strips 3 cm thick. Peel the garlic , wash. For

Elk meat with mushrooms Ingredients: 600 g elk pulp, 300 g fresh mushrooms, 1 glass of vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 50 g lard (lard), 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 onion, salt, bay leaf, pepper. Method of preparation: Cut the elk meat across the grain into 4-5 slices and soak overnight

Venison - roast 1.5–2 kg of venison (in one piece, back), 100 g of bacon, 1 teaspoon of allspice (Jamaican) pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of ground cloves, 2–3 teaspoons of ground juniper berries , 2 teaspoons of salt. Wash the meat, remove films, lightly beat, rub with a mixture of ground

Marinated venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison (fillet), 100 g carrots, 100 g celery roots, 50 g garlic, 4 sprigs of fresh cumin, 5 sprigs of parsley, 2 chopped bay leaves, 80 g onions, 600 ml water, 150 ml table vinegar, 100 g butter, pepper, salt. Method

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 13 g of garlic. For the brine: 1.5 liters of water, 5 g of cloves, 10 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 5 g of caraway seeds, 250 g of salt. Method of preparation: Wash and peel the venison from large tendons, cut into strips 3–3.5 cm thick. Garlic

Smoked venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g crushed juniper berries, 2-3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper. Method of preparation: Grate the prepared venison

Venison stew Ingredients: 1 kg venison (hind flesh), 110 g butter, 110 g flour, 2 onions, 220 g mushrooms (any), 110 g diced bacon, 275 ml red wine, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, pepper, salt. Method of preparation: Cut the venison

Stewed elk meat Cut the elk meat in large pieces 1–1.5 kg, pour marinade and keep (from one to four days) in a cold room at a temperature no higher than 6°. Then dry the marinated meat with a towel and cut into 2–3 cm cubes. Salt the prepared meat,