Snacks      07.12.2021

Fried capelin - a small fish - a big benefit. How to fry capelin in a pan. Secrets of delicious fried capelin

Despite its nondescriptness and relative cheapness, capelin has excellent taste qualities: its meat is tender, with a mild fishy taste. Another nice point is that it cooks very quickly, but not everyone knows how to fry capelin in a pan.

The main rule here is not to overdo it with saving time preparing for frying. The fact is that almost everywhere in Russia this fish is sold frozen, in layers. And here the first and, perhaps, the most important culinary rule comes to the fore: capelin should be thawed very carefully. You need to do this correctly: the best thing is to put a layer of fish overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

However, you can defrost it at room temperature, but in no case in microwave oven and not under hot water: the fish will lose its shape, and once in a hot pan, it will begin to fall apart into ugly pieces.

In both cases of defrosting a layer of fish - both on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and at room temperature - it is best to place it on some kind of grate above a deep bowl so that the melted ice flows down and the fish remains "in the air." This will allow you to get neat beautiful carcasses when frying, and not shapeless pieces with bones sticking out in all directions.

Capelin is most suitable for stewing, baking and frying. Stew it in a pan or in a cauldron. Bake on a baking sheet, pouring the omelet mixture.

But the tastiest thing is fried capelin in a pan! The sizes of the fish are such that they fit in the whole pan, so the carcasses do not need to be cut, which means that you do not need to get your knife, cutting board, or hands dirty. And given that this fish can, in principle, not be cleaned at all, then, probably, many housewives will adopt recipes for its preparation. In addition, "Calin, fried in a pan" - the recipe is not at all complicated, and the fish is cooked in just five minutes!

The answer to the question of how to fry capelin in a pan is one: very simple!

For this you need actually capelin and a frying pan. Well, of course, you will need salt and vegetable oil. And this can be limited!

Dry the thawed fish in advance with a paper towel, place in a frying pan with very hot oil. By the way, the fish itself is quite fat, so the oil is consumed “in economy mode”. You can salt capelin both before frying and after it - already on a dish.

Despite the fact that you can not use a lot of oil, fried capelin in a pan still turns out to be quite fatty, so it will be useful to transfer it from the pan to a large flat plate covered with several layers of paper napkins or towels, and only then serve on a dish.

Capelin in a pan really fries very quickly: literally two to three minutes on each side - and the fish is ready. But you can hold it longer - for four to five minutes, then the carcasses will acquire a beautiful golden-bronze color, and also a delicious crispy crust. So, how much to fry capelin in a pan, everyone decides for himself.

Braised capelin in a pan

One of classic recipes- capelin stewed with onions in a pan. The nuance of cooking is that the fish does not need to be turned over!

  • You just need to put the carcasses on a preheated frying pan so that they cover the entire bottom, let them fry a little (literally two or three minutes).
  • Then put a layer of onion cut into half rings on top.
  • Sprinkle with spices to taste, close the lid tightly.
  • Reduce fire to medium. The onion will give juice that will not allow the fish to burn, and the steam from the onion juice will put out the onion half rings.
  • If desired, then you can pour the dish with sour cream, a mixture of sour cream and eggs or an omelet mixture (eggs with milk).

People who are prohibited from fatty or fried foods, you will surely like capelin stewed in a small amount of water. You can flavor it with onions, which are stewed with fish: fish carcasses are covered with chopped onions, half a glass of water is added, the pan is covered with a lid.

How to fry capelin in a pan in flour

Fish fried in flour classic version cooking almost any fish. And capelin is no exception. In the same way as in similar recipes with other fish, capelin is rolled in a mixture of flour, salt and spices (optional), then placed in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown, that is, literally three minutes on each side. With this method of cooking, it is necessary to select a pan of such a size that all the fish can fit on it at once, since frying the second batch of fish in the same oil is fraught with acquiring bitterness due to the overcooked flour left over from the first batch.

Capelin looks attractive, fried not in flour, but in semolina or breadcrumbs. And not only looks! She gets softer, delicate taste. But here you need to strictly follow the cooking process: it is not difficult to overcook the fish, but then it is not very pleasant to eat it - it can start to taste bitter.

How delicious to cook capelin in a pan

How to cook capelin in a pan is not a question. But how to make it tasty is a more difficult task, although, to be honest, it is almost impossible to spoil its taste. You need to strictly follow the recipes and recommendations. But “sit in a galosh” with her appearance is as easy as shelling pears.

A dish with fried capelin on the table will look appetizing if you follow a few rules:

  • thaw the fish gradually, not allowing it to "swim in its own juice";
  • dry the carcasses with a paper towel before placing in the pan;
  • fry capelin in a small amount of oil, since the fish is already oily;
  • follow the frying process without being distracted by extraneous matters, because the capelin is fried almost instantly, while the uniform color of the finished carcasses gives additional beauty to the finished dish.

How to fry capelin in a frying pan without smell

Despite the fact that the process of frying fish is quite simple, and in the case of capelin it is also fast, one cannot discount such a moment as an unpleasant smell that always accompanies any "fish" recipe. Someone will say that it is impossible to cook this odorless seafood - and they will be right. But reduce - and significantly! - it is still possible.

And the solution here is surprisingly primitive: you need to use lemon juice!

  • Before frying, thawed carcasses should be placed in a deep bowl, squeeze fresh lemon juice on top.
  • Mix very gently (so as not to break the ridges).
  • Let marinate for 15-30 minutes.
  • After that, if desired, you can blot the fish with a paper towel to remove excess juice, or you can fry it right, especially if you roll it in flour or semolina. It will be very tasty!

Another way to reduce the smell when frying is to cook capelin in batter. It is kneaded from milk (cream), flour (wheat or corn), eggs and salt. If desired, you can add your favorite spices or a ready-made mixture of spices for fish dishes directly to the batter (there are a lot of them now sold in stores). Each carcass is dipped in batter and fried in a pan in a large amount of oil or deep-fried in a cauldron.

Classic batter recipe for 1 kg of fish:

  • milk or cream - 0.5 cups (the fatter the better);
  • flour (wheat or corn) - 1 cup;
  • chicken egg - 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The batter is prepared as follows:

  • beat the eggs into a soft foam;
  • gradually, without stopping whipping, pour in cream or milk (you can do without them, but then you should increase the number of eggs or reduce the amount of flour, while the batter can turn out much less than required!);
  • carefully introduce the flour, adding it gradually, breaking up the lumps;
  • strain the finished batter through a large sieve (you can not do this if you are sure that there are no lumps of flour left).

Next, you just need to dip the carcasses in this dough and put them on a hot frying pan with a lot of oil or in a deep-fried cauldron. Fry until golden brown or golden brown.

Little Fish's Big Tricks

The same onion with greens can be used to stew capelin, or you can simply fry it in the oil remaining after frying and serve as a side dish.

Small fish from the sea salmon family are inconspicuous in appearance, but they have a very tasty taste. tender meat with moderate odour. The product is often salted or roasted. Eminent chefs know best how to fry capelin. They share tips for making delicious meals. When cold, capelin is an excellent snack. Hot fish is served as a main dish.

Fish selection and cleaning

The back is dominated by an olive shade of green. On the abdomen and sides, the fish is in silvery scales. When choosing a marine product, you need to be attentive even to the smallest details.

Packed capelin must be frozen, the date of this production process, as well as the expiration date, must be indicated on the label. It is better to buy sea catch in vacuum packaging.

The leather of a quality product does not have spots and cracks. The carcass must not be damaged anywhere. The absence of a fish tail or its dryness, as well as yellowish stains on a silvery fish background, indicate the stale goods.

Tip: Fresh capelin is easily distinguished by black pupils, rotten by cloudy ones with a veil enveloping them.

The aroma of fresh capelin is barely perceptible. The carcass and gills in the normal state do not have mucus. Properly prepared capelin has many benefits for the human body. It is a source of protein (23 percent in one carcass), omega3 acids, proteins, calcium, vitamin groups B, A and D. Also in capelin is iodine.

Capelin defrosting is natural. Hot water or a microwave will only spoil the product, its taste will change for the worse.

There are a couple of ways to clean capelin. Every chef has his own preference. According to one technique, before you start frying a fish in a pan, you need to cut off its head, pull off the film and get rid of the intestines. This will help prevent bitterness and a sharp characteristic odor during the cooking process. The cleaned carcasses are rinsed in cold water and dried so as not to fry the fish in a pan raw.

To make the capelin more juicy, you can do without cleaning, it is better to fry it in a whole pan, with the intestines, washed in running water and dried. In this case, the intestines and ridge are disposed of during the meal.

Tip: Fragrant fried capelin without a characteristic fishy smell is obtained if it is pre-marinated for half an hour in a marinade of lemon juice and various spices and herbs of your choice.

A juicy, crispy dish comes out when the fish is fried in a batter of egg and flour. As a breading, a special bread crumb or semolina is taken. For a slight sourness, the finished capelin is sprinkled with a small amount of lemon or lime juice. Basil and oregano pair well with fish dishes and are often sprinkled over fried capelin for piquant taste and aroma.

Capelin is served as a side dish with fried potatoes, fresh and stewed vegetables.

How long to fry capelin?

Not everyone knows how much to fry capelin in a pan. The process won't take long. Frying capelin fish in a frying pan without a lid is a quick process, it usually takes 10 minutes on medium heat. The exact time depends on the recipe.

How to fry capelin in a pan?

Having mastered the chef's recommendations on how to properly fry fish using a pan, you can get a delicious dish, it is especially useful for patients with heart and vascular ailments, for people with malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, and when blood pressure is high.

Without everything

An almost pure fish “still life” can be fried without anything, only half a kilo of capelin, water (50 ml.), Salt (half a large spoon) and a little vegetable oil for lubricating dishes are needed from the ingredients. Clean washbasins are mixed in salt, the raw materials will lie in it for about 15 minutes.

The bottom of the pan with a couple of tablespoons of already hot oil should be well heated, fish is laid out there. Water is poured into the container, a lid is placed on top. Fry over medium heat for about 6 minutes. The fish is not stirred during the cooking process according to this recipe, frying is combined with stewing. Instead of water, you can add broth. Serve with baked or boiled potatoes.

in flour

The cleaned fish is salted and peppered to taste, sprinkled with lemon juice, mixed and marinated for about twenty minutes. After that, the sinkholes recline on a sieve, and stay in it until the water drains. It is best to mix the fish with a couple or three tablespoons of flour in a plastic bag, shaking the contents.

Vegetable oil is mixed with butter, the mixture is spread over a hot frying pan. Fry the fish over high heat for 2 minutes each side, then a golden brownish crisp is formed.

Without smell

There are a few tricks for frying without smell. For a dish that will emit only a pleasant spicy aroma, you will need: half a kilo of capelin, 2 eggs, a couple of large spoons of water, 10 milliliters of lemon essence, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 grams of ginger root, half a glass of wheat and corn flour, about 5 grams spices (pepper, salt, fennel), a tablespoon soy sauce, 10 ml. vegetable oil for marinade and 75 ml. for frying.

The dish has 134 kilocalories, the entire cooking time takes about an hour. The process is divided into stages. The fish is thawed and cleaned so that there is no bitter aftertaste of the finished dish, and an unpleasant fishy aroma does not come out during frying, the intestines and the inner film should be removed.

The fish is put into a bowl, it must be thoroughly mixed with chopped garlic and ginger, lemon essence is added, a spoonful of oil and soy sauce, everything is sprinkled with spices on top. The capelin in the marinade will stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Breading is being prepared: eggs are beaten separately in cold water, one type of flour is poured into one bowl, the second into another, all the ingredients are in different deep dishes.

The pan heats up in a strong mode, the oil warms up. Capelin is rolled in wheat flour, then in egg mass, and finally in cornmeal. The fish is fried for 3 or 4 minutes on one side, the same amount on the other, a golden crust should form.

Each fish is blotted with a paper towel. Good ruddy capelin in combination with tartar or tkemali sauce.


Klyar does not give beneficial substances"leave" when frying fish. For 600 grams of the main raw material, you need to spend: a chicken egg (2 pieces), a glass of boiled milk, a glass of flour, 5 milliliters of vinegar, one and a half large spoons of olive oil, half a teaspoon of ground pepper, ginger and salt, 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

The gutted and washed fish is sprinkled with spices in a deep bowl. Capelin mixed with olive oil and vinegar, in which it marinates. A couple of yolks, milk, flour and salt are mixed to make a homogeneous mass.

A frying pan with oil is heated, each capelin is fried on all sides, at the end a crust forms.

With onions and sour cream

Gutted capelin is fried without turning over for about 15 minutes. Chopped dill, salt and pepper are mixed in 150 ml. sour cream, the mass is combined with onions in the form of rings or half rings, water is poured (100 ml.), Everything is laid out on top of the capelin, the pan is covered with a lid. When the liquid boils, reduce the mode, after five minutes remove the capelin from the fire.

Tip: Transfer the finished fish to a dish with mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes.

How to fry capelin in the oven?

Roast in the oven without oil. On a baking sheet lined with parchment, spread the capelin, rolled in flour, pepper and salt. The oven is set to 200 degrees, baking will be 15 or 20 minutes. It is not worth increasing the time so that the product does not dry out. Transfer to a plate, decorate with greens.

Despite its nondescriptness and relative cheapness, capelin has excellent taste qualities: its meat is tender, with a mild fishy taste. Another nice point is that it cooks very quickly, but not everyone knows how to fry capelin in a pan.

How to fry capelin in a pan

The main rule here is not to overdo it with saving time preparing for frying. The fact is that almost everywhere in Russia this fish is sold frozen, in layers. And here the first and, perhaps, the most important culinary rule comes to the fore: capelin should be thawed very carefully. You need to do this correctly: the best thing is to put a layer of fish overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

However, you can defrost it at room temperature, but in no case in a microwave oven and not under running hot water: the fish will lose its shape, and once in a hot pan, it will begin to fall apart into ugly pieces.

In both cases of defrosting a layer of fish - both on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and at room temperature - it is best to place it on some kind of grate above a deep bowl so that the melted ice flows down and the fish remains “in the air”. This will allow you to get neat beautiful carcasses when frying, and not shapeless pieces with bones sticking out in all directions.

Capelin is most suitable for stewing, baking and frying. Stew it in a pan or in a cauldron. Bake on a baking sheet, pouring the omelet mixture.

But the tastiest thing is fried capelin in a pan! The sizes of the fish are such that they fit in the whole pan, so the carcasses do not need to be cut, which means that you do not need to get your knife, cutting board, or hands dirty. And given that this fish can, in principle, not be cleaned at all, then, probably, many housewives will adopt recipes for its preparation. Besides, " Capelin fried in a pan"- the recipe is not at all complicated, but the fish is cooked in just five minutes!

The answer to the question of how to fry capelin in a pan is one: very simple!

For this you need actually capelin and a frying pan. Well, of course, you will need salt and vegetable oil. And this can be limited!

Dry the thawed fish in advance with a paper towel, place in a frying pan with very hot oil. By the way, the fish itself is quite fat, so the oil is consumed "in economy mode". You can salt capelin both before frying and after it - already on a dish.

Despite the fact that you can not use a lot of oil, fried capelin in a pan still turns out to be quite fatty, so it will be useful to transfer it from the pan to a large flat plate covered with several layers of paper napkins or towels, and only then serve on a dish.

Capelin in a pan really fries very quickly: literally two to three minutes on each side - and the fish is ready. But you can hold it longer - for four to five minutes, then the carcasses will acquire a beautiful golden-bronze color, and also an appetizing crisp. So, how much to fry capelin in a pan, everyone decides for himself.

Braised capelin in a pan

One of the classic recipes is stewed capelin with onions in a pan. The nuance of cooking is that the fish does not need to be turned over!

  • You just need to put the carcasses on a preheated frying pan so that they cover the entire bottom, let them fry a little (literally two or three minutes).
  • Then put a layer of onion cut into half rings on top.
  • Sprinkle with spices to taste, close the lid tightly.
  • Reduce fire to medium. The onion will give juice that will not allow the fish to burn, and the steam from the onion juice will put out the onion half rings.
  • If desired, then you can pour the dish with sour cream, a mixture of sour cream and eggs or an omelet mixture (eggs with milk).

People who are forbidden fatty or fried foods will surely like capelin stewed in a small amount of water. You can flavor it with onions, which are stewed with fish: fish carcasses are covered with chopped onions, half a glass of water is added, the pan is covered with a lid.

How to fry capelin in a pan in flour

Fish fried in flour is a classic cooking option for almost any fish. And capelin is no exception. In the same way as in similar recipes with other fish, capelin is rolled in a mixture of flour, salt and spices (optional), then placed in a pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown, that is, literally three minutes on each side. With this method of cooking, it is necessary to select a pan of such a size that all the fish can fit on it at once, since frying the second batch of fish in the same oil is fraught with acquiring bitterness due to the overcooked flour left over from the first batch.

Capelin looks attractive, fried not in flour, but in semolina or breadcrumbs. And not only looks! It acquires a softer, more delicate taste. But here you need to strictly follow the cooking process: it is not difficult to overcook the fish, but then it is not very pleasant to eat it - it can start to taste bitter.

How delicious to cook capelin in a pan

How to cook capelin in a pan is not a question. But how to make it tasty is a more difficult task, although, to be honest, it is almost impossible to spoil its taste. You need to strictly follow the recipes and recommendations. But " sit in a galosh" with her appearance - as easy as shelling pears.

A dish with fried capelin on the table will look appetizing if you follow a few rules:

  • defrost the fish gradually, not allowing it to " swim in your own juice»;
  • dry the carcasses with a paper towel before placing in the pan;
  • fry capelin in a small amount of oil, since the fish is already oily;
  • follow the frying process without being distracted by extraneous matters, because the capelin is fried almost instantly, while the uniform color of the finished carcasses gives additional beauty to the finished dish.

How to fry capelin in a frying pan without smell

Despite the fact that the process of frying fish is quite simple, and in the case of capelin it is also fast, one cannot discount such a moment as an unpleasant smell that always accompanies any “fish” recipe. Someone will say that it is impossible to cook this odorless seafood - and they will be right. But to reduce - and moreover significantly! - it's still possible.

And the solution here is surprisingly primitive: you need to use lemon juice!

  • Before frying, thawed carcasses should be placed in a deep bowl, squeeze fresh lemon juice on top.
  • Mix very gently (so as not to break the ridges).
  • Let marinate for 15-30 minutes.
  • After that, if desired, you can blot the fish with a paper towel to remove excess juice, or you can fry it right, especially if you roll it in flour or semolina. It will be very tasty!

Another way to reduce the smell when frying is to cook capelin in batter. It is kneaded from milk (cream), flour (wheat or corn), eggs and salt. If desired, you can add your favorite spices or a ready-made mixture of spices for fish dishes directly to the batter (there are a lot of them now sold in stores). Each carcass is dipped in batter and fried in a pan in a large amount of oil or deep-fried in a cauldron.

Classic batter recipe for 1 kg of fish:

  • milk or cream - 0.5 cups (the fatter the better);
  • flour (wheat or corn) - 1 cup;
  • chicken egg - 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The batter is prepared as follows:

  • beat the eggs into a soft foam;
  • gradually, without stopping whipping, pour in cream or milk (you can do without them, but then you should increase the number of eggs or reduce the amount of flour, while the batter can turn out much less than required!);
  • carefully introduce the flour, adding it gradually, breaking up the lumps;
  • strain the finished batter through a large sieve (you can not do this if you are sure that there are no lumps of flour left).

Next, you just need to dip the carcasses in this dough and put them on a hot frying pan with a lot of oil or in a deep-fried cauldron. Fry until golden brown or golden brown.

Fried capelin is a dish that is eaten with pleasure in establishments Catering, but reluctantly cook at home. This is due to the small size of the carcasses and the specific smell that fills not only the kitchen, but the whole house.

Capelin is a small fish belonging to the smelt family. The fish is very prolific, annually caught in huge quantities, therefore it is presented in stores everywhere at an affordable price. Dishes from capelin have a specific taste and smell, but they have useful properties.

Capelin contains 22% of easily digestible proteins, more vitamins B12, D and A than meat, there are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that are extremely important for the brain and heart. in capelin, lower blood sugar levels, promote the production of insulin. The inclusion of capelin in the diet is useful for everyone without exception, as it improves immunity, has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. Calorie capelin 157 kcal per 100 grams.

If we consider what are the benefits and harms, then it is not recommended to use capelin only for people with individual intolerance and allergic reaction. The rest can include fish in the diet without fear. Only smoked capelin can cause harm. But it is not the capelin that is to blame, but the carcinogenic substances that are formed during its processing.

Fried fish is not the healthiest way to cook, but definitely the most delicious. You should not abuse fried food, but sometimes you can treat yourself delicious dish especially knowing how to cook fried capelin tasty and odorless.

Photo of fried capelin in a pan

Even an inexperienced cook can cook fried capelin. The fish does not need to be cleaned, you can not gut it, just roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. But even here there are secrets. For example, how to make the fish turn out crispy and odorless.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • capelin 1 kg.
  • flour (semolina) 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil 1 glass
  • lemon ½ pc.
  • basil, oregano 1 teaspoon
  • salt to taste

How to fry capelin in a pan:

  1. Defrost capelin at room temperature, wash and dry. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, salt. Season with dried herbs. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Marinating in herbs and lemon juice allows you to eliminate the specific fishy smell that annoys the housewives so much.
  2. Heat 1/3 cup vegetable oil in a frying pan. Pour flour or semolina onto a flat dish. Dip each carcass in breading, shake off excess flour (semolina) and send to the pan in heated fat. Then add vegetable oil as needed.
  3. Grill the fish for 5 minutes on each side. The capelin should brown. The cooking time can be adjusted independently. The longer the fish is fried, the drier and crispier it becomes.

Feed method: Capelin is good in itself. It is served as an appetizer for beer. Suitable as a side dish mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes. Can apply fried fish with herbs or pickled onions, cut into half rings.

Photo of fried capelin in the oven

Fans of fried capelin understand that after frying fish in a large amount of vegetable oil, there is no need to talk about the low calorie content of the dish. Try to cook capelin in sour cream in the oven. In fact, the fish is baked, but it is very similar to fried, since sour cream provides that very crispy crust. The dish is healthier and does not threaten the figure.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • capelin 500 g
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. spoon
  • seasoning for fish 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 1 st. spoon
  • salt to taste

Recipe for fried capelin in the oven:

  1. Wash the fish. Pat it dry with a towel to keep the carcasses as dry as possible. Salt. Mix sour cream with spices. Mix fish and sour cream in a bowl. Leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 220°C. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lay the fish close to each other or at a short distance, if the volume of the form allows. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. If the oven has a grill function, turn it on 5-7 minutes before cooking. The crust will turn out more ruddy.

Roasted Capelin Cooking Tips

Fried capelin will become a frequent guest on your table, and its preparation will not cause inconvenience if you use the tips experienced chefs about how to cook fried capelin correctly. Useful recommendations on how to choose, gut and cook capelin will help you get the maximum benefit and pleasure from the dish:

  • Quality capelin should be frozen once. This can be established by the bulging eyes of the fish. In addition, the pupils should be black and the eyes should not be cloudy.
  • The most useful capelin is prepared from carcasses that are frozen in vacuum packaging.
  • It is necessary to defrost capelin at room temperature or in the refrigerator, in compartments with a positive temperature.
  • If you are going to gut a capelin, you need to do it as follows. From the side of the back, cut the head 1/3 without reaching the end. Pull on the head while holding the carcass with the other hand. The head will easily separate, and the insides will be removed after it. If there is caviar in the fish, it will remain inside.
  • To kill the sharp fishy smell, marinate the fish in lemon juice with the addition of spicy aromatic herbs. Another way is to add aromatic herbs to the breading. Cooking fish will not annoy you with a specific aroma.
  • Fry the fish over low heat. Otherwise, it will be tough and tasteless. Spread the fish on a dish in one layer, otherwise it will become damp and stop crunching.

Fried capelin in a pan quite simple a fish dish. A beginner who has not worked with fish before and does not know what to do with it can cope with cooking. Capelin can be prepared as an addition to boiled potatoes or any other side dish of cereals or vegetables. Many refuse such a tasty fish, due to the formation of an unpleasant odor during frying, which, moreover, is almost impossible to remove in a short time. There are many ways to reduce the unpleasant odor - you can sprinkle capelin with lemon juice, add dried herbs just before cooking.

The fish is great for children's menu, since when cutting and separating the pulp from the spine, it does not have large bones, which means it is completely safe. It can be served for lunch or dinner. Capelin is served hot on the table, garnished with greens. In addition to it, you can do cream sauce with garlic and mint.

In this recipe, we will show the simplest recipe and tell you how to properly fry capelin so that there is no smell, we will fry capelin breaded in flour in a pan. For those who want to fry capelin without oil, in the oven, we advise you to pay attention to.

Taste Info Second fish dishes / Fried fish


  • fresh-frozen capelin - 350 g;
  • sunflower oil - 60 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper;
  • wheat flour for breading.

How to cook delicious fried capelin in a pan

To prepare a hearty meal for the whole family, it is advisable to use only fresh fish. It is quite difficult to get it in this form, since capelin quickly deteriorates during transportation. Otherwise, you need to go to the nearest supermarket and choose a quality fresh-frozen capelin - it will also work.

Frozen fish should be left in the refrigerator until completely defrosted. Do not fill it with hot water or send it to the microwave, because of this it will lose its taste.

After defrosting, the fish is washed in running water, dried with a paper towel. The next step is cleaning. Cut off the head and open the belly. Remove the insides with a knife. Thoroughly clean the black film so that the fish does not taste bitter in the finished dish - this is not very tasty. If desired, the head can be left. The fins and tail turn golden and crispy when fried, so they do not need to be trimmed. Rinse the prepared carcasses again in running cold water and dry with napkins.

Now season the peeled capelin with salt and ground pepper, mix. At this stage, you can experiment with spices by adding curry, tarragon or lemon balm, dried lemon zest.

Prepare a suitable sized bowl. pour wheat flour. Bread capelin in flour.

Send the pan to the fire. Pour enough refined sunflower oil odorless and heat it up. Lay the breaded capelin. Fry over medium heat on both sides until the fish is completely browned.

Delicious fried capelin in a pan is ready. After frying, place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Transfer to a clean platter and serve. Decorate with greens.

  • To fry capelin without smell, you can leave it for 1 hour in salted water. Thus, the smell during frying will be less saturated.
  • Onions, eggs or breading from different types of flour will help to complement the already bright taste of fish. To do this, the fish is cut, all the insides are removed and carefully seasoned with spices and salt. After that, the capelin is dipped first in the egg, and then in the flour. Thus, a dense breading is formed on it, which allows you to properly fry the fish and make its flesh more tender. Onions are fried over low heat until golden brown and added to the dish just before serving.
  • To make a fish tomato sauce it is fried with onions in a pan, then chopped onion is added and stewed for 10 minutes. Then the tomato paste is added to the pan and a little water so that it covers the fish. Capelin is covered with a lid and stewed for 10 minutes. As a result, it turns out hearty meal with a pleasant sour aftertaste, which is prepared in a matter of minutes.