Drinks      06/23/2021

Delicious unusual holiday dishes. On the festive table. Recipes for dishes prepared for the holiday

Delicate snack made from lightly spicy crackers cheese cream and red fish. Ingredients: lightly salted salmon or trout - 200 g, cracker cookies -..

For appetizer, Fish appetizers

Beautiful wreath made of delicate choux pastry with cream filling and berries will decorate any holiday. Ingredients: Dough composition: butter...

Bakery, Sweet pastries, Cakes

Baked eggplant appetizer, also known as Firebird. Ingredients: eggplant - 500 g, bacon - 70-100 g, tomatoes..

For a snack, Vegetable snacks

Any man can make a very tasty but easy-to-prepare salad for the 8th of March holiday for his beloved. Minimum quantity..

Salads, Meat salads

It’s easy to make this festive liqueur at home yourself if you’re planning a celebration soon. Ingredients: Chocolate (bitter,...

Drinks, Alcohol, Liqueurs

Festive cocktail for children based on milk with ice cream and kiwi fruits. Ingredients: Kiwi (medium size) - 1 piece Milk (whole...

This delicious, vitamin-rich and beautifully designed cocktail with dolphins will certainly please your children. Ingredients: Bananas...

Drinks, Cocktails, No alcohol

A very tasty vegetable salad with chicken and pineapple in the shape of a sheep, suitable for Christmas or New Year's table. Ingredients: Meat...

Salads, Chicken salads, Vegetable salads

Recipe for closed snack tartlets with forest mushrooms, chicken and spinach. Ingredients: Flour (wheat, from durum varieties) – 0.5 liter..

For a snack, Meat snacks, Mushroom snacks

Czech traditional pie, usually prepared for Christmas. Ingredients: Flour (from selected varieties of wheat) – 0.5 liter jar Milk..

Baking, Pies

Very beautiful chocolate cake with truffles, in the shape of a heart, perfect for Valentine's Day or a marriage anniversary. Ingredients: Composition..

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cakes

A very beautiful chamomile-shaped salad that you can quickly prepare if you have unexpected guests. Ingredients: Cheese (medium hard...

Salads, Vegetable salads

Festive chicken salad called " Emerald bracelet"which perfectly combines cheese, cucumbers, kiwi and walnuts...

Salads, Chicken salads

Vegetable snack dish zucchini called “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” is prepared in a regular frying pan. The absence of meat makes it quite suitable...

For a snack, Vegetable snacks

Very beautiful holiday salad of crab sticks with cheese, eggs and red caviar, which is used to make an inscription. Ingredients: Crab...

Salads, Seafood salads, Crab salads

Herring salad under a tomato coat is a little unusual, because instead of beets, tomatoes are used in the coat. Ingredients: Herring fillet...

Salads, Fish salads

Sushi cake with eggs, salmon and caviar. Looks very chic and expensive! Ingredients: Rice (for sushi) – 1 cup Water (settled) – 2 cups..

Preparing a festive menu for a birthday requires a lot of effort from the hostess. After all, you want to surprise your guests with new dishes, tastes and forms and at the same time try not to make a hole in the family budget. ›

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching. On this day (and throughout the entire holiday week), we want to surprise our family and friends with a rich, lush festive table. Some people use time-tested recipes, while others scour the Internet in search of unusual or even exotic dishes. Maybe our recipes will suit you? ›

Time flies quickly, and every year we get older and older. Every year we are faced with the same question. Should you celebrate your birthday? If we celebrate, who should we invite, where should we celebrate and what should we cook? If you invite friends to a cafe or restaurant, then there will be no problems with cooking. But if you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, in the country or somewhere in nature, then the problem of creating a menu will become especially acute. ›

In order to compose holiday menu, it is not at all necessary to spend incredible amounts of money. Dishes made from affordable products, prepared with creativity and some “zest”, will delight your guests and will not pose a threat to your family budget. ›

Morning holiday must be special. It is the morning that can give you and your dear men a great mood for the whole day. The brunch menu we offer you is simple, but you should worry about the ingredients for it in advance. ›

Creating a menu for any festive table the matter is long and complicated. And if we are talking about New Year’s Eve, which smoothly turns into morning, the task becomes much more complicated. No, of course, you can simply prepare a whole table of proven dishes or, conversely, try to capture the imagination of your guests by creating something exquisite or exotic, but all your work can go to waste if you miss some important points. ›

This year, January 23 is celebrated as Chinese New Year. It has become a good tradition for some of our compatriots to celebrate this joyful holiday. What should the table be like for this Chinese New Year? Dragons have an excellent appetite, so during the holiday you will have to forget about all diets, and also... ›

The symbol of the coming year is the Snake, and many housewives are preparing gala dinner, based on the taste preferences of the symbol of the year. It is believed that the Snake loves refined and at the same time luxurious dishes. Therefore, all appetizers should be prepared in tartlets, serve the usual puff salads in portions, or elegantly decorate them. It would be appropriate on the holiday table... ›

Have you already chosen a place for a romantic evening, thought through the decorations and surroundings and bought cute gifts? Now is the time to think about the treat. Moreover, it doesn’t matter where the festive breakfast, lunch or dinner takes place, the main thing is not to miss the selection of dishes. ›

Men have the hottest days now - chasing gifts and creating a menu for a romantic breakfast-lunch-dinner (underline as necessary). Moreover, fussing around in the kitchen frightens some representatives of the stronger sex much more than running around the shops! But it is not for nothing that it is believed that men are the best cooks. ›

As you know, the menu for the New Year's table includes appetizers, salads, a main dish, a side dish, various drinks, fruits and, of course, desserts. It is simply impossible to imagine the New Year without them. The main rule of the menu for the New Year's table: food should be varied, tasty and beautiful! ›

And although it is still too early to plan the events of the coming year, it is time to look into the near future and decide how we will celebrate the New Year 2014. Here it is - a wonderful time for making lists and menus for the New Year's table. ›

All housewives are divided into two groups: those who agree to stay up at night and enthusiastically knead the dough for Easter cake, and those who are too lazy and don’t know how, and who go after holiday baking to the store. Of course, homemade Easter cake much tastier than store-bought. ›

Lavash snacks are perfect for the holiday table, and this is quite natural, because they are extremely easy to prepare, the time required is minimal, and most importantly, they turn out to be very appetizing and offer a wide variety of filling variations. ›

What an amazing holiday this is - a birthday! Gifts, congratulations and all sorts of goodies with which the festive table is generously decorated. What's missing here! However, birthday salads still remain the main dishes of the festive table, its decoration. ›

There is an opinion that it is impossible to prepare Lenten dishes for the holiday table. Well, really, what would a holiday table look like without golden-brown chicken or salads generously flavored with your favorite mayonnaise? We answer: great! Lenten dishes You can prepare them for the holiday table in such a way that they look bright and taste in no way inferior to savory food. ›

Easter cake is an integral attribute of the brightest spring holiday. Housewives pay special attention to it and want the baked goods, which are the main decoration of the Easter table, to turn out truly tasty and tender. “Culinary Eden” will tell you how to prepare a delicious Easter cake in the oven, which will delight you and your loved ones, making the holiday truly joyful, warm and soulful. ›

A bread maker is a convenient, useful and incredibly independent thing. It’s no joke – all you need to do is lay in all the ingredients for baking bread, and that’s it – no worries, no hassle. Hands are clean, and time is free. ›

A birthday is a holiday on which you want to provide a hearty meal to all the guests gathered at the table, surprising them with your own prepared food. culinary masterpieces, and at the same time do not leave all your energy in the kitchen, so that by the time of the celebration you remain cheerful and in a good mood. And here they will come to your aid simple salads for a birthday, the preparation of which will not be difficult, and the result will delight you and your loved ones. To make your holiday tasty and memorable, “Culinary Eden” will help you navigate the choice of suitable salads. ›

An office is a small life. However, why small? For some, undoubtedly, big. Many people spend what is called “half their life” in the office. What can you do - work is work. Not everyone can and wants to change their minds and become freelancers. In addition to work, there are holidays at the office. ›

Any holiday table is traditionally bursting with an abundance of the most various snacks, both hot and cold. After all New Year's Eve very long, but it takes a lot of energy to have fun and dance! When preparing snacks for the holiday table, try to maintain some balance. ›

Christmas is one of the most significant and beautiful Christian holidays. An integral part of its traditions is the festive tree, worship and, of course, the feast, which is usually accompanied by Christmas cookies. Cookies for Christmas are not only a delicious treat for adults and children, they are also original toys for the Christmas tree and a great gift for loved ones. ›

In Rus', from time immemorial, they solemnly prepared for the Holy Day. On Monday of the last - Holy - week of Great Lent, a general cleaning of the entire house began, which ended on Maundy Thursday. After this, they began to prepare the Easter festive table. According to tradition, on Easter table Ritual dishes must have been present: cottage cheese Easter, Easter cake, Easter lamb and colored eggs. ›

The main goal of a romantic dinner is to surprise and force your chosen one, with whom you have spent many years, to look at you in a new way. And for those who have this romantic dinner will be the first, you will be able to not only amaze with your culinary abilities, but also show how interesting, multi-faceted you are and have that very “zest” that every man strives to see in his chosen one. ›

What's New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, you probably won’t find a single family that doesn’t have appetizers with red caviar, or at least the same sandwiches, on their table. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter! ›

It is impossible to imagine Easter without Easter cakes. Easter cakes are now baked in almost every home. The Culinary Eden website has been selected for you simple recipes Easter cakes that even an inexperienced housewife can prepare. ›

Turkey is an ideal option for the New Year's table, since among the abundance of fatty and fried foods stands out for its dietary properties, low cholesterol and high nutritional value. Be sure to include turkey dishes in your holiday menu and you will be pleased! ›

Holiday salads are a special topic of conversation. Personally, I can spend hours discussing salad recipes for the holiday table with my girlfriends on the Internet and over the phone, and I always write down recipes for delicious holiday salads when visiting. Salads for the festive table are a separate philosophy for every housewife, because salad is the first thing served on the table, and it is salads that set the tone for the entire feast.

As the wise proverb says: “A dull pencil is better than the sharpest memory,” so I decided to collect all my favorite and proven recipes holiday salads in one place.

To open the page before the holidays - and all the salads for the holiday table in one place, all that remains is to choose the appropriate salad and send your husband to the supermarket for groceries. Friends, I really hope that you will definitely like my salads for the holiday table!

Salad in heaps "Jumble"

The “Jumble” salad is prepared in heaps very quickly, the ingredients are simple and accessible, and the original design allows you to serve the salad in heaps on a flat dish on a festive table. Recipe with step by step photos look .

Salad with red fish and cucumber (VERY DELICIOUS!)

Salad with squid, egg and cucumber

The recipe for salad with squid, egg and cucumber is one of my favorites. It is easy and quick to prepare; no special ingredients or culinary skills are required. See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Salad with crab sticks and carrots

I would like to present to your attention a very delicious salad with crab sticks and carrots. A friend shared his recipe with me when I once complained to her that I couldn’t find some new one. interesting salad- one that is easy to prepare, looks appetizing, and turns out tasty and tender. How to cook, see.

Salad “Cod liver under a fur coat”

The prepared cod liver salad turns out to be especially tender. All my friends have long copied this recipe into theirs. cookbooks and be sure to prepare it for the holiday table. I hope you will also enjoy the delicious canned cod liver salad. You can see how to prepare the salad “Cod liver under a fur coat”

Salad with prunes and chicken “Venice”

I prepare a very tasty salad with chicken and prunes for almost all family holidays. It turns out satisfying, with a pleasant spicy note which prunes and fried champignons. Classic combination boiled chicken fillet, cheese and mushrooms are complemented by fresh cucumber, making the salad juicy and fresh. See recipe with photo.

Very delicious salad on the festive table with pancakes, Korean carrots, Chinese cabbage, ham and chicken. Your guests will be delighted! See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Delicious salad with canned beans and croutons

Well, a very tasty salad with canned beans, crackers, sausage and fresh cucumber! All the ingredients work well together, and the mayonnaise dressing with garlic makes this salad a favorite of all guests. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken “Mosaic”

Delicious salad with smoked chicken, cheese and fresh vegetables, will take a special place on your holiday table. See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Layered salad with sardine

You can see how to prepare a very tasty and simple puff salad with sardines.

Chicken breast salad “Air”

This salad is really very tasty, despite the fact that it is prepared easily and quickly and from quite affordable ingredients. I, as a housewife, also like this salad with chicken breast- a simple recipe, and the result is very appetizing and interesting, quite suitable for both a regular lunch and dinner, and for a holiday table. Look at the recipe with photos.

Salad with crab sticks and tomatoes

Who wants simple and quick recipe a tasty, but at the same time very affordable salad made from the most ordinary ingredients? I have just such a salad with crab sticks and tomatoes. It really turns out very tasty, bright and appetizing. Recipe .

Salad with chicken and pineapple “Spicy”

You can see the recipe for “Spicy” chicken and pineapple salad.

You can see how to prepare the “Obsession” salad

If you are looking for a simple but tasty salad for the holiday table, then I think you will like this recipe with the funny name “Mushrooms under a fur coat.” There is no need to draw an analogy with the famous salad “Herring under a fur coat” - there will be no beets and herring in this recipe. But there will be mushrooms and hard cheese, pickles and green onions: this combination turns out to be very successful and tasty, and the snack is filling. See the recipe with step-by-step photos

Salad with chicken and prunes “Birthday Boy”

You can see how to prepare a salad with prunes and chicken “Birthday Boy”

If you are looking for a good and simple salad recipe for the holiday table, “Kucheryashka” will be excellent option. I like this salad with chicken and beets because it’s easy to prepare; just boil the beets in advance and chicken fillet, and then all that remains is to chop the ingredients and lay them out in layers. I wrote how to prepare a salad with beets and cheese “Kucheryashka”.

Red Sea salad with tomatoes, sweet peppers, cheese and crab sticks. This combination of ingredients turns out to be very successful, so you will definitely like the taste of this dish. And the salad is prepared simply and quickly, and it also looks bright and appetizing... See the recipe with step-by-step photos

I suggest you try to prepare a very simple and tasty salad with sprats and croutons, which all my guests have already fallen in love with. Despite the fact that the salad does not contain fresh vegetables, this does not “spoil the picture” at all. Mushrooms go well with sprats and crackers, and for those who like something spicy, you can add garlic! You can see how to prepare a salad with sprats and croutons .

Salad with croutons, chicken, ham and tomatoes

Salad with mushrooms, chicken and nuts “Leshy”


  • 1 piece boiled chicken breast,
  • 400 g champignons,
  • 2 pcs. Luke,
  • 3 pcs. boiled eggs,
  • 100 g hard cheese,
  • 0.5 tbsp ground walnuts,
  • mayonnaise.


Chop the champignons, chop the onion, and fry them separately.

Cut the breast into cubes, boil the eggs, grate on a coarse grater, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add nuts, season with mayonnaise, stir.

Place a glass or bottle in the center on a flat dish, place our salad and press it down a little. Then very carefully remove the glass and decorate.

We decorate our salad with herbs and olive flowers.

Salad with squid, mushrooms and nuts “Kyiv”

How to prepare Kyiv salad, see

Salad with chicken and mushrooms “Zostolny”


  • boiled eggs 5 pcs
  • smoked chicken breast 200g
  • pickled mushrooms 200g
  • cheese 100-150g
  • greens for decoration
  • mayonnaise or sour cream.


Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate separately.

Finely chop the meat and mushrooms.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Season the meat with mayonnaise.

Lay out in layers from bottom to top: meat, mushrooms, mayonnaise, proteins, mayonnaise, cheese, mayonnaise. yolks. Decorate with greens.

RECIPE WITH PHOTO on how to prepare the salad, see.

Salad with tomatoes and croutons “Astra”

You can see the recipe for Astra salad.

Finger-licking salad


  • 300 g cabbage
  • 200 g boiled meat (pork or beef)
  • 3 small beets
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 medium onion
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • soy sauce
  • vegetable oil


Boil carrots (one), beets and meat and cut into strips separately. Cut the potatoes into strips, then fry (make French fries). Cabbage and cucumber - in strips.

1st layer - cabbage (salt, squeeze lightly and pepper, mayonnaise);

2 — carrots (1 fresh + 1 boiled, soy sauce and a little mayonnaise);

3 - beets + garlic and mayonnaise;

4 - meat + mayonnaise;

5 - finely chopped onion;

6 - potatoes + mayonnaise.

Place sliced ​​tomatoes on top, salt them, put a little mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with herbs.

Salad with cheese, pineapple and garlic

Women especially like the spicy salad with cheese, pineapple and garlic, because it turns out incredibly tasty and at the same time inexpensive. Another advantage of this recipe is that to prepare it you do not need to boil vegetables or eggs in advance, grind all the ingredients for a long time and then lay them out in layers. It's very simple. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken and fresh vegetables “Versai”

You can see how to prepare Versai salad

Salad with crab sticks and cheese “Tender”

The salad is really very tender and airy. It's quick and easy to prepare. Great budget option salad for the holidays!


  • 200 g crab sticks
  • 200 g cheese (not spicy varieties)
  • 6 boiled eggs
  • 30 g butter
  • mayonnaise


We arrange the salad in layers.

The first layer is to grate the frozen crab sticks on coarse grater, coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer is grated cheese, the next is grated egg white, then grate the yolk on a fine grater. And grate 30 grams of butter on top.

Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Leave to infuse.

See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Salad with croutons and red fish “Peak of Bliss”

The salad is prepared very quickly and simply, but incredibly tasty.

Dedicated to all red fish lovers!


  • 200 g salted red fish (I used trout)
  • a small head of Chinese cabbage
  • 100 g white(!!!) crackers (Klinskie were recommended, but I couldn’t find them)
  • mayonnaise.


Cut the fish into small strips, chop the cabbage, and mix.

Add mayonnaise, mix and add crackers.

Mix again and you are ready to eat. You can let the salad sit for about ten minutes and the croutons will soften slightly. Delicious both ways!

Salad with smoked ham “To Hurray!”

A very original salad with an amazing composition. All ingredients go well together. If you don't like celery, replace it with cucumber.


  • Smoked ham pcs.
  • Celery (stems) 100 gr.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp.
  • A little bit of garlic.


Cut chicken, celery, tomato and eggs into cubes + sauce (mayonnaise + sour cream + garlic).

Bon appetit!

Salad with canned mackerel


  • 3-4 potatoes

What is the main difference between a regular table and a festive one? Everyone will say: a lot of salads and bright decoration. Let’s also add: some unusual, interesting, “key” hot dish, some “ highlight of the program" Festive hot dishes are an entire art that every housewife should master. When preparing for a holiday, any housewife first thinks about what kind of hot dish she will have for the holiday table, and only then - salads, drinks and all that. It’s advisable to get creative with salads. After all, even the most ordinary salads can sparkle with new colors if you approach them with imagination. The use of new ingredients can change your holiday dish beyond recognition. Recipes for holiday dishes allow you to experiment with products, their combinations and colors. Not only a holiday salad, but also any second dish on the holiday table must be bright. Don’t skimp on unexpected moves, try to combine more ingredients of different colors. Just look at the illustrations of real holiday dishes! The photos of these masterpieces are mesmerizing! Be sure to take into account the experience of culinary specialists who have already prepared dishes for the holiday table. Recipes with photos of their creations can make your task a lot easier.

Delicious holiday dishes- these are not necessarily holidays meat dishes. After all, many people do not eat meat at all, or prefer vegetables and fruits. You cannot deprive these guests of the holiday; make them Lenten holiday dishes, the list of which is also quite large. After all, the main thing here is how to formalize and submit it. Carved vegetables and fruits, original boiled egg and carrot roses, beautiful flowers and real mushroom meadows - your imagination can be limitless.

Of course, no one is canceling meat dishes for the holiday table. They need to pay special attention to try to surprise guests and create a real festive atmosphere. It is festive meat dishes, along with some special birthday cake, can become the “highlight of the program”. Birthday dishes require special decoration. Beautiful inscriptions, drawings, figures, etc. are appropriate here. But the main thing is that they are delicious dishes. You shouldn’t put ordinary snacks on the holiday table. Just as they are not suitable at all simple dishes on the festive table. After all, this is a holiday, you need to surprise and delight your guests. Recipes for dishes for the festive table are distinguished by their special taste and special design. Therefore, we advise that when preparing for the holiday, study and prepare those holiday dishes, recipes with photos of which you will find on the website and which you especially like in appearance.

Here are some more “holiday” tips: - take time to decorate the table. It's even very exciting. Guests will appreciate your efforts, and you yourself will be in a great mood. A list of colors of products for decorating dishes will help you:

Red color comes from tomatoes, cranberries, and sweet peppers;

Pink, raspberry – beet, cranberry juice;

Orange - carrots, bell pepper, tomato;

White – rice, egg whites, cottage cheese, sour cream;

Lilac, blue - grated egg white, rice, colored with red cabbage juice;

Burgundy – beets;

Yellow - egg yolks, corn, lemon;

Violet - egg whites, tinted red cabbage or red cabbage itself;

You need to decorate salads just before serving, so that the food does not drip and looks fresh and appetizing;

Try different salads give different colors;

Dishes for the festive table are served various options and ways. Original - salads on slices of bread, wrapped in pita bread, in portioned baskets.