Salads      10/12/2023

Boiled eggs like... How long to boil soft-boiled eggs in cold water. How long to cook eggs after boiling

Many people think there is nothing easier than boiling eggs. Just put them in a pan of boiling water and wait a little. It's not that simple. Therefore, I will tell you how to boil a soft-boiled egg, hard-boiled, in a bag.

Even simple culinary manipulations need attention and care. With the help of tips and observations, you will learn how to cook eggs correctly and efficiently. To do this, follow a few rules.

  • You cannot boil eggs that have been stored in the refrigerator before cooking. They will burst in hot water.
  • Be sure to use a kitchen timer. Some housewives guess the time, and as a result, boiled eggs do not correspond to the degree of readiness.
  • Use a small saucepan for cooking. In a large container they will break.
  • Eggs often crack during cooking. There is an air cushion on the blunt side; as the temperature increases, the pressure increases, which leads to the appearance of cracks. This can be avoided by piercing with a needle in this place.
  • Do not turn on high heat. Medium heat is sufficient for cooking. If you do not use a clock or timer during cooking, I do not recommend cooking for a long time, as the yolks will turn out black and rubbery.
  • Don't forget that fresh eggs take longer to cook. An egg that is less than four days old is considered fresh.

You have learned the simple rules for boiling eggs. Next, we will talk about cooking in various ways and cooking times.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg

Making boiled eggs seems like a simple and quick process. Indeed, boiled eggs are the simplest and quick dish, which takes a few minutes to prepare.

Not every novice cook knows how to soft-boil an egg. In practice, difficulties arise during the preparation process.


Servings: 4

  • egg 4 pcs
  • water 1 l

Per serving

Calories: 159 kcal

Proteins: 12.8 g

Fats: 11.6 g

Carbohydrates: 0.8 g

7 min. Video recipe Print

    Do not cook immediately after removing from the refrigerator. A cold egg, once in boiling water, will burst instantly. The result will be something like an omelet.

    Remove from the refrigerator and leave on the counter for a quarter of an hour. During this time they will warm up to room temperature. This temperature difference is harmless to the shell.

    If you want to cook soft-boiled, use a clock, as every minute is extremely important in cooking.

    For proper preparation Place soft-boiled in a compact saucepan and add boiling water so that it covers the product by a centimeter. Afterwards, place the dishes on medium heat.

    After the water boils, cook for a minute. Then remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid. I recommend removing it from the water after 7 minutes. The result will be eggs with cooked whites and runny yolks.

Pour in before cooking cold water. In this case, cook for three minutes after the water boils. At the same time, before the water boils, I recommend turning on high heat, and then reducing it to medium level.

Boil a hard-boiled egg

When people go outdoors or travel, they take food with them to refresh themselves. Usually the backpack contains sandwiches, sausage, cookies, a thermos of tea and boiled eggs.

Continuing the story, I will tell you the technology of hard-boiled cooking. I guess you have cooked this dish many times. Did you do it correctly?

Select good eggs. Place them in a pot of water and observe their behavior. For cooking, use those that float. As for the eggs at the bottom of the dish, they are rotten.


  1. Place in a saucepan and add water until it completely covers them. I recommend using cold water to avoid overcooking.
  2. Add some salt to the pan. This will make cleaning easier. Salt speeds up the coagulation of the protein, causing it to separate from the shell.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the water to a boil. Then turn off the stove, leaving the pan on it for fifteen minutes. During this time, the eggs will be cooked.
  4. Be sure to keep an eye on the time. If you overexpose them, they will lose color and develop an unpleasant odor. If you keep it in water for less time, you will get soft-boiled eggs.
  5. All that's left is to finish cooking. A simple technique allows you to verify the preparation. Place the product on the table and spin. If they spin well, it means the dish is ready. Otherwise, cook more.

Once cooking is complete, be sure to cool the eggs by filling them with cold water. Due to the temperature difference, the protein will separate from the shell. Just don't keep it in water for long. Eat the finished product or use it as an ingredient for cooking. complex dishes. I add half a hard-boiled egg to a plate of borscht. Very tasty.

How to boil an egg in a bag

Chicken eggs are an affordable and common product that has many fans. And no wonder, because they are very useful. Despite the fact that the product contains a lot of cholesterol, a chicken egg is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

I will reveal the secret of cooking eggs in a bag. If you like soft-boiled, you will like the dish. I recommend using fresh product for preparation, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect. Let's get started.

To prepare you will need two eggs, a teaspoon of vinegar, one zucchini, a head of garlic, a couple of tomatoes and salt with spices. No expensive ingredients are provided, and the end result is a complete dish that rivals both pasta and meat.

  1. Bake the tomatoes and garlic in the oven. Then puree the ingredients, add salt and sprinkle with spices. Cut the zucchini into strips and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Pour water into a compact saucepan. Enough to fit a ladle. Bring the water to a boil, add a little salt and a spoonful of vinegar.
  3. Carefully crack the egg into the ladle, being careful not to damage the yolk. Then place in moderately boiling water.
  4. If you want a runny yolk, cook for a minute. To obtain a finished yolk, triple the cooking time. Likewise proceed with the second testicle.
  5. Serve with fried zucchini and garlic and tomato paste.

Video recipe

As you can see, for cooking culinary masterpiece It doesn’t take a lot of time or fancy ingredients, but it turns out delicious. Head to the kitchen and recreate the treat.

How to boil an egg with the yolk facing out

The technique is based on the characteristics of the yolk, which is denser and heavier than the white. To prepare, you will need a raw egg, tape, nylon tights, a flashlight, ice and boiling water.

  • Shine a flashlight through a raw egg. Remember the color, as this information will be needed later. Cover the entire surface with tape.
  • Place in tights and tie a knot on each side. Then twist for several minutes, holding the tights with your hands on both sides.
  • Use a flashlight to shine the light again. If it has become darker than the first time, it means the protein has moved to the center and is ready for cooking.
  • Remove the egg from the tights and place it in boiling water along with the tape. After boiling for a few minutes, transfer to a bowl with ice. After cooling, the product is ready for cleaning. After peeling, you will be surprised that the white is inside the yolk.

Video cooking

If you get a completely yellow egg, it means that the spinning procedure in tights was short, and the white did not completely move to the center. Don't be upset. Over time, having gained experience and gotten better at it, you can cook such a non-standard dish without any problems.

How to poach an egg

Poached is an egg cooked in a bag with preliminary shelling. Commonly used to make salads, sandwiches and croutons. Although, it is also served as an independent dish along with sauce.

I'll tell you how to prepare it. I get evenly cooked whites and a loose and tender yolk. If you listen to the recommendations, you will achieve the same effect.

The whole secret delicious dish consists of using fresh eggs that are no more than four days old. The old product spreads during cooking and becomes like a mess.

  1. Cook poached eggs in barely simmering water. Place a small low saucepan on low heat and pour 2.5 centimeters of boiling water from the kettle. Then add salt and a little vinegar. These ingredients will prevent the protein from spreading.
  2. Carefully crack the eggs into a bowl. Stir the boiling water with a spoon and pour into the funnel that forms. Cook for a minute.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and leave in hot water for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, you will have ready-made poached eggs with beautiful whites and creamy yolks.
  4. All that remains is to remove it from the pan using a slotted spoon and place it on a paper towel to drain.

Serve eggs prepared according to this recipe with sauce. The ideal option is hollandaise sauce, for the preparation of which mix the yolks, lemon juice And butter. After thoroughly mixing, heat the sauce in a water bath.

Video recipe

Poached eggs are combined with sauces based on cheese, cream, wine or yogurt. And sauces containing herbs, garlic and pepper make the taste piquant. If you don't want to prepare the sauce, serve the dish with mayonnaise.

How to peel eggs correctly and quickly

Finally, I’ll talk about peeling eggs. It is not always possible to get beautiful peeled eggs, because there are little secrets here too. Before starting cleaning, I recommend completely covering the shell with cracks. This will make the cleaning process easier.

Start cleaning from the large end. In this case, I recommend doing the procedure under running water. As a result, even small particles of shell will be washed away and will not end up on the plate. Remember, boiled eggs that are recently packaged are difficult to peel.

The following technique will make the cleaning procedure easier. Immediately after cooking from boiling water, transfer to a bowl of ice water for two to three minutes. In this case, the shell will better separate from the protein.

You don't always need beautiful peeled eggs. To decorate New Year's salads, eggs are used, passed through a grater. And in this case, beauty does not play a role.

Use these tips and your dishes will turn out chic, tasty and beautiful. See you!

Methods for preparing eggs are known, if not to everyone, then to many, but none of them lose their relevance throughout the day. At first glance, boiling eggs is a simple matter, but even here there are difficulties and pitfalls. Properly boiled eggs are the key to a successful and tasty dish that will delight the whole family.

Eggs are an incredibly nutritious and healthy product. Eating a few eggs for breakfast can easily fill your daily protein requirement. In addition to being a meal on its own, eggs are also an ingredient in various soups, salads, baked goods and other dishes. However for different recipes Eggs require different degrees of doneness. How long to boil eggs? For any method there are certain requirements.

Make sure eggs are fresh

First of all, you need to make sure. Insufficiently fresh eggs can ruin the entire dish. Before wondering how long to boil an egg, you need to check if it is fresh. You can easily do this by placing it in lightly salted water.

The rotten one will float, the egg with a short shelf life will rise a little, and the freshest one will remain at the bottom. This stage is extremely important, since the freshness determines how long the eggs need to be boiled. For example, the freshest ones usually take a little longer to cook.

You should not boil eggs in a large container or over high heat. In this case, when boiling, the eggs will jump and hit the walls of the pan and each other - this increases the risk of cracks. A medium or small saucepan and slightly boiling water will be optimal for cooking - this way the eggs will be safe and sound.

Place in the “correct” water

You cannot put cold eggs straight from the refrigerator into hot, much less boiling, water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the eggs will simply crack, and you risk going hungry.

This can be easily corrected by first rinsing the eggs in warm or hot tap water - this will keep them warm and prevent them from cracking during cooking. You can also put the eggs in cold water and gradually bring it to a boil - this method of cooking is called “cold setting”. This reduces the cooking time slightly.

You can add a pinch of salt to the pan. It will ensure rapid coagulation of the protein - so, even if the eggs crack, they will not leak out. You can also pierce the egg with a needle from its blunt end. Don't worry - the protein won't leak out, it's quite viscous. And this small hole will compensate for the pressure, and the egg will not crack.

Watch the cooking time carefully. It only takes a couple of minutes to make a mistake, and the egg will turn out completely different from what you planned. Please note that it is most difficult to boil an egg in a bag - this method requires careful control of time, as it is difficult to catch the desired consistency.

It’s true, it’s very easy to set eggs to boil and forget about them, but in this case they will be overcooked, become “rubbery” and completely inedible. Always time yourself when boiling eggs.

Contrary to erroneous belief, the color of an egg does not affect its taste at all. The color of the shell depends solely on the breed of chicken. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the yolk: the brighter one contains more nutrients.

Everyone has different tastes: some people prefer semi-liquid whites and yolks, others like cooked whites and a tender, runny yolk, while others only accept a fully cooked egg. Cooking methods vary by literally a few minutes, so you need to know exactly how long to cook the egg until it reaches the consistency you want.


A hard-boiled egg is the most common cooking option. In this case, both the yolk and the white are dense and fully cooked. Hard-boiled eggs are consumed in pure form, also added to salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

There are two ways to boil hard-boiled eggs: cold and hot. When cold, as mentioned above, the eggs are placed in cold water and brought to a boil. The cooking time is 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Hot laying means eggs at room temperature. They are carefully placed in boiling water, usually with the help of a ladle, making sure that the eggs do not hit the sides or bottom of the pan. Boil hard-boiled eggs while hot for 8-10 minutes. Remember that the freshest eggs need to be cooked about 3-4 minutes longer!

For easy peeling, place the eggs in cold water immediately after boiling. It is also convenient to peel an egg by rolling it between your palm and the table - the surface of the egg will become cracked and the shell will be easily removed.

With this method of cooking, the egg turns out almost liquid, the white only slightly thickens around the edges. This cooking option is considered the most useful - the maximum is retained in the egg. useful substances. A couple of soft-boiled eggs for breakfast will give you a productive morning and energy for the rest of the day.

They cook very quickly and easily, but require exceptional freshness of the products. For a soft-boiled egg to be ready, 2-4 minutes are enough, depending on the required consistency. You must first wash the eggs thoroughly to prevent any contamination of dirt and bacteria. Soft-boiled eggs are also boiled using a hot and cold mixture.

In a bag

As mentioned earlier, poaching an egg is one of the most difficult, but also exquisite, methods of preparation. Such an egg is obtained with a dense cooked white and a runny yolk, which appears as if “in a bag”. Typically, a similar result is achieved after 4-5 minutes of cooking from the moment of boiling.

You may not be able to poach an egg correctly the first time, but don't despair: this dish is worth trying again. In addition, it should be remembered that large eggs usually take 1-2 minutes longer to cook.

You can also prepare an egg in a bag in another way: cook for a minute, and then leave in still hot water for 7 minutes.

Features of boiling quail eggs

Last time quail eggs are deservedly gaining popularity. Compared to chicken, their concentration of nutrients is much higher. For example, they contain much more protein, as well as vitamin D and A, which prevents the development of rickets.

Quail eggs never contain salmonella or cholesterol, so they do not cause allergies, and even small children can eat them. Quail eggs also help in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and other intestinal diseases.

Since quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs, they therefore need to be cooked less and much more carefully. The soft-boiled cooking time for these eggs is 1-1.5 minutes; hard-boiled eggs need to be cooked for 3 minutes.


It's hard to imagine our life without eggs. They are an irreplaceable source of protein and nutrients. There are many in various ways cooking eggs, eggs are an ingredient in many dishes. Their most important advantage is their ease of preparation and the ability to be consumed boiled. I hope you fell in love with eggs with all your heart after our article. Bon appetit!

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

The eggs are very tasty and useful product which is great for dietary nutrition, both raw and cooked. In addition, boiled eggs are a common ingredient in various salads and dishes. We will tell you how to cook them correctly, depending on what condition of the yolk you need.

How long should you cook eggs?

The process of boiling chicken eggs:

Stage No. 1.

Purchased in advance raw eggs First of all, wash thoroughly. This is very important, because the shell can contain pathogens of various infections.

Stage No. 2.

Prepare a shallow saucepan and fill it with cold water until the saucepan is 2/3 full.

Stage No. 3.

Gently place the eggs in the water until the water completely covers them. Pour in a teaspoon of vinegar and add a little salt.

Stage No. 4.

Boil water for 7 to 10 minutes, depending on what condition you want to get.

Stage No. 5.

After this, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water. Then place the eggs under cold water.

Stage No. 6.

Crack the shell.

Stage No. 7.

Peel the eggs.

Duck eggs.

It is worth remembering that eating duck eggs is extremely dangerous. Quite often, salmonellosis pathogens are found in them, so try to avoid eating them raw or as an ingredient for omelettes. The best option would be to use them in the test. If, for some reason, you have to cook such an egg, then boil it for 20 minutes. This time and high boiling temperature will be enough to kill a possible infection

Eggs of other land birds.

These food products are not only safe to eat, but also extremely healthy. In addition, it is perfect as a component of dietary nutrition. We will tell you several simple options for preparing poultry eggs.

What are quail eggs and how to cook them?

Quail eggs are considered a very valuable hypoallergenic product, which is recommended as part of the diet for children. There are also several cooking methods.

A simple question: “How long to cook quail eggs” causes difficulties for many. We'll help you figure it out.

Due to the fact that these eggs are much smaller than any other, for example, chicken eggs and have a relatively thin shell, they take less time to cook. So, for example, if you are interested in how long to hard-boil quail eggs, then it is only 5 minutes in boiling water.

Soft-boiled quail eggs only take a few minutes to cook.

So, first just wash the eggs.

Then carefully place in the container where you plan to cook the eggs.

Pour in the eggs and add a little salt. Place on low heat and wait for them to boil.

Boil for three minutes and drain the water.

Fill with cold running water and leave until the eggs cool down.

Now you can drain the water and peel the eggs!

Since doctors recommend eating quail eggs for children, a logical question arises: how much and how to boil quail eggs for a child. By and large, the principle of cooking them for children is no different from the usual. Just 3 minutes in boiling water - and the eggs are completely ready to eat. The only thing that may be more interesting for your kids is to eat a poached egg. After all, these spotted little eggs can also be used to make them. The principle is no different from the usual basic one.

Is it possible to boil an egg in the microwave?

To get a soft-boiled egg in microwave oven, put several eggs, preferably small quails, in a cup of water and place it in the oven, with the power set at about 500W for 3-4 minutes. After this, place them in cold water for a while and then clean them.

How to cook eggs correctly?

Eggs are probably the most a simple dish, able to quench your appetite and at the same time receive a rich complex of vitamins and nutrients for the body. There are many options and methods for boiling eggs. Here are a few of them:

Let's say you want to hard boil eggs. How and for how long to boil hard-boiled eggs? What is needed for this? It's all very simple!

A perfectly cooked hard-boiled egg has a soft, creamy hue and an evenly cooked yolk. These eggs are ideal for salads. To make your own hard-boiled eggs, place raw eggs in a saucepan of cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 7-9 minutes. This should be done over medium heat without covering with a lid.

Another option for boiling eggs is to bring them to a boil, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for about 20 minutes. Such eggs can be stored boiled for up to five days, of course, only in the refrigerator.

But you probably still don’t know how to cook a poached egg, but don’t worry, it’s not difficult and you can do it.

Poached eggs are eggs that have been boiled without the shell. They are great not only for salads and making sandwiches, but also good as a separate dish. The freshest eggs, no more than a week old, are best suited for cooking. This is really important, so pay attention to this point.

So, the actual preparation. Prepare a pan by pouring enough water, a little salt and a spoonful of vinegar into it. Bring the water to a boil.

For gourmets, there are many recipes that use milk, wine or other liquid to cook poached eggs. Now beat the egg into a small plate.

Reduce heat to low and carefully pour the egg into the water.

Boil the egg for a few minutes and take it out. The protein should be quite thick.

Poached eggs should be eaten immediately, as they will dry out after lying for a long time. The only way to preserve them is to place them in cold water. After this, you can warm it up a little and serve!

How to boil soft-boiled eggs?

It would seem that everyone knows how to boil a soft-boiled egg. However, not everyone gets the desired delicate soft yolk. To make sure everything works out, follow our instructions.

To boil soft-boiled eggs, take better than eggs medium room temperature and place them in a saucepan of cold water and bring to a boil. The subsequent cooking time depends on the condition of the eggs you want to achieve. So, a time from 2 to 4 minutes corresponds to the state of the yolk from very liquid to quite thick.

You can also boil eggs by placing them in already boiling water. In this case, they should cook in an average of 5 minutes.

How and for how long to boil eggs in a bag?

Eggs in a bag are analogous to soft-boiled eggs and they are cooked in a similar way. Just 5 minutes of boiling and the eggs with liquid yolk are completely ready.

How to boil eggs so they are easy to peel?

Peeling eggs is not always easy; to avoid this, place the eggs under running cold water after boiling. If the shell is difficult to remove after this, do it under running cool water. In addition, a spoonful of salt added while the eggs are boiling will simplify the cleaning task. If you break the shell from the blunt side and start cleaning from there, this will also make the process much easier.

Rule #1.

To ensure even cooking of the eggs, shake them lightly. Only after this can you start cooking them.

Rule #2.

If you need boiled eggs with intact shells, your solution is to steam the eggs.

Rule #3.

Salted water during cooking is a great solution to easily peel eggs.

Rule #4.

Do you want to know boiled egg or raw? Spin it on the table. Fast rotations will tell you that the egg is ready.

Rule #5.

Rule #6.

If an egg floats above the water during cooking, throw it away immediately; it is spoiled.

You can watch how to boil eggs in this video:

Each of you knows perfectly well how to boil eggs, but everyone does it differently. At the same time, there are certain culinary tricks, following which you can learn to do everything correctly and give eggs the best taste!

Useful tips for boiling eggs

All the secrets of boiling an egg are quite elementary, so you can know some of them and use them regularly in everyday life:

  • Many of you probably put eggs in the pan immediately after refrigeration - this is the main and most common mistake, especially when immersing eggs in hot water. Their shells will simply burst during cooking. To avoid this, let the eggs come to room temperature.
  • Use a timer to boil the egg. This way you can clearly control your time, and this is important.
  • It is better to use a small saucepan or saucepan so that the eggs dangling in boiling water do not break against each other.
  • If you pour cold water into the eggs, boil it over medium heat, otherwise the whites will be tough.
  • Fresh eggs, which are less than 4-5 days old, it is recommended to cook 30-40 seconds longer.

How to cook to make it easier to clean?

To make eggshells easy to peel, you need to cool them with cold water immediately after boiling, but that’s not all. It is recommended to immerse them in hot, not cold water, and there is one secret to prevent them from cracking. On the blunt side of each egg there is an air gap in which pressure increases during cooking, and this can lead to cracking of the shell.

To avoid damage to the shell, the egg is pierced with a needle or pushpin - a small, neat hole is obtained. This way you will be able to boil the egg so that it is easy to peel and the shell does not crack. In addition, you need to add a spoonful of salt to the water for boiling eggs - it softens the shell and makes it easier to peel.

How to boil eggs

Hard boiling

All people, without exception, periodically boil hard-boiled eggs, and do it without thinking. This can be done in a saucepan, saucepan, or even in a kettle - it’s not a complicated matter. In fact, the process has some nuances that allow you to get a truly tasty finished product.

You can boil the eggs in cold water, but it is better to immerse them in water that is already hot, but not yet boiling. You can salt it to make it easier to clean, and you need to cook it for exactly 7 minutes if the eggs are stale or 8 minutes if they are fresh (they are less than four days old). If you overcook, the yolk will dry out and turn grey. After boiling, place the boiled egg in cold water for ten minutes or you can immediately peel it under running water.

Boil soft-boiled

To get a soft-boiled egg, you need to choose it correctly - this is important. It should be fresh, and this is not difficult to check - just put the egg in cold water: if it sinks to the bottom, it is more than six days old, that is, it is suitable for soft-boiled cooking. An egg that has sunk under the water, but not to the very bottom, is also suitable, and if it remains on the surface, such an egg cannot be cooked soft-boiled.

Boiling a soft-boiled egg is not difficult. Place it in cold water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes after boiling. As a result, you will get a soft-boiled egg, the white and yolk of which will be runny. If you put the eggs in hot water, hold them for no more than one and a half minutes, and then remove the dishes from the heat, but do not remove the eggs, but leave them for five minutes.

Cook in a bag

To cook eggs in a bag, make sure they are fresh using the method described above. The process of preparing eggs in this case is also not fundamentally different. Ideally, the yolk should be completely liquid and tender, and the white should be compacted - this is a real egg in a bag.

To obtain this result, it is better to immerse the eggs in cold water, slowly bring it to a boil and cook for 4-5 minutes. After this, place the pan under running cold water for 20-30 seconds so that they are easier to clean, but do not have time to cool down.

Poached eggs

If everything is clear with hard-boiled or soft-boiled cooking, then how to cook chicken eggs poached, not everyone knows. The technology involves cooking an egg without a shell, so that the final result is the most delicate consistency of white and yolk. This method involves using the freshest possible product - no more than three days. If an egg sits for a week and you try to poach it, the whites and yolks will inevitably spread and nothing will work.

Cook runny eggs Poaching can be done as follows: you need to boil one and a half liters of water, add salt (15-20 g) and 100 ml of 6 percent vinegar. After breaking the shell, pour the egg into a plate, and then pour into boiling, but not bubbling, water. Using a spoon, shape the mixture into an egg and cook for 2-4 minutes, then carefully remove. They are used in gourmet dishes or spread on toasted bread.

How to cook quail eggs?

Quail eggs are cooked very simply - just like chicken eggs, but about twice as fast. It is necessary to bring the water to a boil (even a Turk is suitable for this), and slowly lower the quail eggs into it. Again, wait for the water to boil and note the time: two minutes for the eggs to be soft-boiled, or five minutes for them to be hard-boiled.

We use kitchen appliances

Many housewives wonder how to cook soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs on an electric stove? This cooking option is no different from cooking on a gas stove, but with a microwave or other kitchen appliances everything is somewhat different.

In general, you cannot cook eggs in their shells in the microwave, as they will burst or even explode. If you have no options, heat the water in the microwave, take it out and plunge the eggs into it. Cover with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes until the whites and yolks harden. The method is not the fastest and most convenient, so it is rarely used. The second option is quick, but risky: the egg is immersed in a glass of water (it should sink) and placed in the microwave for three minutes at a power of 400-500 W, no more.

Cooking eggs in a double boiler is much easier, and some models even have special recesses for this. The eggs are simply placed in the steamer and the timer starts. They will cook hard-boiled for about 20 minutes, in a bag for 15-17, and soft-boiled for 10-12 minutes.

You can also boil eggs in a slow cooker - this method is almost no different from the traditional one. Place the eggs in a bowl, add water, close the lid and select the steam mode. Boil eggs hard-boiled for 10-12 minutes, in a bag for up to 9 minutes and soft-boiled for 4-5 minutes.

You can bring the eggs to readiness in different ways, and to get the desired result you need to know how to boil eggs without mistakes.

It would seem that boiling eggs is not a problem at all. But in fact, this process also requires some knowledge and, of course, adherence to a time schedule.

Depending on the boiling time, the consistency inside the shell changes.

Required Products:

  • several eggs;
  • about a liter of water;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. First, rinse the eggs well so that there is absolutely no dirt left on them.
  2. Place them in a saucepan and fill with water, its level should slightly cover the product. If desired, the water can be salted. Salt increases the integrity of the shell during the cooking process.
  3. Turn on the stove to medium heat, wait until it boils, hold the eggs for about three minutes, drain and pour over ice water.

You can also cook soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker. To do this, lower them into the bowl, fill them with water, turn on the device to the “Steam” mode and set the time for 5 minutes. After this, cool the eggs under running water.

Please note that ready-made soft-boiled eggs may be in different states.

  • To obtain semi-liquid white and yolk, cook for 2 minutes after boiling.
  • You will get soft whites and runny yolks if you keep the eggs on the fire for three minutes.
  • Four minutes will be required for a slightly runny yolk and a fairly soft white.

If the eggs are small, the cooking time should be reduced.

Hard-boiled egg technology

It is much easier to boil hard-boiled eggs than soft-boiled eggs, since they are obtained in only one state, when both the white and the yolk are hard.

Required Products:

  • the number of eggs you need;
  • about a liter of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We thoroughly wash the product and remove all impurities from its surface. Place in a container with cold water.
  2. Turn on the heat to a level above medium, wait until it boils and cook until tender for about 10 minutes. Then drain and rinse with cold water.

If the eggs are not too large, then 7 minutes will be enough to cook them.

How long to cook quail eggs?

These eggs are very small in size, which means the cooking process will be shorter. To bring it to the desired state, you need to know how long to cook quail eggs.

Boiling quail eggs is the simplest task a housewife faces.

In order to hard-boil the product, you need to rinse it, do this very carefully - they are fragile and small. Bring water to a boil, lightly salt it, lower the eggs into it and remove after 1-2 minutes. Don't forget to pour cold water over it to cool.

Hard-boiled quail eggs are cooked almost the same as soft-boiled eggs, the difference is in time. Pour cold water over the product, keep it on medium heat for 5 minutes after boiling, drain and cool.

How to properly poach an egg

Despite the difficult name, they are not difficult to prepare. Moreover, eggs can be used as an independent breakfast or as an addition to other dishes.

Of course, there is a lot of debate about how to do this correctly, but the general process is roughly identical.

Required Products:

  • one egg;
  • water;
  • spoon of vinegar.

Cooking process:

  1. Fill a container with water, put it on the fire and wait until it warms up, be sure to add vinegar there.
  2. At this time, carefully beat the egg into another container so that it retains its shape.
  3. When the water heats up, it should not boil, start stirring it so that a funnel is formed. And quickly pour the broken egg into the liquid.
  4. If everything is done without errors, the white will wrap around the yolk and will not leak into the pan. Keep for about 5 minutes until ready, without bringing the water to a boil.
  5. Spoon the resulting egg onto a plate, let it cool and serve with toast.

Eggs in a bag

An egg in a bag is a dense white and a runny yolk. How to bring it to this state? There are several ways to do this.

These eggs are perfect for breakfast or a light afternoon snack.

Required Products:

  • the number of eggs you need;
  • water.

First cooking method:

  1. Cold water is poured into the pan and the eggs are laid out.
  2. We wait until the liquid comes to a boil, keep it on the fire for about 4 minutes, then remove it, cool it and serve.

Second cooking method:

  1. The product is placed in boiling water.
  2. You need to wait for the liquid to boil again after lowering the food, hold the eggs for a minute, turn off the stove and let them stand in hot water for about 7 minutes.

Please note that the times indicated are for medium sized eggs. If they are large or, on the contrary, small, then the time must be either reduced or, conversely, increased.

  1. Before boiling, place the eggs in cold water and a deep bowl to determine how fresh they are. If the product immediately falls to the bottom, feel free to cook it. If the egg floats in the middle, the product is only suitable for frying or omeletting. Well, if it’s at the top, then its place is in the trash can.
  2. You can add a little salt to the water, this is not done for taste, but so that they do not burst in the process.
  3. Do not take a pan that is too large, it is important that the eggs lie tightly in relation to each other, then they will not knock and the shells will not be damaged.
  4. If you have taken out the eggs, but are not sure that they are ready, then try to twist them; if you only get 1-2 turns, then you need to cook more.
  5. There is no need to bring the product to room temperature. You can put them straight from the refrigerator into a cooking container, the result will be the same.
  6. After the liquid boils, you only need to cook the eggs over medium heat, then they will cook evenly, and the contents will be more tasty and soft.
  7. The product should be peeled only after it has cooled, then the shell will not capture the protein and it will not come off. By the way, if an egg doesn’t peel well, it means it’s fresh.