Drinks      05/01/2022

Pumpkin stewed with ginger and honey. Vitamin mix with ginger, lemon, pumpkin and honey. Pumpkin: benefits and harm to the body

Pumpkin is a cure for 100 diseases. Affordable miracle doctor of the body Irina Aleksandrovna Zaitseva

Pumpkin to strengthen the immune system

A weakened immune system can be manifested by drowsiness, fatigue, decreased performance, discomfort in the muscles, dryness and flaking of the skin. The condition of hair and nails often worsens, and chronic pathologies become aggravated. Frequent colds, runny nose and herpes are also signs of a decrease in the body's defenses.

As a rule, weakened immunity affects the psycho-emotional state - a person becomes irritable, apathy and depression are observed. In some cases, insomnia develops.

To strengthen the body's defenses it is necessary proper nutrition. The diet must contain the products described below.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Needles to strengthen the immune system You will need: Needles – 2 tbsp. l. Boiling water - 1 cup What to do: Rinse the pine needles with cold running water in a colander or sieve. Place in a ladle (NOT aluminum!), add boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then cover with a towel and let

Echinacea infusion to strengthen the immune system Required: Dry echinacea herb - 1 tbsp. l. Boiling water – 1.5 cups What to do: Pour boiling water over the herb, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 250 g. Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day

Cranberry juice to strengthen the immune system You will need: Cranberries – 150 g Water – 2 l Sugar. To taste What to do: Squeeze the juice out of the cranberries, pour the pulp into 2 liters of water and boil. Insist. Strain, add juice, sugar to taste. Keep refrigerated. Drink 200–400 g of fruit drink, lightly

Sea buckthorn juice to strengthen the immune system You will need: Sea buckthorn juice – 75 ml Water or other juices – 125 ml What to do: Pour a third glass of sea buckthorn juice and add chilled boiled water or other juice to a full glass. Drink once a day for breakfast

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Algae to strengthen the immune system Laminaria Laminaria was known as a medicine in medieval China, and as food even earlier. In the 13th century, the Chinese emperor, caring for the health of his subjects, issued a decree obliging them to eat kelp. As noted

Dairy products to strengthen the immune system Dairy products strengthen the immune system well. And you don’t need to come up with something rare and special. Just eat cottage cheese every day. To make it tastier, add sour cream or kefir, apples, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, honey. In cottage cheese

Spices to strengthen the immune system

Mixture to strengthen the immune system To strengthen the body in the spring, try using this mixture: Required: 2 parts cinnamon powder 1 part nutmeg powder 1 part ginger root What to do: Mix. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tsp. during

Onions to strengthen the immune system You will need: Onion juice - 1 glass Honey - 1 glass What to do: Mix the ingredients, leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. Stir occasionally. Refrigerate for 1 week. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10

Basil to strengthen the immune system You will need: Basil essential oil – 2 drops Geranium essential oil – 2 drops Bergamot essential oil – 2 drops Almond oil – 25 ml What to do: Mix all the oils. Use 3-5 drops at a time in an aroma lamp. In the aroma medallion

Mushrooms for strengthening the immune system Chanterelles These mushrooms are very tasty, beautiful and are not susceptible, like other mushrooms, to the effects of worms. The chanterelle is always fresh and has an impeccable appearance. Insects and worms do not touch this mushroom because it contains chitinmannose. Prices for foxes

Shiitake to strengthen the immune system You will need: Shiitake mushroom – 50 g (or 30 g of powder) Vodka – 0.5 l What to do: Pour the mushroom (or powder) with vodka and place in a dark place at room temperature for three weeks. Shake the contents of the container daily. Take 1 tbsp. l.

Many gardening enthusiasts grow pumpkins. A variety of dishes are prepared from this culture, from soups to sweet pies. But few people know how beneficial pumpkin is for the immune system. The organic substances included in its composition improve health and protect against viral infections.


Most of the fruit is water. Its amount reaches 90% of the weight of the vegetable. Despite this, the chemical and nutritional composition of the fruits of this crop is quite diverse:

  1. Vitamins: A, groups B, C, P, E, PP.
  2. Macroelements: potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium.
  3. Microelements: iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt.
  4. Digestible carbohydrates: starch and its derivatives, sugars, glucose, fructose, sucrose.
  5. Organic: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic.
  6. Pectins.
  7. Dietary fiber (fiber).

Thanks to its components, the vegetable does not spoil for a long time if storage conditions are met.

Pumpkin: benefits and harm to the body

Pumpkin has undoubted benefits for promoting health and ensuring the vital functions of the body.

The vegetable contains the most carotene and ascorbic acid. These components, as well as tocopherol, maintain general tone by participating in metabolic processes, hormone synthesis, regulating hematopoiesis and creating barriers to the access of viruses from the external environment.

They are also necessary for the full growth and formation of bone, cartilage and soft tissues, healing of wound surfaces, stimulation of the pancreas and thyroid gland, and cell renewal.

B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, biotin, pantothenic and folic acids) neutralize the negative effects, ensure energy metabolism and stable digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

Macroelements form the basis of tissues of all types in the body and are vital for humans. They participate in the regulation of most life processes, are responsible for bone strength, muscle elasticity, the functioning of organs and systems, and activate enzymes. A deficiency of at least one of these substances can lead to the development of serious pathologies.

The role of microelements is also very significant. Iodine regulates the functioning of the glands, especially the thyroid. Iron is included in the structure of blood cells, participating in the process of hematopoiesis. Manganese normalizes the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems, improves memory. Fluoride is a component of bones and teeth. Copper helps absorb iron, stimulates cell reproduction and growth, and ensures skin pigmentation.

Organic acids are responsible for a stable acid-base balance and stimulate digestion.

Pectins help remove waste and toxins.

Fiber plays an important role in digestion. It stimulates intestinal motility, causing it to work. And stable functioning of the digestive system is the key to good health.

Pumpkin is most beneficial when eaten raw. However, there are always exceptions, and not everyone can eat healthy orange fruits.


First of all, this melon crop is contraindicated, since it contains a large amount of sugars (especially in its raw form).

  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal colic;
  • allergies.

Even people who do not suffer from the above diseases should not overuse orange vegetables, since everything is good in moderation.

Recipes with pumpkin for immunity

The variety of dishes that can be prepared from the pulp of this healthy crop is amazing. In addition, many of them will help improve your health. Even sweet dishes made from the orange beauty, including jam, have beneficial properties.

Many health-promoting recipes contain honey and. It should be remembered that these products should not be consumed if you have or are prone to allergies. Diabetics need to be careful with honey, and citrus fruits are harmful for stomach diseases. Therefore, before preparing and taking it, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Lemon and honey mixture

One of the recognized remedies is pumpkin with lemon and. To prepare, you need to take 350 g of peeled, seeded and chopped pumpkin pulp, one medium-sized citrus, scalded with boiling water and cut into several pieces, and 250 g of honey (preferably uncandied). All products are placed in a blender and thoroughly crushed until smooth. Stores in a glass jar with a screw-on lid in the refrigerator for several months.

Jam with dried apricots

For 1 kg of pumpkin pulp, peeled and grated on the coarse side of a grater, take 300 g of washed and steamed pumpkin pulp and 350 g of honey or sugar. Mix the ingredients in a wide, thick-walled saucepan and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Repeat the procedure 2 more times. If desired, the resulting jam can be placed in sterilized glass jars and rolled up. It should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Vitamin mixture

Taken together, pumpkin and lemon are of great value for immunity. With periodic consumption of a properly prepared mixture of these products, the body will be under strong protection from various colds.

Peel and chop 300 g of orange pulp. Remove the skin from a three-centimeter fresh ginger root and also chop it. Wash 2 medium-sized lemons, scald with boiling water and chop, removing the seeds but leaving the zest. Beat the products in a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Add 200 g of liquid honey and mix well. The mixture is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Juice with honey

Another recipe for immunity with pumpkin is juice. To prepare it, take a medium-sized vegetable (depending on the desired amount of the finished product), cut it into pieces, peel it and grind it through a meat grinder along with the seeds. The pulp is mixed with honey in a 3:1 ratio and left in a dark place for 10 days, stirring occasionally. Then the mixture is filtered and the resulting juice is poured into a glass container.

Cocktail with sea buckthorn and banana

Remove the peel from one banana and 150 g pumpkin and grate. Pour 4 tablespoons of washed water into a glass of water and chop, then strain. Beat the fruit and vegetable pulp together with sea buckthorn juice. If desired, you can add a little ground cinnamon.

This seasonal preparation has been in our family for a long time, but over the years it has only improved, and, in my opinion, only for the better. I want to share this recipe, because in winter it will help cope with illnesses, strengthen the immune system and even just delight your taste.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Lime - 1 piece
  • Ginger (root) - 1 pc.
  • Pumpkin - 200-300 g
  • Honey - 150 g

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients.
The quantity may vary depending on the taste you want to achieve,
you can put a little less ginger so that the spiciness is felt less,
or more lemons, for example, or pumpkin, so that its flavor predominates.
I want to introduce you to the optimal combination that we prefer.

Scald lemon and lime with boiling water to remove excess bitterness.
In the absence of lime, you can only use lemons.

Peel the pumpkin and ginger and cut into pieces for further grinding in a blender. If you don’t like the spicy taste of ginger, then for this amount of ingredients you will only need 1/2 ginger root, or even less, but I definitely recommend adding it, at least a little.

Lemon and lime, with skins, cut into pieces, discarding the seeds.

Place the prepared ingredients in a container, grind with a blender, add honey.
Grind until smooth. Of course, you will have to put in a certain amount of effort to get the crusts crushed, but it’s quite possible, and most importantly, it won’t take long.

Stores well in a cool place (refrigerator) for a long period of time.
The given amount of ingredients yields approximately 500 ml. finished product.

Very tasty with tea, or even just for dessert with cookies, pancakes, pancakes, etc. etc.
And also, without a doubt, it will please not only you with its content,
and, for example, your suddenly ill friend or relatives,
who do not have enough time to prepare the “medicine”.
When you get ready to visit, take some vitamins with you!

All the ingredients used in this recipe will not only benefit the body, but also strengthen the immune system, which is especially necessary at this time of year.
Pumpkin is often eaten after heat treatment, of course her beneficial properties preserved, but not as fresh, it fits very harmoniously into the sweet combination of lemon and ginger. The content of vitamins is amazing: A, C, B vitamins (B1, B2, B12), PP and vitamin K, which can be found in few vegetables and fruits.
Lemon and lime are natural sedatives, normalize heart function and strengthen blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and treat lung diseases, remove toxins from the body, and strengthen the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, lemon is famous for the presence of a large amount of phytoncides and vitamin P, and lime is rich in B vitamins and fruit acids.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and contains a lot useful microelements and vitamins.
Brown sugar is valuable for such microelements as: potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and iron. And also an important quality is the unique taste, which will decorate any dish.
Honey contains fructose and glucose, and many useful minerals: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Along with this, honey is also rich in vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C.

A strong immune system is the key to excellent health and the ability to resist regular viral attacks. It is vulnerable, which means it needs constant strengthening. This is worth remembering just before the onset of cold weather. Nuts, ginger, lemon, honey are very useful - a recipe for immunity from these components is more effective than many modern medications. In addition, the mixture prepared from these products has virtually no side effects, with the exception of possible allergic reaction for honey or lemon. We invite readers of Popular About Health to take note of simple and effective recipes for health.

Useful properties of the components for the strengthening mixture

The special beneficial properties that the products have do not just help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins. For example, lemon is a source of both vitamins and essential oils necessary for cell rejuvenation and prevention of their destruction. Honey, in turn, has a calming effect and smoothes out the effects of stress on the body. All those natural vitamins contained in honey are superior in quality and effectiveness to synthetically produced vitamin complexes.

Ginger in combination with lemon and honey has a diaphoretic effect, lowers temperature and quickly restores strength. Mixtures of such products have a number of useful actions on the body:

Quickly kills viruses and germs;

Eliminates swelling of the throat and mucous membranes, thereby relieving sore throat;

Eliminates headaches;

Gives strength and restores vigor;

Improves appetite and digestion;

Normalizes metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss.

Recipe with ginger, lemon and honey for immunity

This recipe should not be offered to children under five years of age due to individual intolerance to foods that are powerful allergens.

Remember that no matter what lemon juice, nor honey can withstand exposure to hot temperatures.
For the classic recipe you will need:

200 grams of honey;

4 large lemons;

120 grams of ginger root.

We begin preparing the components. Peel the ginger, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder. Send it with a seeded lemon. Grind it together with the skin. Stir, add honey, if desired, you can sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon, turmeric or other spices; they will not spoil, but will only improve the taste. In addition, spices are also famous “fighters” against viruses. The resulting mixture can be transferred to a sterile jar and stored on the refrigerator shelf.

There is no point in preparing too much honey-ginger-lemon mixture, since all products are always freely available, even in the cold season.

How to take ginger with honey and lemon?

If you are sick with the flu or have a cold, then healing composition You can take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day. It will quickly get you back on your feet and make you feel great.

Well, in order to prevent colds, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture every day. Although this delicacy has quite good taste and can be an excellent dessert for tea. Just don’t add the mixture to boiling water; wait until the tea or water reaches at least room temperature.

Recipe “Honey, nuts, lemon” - a recipe for immunity

This combination of products can also safely be attributed to classic recipes from colds and viruses. It is more common for us to add lemon and honey to tea, and eat nuts simply as a dessert treat. However, there is effective recipe, with the help of which the immune system is greatly strengthened.

We will need:

2 large lemons;

4 tablespoons honey;

3 tablespoons of walnuts.

Pass the lemon cut into slices through a meat grinder without peeling it and removing only the seeds. Add honey to the resulting mass; regular honey or buckwheat is suitable for this recipe. Leave the mixture to sit for 2-3 hours at room temperature. At the end add the ones minced walnuts.

The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator in sterile glass containers. Best consumed with black green tea or herbal decoction. To prevent colds and flu, you can eat 2-3 teaspoons per day, but during treatment, the dose can be increased to 2-3 tablespoons twice a day.

Miracle mixtures are prepared from products that are ideally combined with each other, so the result is not only healthy, but also crazy delicious dish. And what could be more pleasant than delicious medicine? Strengthen your immune system with pleasure, get a powerful vitamin boost so as not to give viruses a single chance to attack your body.

Pumpkin dishes have a huge number of advantages: like any vegetable, it is incredibly healthy and low in calories. In addition, it is very beautiful even when cooked and can easily diversify your daily menu. For some reason, many people disdain vegetables because they don’t know what they can be cooked with and don’t suspect that they can even be made sweet. For example, there is a very simple recipe for pumpkin with ginger and honey.

The most beautiful, bright and regal fruit of autumn is the pumpkin; it always looks so appetizing on the shelves that it is impossible to resist. It also looks good as a decoration for the home, but alas, it cannot stand forever, but you can make a huge amount from it. different dishes and delicacies. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that salty dishes are made from pumpkin, but this is not always the case. Spicy dishes are also very popular and even have some cultural significance as part of national cuisine in some countries.

There are many options for preparing this product and they are all very diverse. With the addition of pumpkin you can make a wonderful stew with meat and tomatoes. A puree soup is made from pumpkin with cream, which has original taste, healthy and looks very appetizing thanks to its orange color. There are many recipes using this symbol of autumn:

  1. Spaghetti with pumpkin.
  2. Pumpkin stuffed with meat.
  3. Risotto.
  4. Pumpkin pancakes.
  5. Millet porridge with pumpkin pieces.
  6. Pumpkin pie.
  7. Pumpkin jam.

And if you want to try several of these recipes at once, you can divide the pumpkin into pieces and cook several dishes at once. In addition, the vegetable is perfectly stored in the refrigerator and if you do not want to cook it all at once, then this is not a problem.

Read also: How to do delicious jam ginger and lemon - step by step recipes


Pumpkin cooked with ginger, honey, spices, perhaps with the addition of lemon or orange slices (juice) will turn out especially tender if you wrap it in foil when baking. An incredibly beautiful and original treat for friends, which also does not spoil your figure, because unlike many sweets, this dessert contains only vegetables and spices (possibly also fruits if desired), which is important.

Treat ingredients

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • pumpkin;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon.

If desired, you can add spices that will add piquancy:

  • lemon (can be replaced with lime or orange);
  • saffron;
  • nutmeg.

Preparation before cooking

Before you start cooking, you need to wash and peel the pumpkin from the seeds, then it should be divided into parts to make it easier to peel and peel. After this, it should be cut into equal-sized pieces so that they look beautiful on the table and cook at the same time.

Before placing the pieces on a baking sheet, you should cover it with parchment paper; if you don’t have it on hand, you can simply grease it with oil.

Adding ingredients

The next step is to grate or finely chop the ginger; if you chop it coarsely, the taste of the pumpkin with ginger will be hot, and not just give off a pleasant spiciness, which will also be smoothed out by baking. You can use dried ginger root. Adding ginger will give the dessert an unusual spicy taste and aroma of oriental cuisine.

The final element will be spices, the main one of which is cinnamon, with which it is also important not to overdo it. After this, you can add lemon or orange juice, saffron, nutmeg and a little salt to taste.