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Technological map of ministerial chicken schnitzel. Cooking schnitzel in the capital's style with a complex side dish. Cooking technology: “Capital Schnitzel”

Step-by-step recipes preparing juicy schnitzel in the capital

2018-06-29 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready-made dish

17 gr.

11 gr.


10 gr.

217 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for schnitzel in the capital

Schnitzel is a dish of Viennese cuisine, where it is especially popular. It is a thin layer of meat, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried or baked in the oven.


  • two chicken breasts;
  • rock salt to taste;
  • half a wheat loaf;
  • ten white peppercorns;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 50 g high-grade flour;
  • 100 ml refined oil.

Step-by-step recipe for schnitzel in the capital

Remove skin and membrane from chicken breast. Rinse it, pat it dry with a napkin and cut it in half lengthwise. Cut the crusts off the loaf. Cut the crumb into thin slices and cut them into strips.

Place the loaf strips on a paper towel and lightly dry. Place the chicken breast on a board, cover with film and lightly pound with a hammer. Grind the white peppercorns using a mill. Salt the meat and season with pepper.

Beat the eggs until smooth with a fork. Place the flour on a flat plate and roll the chicken fillet in it. Then dip in beaten eggs and roll in loaf straws. Place the schnitzel in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until golden brown on both sides.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the fried schnitzels on it. Place it on the top rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Divide among plates. Place a piece on top of each schnitzel butter and serve with a side dish or salad.

To keep the kitchen clean, pound the meat, covering it with cling film. If desired, you can season the meat with any spices to your taste.

Option 2. Quick recipe for schnitzel in the capital in a slow cooker

The capital-style schnitzel is fried in vegetable oil and then finished in the oven. These two processes can be combined if the dish is cooked in a slow cooker. In addition, this method will greatly facilitate the housewife’s work.


  • 700 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • egg;
  • 150 ml sunflower oil;
  • 100 g flour;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • loaf.

How to quickly cook schnitzel in the capital's style

Rinse the chicken breast and dry with a paper towel. Cut each one lengthwise into two parts. Place on a board, cover with film and beat lightly.

Season the flour with spices and mix. Roll the meat in the mixture. Break the egg into a plate and whisk until smooth. Dip chicken into egg mixture.

Cut the bun into thin slices and dry in the oven. Cool and break into large crumbs. Roll the schnitzel in it.

Turn on the multicooker to the “frying” mode. Pour in vegetable oil. Place the chicken schnitzel in the hot oil and fry on each side for three minutes. While frying, baste the meat with oil. Place the fried schnitzels on a plate. Drain the oil and wipe the pan. Line the bottom with parchment and place pieces of meat. Start the “baking” mode. Set the time to 20 minutes.

Beat the chicken breast only lightly so that the meat does not become tough. The schnitzel will turn out juicy if you salt it at the end of cooking. Cut the meat across the grain. You can serve the schnitzel with spicy tomato or garlic sauce.

Option 3. Capital-style turkey schnitzel

Turkey is a low-calorie dietary meat that is recommended to be included in the diet of everyone who is watching their weight. Capital-style turkey schnitzel turns out juicy and very tasty.


  • 175 g turkey breast;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook

Remove skin and membranes from the turkey breast. Rinse under running water and dry with kitchen cloth. Place the meat on a cutting board, cover with cling film and pound until thin.

Beat an egg into a bowl, pour in a spoonful of boiled water and add salt. Season the mixture with pepper and whisk for a few seconds.

Take three thin slices of loaf. Trim off the crusts. Grind the pulp into medium-thick bars.

Dip the turkey in the egg batter and place on the loaf pieces. Carefully transfer to a heated frying pan with oil and fry until the loaf is browned. Place the remaining strips of loaf on top, carefully turn over and brown.

The schnitzel will cook faster if you fry it completely in boiling oil. To prevent a piece of meat from losing its shape and becoming deformed, make several shallow cuts with a knife.

Option 4. Schnitzel in the capital with an original presentation

Meat goes well with fruits and berries. Capital-style schnitzel can be made festive by serving it with canned fruit and potato pie.


  • four chicken fillets;
  • two cucumbers;
  • one loaf;
  • two tomatoes;
  • two eggs;
  • 200 g canned fruit;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 600 g potatoes.

Step by step recipe

Cut half the loaf into thin bars and dry it by placing it on a towel. It's better to do this in the evening.

Wash the chicken breast, cut off the skin and membranes. Rinse the meat under running water. Cut each one in half lengthwise and season with salt. Beat the eggs until smooth. Dip the meat into the mixture. Bread in dried loaf bars and brown in hot oil on both sides over high heat. Then reduce the heat and cook until done.

Remove the canned fruit from the syrup and cut it into slices. Leave the berries whole. Place everything in a saucepan, pour in syrup and heat through. Cut the remaining loaf into schnitzel-sized slices. Trim the crusts and lightly fry. Place the crouton on a plate and the schnitzel on it. Place heated fruits on the sides and pour melted butter over them. Serve with chopped vegetables and potato pie.

The thickness of the schnitzel should be no more than five millimeters. Bread the meat just before serving, otherwise the juices from the meat will soak into the breadcrumbs and they will soften.

Option 5. Capital-style schnitzel in vegetable batter

A batter of carrots and onions will make the schnitzel even tastier and will preserve the juiciness of the meat. You can serve it as a side dish vegetable puree or boiled rice.


  • small onion;
  • egg;
  • small carrots;
  • lemon zest;
  • two chicken breasts;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • high-grade flour;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • refined oil.

How to cook

Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop. Peel the carrots and finely chop them. Pour boiling water over the lemon, wipe it and remove the zest.

Combine all crushed ingredients in a bowl. Beat in the egg and add milk, mix thoroughly. Add flour little by little and mix the batter to the consistency of pancakes.

Wash the chicken breast, dry it with a paper towel and cut into thin slices along the grain. Pepper and salt the meat. Bring the oil to a boil in a frying pan. Dredge chicken breast in flour. Place in a container with batter, press down with a spoon and put the vegetable mixture on top. Fry the schnitzels over high heat on both sides until golden brown. Then reduce the heat and bring to readiness, turning occasionally.

The breading will be tastier if it is made from eggs, milk and olive oil. When serving, you can top the schnitzel with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Schnitzel is enough hearty dish, so the ideal side dish for it would be zucchini puree or a salad of fresh vegetables.

Place fresh cabbage, cut into strips, into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, cook for 10-15 minutes, add sautéed vegetables and stewed beets. Bring to a boil, add sweet pepper, cut into strips, add sautéed flour diluted with broth or water, add spices, salt, sugar and cook until tender. Before serving, season with garlic, ground with bacon. If the borscht was prepared with sauerkraut, then the stewed cabbage is added after the potatoes. When leaving, put meat on a plate, pour borscht, add sour cream and herbs. Dumplings can be served separately.

2. Cooking technology: “Capital Schnitzel”

The shoulder bone of a large fillet is cut off, the fillet is cleaned and opened. Then lightly beat it, cut the tendons in 2-3 places, place a small fillet on it and cover it with the edges of a large fillet, giving it an oval shape. Moistened in lezone, breaded in stale breading wheat bread without crusts, cut into strips.

3. Technology for preparing dried fruit compote

Dried fruits are sorted, removing impurities, and sorted by type, since they have different cooking times. Large apples and pears are cut into pieces. The fruits are washed with warm water 3-4 times. Pour water into the cauldron, bring to a boil, add sugar, dissolve it while stirring and bring to a boil again.

Place apples and pears into boiling syrup and cook for 20 minutes, then add the rest of the dried fruits (except raisins) and continue to cook for 10-15 minutes, add raisins and cook for 4-5 minutes.

To improve the taste, add citric acid to the compote. The finished compote is cooled to 10°C and left for 10-12 hours to infuse. At the same time, the flavoring substances of the fruit are completely transferred into the syrup, which improves the quality of the compote. It is recommended to add sugar at the beginning of cooking, since under the influence of the acids contained in dried fruits, sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose (inert sugar), making the compote sweeter.

Ticket No. 2

1.Technology for preparing meat and bone broth

To prepare this broth, use the bones and meat of the breast, shoulder and subscapular parts and trim, weighing 1.5-2 kg.

The prepared bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for 2-3 hours, then the meat is added and quickly brought to a boil, skimming off excess fat. The duration of cooking the meat is 1.5-2 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add lightly baked roots and onions, and a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

Meat and bone broth can be prepared in another way. The prepared bones are placed in a cauldron, meat is placed on them, and cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam and cook over low heat, periodically skimming off the fat. After 1.5-2 hours, the meat is removed and the bones continue to be cooked. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add baked roots and onions, a bunch of spicy vegetables. The finished broth is drained and filtered.

Should I start a separate tag “Soviet cuisine”, huh? I know, I know, that most of the dishes of this era are described in the famous Stalinist “Cooking”, in the abbreviated version “The Book of Tasty and healthy food“, but still, there were also dishes invented, so to speak, after 1955. The same - where are they described? And the hero of today’s post was at one time very common in Soviet public catering; in many restaurants he often had the position of “duty dish,” and you know, this is a “responsible post.”

I met our hero in a time now called the “mid-eighties” by inviting a girl to the “coolest” restaurant in Nikolaev, namely “Neptune”. What kind of menu knowledge can a 17-year-old guy from the provinces have? Yes, none. However, I really wanted to show off, so I made the choice based on the pathos of the name.

Champagne, two hundred grams of cognac, two spring salad, and two ministerial schnitzels!

There is only collection champagne left, 12-70 bottles, the waitress warned.

No question! Today the fleet is resting (I’m wearing the uniform of a naval school cadet and it makes me burst, but keep my style).

Oh yes! For ladies - fruits!

My tongue was itching to add “And flowers.” But from the stories of my comrades, I knew how much bouquets cost in restaurants, so I bit my tongue in time.

That’s how I learned that there is such a work of culinary art in the world as ministerial schnitzel. Subsequently, I came across it more than once both under this name and as “metropolitan-style schnitzel.” Sometimes it was breaded in small pieces of bread, sometimes in breadcrumbs, and sometimes simply rolled in flour. The butter from inside disappeared somewhere over time, leaving no memories of itself, but the smell of rancid vegetable oil appeared. Often it was a chicken breast, but even more often, it was incomprehensible chicken meat, perhaps from the thigh, or even made up of several scraps of a well-beaten drumstick. However, this was already in the 90s - the era of Bush's legs and a total shortage of good food.

However, let’s not talk about sad things, but let’s prepare the schnitzel as it deserves.

We will need:

1. Chicken breasts 2 pcs.

2. Butter 20 gr.

3. Sliced ​​loaf 200 gr.

4. Eggs 2 pcs.

5. Salt, ground black pepper.

Everything else in the photo is for a side dish that is not directly related to the main dish.

We beat the chicken breast with a hammer, turning it into a fairly thin layer of meat. Many chefs recommend doing this by wrapping the fillet in cling film. But this is only so as not to litter the area with chicken fibers. Provided that you are not preparing 200 schnitzels “for Malanya’s wedding” and are not pounding the breast as hard as you can, these subtleties can simply be ignored.

Salt and pepper the broken layer

Place a piece of 10 grams of fresh butter in the middle

Wrap the meat layer in an “envelope”

Cut the bread into thin noodles (you can pre-freeze it in the freezer, this will make it easier to cut). Beat the eggs in a separate container to prepare the lesion. Dip the schnitzel in the lesion. Roll on all sides in sliced ​​bread.

Fry the schnitzel in a frying pan with butter. We serve it to the table accompanied by a “complex side dish” - mashed potatoes, thinly sliced ​​cucumbers and radishes, and certainly, as a sign of good Soviet manners, green peas.

Let's compare the result with the document:

Technical and technological map No. 125320
Schnitzel in the capital


Name of raw materials and products

Bookmark amount for 1 serving.




Chicken breast (fillet) s/m

Wheat bread

Chicken egg


Weight of semi-finished product, g


Yield of finished dish, g

130 /10


The cleaned chicken fillet is lightly beaten, dipped in eggs, breaded in white bread, cut into strips and fried for 12-15 minutes.

Requirements for registration, sale and storage

The fillet is prepared as needed and sold in portioned containers. Immediately after cooking, butter is placed on the fillet.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish Schnitzel in the capital must meet the following requirements:


The meat is evenly fried, the color is even golden. An indicator of meat readiness is the release of colorless juice on the cut.


The crusts are golden, the color of the meat when cut is white or grayish.


The crust is soft, the flesh is juicy, the meat does not fall apart and retains its shape.

Taste and smell

baked, fried meat with the aroma of spices. Moderately spicy and salty. No discrediting signs.

Did it work?

Oh yes! An indicator of meat readiness is the release of colorless juice on the cut.

Now that's it!

Wash your hands before eating!

For the first time I tried capital-style schnitzel in one of the restaurants in a city that was far from the capital. I really liked the schnitzel; the juicy inside of the chicken fillet was topped with crispy, browned fried pieces of bread. I prepare this dish very often for holiday tables, because it is quite quick to prepare and very presentable at festive table, well, and incredibly tasty, which is also important.

To prepare schnitzel in the capital, you should take chicken fillet. If previously one fillet made one schnitzel, recently chicken breasts have become so large that sometimes I can make two schnitzels from one breast. Initially, the meat calculation is as follows - 1 chicken breast per serving.

Let's prepare all the ingredients and prepare the schnitzel in the capital's style. Nowadays there is already sliced ​​bread for toast on sale, which, in my opinion, is very suitable for this dish. Firstly, it absorbs liquid well and will stick well to the surface of the schnitzel when frying, and secondly, it can be cut very evenly and it will not crumble like regular bread.

First of all, let's prepare the meat, for this we cut the fillet from the thick edge and open it like a book.

Using a kitchen hammer, beat the chicken fillet. To prevent the fillet from tearing during the process, it is advisable to cover it with a plastic bag and then beat it.

Now let's prepare the egg batter. Beat the egg into a bowl, add salt, pepper and chicken spices. Pour in 1 tbsp. water and whisk the mixture until smooth.

Cut the crusts off the bread for toast and cut the bread into small strips.

Place the chicken fillet into the egg mixture first.

Then transfer the fillet to a bowl with bread strips. Preferably breadsticks lay out in one layer. Press down the chicken fillet a little with a spatula to secure the bread to the fillet.

Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil and place the schnitzel bread side down in the frying pan, cook the schnitzel for 4-6 minutes on each side over moderate heat.

Meanwhile, brush the top of the schnitzel with the egg mixture using a silicone brush and carefully lay out the pieces of bread. Press the bread strips well onto the fillet using a spatula. The schnitzel turns over well and the bread doesn't fall off. Turn the schnitzel over and cook for another 5 minutes. Since we beat the meat, the schnitzel will be of small thickness, and this time will be enough for the meat to fry and the bread to toast.

Serve the finished schnitzel in the capital’s style with pickled vegetables, mashed potatoes, salad or rice.

Bon appetit!

Are you wondering what food to impress a man on February 23rd? We offer recipes from the past - in Soviet era These dishes were served in every restaurant, but it was difficult to replicate them at home: where can you get chicken fillet? Another important touch of Kiev cutlets and chicken schnitzel is breading: we provide detailed description how to make it. Well, let's give away the secret golden brown crust: To do this, the fried cutlets must be cooked in the oven.

For 2 servings:

  • chicken fillet with wing bone 2 pcs.
  • butter 160 g
  • chopped parsley 2 tbsp. spoons
  • boiled egg yolk 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 2 cups
  • egg 1 pc.
  • white breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. spoons
  1. Beat each fillet into an even layer. Cut the tendon and the top membrane of the fillet, cut off the thickened part of the wing bone.
  2. Mash the butter, mix with grated egg yolk and herbs, salt. Divide the butter into two equal parts, shape each into an egg shape, and cool.
  3. Place chilled butter in the middle of the prepared fillets. Place the edges of the fillet over the oil so that they completely cover the oil.
  4. Salt the cutlets, soak them in beaten egg, bread them in breadcrumbs or grated stale bread, then soak them in the egg and bread them again in breadcrumbs.
  5. Deep-fry the cutlets for 3-4 minutes, then finish in the oven.
  6. Garnish the cutlets with French fries and boiled green peas filled with oil.

For 4 servings:

  • poultry fillet 4 pcs.
  • wheat loaf 1 pc.
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 100 g
  • butter 40 g
  • ground white pepper
  1. Cut the crusts off the loaf, cut the crumb first into slices, then into strips and air dry.
  2. Lightly beat the poultry fillet, season with salt and pepper, bread in flour, soak in lightly beaten eggs, and then roll in bread straws.
  3. Fry the schnitzel in oil until golden brown. Bring to readiness in the oven.
  4. When serving, place a piece of butter on each schnitzel, garnish with vegetables, fried potatoes, greens.

Comment on the article "2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and chicken Kiev. How to cook?"

Marinade recipes for chicken breast and chicken fillet. between them, volumes of dishes, distribution of daily calorie content O: chicken breast kebab, salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, onions, iceberg lettuce 2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets.

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2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets. How to cook? Salt the cutlets, soak them in beaten egg, bread them in breadcrumbs or grated stale bread, then soak them in the egg and bread them again in breadcrumbs. Deep fry the cutlets for 3-4 minutes...

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Chicken cutlets. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menus and entertaining guests Didn't find what you were looking for? Look at other discussions: 2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets. How to cook?

BATTERED CHICKEN from TEFAL Cut two boiled chicken breasts into small pieces. Prepare the dough from two tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of milk, two eggs with the addition of a few drops. 2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets.

2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets. Another important touch on Kiev cutlets and chicken schnitzel is breading: we provide a detailed description of how to make it. vegetable oil 2 cups. egg 1 pc. white breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. spoons.

2 chicken recipes: schnitzel and Kiev cutlets. Another important touch on Kiev cutlets and chicken schnitzel is breading: we provide a detailed description of how to make it. egg 1 pc. white breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. spoons. salt.