Snacks      08/15/2023

Pike perch: benefits and harms of fish. Freshwater fish pike perch: benefits and harms, taste and choice Pike perch calorie content per 100 grams

Pike perch is a genus of fish of the perch family. The body of pike perch is elongated, slightly compressed from the sides, covered with small, firmly attached scales with jagged edges. The scale cover extends partially to the head and tail. The lateral line is complete and continues to the caudal fin. The dorsal fins are separated by a small gap or touch each other. The mouth is large, the jaws are elongated, and there are numerous small teeth on them, as well as on other bones of the mouth; the jaws have fangs, and the gill bones have spines. The back of the pike perch is greenish-gray, the belly is white, and there are up to ten, and sometimes more, transverse brown-black stripes on the sides. The pectoral, pelvic and anal fins are pale yellow.

Pike perch lives in rivers and lakes. It is very sensitive to a decrease in oxygen content in water. It tries to leave polluted areas of water bodies, but is absent from constantly polluted water bodies. Pike perch lives mainly in deep places of rivers and lakes, where the bottom is slightly silted, sandy or gristly-clayey.

Useful properties of pike perch

Pike perch is a very tasty and healthy fish. Its calorie content is lower than meat, so pike perch is recommended for those who want to lose weight, are sick or have a depleted body

In addition to all of the above, pike perch is very tasty. Dishes prepared from pike perch can rightfully be considered delicacies.

White, tender, lean pike perch meat is highly valued among chefs and ordinary eaters, and it can be prepared by the most in different ways- bake with cheese, in batter, with vegetables, stew, fry on a grill or stuff whole.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of fried pike perch is quite high, so you should avoid it if you are obese.

From the video you will learn the secrets of catching pike perch with a jig, which spinning rod to choose for this, as well as how to hook and fish out large fish.

Pike perch is a freshwater fish that contains a minimal amount of fat due to its mobility. The habitat of this representative of the aquatic world is clean reservoirs rich in oxygen. Despite the fact that pike perch is found in rivers and lakes, it has a small number of bones and delicious fillet. The nutritional value of fish is due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition; the calorie content of pike perch may vary depending on the form in which it is prepared. Therefore, fish can be consumed in small quantities even by children under one year of age.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Composition of zander

Pike perch is a healthy dietary product from which many dishes can be prepared. The fish is baked in the oven, fried, boiled, and prepared into soups and aspics. One of the features of this protein-rich product is its ease of digestibility. To make it easier to obtain information about calorie content, use the abbreviation KBZHU, which stands for as follows:

  • K - calories;
  • B - proteins;
  • F - fats;
  • U - carbohydrates.

Depending on the method of preparation, the KBZHU per 100 grams of pike perch is:

  • raw: 84 Kcal; 18.5 g protein; 1.0 g fat and 75.0 g unsaturated fatty acids;
  • fried: 185.9 kcal, 16.8 g protein; 5.3 g fat; 2.5 g carbohydrates;
  • dried: 84.0 Kcal; 18.0 g protein; 1.0 g fat; 0 g carbohydrates;
  • boiled: 94.9 Kcal; 20.3 g protein; 1.5 g fat; 0.1 g carbohydrates;
  • baked: 91.6 Kcal; 15.5 g protein; 3.8 g fat; 0.6 g carbohydrates.

KBJU of pike perch caviar is: 121 Kcal; 7.2 g fat; 0.3 g carbohydrates; 17.2 g protein.

Pike perch is very beneficial for the human body. Fish contains:

  • vitamins: B1,2,6, PP, A, C and E;
  • minerals: Ka, Ca, Cr, Mg, Na, Fe, F, S, Cl, P, I and a number of others;
  • amino acids, in the amount of 20 pieces, 8 of them are essential;
  • ash;
  • cholesterol;
  • thiamine;
  • dietary fiber;
  • water.

Useful properties of fish

The beneficial properties of pike perch meat are due to its rich chemical composition. Fish is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, and also contains a large amount of easily digestible protein.

Pike perch meat:

  • normalizes metabolism in the body;
  • improves vision;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • nourishes brain cells;
  • improves their activity;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • regulates work;
  • adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Thanks to chromium, pike perch meat has the ability to remove harmful toxic compounds from the body, and fluorine and phosphorus help strengthen teeth and bone tissue. Pike perch contains sulfur, which helps to absorb other components of fish meat and is part of muscle fibers.

The milt and caviar of this fish are of particular value - they contain a large amount of nucleic acids and have a unique ability to retain moisture on the surface of the skin. In addition to cooking, they are used in cosmetology to make masks and creams to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity. To prepare them:

  1. 1. Caviar or milk is ground.
  2. 2. Add any vegetable oil and one quail egg yolk to the composition.

The mask is applied to the face for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Harm and contraindications for use

Despite the numerous advantages of pike perch, this product has a number of contraindications. Therefore, consuming it in excessive quantities, instead of benefiting it, can cause harm to the body. Fish can cause allergies.

If poorly treated, pike perch often becomes the cause of the development of helminthiasis, the entry into the body of a pathogenic infection or toxic substances contained in the water. Most often this happens as a result of eating low-quality smoked fish.

Some people have an individual intolerance to seafood. Pike perch should not be eaten if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if you are obese (because the product is quite high in calories), or if you have hypovitaminosis.

Popular recipes

There are many pike perch recipes that can be quickly prepared at home.

Baked pike perch with sour cream

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg fresh fillet pike perch;
  • bulb;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • greens: parsley, dill, thyme;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, pepper


  1. 1. Finely chop the onion and greens, place in a container, add a pinch of thyme, salt, pepper and sour cream.
  2. 2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. 3. Cut the fish into pieces 4 cm wide, pepper, salt, place on a baking sheet and coat with olive oil.
  4. 4. Pour sauce over the dish and place it in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.
  5. 5. Serve with a side dish of potatoes and fresh vegetable salad.

Boiled with vegetables

For preparation you will need:

  • 2-3 potatoes, boiled in their jackets;
  • green onions, parsley;
  • fresh bell pepper;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • one kilogram fish.


  1. 1. Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes, onions and tomatoes into rings, and chop the greens.
  2. 2. Place the whole fish in boiling salted water and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. 3. Then drain the water, place on a dish and top with vegetables.

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Dishes made from this predatory fish are welcome on any table, both on weekdays and on holidays. It seems that there is no fish dish that cannot be prepared from pike perch, and it will always be very tasty and extremely healthy. In addition to cooking and dietetics, this fish is used in cosmetology and even medicine, so its benefits are truly invaluable.

And yet the main area of ​​application for pike perch is cooking. This one is pretty big fish very different delicious meat. It contains a lot of protein and little fat, so it is perfect for those people who watch their figure.

Vitamins and microelements contained in pike perch meat will complement the diet for complete nutrition. And natural dryness will not be an obstacle, especially with skillful preparation.


Pike perch meat is rich in many useful elements, among which we cannot fail to mention minerals: calcium, chromium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, iodine, sulfur and cobalt, as well as vitamins A, C, E, PP and B vitamins. In addition, pike perch meat contains a large amount of protein and about 20 essential amino acids.

100 g of pike perch contains 1.1 g of fat, 18.4 g of protein, 79.2 g of water, 0.2 g of saturated fatty acids, 0 carbohydrates, 280 mg of potassium, 35 mg of calcium, 25 mg of magnesium, 35 mg of sodium, 230 mg phosphorus, 60 mg cholesterol.

As you can see, pike perch is rich in vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of our body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including this fish in your diet; besides, dishes from it turn out to be quite tasty.

Calorie content of pike perch

The energy value of pike perch, depending on the cooking method, ranges from 84 to 180 kcal:

  • raw – 84 kcal,
  • boiled – 97 kcal,
  • poached – 89 kcal,
  • stuffed – 144 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, it is better to refrain from fried pike perch, since when frying, its calorie content doubles and amounts to 180 kcal.

If we compare the amount of proteins with the fats contained in this fish, the former will certainly be the winners, since the ratio will be 18.4 to 1.1.

Useful properties

Pike perch fillet has an incomparable taste and beneficial properties. It is a source of easily digestible protein, vitamins and microelements, which makes this fish an excellent tool for regulating metabolic processes in the body.

  • Vitamin PP normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the concentration of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. It is also necessary to stimulate the activity of the nervous system and brain, helps maintain visual acuity and healthy skin. Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Iodine makes pike perch especially useful for the child’s body, since it is this element that regulates the mental and physical development of the child, and also participates in the formation of the adolescent’s reproductive system. It has a beneficial effect on thyroid function, normalizing metabolism.
  • The presence of cobalt in pike perch meat will allow you to easily improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, pancreas, immune and digestive systems, as well as avoid the appearance of early gray hair and improve the overall condition of the hair. In addition, cobalt takes part in the synthesis of most useful substances, promotes the rapid restoration of damaged cells and is involved in the formation of red blood cells.
  • Phosphorus and fluorine are building materials for joints and bones of the human body, which are found in large quantities in pike perch. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and central nervous system, promotes the conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy, which is the basis of human existence.
  • Potassium contained in the meat of this predator increases endurance, helps the heart function, removes excess water from tissues, and relieves swelling. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of sodium salts in the vessels and cells of the body.
  • Chromium, which pike perch is rich in, takes an active part in ridding the body of toxins and regulates blood sugar.
  • Sulfur promotes the absorption of other elements contained in fish, including vitamins, but this is not all of its benefits. It is a component of cells and tissues of the body, including muscle, bone and nerve, as well as human nails, hair and skin. Sulfur normalizes oxygen balance, metabolic processes, and the amount of sugar in the blood.

Although pike perch is a common fish for us and not an exotic fish, it is still very healthy and tasty. She deserves to appear on at least once a week dining table in every family.

Use of pike perch in medicine

The benefits of this fish are not limited to the above. By including pike perch meat in your diet, you can relatively easily recover in the event of rapid destruction of tooth enamel or fractures, and live a more active and full life. Fans of this lean fish need not worry about swelling of the legs and problems with water-salt balance.

Thanks to chromium, pike perch meat is a preventive measure that prevents the development of diabetes mellitus and reduces insulin consumption for diabetics. The presence of sulfur reduces the likelihood of allergies, helps strengthen the nervous system and remove toxins from the human body, and at the same time helps get rid of various inflammatory processes.

Due to the high potassium content in pike perch, doctors recommend including it in the diet if there are disturbances in the heart and heart rhythm, as well as water-salt and acid-base balance in the body.

The use of pike perch in cosmetology

Pike perch caviar and milt are used to make cosmetic creams. Thanks to the long molecules of nucleic acids that are extracted from these products, moisture is retained in the skin, and the presence of specific low-molecular substances has a rejuvenating effect. A skin mask based on pike perch caviar can be prepared at home.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. caviar and grind it in a mortar, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil(if the skin is dry, add olive oil; if it is normal and oily, add soy, corn or peach). After thoroughly kneading, let this mixture stand for 5-10 minutes. Then add the yolk of an egg (preferably quail), beat the mixture and apply to the skin of the shoulders, neck, décolleté and face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

It is better to make such a mask when taking a bath.

Pike perch for weight loss

Possessing many beneficial properties, pike perch remains a low-calorie product, and dishes made from it are the main ones in dietary menus. If you want to get rid of extra pounds and enrich your body useful substances, then choose lean varieties of fish, which include pike perch.

Good to know

Pike perch is a relative of perch and can only live in clean bodies of water enriched with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Therefore, its meat is always environmentally safe.

The pike perch has very sharp fang-like teeth, with which it grabs prey and holds it with the help of smaller ones located in the depths of its mouth. The dorsal part of the fish is gray-green in color, the belly is white or pale pink, and the sides of the pike perch are divided by dark gray spots.

Pike perch is the largest representative of the spinyfin. On average, its weight ranges from 1 to 2.5 kg, but in large reservoirs and rivers some individuals can grow up to 10 kg in weight and 90 cm in length. There were even giant pike perch weighing 13-15 kg, although this is very rare. At the same time, even the oldest pike perch cannot accumulate fat during their life. Therefore, their meat is white and very tasty.

An adult pike perch is not inferior to pike and perch in terms of predation and aggressiveness. She often does not spare even young pike perch, but prefers to feed on dace, gudgeons, squints, as well as crayfish and frogs.

How to clean pike perch

The first thing to do when starting to clean a pike perch is to cut off all the fins, with the exception of the tail. After which the fish is briefly completely immersed in cool, clean water. Then, using a small knife or fork, several cuts are made along an oblique line against the scales. This is necessary to facilitate the further process of cleaning the pike perch.

For the same purpose, a stick is inserted into the predator’s mouth; an ordinary pencil will also do - this will make it more convenient to hold the carcass. It is better to remove scales not along the body and slightly obliquely.

The cleaning process will be made as easy as possible if you immerse the fish in boiling water for a few minutes. After this procedure, the scales will come off easily even without using a knife. Also, the pike perch will be cleaned faster and easier if you rub it with salt in advance, this will make it more convenient to hold and it will not slip out of your hands.

Especially for – Dmitry Polezhay

Pike perch is one of the predators that is caught for industrial purposes to feed the population. It is this fish that is the most popular today for reasons of pleasant taste, wide culinary possibilities and, of course, incredible benefits. What exactly is the value of this product and how it can be used, you will learn from this article.

Interesting fact: the average weight of 1 adult is 3-6 kg. But there are often specimens reaching 10 and even 15 kg.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calories 84 kcal
  • Proteins 4 g
  • Fat 1 g
  • Water 2 g

Pike perch has rightfully earned the title of one of the most valuable fish, since its chemical composition includes:

  • Vitamins - E, B, A, K, PP;
  • Proteins and fats, but no carbohydrates;
  • More than 20 amino acids, dietary fiber.

Also included in this healthy fish There is a rich set of minerals, macro- and microelements:

  • cobalt, ;
  • calcium, iron, sodium;
  • manganese, molybdenum;
  • copper, zinc.

The calorie content of pike perch depends directly on the cooking method:

  • raw product – 84 kcal;
  • boiled – 97;
  • stuffed – 144;
  • fried – 1

Benefits of pike perch

The beneficial properties of pike perch are due to its chemical composition. To understand more clearly how this product affects your health, it is enough to know the following facts.

The benefits of pike perch are enormous from the point of view of normalizing metabolism, since when this fish is consumed, protein and carbohydrate elements are balanced to the correct level. The inclusion of this product in the diet allows you to prevent the appearance, blockage of blood vessels and support the cardiovascular system as a whole, since it reduces the amount of so harmful to humans.

Pike perch also helps in stimulating the functioning of the brain and nervous system, correcting vision, and stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system, in particular the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Important! Pike perch is also useful for children over 8 months old, as it contains pike perch, which is an indispensable element for proper physical and mental development and puberty.

Regular consumption of this fish helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive and immune systems and strengthen bone tissue. In cosmetology, amazing results have been noted with regular use pike perch. It not only improves the condition of hair and skin, but even prevents the early appearance of gray hair.

Important! Pike perch is useful for pregnant women, as this product corrects the functioning of the kidneys and removes excess water from the tissues. Namely, such manifestations most often occur in the last trimester.

Pike perch has also proven itself well as an antioxidant, since its consumption allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body and regulate blood glucose levels. That is why it is included in dietary procedures.

Interesting fact: Pike perch belongs to the group of perch fish and lives exclusively in clean water bodies with a high oxygen content. Therefore, the fillet of this fish is always highly environmentally friendly and safe.

Harm to pike perch

Pike perch has no contraindications as such. Restrictions can only be made in case of a person’s special health condition. Thus, it is not recommended to consume smoked pike perch for the following reasons:

  • heat treatment occurs at a low temperature, which can provoke colonization in the body;
  • the calorie content of such a product is very high, which is unacceptable for people whose aspirations are to reduce excess body weight;
  • This method of preparation makes it difficult for the stomach to accept fish and blockage can occur if there is insufficiency of some gastrointestinal organs.

Application of pike perch caviar

If you decide to make good use of pike perch not only as food product, but also a cosmetic product, we recommend that you try the following recipe:

Pike perch is a predatory ray-finned fish belonging to the perch family. The main habitat of representatives of this species is fresh water bodies of Asia and Eastern Europe. When living in favorable natural conditions, pike perch grow up to 130 cm in length and gain up to 18 kg of weight. However, most often in catches there are individuals no more than 65 cm long and weighing up to 3.5 kg.

Pike-perch have a long, laterally compressed body, completely covered with small scales, and a pointed, elongated head. On the jaw and palatal bones of the fish there are many small teeth and several sharp and large fangs. The back of the pike perch is grayish-green in color, the belly is completely white. On the sides of the fish there are up to 12 vertical stripes of black or dirty brown color. The tail and dorsal fins are covered with many small dark spots.

Pike perch is a valuable object of fishing and sport hunting. Fish meat is dried, dried, fried, boiled, baked, stewed and smoked. In addition, pike perch is used to prepare delicious cutlets, pies, soups, aspic, kebabs, salads, hot and cold appetizers.

Vitamins in pike perch and its nutritional value

Nutritional value pike perch (per 100 g of fish):

  • 18.344 g protein;
  • 1.094 g fat;
  • 1.294 g ash;
  • 59.144 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.088 g omega-3;
  • 0.037 g omega-6;
  • 79.106 g of water.

Vitamins in pike perch (per 100 g of fish):

  • 9.844 mcg retinol equivalent (A);
  • 18.974 mcg folate (B9);
  • 1.773 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.187 mg pyridoxine (B6);
  • 2.914 mg ascorbic acid (C);
  • 0.108 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 5.094 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.076 mg thiamine (B1).

Calorie content of pike perch

The calorie content of 100 g of raw pike perch is 83.871 kcal. For culinary and heat treatment energy value this fish can increase:

  • when cooking – up to 97.003 kcal;
  • with hot or cold smoking – up to 87.698 kcal;
  • when stewing - up to 112.484 kcal;
  • when frying – up to 129.697 kcal;
  • during drying and drying - up to 178.811 kcal.

Calorie content of pike perch canned in tomato sauce, is 118.711 kcal. The ear from this fish contains only 21.388 kcal.

Useful elements in pike perch

Microelements in pike perch (per serving of fish weighing 100 g):

  • 0.494 mg iron;
  • 109.607 mcg copper;
  • 4.788 mcg iodine;
  • 29.308 mcg fluoride;
  • 3.976 µg molybdenum;
  • 19.827 mcg cobalt;
  • 54.906 mcg chromium;
  • 5.846 µg nickel;
  • 0.668 mg zinc;
  • 0.048 mg manganese.

Macronutrients in pike perch (per 100 g):

  • 279.807 mg potassium;
  • 229.974 mg phosphorus;
  • 34.996 mg sodium;
  • 34.788 mg calcium;
  • 187.566 mg sulfur;
  • 49.417 mg chlorine;
  • 24.702 mg magnesium.

Festive video recipe: