Drinks      06.08.2023

Improving the range and increasing the nutritional value of bread and bakery products. Beet bread Beetroot in baking

Great option to surprise! A very unusual, elegant and fragrant comrade. It looks very important and pot-bellied, smells of rye and beets, and will be an ideal companion for miniature lentil cutlets. Recommended for bread gourmets. By the way, the kids like it blackberry jam. These are the real gourmets.)
The cutlet recipe is at the end of the post.

For 1 large hearth bread you will need:

For the dough:
- 20 g fresh rye sourdough
- 70 g water
- 70 g peeled rye flour

For the test:
— 150 g of dough
— 100 g c/w wheat flour
— 50 g rzh. peeled flour
— 325 g premium wheat flour
- 200 g beet puree
- 190 g water
– 10 g salt

In the evening(22.00) mix everything for the dough, cover, leave at room temperature. t until the morning. If the beets are raw, boil them; I buy them already boiled.

Next in the morning(8.00), puree the diced beets with a blender, mix the dough with all the other ingredients (order: dough-water-flour-beet puree-salt) and knead the dough.
The consistency is soft, not very sticky. There is no need to knead this dough vigorously; work with it thoroughly for 5-7 minutes so that everything is evenly distributed, round and place in a greased bowl. butter a bowl. Leave it on fermentation for 3 hours, within which to do 2 warm-ups every hour.

(11.20) The dough has doubled in size, place it on a slightly dusty table, gently press it with your fingers and form a batard. Put it in the basket proofing, cover with film and leave for 2 hours at room t. Preheat the oven with steam on 250 gr.

(13.20) The workpiece increased by 1.5-2 times. When you press with your finger, the hole remains, which means it’s time to bake (if the hole springs back quickly, it means the dough is not ready yet). Place the dough on parchment paper, make cuts, place it on a stone/baking tray, give steam and bake 240 g 15 minutes with steam, remove steam reduce to 220-210 g and bake another 35 minutes.

(14.20) Cool on a wire rack.

While it cools down, make the cutlets.

For them you need:
- a small glass of red lentils, pre-soaked overnight and cooked in the morning
- 2 medium potatoes
— onion 1 pc.
- 2 cloves of garlic
- white of 1 egg
- salt, pepper

Lentils poured 2 tbsp in the evening. water, in the morning the water was drained, the lentils were washed, new 2 glasses of water were added and they were cooked for half an hour over medium heat. We cooled it and blended it together with the onion and garlic, whack-whack, until it became pureed. Add potatoes grated on the finest grater. Then protein. Finally, salt and pepper to taste. Heat a frying pan, form cutlets, fry over high heat in vegetable oil for a minute on each side, so that only the crust sets and browns. Place the cutlets on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
Serve with sour cream, and beet bread, of course.)

Bread with beets is interesting and surprising, isn’t it? Seeds, raisins, dried apricots, bran, spices - these are the additives that have become the “standard”. But baking with such a vegetable is something completely different, because beets are clearly not on the list of products that are often added to dough. But, rest assured, the product will turn out amazingly aromatic, the taste will become softer and more delicate, as well as sweet - thanks to the natural sugar content in the root vegetable. Well, bright inclusions of tiny pieces of vegetables in the dough simply cannot leave the baked goods unnoticed. It's no wonder that homemade beet bread has some special charm!

It can be prepared in a variety of variations, but be sure to try the version offered in this recipe - using a mixture of wheat and rye flour. This combination will make the bread a little more aromatic and add a hint of sourness to the taste, which will play wonderfully with the sweetness of the beets.

In addition, at your discretion, you can grate the beets larger or smaller, squeeze out the juice or leave it, slightly adjusting the amount of flour. You can also use baked beets as a base. In a word, be sure to bake this bread - and you will truly love it!

Cooking time: about 4 hours / Yield: 2 small loaves


  • beets 1 piece
  • water 150 grams
  • sour cream 50 grams
  • wheat flour 200 grams
  • rye flour 200 grams
  • salt 1.5 teaspoons
  • sugar 0.5 tsp
  • dry yeast 1 teaspoon.


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    In this case, raw beets were used, grated, after which the juice was squeezed out. If you are using beets with juice, increase the amount of flour slightly.

    The dough was kneaded using a bread machine. You can knead it in any convenient way.

    Pour water into the bread maker bowl and add wheat and rye flour.

    Add beets and sour cream.

    Now add sugar, salt and yeast.

    The dough should be kneaded according to the following scheme: 6 minutes for the first knead, 20 minutes for rest, 8 minutes for the second knead and 1 hour for fermentation.

    At the end of fermentation, the dough will be tender, smooth and fluffy.

    Ready dough transfer to a table sprinkled with flour. Divide the bread dough into 2 parts and roll each into a log.

    Since the dough is very soft and half of the flour in its composition is rye, it is best to proof and bake this bread in a mold.

    Place the dough in a greased form, cover with film to prevent the formation of a weathered crust, and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Times may vary slightly depending on your conditions. Either way, the loaf should double in size.

    Bake the beetroot bread at 220 degrees for 30-35 minutes, then remove from the pan and bake for another 10 minutes until nicely browned.

    After baking, wait until the bread has cooled before cutting it.

This bread is very bright, beautiful and tasty. I found the recipe in the English-speaking baking community. It is different from the one I baked before.

425 g bread flour
190 g water**
150 g wheat sourdough (100% hydration)
220 g beet puree*
12 g salt
1\4 tsp ascorbic acid

In a large bowl, combine water, starter and beet puree. Add flour with ascorbic acid and knead soft dough. At the end of kneading, add salt. Leave to rise for 5 hours. Make three folds at the beginning of fermentation, after half an hour each.

Shape the loaf and leave to proof for two hours.
An hour before baking, preheat the oven with a cast iron cauldron to 240C. Bake for 20 minutes covered and another 25-30 minutes without a cover.

* For beet puree you need to take 2-3 small beets. Rinse and either bake in the oven or microwave until tender. Peel and grind in a food processor.

**The amount of water depends on the beets and the flour. I didn't have enough water. The first time I added 100 grams, but it was too much, the second time 50 grams was just right. You need to add water gradually and see how much flour it takes.


  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 2 tsp dry instant yeast
  • 140 g drinking water
  • 140 g beet juice
  • 40 g vegetable oil
  • 8 g salt
  • 10 g sugar
  • 1 tsp. ground coriander or you can add different spices to taste
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid
  • 1 egg yolk


For this bread you need to make two doughs, white and red. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice from the beets and add to it citric acid, for better color retention during baking.

For white dough, 250 gr. Add one teaspoon of yeast to the sifted flour and mix well. Next add all the water, 20 g. vegetable oil and 4 gr. salt. Knead soft dough for 5 minutes. Cover with film and place in a warm place to rise for 60 minutes.

For red dough, 250 gr. Add one teaspoon of yeast to the sifted flour and mix well. Next, add beetroot juice (you can use it with pulp), 20 g. vegetable oil, 4 gr. salt, sugar and coriander. Knead soft dough for 5 minutes. Cover with film and place in a warm place to rise for 60 minutes.

Punch down the risen white and red dough. Form each into a sausage about 5 cm thick and cover with film. Divide the white dough into 5 parts and the red dough into 10 parts. We will make cabbage leaves. There will be 5 sheets in total.

Take one white piece of dough and two red ones. Roll out all the pieces separately and then place them tightly on top of each other, pressing well, in the sequence: red-white-red - this will be the first cabbage leaf. Roll it into a roll about 10 cm long. Wrap this roll with the next sheet, pinching the edges like a pie and so on for each sheet. Each subsequent sheet should be slightly thinner than the previous one. The result should be an oval dough piece similar to a head of cabbage. Shape depending on how or what you plan to bake in. You can bake both in the mold and without it.

Cover with a bag and leave to rest for 50 minutes. Before placing in the oven, brush the bread with egg yolk. Bake at 180°C for 45-50 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

Useful advice

Ivan Zabavnikov, baker: Recently, a baker friend asked me: “Who did you study to be?” I said that it was for the designer. In response I heard: “Well then it’s clear why you have such a beautiful bread!". We can definitely say that studying sculpture and other creative subjects was not in vain. Making bread for me is an art.
Composite bread is more difficult to make than regular bread. But, it looks more impressive and attracts the attention of both children and adults. Besides, it is also delicious. And if you start experimenting with its shape and baking method, you can create something new and no less cute.

When making this bread, it's definitely worth stocking up on two things. Patience and a spray bottle. Making bread in general is a painstaking and time-consuming process, and juice-based bread especially. A spray bottle will be needed to better glue pieces of dough, which may come apart slightly and create voids in the bread. So spraying the dough with water while shaping is a beneficial process.

When planning to bake bread according to someone else's recipe, you often want to add something of your own. But when baking any bread for the first time, it is better to stick to the recipe as much as possible. And especially when it's a juice-based compound bread. It's like drawing and painting. It’s better to learn the basics first, and then you can use your wild imagination.

With apple sourdough in a bread machine, with milk or whey, with garlic or sesame seeds, basil or cumin - this variety of beet bread preparations limitless .

Reviews vary: some say that I can't hear the taste of beets, only the smell; others claim that the next day bread gives sourness; still others are upset that the color is not beetroot; fourth at the maximum experimenting with cooking and enjoy the result .

Several cooking recipes

For the dough you will need - 15 g of active starter (wheat), one hundred grams of baking wheat flour, 100 g of water.

Pour in water into the starter, stir, pour into flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth. , leave for the night for the “work” of yeast at room temperature.

For the test- half a kilo of the same flour, a teaspoon of salt, the resulting dough, 50 g of water, a teaspoon of honey, small beets (they must first be boiled, cooled, rubbed through a sieve or grind in a food processor).

Mix water and dough, pour into flour, add beets. Stir, cover with a cotton towel , leave on the table for 30-40 minutes so that the gluten swells.

Add honey salt, knead for 6-9 minutes . At temperatures up to 30°C, leave under the film in a bowl for 3.5 hours, periodically stretching and folding.

After formation buns, place in a deep bowl , make notches, place in a warmer place until it doubles in volume.

15 minutes bake at t=250°C, another half hour at t=200-C. Let cool.

How to cook in a bread machine

Pour into the mold 150 ml each of water and milk, a couple of tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Add one hundred grams of rye flour and 425 grams of sifted wheat flour, a tablespoon of milk powder. Four tablespoons ground boiled beets also put in the form.

Add two teaspoons of dry yeast, a teaspoon of salt, a couple of teaspoons of sugar.

Bread with beets bake in the “Basic” mode, an hour in time, with a medium-fried crust.

With added garlic

Boiled grate the beets on a grater squeeze out in gauze, pour the released juice into a measuring glass. Bring to 220 ml, diluting with water.

Pass the garlic cloves through a press(2 pcs).

Flour – 450 g, dry yeast – 2 tsp, a tablespoon of sugar, a couple of teaspoons of salt, three dessert spoons of vegetable oil, and the rest of the previously prepared ingredients Place in bread pan.