Desserts      07/30/2022

How many days is the lard salted? Dry salted lard with garlic in a jar at home (recipe). Salted lard in marinade

To choose the right lard, it is better to go to the market or farm store. First of all, pay attention to the color: it should be white or pinkish, but always uniform. The skin of the lard should be thin, smooth, without bristles and preferably with a veterinarian's mark.

Smell the lard. The smell of fresh product is subtle, sweetish and milky. The presence of a specific aroma indicates that the lard came from a boar. No amount of spices can remove the smell, so it’s better to refuse the purchase.

Pierce the lard with a knife, fork or match. If it pierces easily or with little resistance, the product deserves your approval.

After purchasing the lard, rinse it with running water, dry it well with a towel and begin the cooking process.

What to salt lard with

With salt, garlic, bay leaf, cumin, dill seeds and even onion skins and sugar.

When salting, do not be afraid to overdo it with salt. The main advantage of lard is that it will absorb as much salt as it needs.

How to pickle lard

At home, lard can be salted in three main ways:

By the way, no matter what method you choose, you will need to store the finished lard in the freezer.

  • 1 kg of lard;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 20 g ground black pepper;
  • ½ head of garlic.


Cut the lard into cubes 4–5 cm wide.

Make cross cuts in each block. The depth is slightly more than the middle of the piece.

Pour all the salt into a deep container. Put lard there and rub well with salt on all sides.

Sprinkle pepper on top. If desired, you can use a mixture of red and black.

And cut the garlic into slices 1-2 mm thick and place them in the slits on the pieces of lard.

Transfer the lard into a container and refrigerate for 3-4 days.

The lard is ready. It tastes best with black bread.

For further storage, scrape off or rinse off excess salt, wrap the lard in a cloth, place in a bag, and then in the freezer.

  • 2 kg of lard;
  • 5 glasses of water;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • peppercorns and other spices - to taste.


Wash the lard, dry it and cut it into small pieces so that they fit easily into the neck of the jar. The optimal thickness of the piece is 5 cm.

Prepare the brine. Pour 5 glasses of water into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool.

Finely chop the garlic and rub it over the pieces of lard. Wash and dry the bay leaves.

Place the lard in a jar. Do not try to stack the pieces tightly: the lard may go rotten. Layer layers of lard with bay leaves and black pepper.

After this, remove the lard from the jar, dry with paper towels and rub with spices. You can use red ground pepper, cumin, paprika. Then wrap the lard in paper or a bag and put it in the freezer. In a day the lard will be ready.

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 handfuls onion peel;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 kg of lard with a layer;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • paprika, mixture of peppers - to taste.


Pour water into a saucepan, add washed onion peels, bay leaves, salt, sugar. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, add lard to it and cover with a plate so that it drowns in the liquid.

Bring the mixture to a boil again and then cook for another 20 minutes over low heat. Then remove the pan from the heat, cool and place in a cold place for 12 hours.

Take out the lard, dry it and rub it with a mixture of chopped garlic, paprika and a mixture of peppers. Wrap the finished lard in film or a bag and put it in the freezer.

Before serving, keep the lard at room temperature for 5 minutes and cut into thin pieces. This lard goes best with black bread and mustard.

Fat is so interesting product that they salt it in all sorts of ways, as they say, who knows what. It is salted in onion skins, in brine, cold, hot. It is boiled and it turns out boiled and salted, and the lard is also dry salted.

Separately, I would like to dwell on dry salting of lard.

For salting lard using the dry method, coarse pickling salt (No. 1 or No. 2) is suitable. It is this kind of salt that will cope well with the moisture that needs to be “pulled out” from the lard. Never use iodized or extra salt.

Most classic way Dry salting is simply sprinkling salt on the lard. But it's too simple. Lard comes into good contact with almost any spices. Therefore, why not add some color and flavor to our snack.

And if you are completely new to cooking and don’t understand spices, then go to the market, there is such an abundance of these herbs that your head will spin. Ask the seller and he will give you exactly those that are ideal for lard.

When choosing lard, there are also some nuances. Without understanding lard, you can purchase, for example, a piece of lard that will not be possible to eat. Of course, such a piece can be salted and eaten, but it will not bring you pleasure; you will chew it like chewing gum. At a time when the right lard will melt in your mouth.

The skin of proper lard should be soft and easy to tear off. Smooth and even in appearance, and elastic to the touch. Of course, a layer of lard is welcome. Something like this for me:

But such a section of fat will just be like rubber. Try not to buy such pieces for pickling. You see, they seem to be loose.

Let's look at the most common option for dry salting lard...

Dry salting lard at home - recipe with garlic and pepper

As I already said, use non-iodized salt. Dry salting implies the presence of a lot of salt, so you won’t get away with just one pack. Take two or even three, it won’t be too much.

So, what else do we need for pickling?

1. A good piece of lard

2. Seasonings for pickling

5. Ground black pepper.

The first thing you do when you come home from the market with a piece of lard is to wash it. But there is no point in simply washing it; you need to scrape it with a knife under running water. You need to wash it so that the skin is without a single spot. You will see how much dirt remains on the knife. And imagine, all this dirt would get into your body. So don't be lazy and wash thoroughly.

Then cut the lard into portions, which you will use for salting. I advise you to cut it into small pieces so that the piece can be eaten in one or two sittings.

Let's do the salt.

Pour all the salt into a basin or any deep pan, I have 2 kg. and all the spices. Mix.

Now this spicy salt can be used in the preparation of certain dishes, such as broths. So you can make a small supply!!!

The curing mixture is ready.

It is best to use glass or enamel containers for pickling. At worst, a food-grade plastic container will do.

Pour our salt into it to hide the bottom, about 1 cm thick.

Next, rub our pieces of lard with grated or garlic pressed through a garlic press on all sides. You can add extra garlic to the lard. Therefore, I cannot say with certainty how much garlic is needed for the recipe. But I can tell you for sure that you won’t spoil the lard with garlic!

Sprinkle salt (mixture) on top of the garlic and place in the prepared container. We do the same with all other lard. Pour the remaining salt onto all our pieces so that it completely covers the lard.

And now everyone has the same question...

How many days to salt lard using the dry method?

Everything is very simple here. Remember or write it down. When the lard is covered with salt, cover with a lid and salt at room temperature for 4 (four) days!!!

If you can’t stand it anymore, then you can try it in four days. But I recommend keeping it for another 3 or 4 days, but in a cool place, for example in the refrigerator.

So, the week has flown by, we take out the lard and scrape off all the salt. She's done her job and we don't need her anymore.

Here's what we have:

Pay attention to the layer of meat, it looks like it has been dried. Now, if you have exactly this color, then the lard is completely salted and ready to eat. And if the meat is red, then keep it in salt. But a week is usually enough to salt any amount of lard.

Then put the lard into bags and store in the freezer. But as a rule, it is not stored for a long time))).

If you haven’t tried this method of salting, I definitely recommend it. The lard turns out to be very tender, soft and very aromatic.

If you are confused about spices, then just take salt, garlic and ground black pepper. It will be delicious too.

There are many different recipes, choose which one you like best:
Lard recipe (Ural style). You take a piece of fresh lard, preferably with a layer of meat, make cuts along it and stuff it with garlic, cut in half. Sprinkle the piece with salt (coarse) on top, wrap it in a canvas or any cotton rag and put it in the refrigerator for several days. Using the same salting method, you can keep the lard for 3 days at room temperature and then store it in the freezer. It is best to store lard wrapped in paper and never in polyethylene, as lard acquires an unpleasant odor.
LARD, it would be nice if it had meat streaks. Definitely fresh. The skin MUST be soft. We cut the lard into pieces measuring 5-7 cm by 10 cm. Rub with salt.
Place in an enamel bowl. Thickly in one layer. Cut 5-7 large cloves of garlic into slices (not too finely). Sprinkle so that the lard is evenly processed. Allspice black pepper (ground), 1 teaspoon. All this is spread evenly over the lard (with your hands). Cover with a plate that fits tightly into the pan (as if under pressure).
Leave it alone at ROOM temperature for about 2 days.
On the second day, you will already smell it! Remove the lard from the saucepan.
We wrap the pieces of lard separately in paper. Leave the garlic that was in the pan along with the lard with it. Store the wrapped pieces in the freezer.
With this method of salting, lard tastes like smoked lard. For 2 liters of water, a handful of onion peels, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt. Boil, strain, add lard (about 2 kg) to this brine, boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave in the brine for 8-12 hours. Remove, rub generously with garlic and black pepper, wrap in parchment paper and refrigerate for a day or two. Ready. If you make a lot, it keeps well in the freezer for a long time.
Water is boiled with bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill and salt. Salt is taken in such quantity that those placed in the solution raw egg or the potatoes didn't sink. Grated garlic and lard, cut into bars 4 cm wide and 20-25 cm long, are dipped into the cooled brine. The product is ready for use in about a week. Before use, the lard is removed from the brine, dried with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
With this method of salting, lard retains its “fresh” taste throughout the entire storage period.
Buy fresh lard. Make cuts down to the skin, add coarse salt and place in a wide bowl, put pressure on top (you can also use a wide bowl of water or a saucepan). After a day, transfer all the lard and salt into a saucepan, fill it with water one or two fingers above the lard, add all sorts of spices (whoever has what), bay leaves and definitely more onion peels (this is what will later give the original color, taste and smell).
Cook it all for an hour and then let it cool to room temperature. The lard is taken out of the pan, stuffed (rubbed with crushed) garlic, peppered (ground red, black) to taste, wrapped in tracing paper (parchment paper, foil), rewound with ordinary thread so that the tracing paper does not unwind and put in the freezer. After a day it is ready for use.

Violetta Grekova

Delicious, well-salted salsa on black bread, with pickles and garlic - this is a classic set of hearty snacks and a traditional snack with a glass of strong alcohol. If you love and respect this truly “folk” food, you just need to know how to salt lard at home. Moreover, you don’t need any special skills for this. The main thing is to purchase high-quality raw materials, and with the help of our advice, an excellent result is guaranteed even by an inexperienced housewife.

Ukrainian lard is still considered exemplary. This is largely explained by the diet of pigs - they are usually raised on grain feed, so the taste of meat and lard is significantly different for the better. It is important to know and the right recipe How to salt lard in Ukrainian so that it comes out soft and fragrant.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse one kg of fresh lard with water and thoroughly scrape the skin with a knife;
  2. cut into large cubes;
  3. prepare brine (salt brine) - pour 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into a wide saucepan, put 5 - 6 allspice peas, 5 cloves of garlic and bay leaves. Fill in cold water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved;
  4. put the lard in the brine and press down on top with pressure so that it is completely immersed in water;
  5. This is where your mission ends - you just need to leave the dishes for the day for five days in a cool place, tightly covering them with a lid;
  6. after the lard is completely salted, pour out the brine and dry each piece with a paper towel;
  7. The product is already completely ready for use, but it is recommended to eat it after cooling in the refrigerator or freezer.

Advice! Never use sea or iodized salt for pickling. To obtain a well-salted piece of lard, only classic stone, or extra without additives, is suitable.

Recipe for cooking lard in a hot way so that it is soft

It is very unpleasant when, after all the money and effort spent, the resulting product does not meet expectations - it becomes tough and tasteless. In order to avoid getting into such a situation, you need to know how to salt lard so that it is soft.

One of the best ways is the salting of lard in hot brine. This is the most quick method– you can enjoy bacon in just a day. And exposing pork fat influence hot temperature, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the finished dish.

In hot brine with garlic

In an apartment, the easiest and most convenient way to salt lard is in a jar. To do this, it is better to take fresh brisket with soft skin and layers of meat.

Cooking method:

  1. wash, clean and cut the lard into pieces. Their size is determined by the volume of the jar in which the process will take place;
  2. Using a sharp knife, pierce the pulp in several places and carefully push the garlic plates into the resulting slits;
  3. rub each part with a mixture of spices, which includes pepper, cumin, paprika and others of your choice;
  4. Now all that remains is to place the lard tightly in the jar so that the bars do not lose their shape and the spicy “powder” does not crumble;
  5. in a separate bowl, cook brine - dissolve 2 heaping tablespoons of salt in one liter of water, add bay leaf and allspice;
  6. boil the brine for 2 - 3 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to cool slightly under the closed lid;
  7. very carefully, in a thin stream, pour the hot liquid into the jar of lard;
  8. We close the neck of the jar with a nylon lid and take it to a cool place to cool. In the demi-season, a balcony is best suited for this, and in the summer - a cellar;
  9. The lard is prepared in this way within 24 hours, but if you have any suspicions that this is not enough, keep it in the jar for some more time until the brisket is completely salted.

Advice! Experienced hostesses It is recommended to add a little sugar to the brine; this makes the lard consistency softer and the taste more piquant.

In Belarusian

Having prepared lard according to the traditional Belarusian recipe, you will get pieces of a pleasant golden color that look very much like homemade smoked meats. The husk gives this effect onions, which is present in this version of salting.

Cooking method:

  1. in one liter of cold water we throw 2 tablespoons of salt, five cloves of garlic, 2 - 3 peppercorns, bay leaves and always clean peels from 2 - 3 onions;
  2. put prepared lard into the brine, cut into medium-sized pieces;
  3. bring to a boil and cook covered over medium heat for 10 - 15 minutes;
  4. after the lard has boiled, you need to leave it to cool in the pan at room temperature;
  5. after a while, take out the pieces, dry them with a paper napkin and rub the sides with a mixture of cumin, pepper, paprika and crushed garlic for greater aroma and spiciness;
  6. wrap in baking paper or clean gauze and place in the freezer.

Advice! For high-quality salting, always try to place the cut pieces as closely as possible to each other. Lard should not “float” in the brine. It is enough for the liquid to cover the surface of the product by only a couple of cm.

In Transcarpathian

In Transcarpathia there are many options for preparing homemade bacon. But the classic one is the one where lard is marinated with the addition of vinegar. It is best to use undercut (pork belly) for this - it is in it that the optimal proportion of lard and pork meat is maintained.

Cooking method:

  1. cut parts of the peritoneum into long strips and make cuts in them, into which alternately push a piece of garlic and hot pepper;
  2. add salt, pepper and roll, skin side up;
  3. tie tightly with threads, place in boiling marinade;
  4. We make the marinade like this: for 1 kg of lard, take 2.5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of vinegar, fresh onion rings and a head of garlic;
  5. It is enough to boil for 2 - 3 minutes, after which turn off the heat, place a pressure (for example, a jar of water) on top of the undercut and leave it to simmer in the hot liquid;
  6. After two to three days, the lard is ready for use.

Recipe for cooking salted lard in brine in a slow cooker

Lard cooked in a slow cooker tastes like something between a salted and baked product. To get such a unique flavor, we will cook lard in foil.

Cooking method:

  1. rub 1 kg of fresh, well-washed lard with spices (you can take a ready-made mixture “For meat” or “For lard”);
  2. stuff with garlic and generously sprinkle with salt on all sides;
  3. wrap in foil and leave for a while to soak in better;
  4. Place a wrapped block at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, add a glass of water and cook in the “Stew” mode for 2 hours;
  5. after finishing the process, take out the package and carefully, so as not to get burned, unfold the foil;
  6. Cool the finished lard and you can start eating.

How many days do you salt lard?

The answer to the question of how many days to salt lard depends on several factors:

  • on the characteristics of the raw materials - from which part of the carcass the fat is cut;
  • on the processing method - dry or wet;
  • on the size of the pieces that are salted.

With the dry method, the lard should be kept in salt for 3 days to a week at room temperature and another 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. Only after this can it be eaten.

The wet method cooks lard faster. It is enough to hold it under pressure in a saline solution for 3–4 days, dry it, rub it with spices and cool it.

How to speed up the salting process?

Most quick way To speed up salting is boiling. Lard is boiled in brine for 10 minutes to several hours, after which it can be immediately eaten.

There are a few more secrets to speed up the process:

  • first soak the lard in water for at least 12 hours;
  • cut smaller pieces, about 5 by 5 cm;
  • Cool the hot brine with lard at room temperature;
  • make more deep cuts - this will allow the product to soak in better.

Knowing these recipes, you can pamper your loved ones with a tasty and satisfying snack, make healthy sandwich or use salted lard when preparing a dressing for borscht or potatoes. If you do not abuse it and observe moderation, your body will only be grateful to you for such natural, high-quality food.

How many days is lard salted?

    Lard needs to be salted well so that you can be sure of its safety. This is especially true for lard that contains small streaks of meat. You need to salt the lard for at least 3 days, then you will get lightly salted lard. This can be done with pure lard. And if it has veins, then it’s better to leave it for another 2 days. After this, the lard can be stored in the refrigerator. There are two ways to salt lard - in brine and dry.

    How much salt should you use? For salting lard, 3 tablespoons per half kilo of valuable product is enough. You can add a little ground pepper and garlic, but you can do without them. Whoever likes it.

    It all depends on the thickness of the pieces of lard that you want to salt. But if we talk about some average figure, then three days will be enough for the lard to be salted; if you are worried that this is not enough, leave the lard for 5 days and then it will definitely be well salted.

    Salo- subcutaneous animal fat.

    It is also a very valuable and necessary product for our body.

    Fresh lard can be eaten. But usually it is salted to keep it longer.

    At home we cut the lard into small pieces. Dump these pieces in coarse salt and put them in a 3-liter jar.

    Turn the jar upside down and place it in a wide bowl. We put a stick under the neck so that there is a gap for the juice to drain.

    After three to five days, the lard becomes completely salty.

    Lard is a tasty and nutritious pork product. You can eat it unsalted, let it sit in the freezer for a while, or you can add salt. Lard is salted in a glass container, usually a three-liter jar. Cut into small pieces, wrap in salt and pack tightly. It is salted out within 3-5 days. Salted lard Can be stored for a long time even at room temperature.

    If you salt lard using a dry, cold method, it will be salted for about a week - pieces of lard generously smeared with moth, about 5 cm thick. Use of seasonings - black or red hot pepper, allspice, garlic, wassabi, ginger, onion - does not affect the speed of salting.

    If you salt lard in a hot way (by simply boiling it for 2-5 minutes in highly salted water), then such lard can be eaten immediately after salting (boiling).

    We rub the lard with salt, garlic and pepper and keep it at room temperature for 3 days, at this temperature the lard is salted quickly. Then we put it in the refrigerator and the next day it is ready, tender and aromatic.

    From my own experience, I can say that lard lasts for 2 days, the size of the lard is about 3 centimeters and this is with thin layers of meat. Of course, the thicker the pieces, for example from the back of a pig, the lard should be rendered for more than 2 days. But even here you can speed up the process by cutting along the pieces or across the slots to 1/2 the thickness of the piece.

    As my grandmother used to say: You can’t spoil lard with salt, it will only take the right amount of salt... And depending on the cut pieces, it takes from 2 to 6 days to salt. I also recommend squeezing out the garlic and putting the lard inside, making small cuts.

    At least 3 days, if you're interested, my recipe... I cut it into small pieces and rub it with the mixture (salt, red and black pepper) and on top of each piece I put slices of garlic, cut into rings, put them in the refrigerator, yummy.

    If the pieces are not too thick, about 5 centimeters, then a week is enough, well, to be sure, you can keep it for 9 days. When you try the first piece, cut it in half to finally make sure that the lard is salted.

    Lard is salted from two to seven days and it all depends on the salting method, on the quality of the lard, on its type and the method of salting.

    There is this method - if you cut the lard into medium pieces and make cross cuts on them with a sharp knife, and then you need to put these pieces in a wide pan and pour salt into it on the bottom, and put the lard on top, skin side up.

    The salt will instantly get into the cuts made in the lard and if it stands at room temperature for a couple of days, then on the third day liquid will come out of it

    Leave it to stand at room temperature for 2 days, on the 3rd day, when liquid is released from the lard, we put this lard in the refrigerator, then take it out after a couple of days, shake it off and put it in the freezer and you can already eat it.

    Lard salts out quickly enough, from three to five days, depending on the thickness of your pieces. Many people love salted and smoked lard. It is also considered useful product for us people.