Holidays      01/31/2022

Sweet yeast dough with baking powder. Basic pastry recipe. Recipe for pie yeast dough

What can replace the unusual components of the recipe, mascarpone, balsamic vinegar, alcohol and even eggs.

100 gr. bitter chocolate - 3 table. tablespoons of cocoa, plus 1 table. a spoonful of margarine plus 1 table. a spoonful of sugar and a tablespoon of water

1 table. a spoonful of cornflower ( corn flour) - 2 table. spoons of flour

1 glass of curdled milk - 1 table. a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with a glass of milk

granulated sugar - powdered sugar 1x1, natural honey - 1x1.25, glucose - 1x2.3

butter - margarine 1x1, melted butter 1x1, vegetable oil - 1x0.84

chocolate - cocoa powder 1x2

natural ground coffee - instant coffee 1x1, coffee drink - 1x1.5

Unrefined sugar - replaced with regular sugar.

Fudge - replaced with icing or melted chocolate.

Corn starch - is replaced by any other starch.

Cream fresh - replaced by thick non-acidic (rustic) sour cream.

Fromage fré - thick yogurt or sour cream.

Garam masala (spicy mixture) - 1 tsp each turmeric, coriander and cumin.

Light molasses - is replaced simply with sugar syrup or honey.

Maple syrup - can be replaced with honey.

Pancake flour - plain flour and baking powder.

Artichoke - Fresh artichokes can be substituted for canned ones. And canned artichokes, in turn, are replaced by canned sweet peppers.

Polenta (cornmeal porridge) - corn grits. Grind it in a coffee grinder and you will get real flour for making polenta!

Mozzarella cheese - replace suluguni or Adyghe cheese.

Shallots - ordinary small onions.

Leek - can also be replaced with onions and vice versa - for a milder taste, you can replace onions with leeks.

Vanilla essence is a nature-identical food flavoring that contains both natural and non-natural ingredients and is therefore significantly less expensive than extract. 12.5 g of vanilla essence can be replaced with 1 g of vanilla powder or 20 g of vanilla sugar.

Sour cream ... is replaced by natural yogurt and vice versa.

Whipped cream... if a recipe calls for whipped cream, try 1.5 cups of condensed milk and a tsp. lemon juice. Whip like regular cream.

Another option to replace whipped cream is to mash a banana and beat it with egg white. Add a couple of drops of vanilla extract and sugar.

Sesame oil... replaced with olive oil.

Oregano... and marjoram are interchangeable.

Tomatoes... can be substituted for ketchup or tomato paste in some recipes.

Chocolate ... a chocolate bar is replaced by 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Peanut butter… You can substitute any other refined vegetable oil. It is advisable to replace peanut butter with refined olive oil.

Balsamic Vinegar… Balsamic vinegar can be substituted for wine vinegar.

Lemongrass... replace with lemon balm.

Lemon juice ... can be replaced with 1/4 tsp. citric acid diluted in water, or 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Lime ... juice and zest can be replaced with lemon.

Mascarpone... You can replace it with fatty cottage cheese, or a mixture of heavy cream and cottage cheese. And you can also mix an equal amount of cottage cheese and natural yogurt.

Buttermilk... is replaced by half milk and half natural yogurt. The second substitute is kefir.

Radichio ... You can replace it with a regular salad or red cabbage depending on the recipe.

Celery... is replaced with finely chopped fresh cabbage.

Capers - you can replace them with olives, olives or gherkins

Canned apricots and peaches are interchangeable.

Brown sugar - is replaced with regular sugar, but you need to put it on 3/4 of the volume recommended in the recipe.

Mustard - 1 table. replace a spoonful of prepared mustard with 1 teaspoon of dry mustard mixed with 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of wine vinegar, white wine or water.

Pine seeds - replace walnuts or almonds.

Agar-agar (100 g) -- Gelatin (250 g)

Anchovies - You can replace it with a sprat of spicy salting, and if you need a light tone, then it’s completely ordinary, worker-peasant

Fennel - Fennel root can be substituted for stalked celery.

Coconut milk - in sauces, coconut milk can be replaced with low-fat (10-15 cream, in desserts - regular milk. If you want to give a coconut flavor to your baked goods, shredded coconut will work too. But replacing coconut milk, for example, in national Thai soups, perhaps, is not worth it.

Daikon - green radish or radish

Japanese rice for sushi - can be replaced with round grain rice

Shiso leaves - lettuce leaves

Oregano - replaced with marjoram

Parmesan cheese - any hard cheese

Fruit or rum essence for flavoring the dough - replaced by citrus extract, adding grated lemon or orange zest, cognac, lemon or rum.

Parma ham - substitute ham

What can replace eggs in baking and cooking recipes?
When preparing a culinary product, an egg can be replaced with the following ingredients:

For not sweet pastries:

1 egg = 2 tbsp corn or potato starch
1 egg = 1 tbsp powdered milk + 1 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water
1 egg = 2 tbsp water + 2 tsp baking powder
1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. water + 1 tbsp vegetable oil + 2 tsp baking powder
1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. milk + 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice + 1/2 tbsp. soda
1 egg = 2 tbsp. l. milk + 1/4 tsp. baking powder

For sweet pastries:

1 egg = 1 tbsp. l. corn starch + 2 tbsp. water
1 egg = 1 banana, mashed

And finally what can replace different alcoholic drinks in recipes, if we, for example, cook for children or simply do not want to use alcohol:

Cognac - peach, apricot or pear juice

Cointreau - concentrated orange juice

Vodka - juice from light grapes or Apple juice with lime juice added.

Rum - light grape juice or apple juice with the addition of almond extract

Kalua - espresso with cream; non-alcoholic coffee extract;
coffee syrup

Cherry liqueur - syrup of canned cherries

Port wine - juice from dark grapes with the addition of lemon zest

Red wine - juice from dark Concord grapes; red wine vinegar

White wine - dry juice from light grapes with the addition of light wine vinegar

White wine - semi-sweet juice from light grapes with sugar

No, as much as I would not like it, but apparently I have to. The flow of information is huge and, unfortunately, all of it does not have time to be sorted out. The desire to take notes grows every time. Therefore, today about loosening and baking powder, and then how it goes. But ideally, it would be nice to deal with all the main processes and ingredients and put everything in one place, so that if you suddenly have amnesia, there is where to spy.


What happens if you bake dough for dumplings? Definitely not a soft bun and not even fluffy bread. Most likely a hard, hard cake that you bite off and bite off, but you can hardly chew it. On the other hand, bread is also kneaded with flour and water, but it turns out soft and porous. What's the secret? IN RAS-SHI-RE-NII!

The dough is similar in structure to a sponge - many small pores filled with air. Air enters the dough along with the sifted flour (namely, for this purpose we sift it), as well as in the process of beating (if we are talking about a cake) and mixing all the ingredients. In addition, bread cannot be baked without sourdough or yeast dough, along with which it gets into the dough carbon dioxide, product of fermentation/yeast fermentation.

As you know, under the influence of heat, all substances expand. Therefore, as soon as the bread begins to bake, the air and carbon dioxide already present in the dough begin to expand. At the same time, liquids also expand. But as soon as the temperature reaches the boiling point, liquids evaporate, transforming into steam. expanding air, carbon dioxide and steam are the three main loosening gases - press on the flexible walls of the pores to take up more volume. For example, steam occupies a volume of 1600 times!!! greater than the volume of water. And as long as the materials of the dough structure are stretched without tearing, the bread rises.

But what about shortbread or chopped dough? After all, sifting flour here is not necessary at all (but highly desirable!), yeast and other "producers" of carbon dioxide are not observed, and from the liquid - an egg and three drops of water.

In addition to gases in loosening the dough, far from the last role is played by fats and Sahara. When grinding butter with flour, fat particles envelop the flour particles, thereby depriving them of the ability to absorb water and form gluten. Also, sugar adsorbs some of the water, and also prevents the building of a strong gluten network.

Yes, we have figured out the process.


Yeast - living microorganisms, which, "eating" the sugar present in the dough, produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. In this case, alcohol is formed as much as carbon dioxide.The role of carbon dioxide is clear. But withthe alcohol expands and evaporates in the first minutes of baking, allowing the bread to rise quickly before a hard crust forms.

Baking soda - the most common baking powder. However, baking soda by itself does not loosen. Carbon dioxide loosens the dough, which is formed as a result of the reaction of soda with acid. Therefore, in order for soda to work, the dough must contain acid: yogurt, sour cream, kefir, buttermilk, fruits, fruit juices, vinegar, dark chocolate, cocoa, honey, brown sugar are all acidic foods. It should be borne in mind that all these ingredients tend to react with soda almost instantly. Therefore, if we always sift soda together with flour for better distribution, then it is best to introduce acidic products into the dough at the end of the kneading so as not to lose the released carbon dioxide even during the mixing process. You need to bake such a dough immediately after kneading.

And the answer to the question to extinguish or not to extinguish soda before adding it to the dough?", in my opinion, is already obvious - DO NOT EXTINGUISH!

baking powder or baking powder - a ready-made mixture of the same soda and acid. But at the same time, the amount of acid in the mixture is calculated so as to neutralize this amount of soda. Thus, using a baking powder, we can knead the dough, for example, in water or milk (any non-acidic liquid), realizing that the acid contained in the baking powder, getting into the dough, will dissolve in the existing liquid and react with soda . Well, then everything follows a familiar scenario: the carbon dioxide released as a result of the reaction expands when heated and loosens the dough.

Baking Powder Recipe:
mix 1 part baking soda, 1 part starch* and 2 parts citric acid.
* starch here protects the mixture from possible moisture during storage.
How to replace baking powder with soda and vice versa?

1 tsp baking powder contains 1/4 tsp. soda. But replacing one with another, we remember that soda will only work in the test, which contains acidic liquids. If the dough does not contain acidic products, then you cannot do without baking powder, and soda will not help us here.

How much baking powder/soda is required per serving of dough?
1 tsp baking powder = 1/4 tsp soda for every 125 grams of flour.

Which loosens faster: baking soda or baking powder?
Yes, baking soda and baking powder have different speeds of action. So soda, as soon as it is combined with acidic liquids, instantly reacts, and the dough very quickly, even when kneading, becomes airy. Therefore, by the way, it is not recommended to knead the dough on soda for a long time - they mixed it and rather bake it - otherwise, with a long kneading, all the carbon dioxide released will evaporate.

The action of the baking powder is slower: until the acid dissolves in the existing liquid, then reacts with soda, some time should pass. In addition, now the so-called baking powder is used in the production of baking powder. slow-acting acids: those that do not react with soda immediately, but after some time required to form the dough structure (coagulation of proteins and gelatinization of starch).

And finally, a question that arose when I baked lemon poppy seed muffins.

Why do they sometimes put both soda and baking powder in the dough?
Baking powder is understandable why - to loosen. In such cases, soda performs another task - it neutralizes excess acid. Indeed, in order to feel lemon in the taste of lemon muffins, we cannot do without adding lemon juice. At the same time, we risk getting a product with a sour taste at the exit. So, to avoid this, they add soda, which neutralizes this acid.

Original message My_cookbook
Thank you! I'll try!

I found the recipe in my old notes yeast dough called "Air", which at first glance combines incompatible - yeast and soda. I rummaged through books and walked through the expanses of the Internet, read reviews and discussions on this topic. I learned that no one knows how these two components work together, but in Hungarian cuisine this combination is traditional. And according to this, I concluded that until you try it, you won’t understand anything (it’s not for nothing that I once wrote down the recipe). I made it once and the dough turned out just a fairy tale!
It's with apples.

Thought it might just be a coincidence, lucky? Yesterday I made the dough again and baked pies out of it. The result exceeded all my expectations - pies are airy, soft, tender - SUCCESSFUL BAKING. Making the dough is easy and simple, it fits very quickly, literally in 30-40 minutes at room temperature and has no yeast or soda flavor.

Yeast dough with the addition of soda "Air"

It will take
2 tbsp milk, 200 g margarine, 3 tbsp sunflower oil odorless, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of baking powder or 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs + 1 egg for lubrication, 1 kg 50 gr - 1 kg 200 gr flour or if on glasses (250 gr), then 6.5 - 7.5 glasses.

It is better to sift flour for dough to get rid of solid impurities and saturate it with air, so that the dough will become more airy and fluffy.
The amount of flour needed to knead the dough depends on the quality of the flour. The best flour is high in gluten. For this reason, the recipe does not contain exact data on the required amount of flour.

Cooking method
Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add eggs, salt, sugar, melted warm margarine and mix everything well. To the resulting mass, add half the flour mixed with soda (not slaked) or baking powder, mix well, then add two tablespoons of sunflower oil and add the rest of the flour little by little, stirring well. The dough should be elastic and homogeneous, but it still sticks to the hands. Pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil onto the dough and knead it again, just a little so that it does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a film or a napkin and leave for 30-40 minutes.

If the dough has risen, but the filling is not yet ready, the dough should be kneaded, covered again with a film and set aside.
When everything is ready, you can start sculpting pies,

As soon as they come up, gently brush them with egg. And so that the pies turn out to be more beautiful and shine better, brush with an egg again.
I really regret that I didn’t write about the temperature regime earlier and because of this, not everyone got pies, but better late than never
Bake pies at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes, until golden brown. The baking time depends on the oven. If the pies are browned on top and pale on the bottom, then cover them with a sheet of paper and continue baking until the bottom of the pies is ready.

Any filling for pies will do. But I liked the non-sweet one more with this test.

Since, for my taste, for sweet pastries, the dough should be more rich. But as you know - there are no comrades for the taste and color.
For the sake of the experiment, I also baked sweets,

So my sweet pies with raspberry jam were not stale, they were swept away on the same day.

I will be very glad if my dough is to your taste - dear Moms!
Happy drinking and happy baking!