Desserts      02/24/2022

Chocolate moonshine. Homemade chocolate cognac is a dessert liqueur. Quick milk chocolate liqueur

Drink made from this original recipe, will especially appeal to those who like to drink cognac with lemon and chocolate. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 liters of vodka (3 bottles);

  • 100 g dark chocolate;

  • 3 cups sugar;

  • 0.5 glasses of water;

  • 0.5 packets of vanilla sugar.

To prepare cognac in, you need to prepare the chocolate: break it into small pieces or grate it coarse grater, then melt in a water bath. Once all the pieces have melted, carefully pour in the vodka and add the vanilla sugar. Mix the ingredients well, remove from heat and let cool slightly, then pour into a glass jar or bottle, close with a lid and refrigerate.

Shake the jar every day, and after 7 days prepare a syrup from sugar and water and add it to the chocolate drink. Leave the cognac in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, then strain through a sieve and bottle.

Homemade cognac with prunes and oak bark

This homemade noble drink is not inferior in taste to expensive store-bought ones. The most important thing when preparing it is to prevent the liquid from boiling. To do it, you will need:

  • 3 liters of vodka;

  • 1 tsp oak bark;

  • 1 tsp Sahara;

  • 1 tsp instant coffee;

  • 1 tsp tea leaves;

  • 0.5 tsp soda;

  • 3 black peppercorns;

  • 5 pcs. raisins;

  • 2 bay leaves;

  • 1 piece prunes;

  • 4 coriander seeds;

  • 2 buds of cloves.

Put all the ingredients into a saucepan, crush the coriander first, and pour in vodka. Place the pan on the fire and cover tightly with a lid and wait until the liquid is close to boiling, immediately turn off the heat. To prepare delicious cognac, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not boil under any circumstances. When the drink has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth folded in two layers, then pour into bottles.

Homemade cognac with orange zest

To enjoy the unique taste of homemade cognac prepared according to this recipe, it must be aged for at least 14 days. To produce the drink you will need:

  • 3 liters of vodka;

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;

  • 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon;

  • 1 orange (you only need the zest);

  • 4 buds of cloves;

  • 0.5 coffee spoon of vanillin;

  • 1 tbsp. black leaf tea without additives;

  • 10 black peppercorns.

The orange needs to be washed well, cut off the zest and grate it on a fine grater. Place at the bottom of a glass jar orange zest, tea, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and vanillin. Fill the container with vodka and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon, seal with a lid and place in a dark place. After 3 weeks, strain the mixture through two layers of cheesecloth and bottle the noble drink.

In the Russian culture of drinking alcohol, certain traditional combinations have developed that sometimes surprise the whole world. A lot of controversy surrounds cognac, a drink that has become fashionable in our country relatively recently. Our compatriots often reproach such classic combinations for us as cognac - lemon, cognac - chocolate. Although, if we delve deeper into history, it was not at all our idea to snack on cognac with chocolate.

This story is much older. Back in the 17th century, this combination was appreciated and popularized by the French king Louis XIV. Having tasted traditional cognac from a chocolate bowl given to him, the sun king appreciated the new taste qualities of the familiar drink. Therefore, if real experts make a remark to you when using them together, feel free to cite this historical fact as an example.

True, following the behests of the French monarch is much more difficult today. The alcohol market is flooded with a large number of dubious emulsions and concentrates called “Chocolate cognac”. The only way to protect yourself from counterfeits is self-cooking favorite drink.

Chocolate cognac with alcohol

By spending more time making a cognac drink, you can save some money on the original products. In this case, you can replace the finished cognac with alcohol or moonshine (preferably grape). The cooking technology will change somewhat and the composition, accordingly, too. We will try to compensate for the oak notes that appear only with proper aging by adding oak pegs, or in extreme cases, just bark. Sawdust should not be used due to the large amount of tannins it contains. So, in order to make chocolate-flavored cognac, a novice gourmet will need:

  • alcohol or moonshine - 1.5 liters;
  • dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 3 cups;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • oak bark or oak pegs - 200 grams.

Melt the chocolate, as in the previous recipe, in a water bath. Without allowing the resulting chocolate sauce to boil, pour alcohol into it and add vanillin. Mix everything and warm it up a little. Then, after cooling to room temperature, pour into a container for further storage. Pre-prepared oak pegs or, in their absence, bark are also placed in a container with infused alcohol. It must be kept in a cool place for two weeks. Every couple of days the mixture is shaken for better interaction between alcohol and chocolate. After this period, you need to add syrup from water and sugar to the prepared drink. After thorough mixing, put the container back in a cool place. Minimum infusion period: 3 - 6 days. Maximum - up to two years. Of course, longer infusion will allow you to get a brighter and more characteristic taste.

Incorrigible sweet tooths and gourmets can also add prunes to the drink for greater effect. This must be done at the infusion stage.

3 in 1: cognac, chocolate, coffee

You can consume the finished drink in several ways. The simplest, of course, is in pure form as a dessert liqueur for digestifs. If a high degree is still scary, there are many variations for dilution. It will be especially interesting when mixed with warm drinks. Knowing that exposure to heat maximizes the hidden aroma, you can add it to tea or coffee.

At the beginning of the 15th century in Rus', a wonderful drink called moonshine became widespread. Many years have passed since then, but he was persecuted and continues to be persecuted to this day. The mash tincture is heated and boiled for a long time, as a result, alcohol vapors begin to be released, and moonshine is obtained. Sugar, apples, currants, pears, fruit and berry jam are usually used as mash. We offer to prepare an unusual moonshine from chocolate candies, which has a wonderful aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. You don't even have to snack!

Moonshine with chocolate flavor

You can infuse moonshine from various sweets. Caramel and chocolate are perfect. All these candies contain a lot of sugar, so they are great for starting the fermentation process. We chose chocolates.


  • 3 kg. sweets;
  • 15 l. water;
  • 0.2 kg. pressed yeast.

Step-by-step moonshine recipe:

  1. We are preparing mash. To do this, remove all the candies from their wrappers. Grind them by hand or using a meat grinder.
  2. Place 15 liters of water to boil in a large container. The water has boiled - add the crushed raw materials, turn down the burner and cook until completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir as there is a risk of burning. The burnt taste cannot be removed.
  3. If you decide to make mash from different varieties sweets, then they should be dissolved separately, distributing the water evenly, and then mix the liquids. This point is very important, since different candies dissolve differently in time.
  4. Wait for the mixture to cool to 30 degrees and pour into the prepared container. Do not pour it to the very edges, leave some space - foam will soon form.
  5. Dissolve the yeast according to the instructions. Place them in a container filled with mash. Mix thoroughly. It is not necessary to close the lid tightly; it is better to wear a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers with a needle. This stage is reminiscent of the procedure for preparing liqueurs.
  6. Store the mash in a dark room at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.
  7. The mash will be ready in 10-14 days. If the glove is deflated and sediment is deposited at the bottom, it’s time to throw it away.
  8. Sometimes an oily layer appears on the surface. Be sure to remove it, it will only ruin the process.
  9. Pour over ready-made mash directly to moonshine still, do this carefully, being careful not to mix the sediment and liquid. Strain through a layer of cotton gauze.
  10. Start the distillation. Remove the first half liter (the so-called “heads”) for household needs.
  11. Use a spirit meter to measure the strength of the drink. As soon as it reaches 30 degrees, complete the process.

If moonshine infused with chocolate turns out to be very strong, dilute it with water. Have a nice time!

Chocolate moonshine

The chocolate strong entertainment drink gained great popularity in the Soviet Union, when rural shops had a lot of wasted, spoiled and cheap candies. The people adapted and began to benefit from the current situation. It is undesirable to add marmalade, since its production uses a natural thickener, pectin, which, as a result of fermentation, decomposes to methane, a very dangerous element for health. Never add cookies, they contain a lot of starch and soda, which will ruin your entire moonshine business.


  • 2 kg. sweets;
  • 20 l. water;
  • 0.3 kg. pressed yeast.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Warm up the water. Place crushed candies in it.
  2. Wait until completely dissolved, remove from heat.
  3. Propagate yeast according to instructions. Add them to the main mass.
  4. Pour the mash into a large container, but do not fill the container, as there should be room for the foam that forms during the fermentation process.
  5. Seal the container and place in a warm room.
  6. Start moving in a week.
  7. The output can be up to 5 liters of pure moonshine. Be sure to filter the drink.
  8. Take cotton wool and gauze, make a thick layer of them, add 2 tablespoons of activated carbon. Skip the liquid.

Decide to experiment and make a real mix: combine chocolate, caramel, and halva in a mash. Refined taste is guaranteed.

Second stage

In moonshine brewing, sometimes they resort to a second distillation, that is, the drink is distilled from the moonshine of the first output. What is this for? First of all, to improve the quality of the product, it turns out softer, more pleasant, stronger and cleaner. How to make double chocolate moonshine?

Step by step recipe:

  1. Dilute the strong drink with cool water, bringing the total degree to 30.

Is it possible to distill without resorting to dilution? Of course, it is possible, but two points should be taken into account: strong liquid contains a lot of alcohol, so the moonshine still can catch fire; As a result, you will receive a small volume of products.

  1. Clear the first run. To cleanse, use potassium permanganate, activated carbon or baking soda with salt. For example, when using the latter components, it is enough to put one tablespoon of salt and soda into the moonshine and leave for two hours. All that remains is to filter. Use a water filter or medical gauze folded in multiple layers.
  2. The final stage is the distillation of filtered products. Don’t forget to divide the drink into three parts: the head (the first 10%, only for household needs), the body (the main part), and the tail (the remaining 10%, the strength of which is less than 40 degrees). The head has an unpleasant odor, the tail can be added to a new mash (circled).
  3. Double-distilled chocolate moonshine is reminiscent of elite brandy varieties in taste.

Got some candy left over and don't feel like throwing it away? Don't despair. Now you know great recipes moonshine made from chocolate. Insisting mash on chocolates, you can get not only a strong, pure, but also an incredibly aromatic and intoxicating drink. Before drinking, it is advisable to keep fresh moonshine for several days.

Among the variety of alcoholic drinks, there are those that seem to be specially created so that two lovers can celebrate a meeting, the twentieth anniversary of family life or a golden wedding. Probably the leader in the “romantic” list is “Chocolate Mountain” cognac.

Have you tried it yet? So now is the time. Experienced by many Romeos and Juliets of all ages: chocolate cognac greatly strengthens relationships.

Easy recipes at home

Before you start production original drink called “Chocolate Mountain cognac”, go to ... a hardware store. Surprised? In fact, there is nothing strange here: at this outlet you need to purchase oak pegs.

They will come in handy when the future home goes into the final stage of preparation - infusion. The blocks will play the role in which the real one withstands strong alcohol in France.

We'll also prepare:

  • or alcohol (one and a half liters);
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 3 cups granulated sugar;
  • vanillin (natural flavoring) on ​​the tip of the knife;
  • water (1.5 l).

First stage: melt the chocolate in a water bath. To make it work delicious chocolate with cognac, do not bring the thick aromatic mixture to a boil: melt on low heat.

Melting confectionery, sprinkle vanillin into it and pour in the alcohol-containing liquid chosen for this recipe.

We heat it up, pour everything into a jar into which oak pegs have been previously poured. We age the future chocolate cognac at home 2 weeks in the dark. Don't forget to shake periodically.

Next, cook the syrup from water and sugar. Add to our mixture, mix until a homogeneous mass is formed and leave in a cool place for 6 days. The chocolate cognac is almost ready. As you can see, there are no preservatives, no flavors - everything is only healthy and pleasant!

If you wish, you can taste the work in a week. But it’s better to wait: the aged cognac drink becomes even tastier.

Second recipe involves the use of an additional ingredient - milk.

This cognac can be made from moonshine or with a strength of 40º. For 200 g of dark chocolate you will need 4.5 liters of alcohol. In addition, the recipe provides:

  • milk (2 glasses);
  • sugar (6 glasses);
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of water.

After grating the bitter delicacy, warm it in a water bath and let it melt. Fill the mixture with vodka and add vanillin.

Mix. Pour into a glass jar, which we remove in the refrigerator for 5 days.

When is chocolate cognac irreplaceable?

Undoubtedly, at a romantic evening the drink will play the role of “king of the table”. Serve it to the table at wide tulip glasses. Your meeting will be royally luxurious and beautiful.

It’s not for nothing that we mentioned kings here: Louis XIV, who was once served the drink in a chocolate glass, can be considered the inventor of such cognac.

His Majesty liked it! Over the centuries, the digestif has not lost its popularity.

His you can drink without any snacks– he himself is both alcohol and delicacy.

Try nectar on other occasions that are far from romantic, for example, when you have a cold, are tired, or simply don’t feel well. Cognac:

  • will warm;
  • will have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tones;
  • will reduce pressure.

In the latter case, be careful: you will achieve your goal - reductions blood pressure - only if you drink no more than 30 g. In this dose, strong alcohol helps dilate blood vessels and relieve spasms. Exceed the dose and you will provoke a sharp rise in blood pressure.

After a hard week of work, add a spoonful of sweet drink in black tea. Your mood will immediately improve!

We've shared a couple of romantic drink recipes we know. If you prepare it differently, tell us what ingredients you mix and in what proportions. We will try the “royal nectar” according to your recommendations.

And a final note from us: do not snack on homemade chocolate cognac. Drink in small sips, prolonging the pleasure and experiencing a unique aftertaste. May everything be covered in chocolate!

Real strong alcoholic drinkcognac came from France, is produced from traditional cognac grape varieties and is named after the city of Cognac, to which it owes its appearance. Chocolate cognac, rather, refers to cognac liqueurs, and combining cognac with chocolate in different types The French also came up with it. Moreover, this is not a chocolate-flavored cognac drink, which can be quickly prepared by adding the appropriate aromatic additive, but a real tincture with an amazing taste and beneficial properties. It’s worth learning more about how to prepare such an alcoholic drink and a delicacy at the same time, and even save money.

Cognac with bitter or milk chocolate– the combination is, at first glance, unusual. However, there are connoisseurs of this drink not only among gourmets. Choosing chocolate to prepare good quality, preferably bitter or black with a high content of cocoa beans, without additives. The recipe uses chocolate chips(grated chocolate).
Cognac with chocolate as a snack festive table has nothing in common with an aged drink, which is perceived completely differently. Homemade chocolate cognac will add zest to your romantic dinner, will appeal to women and gourmets. Prepared from pre-prepared products without adding any flavorings.

How to make chocolate cognac at home

It would be logical to prepare such a drink using real expensive cognac. However, it is more pleasant to drink such an alcoholic drink in its pure form. It is also not recommended to use a cheap product due to the possible low quality. Making your own cognac at home with an exquisite chocolate taste is no less a pleasure than tasting it. Delicious and useful tincture prepared in several ways.

Cognac chocolate for any occasion

Cognac at home is not prepared quickly. It is recommended to prepare:

  • Vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine – 1.5 l.
  • Black/dark chocolate 100 g (1 bar).
  • Sugar - 3 cups.
  • Vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon.
  • Purified water (filtered) - 1.5 cups.
  • Oak bark (pharmaceutical) - 200 g.

Crushed (grated) chocolate is heated in a water bath, it is important not to overheat, bring to a thick mass, and turn off. While stirring, slowly pour alcohol into the warm mass and add vanillin.

Sugar should be mixed with water and dissolved without heating too much to form a warm syrup.

The syrup is poured into the chocolate mass and mixed.

Not all fans homemade alcoholic beverages, there is an oak barrel in the arsenal. If there is none, pour oak bark into the prepared glass container. Oak pegs, cut yourself or purchased at a building materials store, will give less sediment in the prepared drink. Wash the pegs thoroughly and scald with boiling water. They will add tannic notes to the taste. However, only special oak barrels will provide real oak tannins with all the accompanying elements. Leave for two weeks in a cool place. Can be aged for about two years. Every two to three days the container is shaken. Expected strength 25-30 degrees. Strain before use.

Cooking methods may depend on taste preferences. For those who like moderately sweet drinks, sugar syrup may not be added. Those with a sweet tooth can add dried fruits and cinnamon to the composition.

This drink will adequately complete the feast as a digestif. It will invigorate you after a long day of work, warm you up in frosty weather, and keep up the conversation in any company. At a dosage of no more than 30 g per day, it lowers blood pressure.

Cognac with milk chocolate

The secret is not adding milk chocolate. In this composition additional ingredient is milk (fat percentage is low).

To prepare, you need to replace the water in the already known recipe with 1.5 cups of milk. Leave in a cool place (refrigerator) for 5-7 days. It has more delicate and soft properties and will appeal to women. Served chilled. The aging period is minimal; it is usually consumed after infusion due to the milk content in the drink.

The dessert drink is drunk slowly, enjoying every sip. Pairs well with citrus fruits, bananas and nuts. The evening will be pleasant and the mood will be chocolate.