Second courses      03/15/2024

Sugar syrup preparation, honey syrup. Oak barrels How to make honey and onion cough syrup

Honey is a product whose medicinal properties have been known for a very long time. Its benefit lies in its high nutritional and energy value. It contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements needed by the body: iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iodine and much more.

Honey consists of fructose and glucose and begins to be absorbed immediately after consumption. The antioxidants contained in it slow down the aging of cells in the human body.

To prevent the sweet delicacy from losing its healing properties, it must be stored correctly. Tueskas, tubs and honey pots are best suited for this - cooper's containers made from environmentally friendly linden wood. In it, the product will retain its original aroma, taste and freshness.

Honey is used very widely in cooking. It is added to baked goods, cereals, puddings and desserts. You can also use it to prepare a syrup, without which not a single recipe for gingerbread, gingerbread and baklava is complete. Making this delicacy at home is not difficult, you just need to follow the recipe exactly.

Honey syrup


  • Honey: 1 glass;
  • Water: 1 glass.

Mix honey with water, cook over low heat for half an hour, and then cool.

There are many options for using this syrup; you will learn about the most interesting recipes based on it below.

Eggplant appetizer


  • Eggplants: 1 kg;
  • Juice of 2 lemons;
  • Carnation: 5 buds;
  • Honey syrup: 700 ml.

Peel the eggplants, pierce them and place in a saucepan. Pour water with lemon juice and leave for 12 hours to remove bitterness.

After the time has passed, boil the vegetables in the same liquid until soft, and then drain in a colander.

Place the eggplants in honey syrup along with cloves, place on the stove and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and leave overnight.

The next day, cook the vegetables until the syrup thickens, then put them in jars. Store the snack in the refrigerator. Slice before serving.

Chak-Chak in honey syrup


  • Wheat flour: 500 g;
  • Egg: 3 pcs.;
  • Milk: 100 ml;
  • Sugar: 25 g;
  • Salt: 5 g;
  • Ghee: 200 g;
  • Honey syrup: 500 ml.

Chak-Chak is a national Tatar dish that belongs to the category of dessert.

Place flour in a heap on the table and make a well in the center. Pour milk, eggs into it, add sugar, salt and knead the dough. Then divide it into thin strands. Form them into balls and fry in a cauldron until golden brown. Stir them continuously to prevent them from burning.

Place Chak-Chak on a plate and pour honey syrup on top. Serve chilled.

Donuts in honey syrup

A very simple honey syrup recipe step by step with photos.

A sweet, aromatic and very healthy syrup that will come in handy when baking baklava, gingerbread and gingerbread. This syrup can be poured over porridge and pancakes, puddings and berries.

Number of servings: 1

  • National cuisine: Home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Desserts, Syrup
  • Recipe difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 min
  • Number of servings: 1 serving
  • Calorie Amount: 229 kilocalories

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Honey - 1 Glass
  • Water - 1 Glass
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon

Step by step

  1. Honey syrup is both tasty and healthy. In the East, many confectionery products are prepared based on honey or with its addition. The famous baklava and chak-chak - we have all tried these delicious oriental sweets. In Russian cuisine, honey syrup is also used quite often. My children kick honey when I give it to them when they have a cold. But donuts in honey syrup, gingerbread cookies and honey gingerbread are devoured by dear souls. The recipe for making honey syrup is very simple. I make my own recipe.
  2. Mix honey and water in a saucepan.
  3. Place on the stove and, heating, stir until the honey dissolves.
  4. At the end, add a spoonful of lemon juice, stir and remove from heat.
  5. Our syrup is ready. The main thing is not to let the syrup boil, because boiling kills a lot of useful things in honey. Delicious desserts to you!

Honey has been used for medicinal purposes since time immemorial, and today honey is one of the best . Honey contains antimicrobial agents that can fight viruses, bacteria and fungi, and honey also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Everyone knows one of the most common reasons for consuming honey - . For the interested reader, I will give several folk recipes for making homemade medicine for cough and bronchitis.

Honey Lemon Cough Syrup Recipe.

Honey-lemon syrup is the most common cough remedy. The syrup is easy to prepare and perfectly soothes a sore throat and helps with cough.

Lemon has always enjoyed fame as a source of vitamins and health.

Take 450 grams of honey and melt it in a water bath (not higher than 60-70˚C).
Place a whole lemon in a container of boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes or until softened.
Then we take out the lemon, after a little time (so that it cools) we cut it into 4 parts. Place lemon slices in honey.
Simmer over low heat (in a water bath!) for about an hour.
Remove lemon and seeds from syrup.
Cool the mixture and place in an airtight container.

Store in the refrigerator for up to two months
Use. Adults take 1 tablespoon of cough syrup, children - 1 teaspoon, and small children (under 5 years old) ½ teaspoon. The syrup can be taken four times a day or as needed. Attention: Do not give honey to children under 2 years of age.

Anise with honey cough syrup recipe.

Anise is commonly used to treat coughs, bronchitis and asthma. Recent scientific studies confirm the ability of anise to cleanse the bronchi from mucus congestion.

Anise cough syrup is prepared as follows. Grind 1 teaspoon of anise seeds in a mortar.
Pour the ground anise seed into 1½ cups of boiling water and give it about half an hour for the fraction to settle.
Then put it on low heat and simmer (simmer) for 1 hour or until you have about 1 cup left.
Give a little time for the broth to cool, add 2 cups of honey and mix well.
Place the cough syrup in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Use. Take cough syrup for adults - 1 tablespoon, for children - 1 teaspoon, and for small children (under 5 years old) - ½ teaspoon. The syrup can be taken four times a day or as needed.

Recipe for cough syrup “Shandra with honey”.

Horehound (horsemint) has long been used in folk medicine to treat coughs and colds. Horehound has an expectorant effect, which loosens phlegm.

Horehound (Lamiaceae family) is a medicinal plant. Common names: marsh bylitsa, horsemint, shanta, white horehound.

The recipe for horehound cough syrup is quite simple.
Take 25-30 grams of dry horehound leaves and pour 450 grams. boiling water
Let it sit for 10 minutes.
After which the infusion should be strained (remove the leaves).
Then combine one part of this infusion with two parts of honey and mix thoroughly.
Pour the prepared cough syrup into a tightly sealed container and store in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Use. Adults take 1 tablespoon of cough syrup, children - 1 teaspoon, and small children (under 5 years old) ½ teaspoon. Cough syrup can be taken four times a day or as needed.

How to make honey and onion cough syrup?

Another great recipe for natural and effective cough syrup. It is non-allergenic and excellent for coughs, especially the troublesome children's night cough. The recipe is surprisingly extremely simple.

Regular onion.

Ingredients: 1 large onion (brown or red) and honey.

Instructions: Peel and finely chop the onion. Place the onion tightly in a small vessel with a lid (preferably glass, enamel, etc.). Pour honey over the onion (if your honey is crystallized, dissolve it in a water bath) without greatly exceeding the volume of the onion. Cover with a lid and let it brew. The onion will become dry, remove its remains.
Store syrup in the refrigerator.

Take depending on the severity of the cough.
The usual dose is 1 tablespoon for children under 6 years of age and 2 tablespoons for children 6 years of age and older. Attention:n Do not give this mixture to children under 1 year of age.

Syrups are usually prepared for the “runny nose season.” I hope honey cough syrups help you get rid of your cold.

Don't cough! Be healthy!

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In order to be in good shape and have good health, you need to eat not only tasty foods, but also healthy ones. And there are more useful substances in natural products. Nowadays, finding a completely natural product is somewhat problematic.

What is honey syrup and what does it consist of?

In this article we will talk about a truly natural product - honey syrup. Syrups come from distant France, but they were first invented and cooked by the Arabs. If we translate the word “syrup”, we literally get “drink”.

Syrup is a concentrated solution of sugar, usually in some kind of fruit juice. Honey syrup is especially popular. From natural honey, the syrup is transparent and viscous.

The basis of honey syrup is. Bee honey contains a lot of sugars, so people suffering from diabetes should use this product with caution.

To prepare honey syrup you will need natural honey, sugar, and clean water.

Natural bee honey has high energy and nutritional value. The resulting drink is used as a sauce in cooking. It is often used to prepare various cocktails. Thanks to honey syrup, you can emphasize the piquant taste of products and focus attention on them.

Honey syrup for pancakes

This product is also very popular in home cooking; pancake lovers will especially like it; its delicate, pleasant taste will not leave anyone indifferent. Read the recipe for this wonderful product below. And, of course, honey syrup is used in confectionery.

Honey syrup is often combined with alcoholic drinks. Honey syrup is added to vodka, orange juice, lemon juice, etc. Spices are often used additionally: ginger and cinnamon.

As practice has shown, you just need to prepare honey syrup, and you will find a use for it very quickly. So it is used for baking baklava, gingerbread and honey gingerbread. This sweetness can be poured over porridges, puddings and pancakes. Don't forget about such dessert as ice cream.

Almost all oriental spices are prepared using honey syrup. But domestic cuisine is unthinkable without this sweet drink. Those who often spoil their loved ones with donuts know that they taste much better with honey syrup. To prepare honey syrup you will need few ingredients and even less time.

Pure water is poured into the pan and natural honey is placed. Proportions 1/1. Stir the liquid over moderate heat until the honey melts. A minute before readiness, pour one tablespoon of honey into the syrup. It is imperative to ensure that the syrup does not boil, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost twice as much.

Honey feed for feeding bees recipe

Honey syrup has not been ignored in beekeeping either. He was given a specific name - honey satiation. This is the same a solution of water and honey, only in different ratios. To obtain honey satiety, simply dilute natural honey in already cooled boiled water. Achieve complete dissolution of honey crystals if the honey has already crystallized. The resulting honey syrup is poured into bee feeders. Honey satiety can be liquid, medium or thick in consistency.

For different consistencies Different amounts of honey are required. So for liquid honey you need to take half the amount of honey and water. To obtain average honey satiety, take equal parts of water and honey. It will take four times as much water to get a thick, honey-rich honey.

The bees are fed thick honey so that they can replenish their food reserves. For the purpose of stimulating feeding, the bees are fed medium-thick, full food. Liquid honey is used to sprinkle bees during the union of bee families.

As a rule, the time comes before their cleansing flight. Since the bees' intestines are already clogged by this time, it is recommended to use only syrup, without seasoning it with additives or pollen.

How to do without sugar syrup to feed bees?

In the apiary you can do without using sugar syrup, even for medicinal fertilizers. It is clear that many people do not want to use honey syrups for economic reasons. You can do it wisely. To do this, you can use the remaining honey after pumping it out of the frames. The honey remains on the cast, even if you try to clean it off.

When the beam is reheated in a wax furnace, honey comes out along with steam and condensate. It is this mixture that can then be used to obtain honey satiety. You just need to keep the wax melter on low heat, and not boil it too much.

Such honey syrup can be rolled up with iron lids and placed in a cool cellar, and, if necessary, the crust can be used. Such a honey product will not ferment in the cellar. In addition, if you need to add various drugs that have a smell, this honey will cover them up.

How to Make Honey Lemon Syrup for Baking

A very popular recipe for honey syrup for baking is the following:

Recipe: Take 6 tablespoons of fresh, high-quality honey, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and about 10 mint leaves. To prepare this syrup, you need to pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into a bowl. Then mix it with honey and crushed mint leaves. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

Then move our honey syrup into a dark-colored vessel so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Let the mixture sit for some time, and very soon you will get the desired honey syrup for baking. It is very tasty, and also healthy for our body.

With this syrup you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes: donuts in honey syrup, Chuck-Chuck in syrup, eggplant appetizer, etc.