Snacks      02/23/2024

Wheat cereal. Wheat groats - benefits and harm to the body, recipes for cooking dishes and porridge with photos Wheat porridge with milk

GOST 276-60

Group H34



(Poltava, "Artek")


Wheat groats (Poltavskaya, "Artek"). Specifications

MKS 67.060
OKP 92 9471, 92 9472

Date of introduction 1960-04-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Grain Products

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR 02.26.60

Change No. 4 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 9 of 04/12/96)

The following voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Azerbaijan Republic


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3. INSTEAD GOST 276-51


Item number

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 3-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 5-6-93)

6. EDITION (May 2010) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in December 1985, December 1987, January 1991, August 1996 (IUS 4-86, 2 -88, 5-91, 11-96)

This standard applies to wheat cereals obtained from the processing of durum wheat (Durum).

Mandatory requirements for wheat cereals, aimed at ensuring its safety for the life and health of the population, are set out in clause 4, table 3 (indicators: mineral impurity, harmful impurity, spoiled kernels, metallomagnetic impurity, pest infestation) and clause 4a.

Section 1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).



2. Wheat cereals must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological rules approved in the prescribed manner.

Depending on the processing method and the size of the grains, wheat groats are divided into types and numbers indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

1. Poltavskaya

1 large

2 and 3 average

4 small

2. "Artek"

Wheat cereals must be produced from durum wheat of classes 1, 2 and 3. It is allowed to use durum non-grade wheat, the presence of impurities in which should not be more than:

impurities - 2.0%, including spoiled grains - 0.2%;

grain impurities - 5.0%, including sprouted grains - 3.0%;

wheat grains of other types - no more than 15%, including soft white wheat in durum wheat of the 3rd class - no more than 8% and non-grade wheat - 10%.

Wheat groats must be produced from supplied durum wheat that meets the requirements of classes 1-4 according to GOST 9353*.

* GOST R 52554-2006 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

3. The characteristics of the types of wheat cereals must correspond to those indicated in Table 2.

Table 2


1. Poltavskaya

Cereal N 1 - wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats, polished, elongated with rounded ends.

Cereal N 2 - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the embryo and partially from the fruit and seed coats, polished, oval in shape with rounded ends.

Cereals No. 3 and 4 are particles of crushed wheat grain of various sizes, completely freed from the embryo and partially from the fruit and seed coats. The grain particles are round in shape and polished.

2. "Artek"

Particles of finely crushed wheat grain, freed completely from the embryo and partially from the fruit and seed coats. The grain particles are polished.

4. Wheat cereal of all types and numbers must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicator name


2. Smell

Characteristic of wheat cereals, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy

Characteristic of wheat cereals, without extraneous flavors, not sour, not bitter

4. Humidity in%, no more

5. Benign core in %, not less

6. Weed impurity in%, no more


a) mineral impurity, no more

b) harmful impurity, no more, of which bitter

creeping, multi-colored knitting elm, no more

c) cockle, no more

7. Damaged kernels in%, no more

8. Processed grains of rye and barley in%, no more

9. Pest infestation of grain stocks

Not allowed

10. An admixture of seeds of heliotrope pubescent and trichodesma gray

Not allowed

11. Metallomagnetic impurity per 1 kg of cereal, mg, no more

Note. The size of individual particles of a metallomagnetic impurity in the largest linear dimension should not exceed 0.3 mm, and the mass of its individual particles should not exceed 0.4 mg.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4a. The content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides in cereals should not exceed the permissible levels established by medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products* of the USSR Ministry of Health.
* SanPiN applies on the territory of the Russian Federation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

5. The size characteristics of wheat cereals must correspond to those indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Type and number of cereal

Diameter of holes in mm of two adjacent sieves

Number of passage and exit of two adjacent sieves, %, not less

to determine



large N 1

average N 2

average N 3

fine N 4



1. For Poltava grains No. 2, 3, 4 and for Artek grains, the presence of uncrushed wheat grains is not allowed.

2. For Artek cereals, the drainage is installed on a wire mesh sieve No. 0636.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 4).

6. Impurities in wheat cereal of all types and numbers include those indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Impurity name


1. Weed impurity:

a) mineral impurity

Sand, ore, pebbles, particles of earth, emery and slag

b) organic impurity

Particles of flower films, stems, ears, weed shells

c) harmful impurity

Smut, ergot, creeping bitterweed, multi-colored kibble, thermopsis lanceolata (mouse grass)

d) weed seeds

Seeds of all wild and cultivated plants

Processed rye and barley grains over 3%

Unprocessed wheat grains - not rounded, not polished, with part of the germ present

d) cockle

Cockle seeds

2. Damaged kernels

Rotten, moldy, charred and all other grains with clearly changed (spoiled) endosperm color

3. Muchka

Passage through wire mesh sieve N 063

Note. Processed grains of rye and barley are considered to be grains of these crops that have undergone technological processing together with the main crop - wheat, freed from the embryo and flower films (barley) and partially from the fruit and seed coats.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 4).


7. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26312.1.

Section IIa. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

7a. Each batch of cereal must be accompanied by a certificate confirming the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3).

.Section IV. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Wheat processing products. Pasta.
Technical conditions. Analysis methods:
Collection of national standards. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010

Wheat groats, Poltavka or Poltava groats are groats made from durum wheat.

In Russia, two types of wheat cereals are produced from wheat - “Poltavskaya” and “Artek”. The first is whole purified grains or coarsely crushed grains (the grains are quite large). "Artek" is a finely crushed cereal. For meatballs, casseroles, viscous milk and liquid porridges, Artek is used. Porridge is also cooked from Poltava coarsely crushed cereals. And whole grains are used to season soups.

Before cooking, only Poltava grains are usually washed with water. The finely crushed one does not need to be washed, although some housewives wash both. It is believed that this improves the quality of the porridge. Usually, when water with cereal boils, foam forms on the surface, which it is advisable to remove. Before putting the cereal into water, it must be inspected for the presence of debris in order to remove pebbles, residues of cake, bran or other small objects.

In accordance with GOST 276-60 "Wheat groats (Poltava, Artek"). Technical conditions" 5 types of wheat groats are produced by size:

Wheat groats Poltava No. 1 large - wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, elongated with pointed ends.
Wheat groats Poltava No. 2 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, oval in shape with pointed ends.
Wheat groats Poltavskaya No. 3 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
Wheat groats Poltavskaya No. 4 small - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
Wheat groats "Artek" - particles of finely crushed, polished wheat grain, freed completely from the embryo and partially from the fruit and seed coats.
Wheat contains starch and other carbohydrates from 50 to 70%, it is rich in essential amino acids and protein. Wheat contains vegetable fats, fiber and a small amount of sugars.

Wheat contains important microelements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and PP. A high-quality product contains no less than 99.2% benign kernel. A distinctive feature of wheat cereal from other cereals is that it has a uniform consistency of almost all the elements of the cereal, which makes it very convenient to prepare, since all the grains are boiled at the same time.

Wheat porridge is considered a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Wheat cereal has good consumer qualities, high calorie content - 325 kcal per 100 g of product, and easy digestibility. Benefits and properties of wheat cereal Wheat cereal is especially valued for its general strengthening properties; it perfectly stimulates the immune system and is especially recommended for people who are professionally involved in heavy physical labor.

Wheat cereal is a natural source of energy for the human body, which makes it an indispensable product both in the daily diet and in dietary nutrition. Despite the fact that the popularity of this porridge has recently decreased significantly, and it has been replaced by pasta and potato dishes, wheat groats are still used to prepare various dishes. For example, not only tasty and healthy porridges are prepared from it, but also soups, casseroles, puddings and even meatballs. Dishes prepared from wheat cereals are regulators of fat metabolism, they improve the functioning of the digestive system and help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Wheat porridge will bring maximum benefit if consumed at breakfast; in this case, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day and feel full until lunch. Eating whole grain wheat products helps improve brain function and the cardiovascular system. Wheat normalizes digestion and cholesterol metabolism. Wheat products slow down the aging process, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Wheat porridge is also capable of removing toxins, toxic substances and excess fat, taken antibiotics, and precipitated salts of heavy metals from the body.

Recipe for two servings


1. One of the most important stages in preparing Poltava porridge is the choice of cereal. In order to get a tender, soft and crumbly porridge, you should give preference to medium-grinded cereal, since it does not form a lump during the cooking process. To save time on preparing cereals for cooking, you should buy a top quality product that does not contain unnecessary debris and spoiled kernels.

2. The second, but no less important stage in preparing Poltava porridge is preparing the cereal for cooking. To do this, place the cereal in a large container and fill it with water. When stirring, the grain settles to the bottom, and small debris that floats up needs to be caught.

3. The remaining cloudy water should be drained. Repeat the procedure several times until the water becomes clear. Pour the washed cereal with warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

4. Measure out the required amount of water and pour into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over high to medium heat.

5. Transfer the prepared cereal to a saucepan with boiling water.

6. When the porridge boils, you need to salt it and reduce the heat to minimum. The foam formed during the cooking process must be removed, as it contains remnants of husks and particles of debris.

Despite all the evil nightlife, we must not forget about healthy eating. Eight weeks, eight weeks... easy! After all, for the sake of health!

So, wheat cereal. It tastes a little like couscous grits to me. It costs twice as much if you take it purely economically. However, it takes a very long time to cook; it takes about an hour to cook. In principle, I don’t bother with “recipes” for making porridge: with water, without salt, spices - without anything.

Why it is useful or remarkable, we will now find out.

Essentially, wheat groats are crushed wheat grains, freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats, and polished. By and large - a useless refined product! But it's not that simple! And this cereal has undeniable benefits! The same consistency of almost all grain particles allows all grains to boil simultaneously, which means the porridge turns out tender and easily digestible, which is very useful for children and people with gastrointestinal problems. Wheat cereal dishes are considered the best breakfast: they not only charge the body with energy for most of the day, but also give you a feeling of fullness until lunch.

According to the method of processing durum wheat and the size of the grains, wheat groats are divided into: Poltava and “Artek”. In turn, Poltava groats, depending on the size, are divided into numbers: No. 1 (large), 2 and 3 (medium), 4 ( small). Artek cereals are not divided into numbers.

Wheat porridge is easily digestible in the body, it is indispensable for those who lead an active lifestyle, children and older people, pregnant women and nursing mothers. People with intense intellectual work or regular physical activity also need to systematically consume dishes made from wheat cereal. The fact is that this product has general strengthening properties and is an excellent natural source of energy for the human body.

Wheat cereal is especially good in the autumn-winter period, as it helps strengthen the immune system.

Wheat cereal is a storehouse of many healing substances. It contains various vegetable fats, proteins containing essential amino acids, starch and other types of carbohydrates (about 50-70%). This product also contains sugars in small quantities, in particular lactose, fructose, maltose, glucose and raffinose. In addition, wheat cereal is not deprived of minerals and vitamins: it is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, selenium, molybdenum, manganese, boron, silicon, etc., as well as vitamins E, F, PP, C, B6, B1 , B2. But the valuable complex of wheat cereals does not end there. In addition, it contains substances such as choline, carotene, biotin, niacin, folacin.

Eating dishes made from wheat cereals promotes improved activity of the cardiovascular system and brain, normalization of digestion and cholesterol metabolism. This product slows down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, with the help of wheat cereal, you can generally cleanse the body: it perfectly removes toxic substances, toxins, antibiotics taken, excess fat and even heavy metal salts from it. This product also helps to normalize the acid-base balance, increase potency and overall immunity, and compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Many nutritionists consider wheat porridge the best breakfast and strongly recommend eating it in the morning: such cereal food will charge you with colossal energy for most of the day and give you a feeling of fullness until lunch.

A seven-day diet on wheat porridge will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, which wheat groats are so rich in, and will also allow you to lose about 2-4 kilograms of excess weight and get rid of some fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Of course, for this, wheat porridge must be consumed during the diet without salt, sugar, spices, milk and butter. And besides porridge - fresh fruits and vegetables (except bananas and potatoes), low-fat fermented milk products, green tea with honey.

Cooking recipe: wheat grits - 1 cup, water - 2 cups. Cooking porridge is a mess. Do not add salt. You can add cinnamon and herbs. Divide the porridge into three meals.

Approximate daily diet:

Breakfast - a portion of porridge, an apple or an orange.

Lunch - a portion of porridge, vegetable lean soup or vegetable salad (do not add salt).

Afternoon snack - apple - 1 pc. or orange + yogurt or kefir. Dinner - a portion of porridge,

Before going to bed - kefir or fermented baked milk - 1 glass.


Individual intolerance, celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Even in ancient times, wheat porridge was considered one of the obligatory dishes on every table and even a symbol of abundance and prosperity. When cooked correctly, it has a delicate and airy texture. In addition, this cereal is very beneficial for the human body. You will learn about the healing properties and ways to cook wheat porridge below.

The benefits and harms of wheat porridge

There are many varieties of wheat itself, but in agriculture, only two types of cereal are more often used - soft and hard. The first one does not contain much gluten, so it is used for the production of flour. It is used in confectionery and bakery products. Durum wheat contains a lot of gluten, which is why it is used to make pasta and cereals. During the processing process, the grains are partially or completely freed from the shells and the germ, then polished. The result is wheat cereal. Otherwise it is called durum.

Dishes made from wheat cereals are considered suitable for dietary nutrition. Their calorie content is about 316 kcal per 100 g. Before cooking with such cereals, find out more about the benefits and harms of wheat porridge. It is especially valued for its general strengthening properties and the large amount of substances necessary for the human diet. Using recipes made from wheat cereal, you can feel its effect on yourself:

  • is a natural source of energy;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps with weight loss;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • helps to heal wounds faster;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • promotes the removal of antibiotics, toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • when consumed for breakfast, it fills you with energy for the whole day thanks to the slow carbohydrates in the composition;
  • saturates the body with fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins B, C and E, fatty acids, vegetable protein and amino acids.

Such porridge can only cause harm if there is low acidity of the stomach, individual intolerance and flatulence. You should not abuse it during pregnancy, because gas formation may increase. People who have recently undergone surgery to remove appendicitis should avoid eating wheat porridge. Since cereal contains a lot of starch, it is not suitable for people with diabetes or those prone to it.

Types, names of wheat cereals

Depending on the processing method, size and shape of grains, a classification of types and names of wheat grains is made. You can combine them into the following list:

  1. Artek. It consists of crushed grains, freed from the shell and germ and polished. Doesn't contain much useful fiber.
  2. Arnautka. The raw material for it is the durum wheat variety of the same name. The cereal will look like glassy grains. It is intended just for consumption in the form of porridge.
  3. Wheat flakes. Beans steamed and pressed. They are used not only for cooking porridge, but also for making desserts.
  4. Bulgur. This type of cereal is made from wheat that has not only been steamed, but also cleared of bran. The grains have an unusual nutty flavor.

Poltava groats are another variety. It is divided into 4 groups:

  1. Large, or No. 1. These grains are not pre-crushed; they are only polished, giving them an elongated shape with a pointed end. Visually they resemble pearl barley. Used as a seasoning for soup.
  2. Average, or No. 2. This type of grain is classified as crushed. Their shape is oval, but also with a pointed end. Most often used for porridge.
  3. Another average one, but this time #3. These crushed grains differ from No. 2 only in their rounded shape. Suitable for porridge or oven casserole.
  4. Small, or No. 4. This type of grain differs from the third number only in a smaller form. Ideal for porridge, cutlets or meatballs.

How to cook wheat porridge

Traditionally, there are several ways to cook wheat cereal. This is done with water, milk or broth. The dish will be nutritious if you cut meat or fish, eggs, vegetables or mushrooms into cubes, add salt and add bay leaf and ground pepper for taste. You can chop fresh herbs there too. Sweet porridge with fruits, dried fruits, honey or nuts is no less appetizing. There is such a dish as porridge mix, which includes a mixture of buckwheat, millet or rice. Instructions on how to cook wheat porridge are very simple:

  1. For 1 cup of cereal you will need to take 2 cups of water. The quantity may be different, but a proportion of 1:2 is required.
  2. Next, pour water over the cereal, after boiling, add salt and simmer the dish over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and season the porridge with butter.

Wheat cereal in a slow cooker

It’s even easier to cook porridge in a slow cooker. This device even has a special program. It’s called “Porridge”. It can be replaced with the “Pilaf” mode. Wheat cereals are cooked in a slow cooker using almost the same technology as in a saucepan:

  1. Take 100 g of cereal, rinse thoroughly, then put in a bowl and add hot water, then leave for half an hour.
  2. Next, you need to lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Then you can put the soaked grains into it, adding about 500 ml of milk or more water.
  3. Add sugar and salt to taste, cook for 35 minutes in the “Porridge” program, and when finished, leave in the “Warming” mode.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water

There are several simple secrets, using which you can cook wheat porridge in crumbly water. In this recipe, the grains should not be washed under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will not achieve the crumbling effect. Another important step is toasting the cereal. It leads to dextrinization of starch, which reduces the viscosity of the product, which is why it becomes crumbly. The process of preparing such porridge includes the following steps:

  1. Fry about 1 cup of grains in a dry frying pan until a pleasant nutty aroma appears.
  2. Next, pour it into already boiling water, add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Cook over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed.
  4. Fill with oil, cover the pan with something warm and let the porridge brew for about half an hour.

Do I need to wash wheat grains before cooking?

Finely crushed varieties may not be washed before cooking. Although some housewives still do not skip this stage, believing that this way they make the grains more beautiful and clean. Most recipes recommend washing wheat groats before cooking if it is Poltava. In addition, if you need crumbly porridge, then you shouldn’t skip this step either. In any case, when the water for the porridge begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam and debris from the surface.

Wheat porridge recipe

There are many recipes for wheat porridge with the addition of a variety of ingredients. It can be viscous, liquid or crumbly. In each case, only the proportions of cereal with water or milk change. If you haven’t had time to eat the porridge fresh, you can easily make hearty cutlets or meatballs out of it. It will also turn out very tasty. The main ways to prepare porridge from wheat cereals are presented in the recipes.

Wheat porridge with milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 136 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Wheat porridge with milk tastes better if you cook it sweet. It's perfect for breakfast. The porridge is not too cloying, but moderately sweet. Although the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. If desired, it is not forbidden to add a spoonful of honey or a few raisins. If the porridge seems a bit runny, then next time increase the amount of cereal to 2/3 cup.


  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat cereal – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • milk – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire and boil.
  2. Next, add salt, add sugar and at the same time add the cereal itself.
  3. Wait for the next boil, reduce the heat to low, close the lid, and simmer the dish for 40 minutes without stirring the porridge.
  4. When finished, add oil, stir, let it brew for another 10 minutes.

Recipe for wheat porridge on water

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for wheat porridge in water is not particularly complicated from the method of cooking it in milk. Only in this case you get a dish that can be either independent or a side dish, for example, with meat, liver or fried mushrooms. Chop a couple of carrots and onions, fry them - and it will also turn out very tasty. The viscosity of the porridge is easily adjusted. If you prefer crumbly, then simply do not rinse the grains before cooking and fry them additionally.


  • butter, salt - to taste;
  • wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cereal in a pan of water and add salt immediately.
  2. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. At the end, season with oil.

The secrets of how to cook wheat cereal are very simple. They concern not only the ingredients themselves, but also the dishes. If you want to cook wheat porridge really tasty, check out the following tips:

  1. The porridge is richer in taste and aroma in a cast iron cauldron. Although a thick-walled pan will also work.
  2. You can season the finished porridge not only with butter - olive or flaxseed oil is often used.
  3. If you like a more homogeneous porridge, then you first need to grind the cereal in a coffee grinder or hand mill.

Video: How to cook wheat porridge

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