First meal      07/26/2021

At what temperature to bake apple strudel. Step by step recipe for delicious apple strudel. Puff pastry apple strudel recipe with photo. Lean strudel with apples. Puff pastry strudel: recipe

A traditional dessert is made from Austrian puff pastry. This product is easy to prepare at home from wheat flour, water and vegetable oil. Also, cooks like to use yeast-free puff pastry, thin Armenian lavash and filo dough.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple strudel recipes are:

Baking is filled with peeled apples, nuts, dried fruits. Ground crackers, lemon juice, sugar or powdered sugar are added to the filling.

Apple strudel: cooking features

Beautiful pastries made from thin dough and juicy stuffing like children and adults.

Five of the lowest calorie apple strudel recipes:

  1. The draft dough immediately after kneading is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. It is rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 4-5 mm, and then stretched by hand. Austrian craftsmen make the layer so thin that you can read a newspaper through it. The workpiece is laid out on a kitchen towel to make it easier to roll it up later.
  2. Apples for the filling are peeled and seeds removed. The pulp is cut into cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice. The nuts are dried in a dry frying pan and crushed with a rolling pin. The products are mixed with sugar and left for 30-40 minutes so that the juice has time to stand out.
  3. In some cases, apples are stewed over medium heat. When the pieces become soft, add to them walnuts, powdered sugar, dried fruits, breading. The workpiece is cooled to room temperature.
  4. The dough is smeared vegetable oil and put stuffing on it. The workpiece is rolled up, the edges are pinched and transferred to a baking sheet shot with parchment.
  5. The surface of the strudel is pierced with a fork and brushed with oil. The treat is baked at a temperature of 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes. Baking is cooled, cut into slices 5-10 cm thick.

Dessert is decorated with powdered sugar, butter cream, liquid caramel.

The treat can be served with jam or cream sauce.

love apples and sweet pastries with them? Do you want to make something so tasty, sweet and very beautiful? In this case, I advise you to cook apple strudel! If you have already thought about this famous dish, but for some reason have not yet decided to try baking it, then the moment has come!

In this article, you will learn how to cook apple strudel. What will help in this? Below are 3 detailed step-by-step recipes with photos and videos. These are the most popular options, one might say, a classic! The cooking process will be as simple and fast as possible! Choose, repeat, taste and treat!

What is a strudel anyway? What is its essence and distinctive features?

Let's add a few words about the strudel

Strudel is a baked flour dish, more like a roll, although there are options that can be attributed to pies. The filling is most often apples. They are usually supplemented with dried fruits, nuts, cinnamon and other "butter" ingredients. Of course, there are variations where berries or some other fresh fruit are used instead of apples. There are even savory recipes. But they will be discussed in another article.

Officially, the history of strudel begins in 1696. It was at this time that the first recipe was published in one of the cookbooks. The book was published in Vienna. By the way, the author is still unknown for some reason.

From this we can conclude that the strudel belongs to the Austrian cuisine. Of course, in addition to Austria, the dish has become very popular in other countries, such as the Czech Republic. And everywhere the traditional recipe is complemented by some special nuances inherent in a particular national cuisine. For example, Jews also consider strudel to be their dish (German Jews).

The classic strudel is made from stretched dough, and this dough should turn out to be very thin. So thin that, as they say, you can read a newspaper through it. You can see everything in the photos for the first recipe.

Before you move on to learning the recipes (and there are a lot of photos and text), I want to note that there are other apple dishes on this site. Check it out here too:

  • Thin ;
  • Lush;
  • Everything you need to know about ;
  • Secrets;

In general, you can surprise yourself and all your household members with something tasty every day.


Classic strudel recipe

Actually, when it comes to apple strudel, without any clarification, this recipe is always presented. Vienna strudel, Austrian, classic, traditional - there are many more names for this dessert.

The filling consists of apples, raisins, nuts, cinnamon and streusel (fine crumbs, breaded mixture). All this is covered with many layers of thin yeast-free dough (exhaust).

Ready strudel is decorated with honey or caramel, sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar. Often served with scoops of soft ice cream, whipped cream, or plain jam.


  • Sweet apples - 700-800 g.
  • Raisins - 150 g.
  • Almonds - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 130 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - 130 g.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp. spoons (optional, this is not necessary);
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Wheat flour - 300 g.
  • Chicken yolks - 3 pcs. (from large eggs);
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 120 ml.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  1. Extra olive oil for greasing the dough;
  2. And you also need a clean wide fabric tablecloth (or towel).
  3. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons for decoration;

Cooking step by step

Strudel dough

Pour water into a deep bowl, add 3 raw yolks, salt and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Beat with a whisk until a homogeneous liquid mass.

Sift the flour to the liquid ingredients, knead first with a spoon, and then with your hands.

You should get a soft, non-sticky dough. Lubricate it olive oil so that it does not wind up while we are busy filling.


Rinse the apples well, then remove the skin from them, take out the core with the seeds. I recommend using ripe, sweet apples.

Cut into thin slices like this. Smaller is not necessary, otherwise they will turn into mashed potatoes later. We put the chopped apples in a separate container, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice on top. This is to keep the apples from turning brown. If desired, you can also grate the zest here for more fragrantness.

Pour raisins with hot water from the kettle and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Here we also add 2-3 tablespoons of cognac or liquor, whiskey, wine, in general, some kind of aromatic alcohol. The raisins will infuse, it will become softer. We recline it in a colander to get rid of excess moisture.

We chop the nuts. Someone cuts them into pieces with a knife, someone crushes them in a mortar, someone with a blender. The main thing is not to make them too small. We shift the nuts into the pan and fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

In general, you can take any nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts and even peanuts.

The nuts were removed, the pan wiped. We put a piece of soft butter (50 grams) in it, melt it. Then add breadcrumbs. Fry and stir with a spatula until the crackers absorb the oil and form a mushy mass of a ruddy color. Here, the main thing is to make sure that the crumbs do not burn, otherwise a burning taste will appear in the filling later.

Dough rolling and strudel shaping

Sprinkle the table with flour, take out a ball of dough, begin to roll it into a large rectangular layer.

The dough will shrink back at first, but you roll it over and over again with a rolling pin.

We spread a tablecloth (or a wide thin towel, a scarf), lightly sprinkle flour over the entire area. We put the rolled out dough, straighten it, a little flour on top so that it does not stick. We continue to thinly roll out with a rolling pin, or gently stretch with our hands (there is a video under the recipe, you will understand everything there).

Look, the dough becomes transparent, you can already see the fabric through it. This is what we need! Melt the rest of the butter, brush the dough with it.

Lay out the apple layer. Sprinkle the top with sugar and cinnamon. And now a small digression.

  • I want to note that apples for strudel are laid in two ways. The first is as in the photo above, pour over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe test. The second way is to compactly stack only on one side (then we turn it off on the same side).
  • Someone likes the first option, so the dough turns out more tender, the dish looks more like a roll, that is, you can see this characteristic layered funnel. In the second case, the dough will become more crispy, and it is also guaranteed to be baked, which is important for owners of weak ovens.

We return to cooking. Evenly distribute the streusel on the apples, then cover with raisins, sprinkle with nuts on top of the raisins.

And now carefully wrap. It’s not worth making the roll too tight, it wasn’t enough for the dough to break at the most crucial moment. We either twist and cut the edges of the roll, or simply fold the excess dough under the bottom.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment, put the strudel on it. Lubricate with melted butter.

We send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes. 1 more here important point. Every 10 minutes, take it out of the oven, coat with oil and send it back to bake. At the very end, we also cover with honey on top, for a beautiful shine.

Here is such a layered and juicy sectional strudel. And what a flavor! Too bad you can't feel it through photography.

Shortcrust pastry strudel

Delicious crispy strudel with apple filling based on shortcrust pastry.

Suitable for those who are bored with the usual recipe, who want something new, original, but at the same time very easy to prepare.


  • Butter - 130 g.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Flour - 200 g.
  • Apples - 2-3 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Let's start cooking

Cut the chilled butter into pieces and put in a deep bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, powdered sugar and soda.

Gradually add flour, mixing thoroughly with your hands. The dough should be dense, but not too dry. The consistency is like soft plasticine. We put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Rub the table with flour, roll out the dough into a thin cake as in the photo below.

Wash the apples, cut into halves, cut out the cores and remove the cuttings. If desired, you can cut the peel, especially if it is harsh.

We take a grater with large holes and simply rub apples on it. You can rub directly over the dough to save time. We distribute the filling over almost the entire area, only a little free space should remain at the edges (2-3 cm).

Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon. If desired, you can add nuts, some dried fruits or fresh berries.

Carefully roll into a tight roll. We pinch the edges, press.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the strudel seam side down. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes until golden.

This is what a delicacy looks like! As you can see in the photo, there is a chance that the strudel will crack a little on top. Well, what's done is done. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Look at the cutaway. What a beauty! And not so much time and products spent. Most importantly, it tastes better than any store-bought counterparts stuffed with flavorings and preservatives.

Puff pastry strudel with apples

And this is a recipe for apple strudel puff pastry. For those who want a classic look and taste, but without unnecessary gestures. The filling is the same as in the first version: apples with nuts and raisins.

Most often, people cook using this technique. Nobody wants to “knead” and “pull” for a long time, everyone wants to immediately wrap, bake and eat. I will say even more, I am included in this number of people!

As mentioned above, we will make this strudel from ready-made puff pastry. But here the question arises: “Which one to choose?”. Yes, you can find yeast-free and yeast puff pastry in stores. In theory, you can cook with both. But personally, I recommend using it without yeast, and all because we do not need excessive yeast splendor and lightness. The dough should be thin. Besides, yeast-free dough fatter, which also positively affects the taste of such pastries.

The products below are enough for 3-4 small strudel.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ready puff pastry - 600-800 g (3-4 plates);
  • Apples - 4-6 pcs.
  • Raisins - 100-120.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1-1.5 teaspoons;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Nuts - 100 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Cooking process

First you need to defrost puff pastry. Take it out of the fridge in advance so that it softens by the time you need it.

Soak the raisins in boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain the water.

We clean the apples, remove the cores and cut into small cubes or slices. Mix with a spoonful of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mixed, now add flour and mix again.

Now let's make a topping with nuts. Finely chop the nuts, add breadcrumbs and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to them. Mix until smooth.

Add the steamed raisins to the cup with apples and mix well.

We open the dough, take either a whole sheet, or cut off a rectangle of the desired size. Roll it thin, the thinner the better.

On one side of the dough, sprinkle some nuts with breadcrumbs. We post on them apple filling.

We twist into a roll, pinch the seam, fold the dough along the edges and press it.

Lay the strudel on a baking sheet. For a greater blush, they can be smeared with whipped yolk. Don't forget to make a few more cuts on top.

We put the blanks in the oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Decorate the finished dish with powdered sugar and cut into neat portions.

And here you can watch a video on the topic

Well, that's it, now you know how to cook it at home delicious dish! If you liked the article, please share it on social media. networks. There are buttons above and below the article.

Based on the above recipes, you can come up with something unique that suits your taste preferences. I will add a few ideas that will help diversify the dish and awaken your imagination for further experiments.

  • Apples can be laid not in raw, but in "fried" form. We cut them, put them in a pan, add butter and sugar. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes until the apples are caramelized.
  • Apples go great with pears! Add them to the filling and evaluate new taste usual baking. By the way, you can also look at the page with.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the surface of the table when pulled out, grease it with vegetable oil or flour.
  • In addition to raisins, you can add other dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, prunes, dried cherries, etc.
  • It's not just the dish that matters, but the way it's served! Complement the strudel with some sweet cream, ice cream or regular berry jam. Garnish with nuts, cocoa powder or grated chocolate.
  • Yes, chocolate can be added to both the filling and the dough. Melt it and mix in where needed.

And here I will add a video in which TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya is preparing a quick apple strudel.

Bake the strudel in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

How to bake apple strudel

Flour - 250 grams
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt - a pinch
Sugar - 5 tablespoons

Egg yolk - 1 piece
Lemon - half
Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
Apples - 1 kilogram
Water - a quarter cup

How to bake apple strudel
1. Warm up the milk to a temperature of 35 degrees.
2. Melt the butter until liquid.
3. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, butter and milk.
4. Knead soft dough.
5. Roll the dough into a ball, grease with vegetable oil, cover and leave at room temperature for 1.5 hours.
6. Wash and wipe dry apples, peel and cut into small cubes.
7. Add sugar and cinnamon to the apples, mix.
8. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick.
9. Lubricate the dough with vegetable oil.
10. Put the filling on the larger half of the dough.
11. Roll the pie into a roll, brushing with butter.

Baking in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Line a baking sheet with foil.
3. Put the strudel on the foil.
4. Put the baking sheet with the strudel on the middle level of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.
5. While baking, grease the strudel with oil.
6. Sprinkle the finished strudel with powdered sugar.
Serve the strudel cut into portions.

Apple strudel with puff pastry

Puff pastry - 500 grams
Breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons
Butter - 30 grams
Powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon
Apples - 600 grams
Honey (can be replaced with sugar) - 2 tablespoons Cognac - 50 grams
Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

How to bake strudel puff pastry
1. Defrost puff pastry at room temperature for 1 hour.
2. Wash the apples, wipe dry, cut into 4 slices and remove the core.
3. Thinly slice apples.
4. Put the butter in the pan, put the pan on a slow fire.
5. When the butter is melted, put apples, honey (or sugar) to it, pour in brandy and simmer over medium heat for 7 minutes.
6. Sprinkle roasted apples with cinnamon.
7. Sprinkle the working surface with flour, roll out the dough on it, form a rectangle from the dough.
8. Sprinkle the dough with ground breadcrumbs over the entire surface, excluding the edges.
9. Put the apple filling on the dough.
10. Roll into a roll, pinch the edges of the dough (so that the strudel does not form during baking).
11. Brush the top of the strudel with 5 grams of melted butter.

Baking in the oven
1. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
3. Place the baking sheet with the strudel on the middle rack of the oven.
4. Bake the strudel for 45 minutes.
5. Lubricate the finished strudel again with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Baking in a slow cooker
1. Lubricate the container of the multicooker with oil.
2. Put the strudel roll into the multicooker container in a circle.
3. Bake for 1 hour on the "Baking" mode.
4. Turn the cake over and bake for another 40 minutes.
5. Grease the finished strudel with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Strudel is not accidentally considered culinary symbol Austria, as well as Viennese rolls, waffles, Viennese coffee, Viennese sausages, schnitzel and Sacher cake. Strudel is made from the most tender test stuffed with apples, raisins and nuts, and served with a scoop of creamy ice cream. It does not even have time to melt - the apple dessert is eaten so quickly! Many consider cooking strudel too complicated, but if the recipe is proven and there is a step-by-step description, it is quite possible to cope with this task. However, there are some subtleties that it is better to know about in advance so that the result lives up to expectations.

The history of the origin of strudel

Arab travelers brought strudel to Vienna. It was in the East that they began to use thin dough. True, Arab confectioners laid out layers of dough on top of each other and smeared them with a filling, which certainly contained rose petal jam and orange syrup. It was more like baklava than a roll. It was in Austria that the strudel acquired its modern look, and the handwritten recipe for this delicacy, which historians date back to the 17th century, is still kept in the Vienna Library.

If at first the roll was prepared only with, then after he began to “travel” along different countries, confectioners have invented many new fillings - with a variety of fruits, berries, nuts, poppy seeds, cottage cheese, cream, rice, semolina and even cheese. Often, coffee or rum is added to the filling for juiciness and piquancy. Now you can find strudel with potatoes, meat, liver, sausages, fat and sauerkraut. But the traditional one with apples, raisins, cinnamon is still popular. Tourists often ask for the classic strudel in Viennese cafes, which is traditionally smeared with melted butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar. This royal dessert is served not only with ice cream, but also with whipped cream.

How strudel is prepared

Strudel is made from a yeast-free puff pastry called filo, which is very popular in Mediterranean countries. The main feature of this test is that it stretches to the thickness of tissue paper and does not tear. Austrian confectioners say that strudel dough should be so thin that you can read a letter from your beloved through it. This is what distinguishes a strudel from a regular roll.

Filo is an unleavened dough similar to dumplings. It is prepared on the basis of flour, water, vegetable oil, salt and vinegar. Sometimes eggs are added to it, and vegetable oil is replaced with butter. The dough must be kneaded for a long time, let stand under a napkin, and then roll out with a rolling pin on a floured towel and stretch until a pattern on the fabric is visible through it.

After the base of the dough is ready, it is smeared with melted butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs fried in butter. Spread the filling on top, roll the dough in the form of a roll and bake in the oven, gradually lowering the temperature.

For the filling, thinly sliced ​​apples, raisins soaked in alcohol, chopped nuts (preferably walnuts), brown sugar and cinnamon are mixed.

The secrets of cooking Viennese strudel

Be sure to cook the dough for strudel with butter, because it gives it tenderness, softness and elasticity. Try replacing ordinary vegetable oil with olive oil - and you will see how tasty and airy the dough becomes. If the filling for the strudel is too juicy, add an egg to the dough - this will make it denser and not get wet. you can make the dough crumbly by introducing a little acid into it, such as lemon juice.

It is better to take sour and juicy apples for strudel - you will be surprised how tasty the roll will be! And to make the filling more tender and juicy, add a little sour cream or whipped cream to it.

Before sending the strudel to the oven, make a few punctures on its surface so that the steam does not tear the dough from the inside. While the roll is baking, take it out of the oven twice and brush the surface with melted butter. In this case, it will turn out soft and will melt in your mouth like ice cream.

Master class on cooking strudel

Yes, it’s scary to approach a strudel, but fear has big eyes. Get over yourself and just try. You will be surprised how quickly and easily it is prepared if everything is done according to the rules.

Stages of preparation.

Mix the sifted flour with salt, water, egg and vegetable oil. Mix quickly with a spoon. Knead the dough with your hands until it is soft and elastic. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and leave to rest for half an hour.

Remove seeds and skin from apples and cut into small pieces. Add sugar and cinnamon to apples, mix well.

Spread a large kitchen towel on the table, sprinkle with flour and roll out the thinnest layer of dough. Periodically help with your hands, stretching the dough in different directions and trying not to tear it. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the filling on the dough, stepping back 3 cm from the edges. Roll up the dough, lifting the edges of the towel. Lightly pinch the roll along the entire length so that it does not fall apart in the oven. Line a baking sheet with greased parchment paper and place the strudel seam side down. Lubricate the product with melted butter.

Bake the strudel for half an hour or a little longer in an oven heated to 200 ° C. Cover it with a towel and let cool.

Strudel according to this recipe is obtained by everyone, and even if the dough breaks a little during rolling and the roll flows in the oven, it will not become less tasty from this! Serve this beauty with ice cream and be sure that the dessert turned out no worse than that of Viennese confectioners!

Puff pastry strudel with cherries

Cooking strudel from the extract dough is a long and laborious process, and there is often not enough time. Not every housewife can afford to spend half a day in the kitchen, rolling out the dough with a rolling pin until transparent. In this case, store-bought puff pastry without yeast comes to the rescue. This saves time and effort, and the result is just as good.

For the filling, use fresh canned or frozen pitted cherries. If you took the berry out of the freezer, it should lie down and thaw, and the released moisture must be drained. Mix 400 g of cherries, 100 g of sugar and 200 g of ground vanilla crackers.

Roll out a sheet of puff pastry weighing 500 g into a thin layer. Lubricate it with melted butter, put the filling on top and wrap it with a roll, and then brush it again, but with a beaten egg. Poke a few holes with a toothpick and place the strudel on a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment. Bake for 45 minutes at 180°C.

Garnish with buttercream and cherries. After tasting this yummy, you will be convinced that puff pastry is well suited for strudel!

Plum strudel in lavash

This simple and quick recipe will surprise even those who already seem impossible to surprise. It is ideal for receiving unexpected guests.

First prepare the filling. Mix a glass of sugar with 3 tbsp. l. grape vinegar, put in a pan and heat the mass over a fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as the syrup boils, pour 0.5 kg of plums cut into pieces into it and cook until the filling thickens.

Separately, beat 2 eggs with 1/2 cup sugar until the mixture has at least doubled in size.

Lay two thin pita breads on top of each other and generously brush them with beaten eggs. Distribute the plum filling evenly on top and wrap the strudel with a roll, slightly filling the edges of the pita bread inside. Bake the dessert for 20 minutes at 170 ° C, and sprinkle the finished roll with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese strudel from store-bought filo dough

Now you can buy frozen phyllo dough in the store, so there should be no problems with making the classic Viennese strudel. And if you change the filling a little, you can pamper yourself and loved ones various recipes from the same test. Try to cook curd strudel- delicate, tasty and very beautiful.

For the filling, you will need 600 g of soft cottage cheese (not grainy or creamy), which you need to mix with 2 eggs, 170 g of sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla extract.

Divide 500 g filo sheets in half into two piles and brush each with melted butter, brushing the inside of the sheets as well. Spread the filling on both sheets, roll up the strudel and brush again with oil.

Bake the dessert for about 40 minutes on a baking sheet covered with oiled baking paper at a temperature of 200 ° C. Sprinkle the finished strudel with cinnamon and powdered sugar and enjoy a delicious delicacy!

Viennese chefs say that the ability to bake the right strudel is the same as the art of waltzing beautifully. Try and compare, is it so?

Apple strudel from childhood, my grandmother sometimes cooked it according to a recipe close to the "classic". But more often than not, it was Apple pie, resembling a roll, and not always from the exhaust test. In the villages, people rarely cooked, as they say, “correctly”, preferring, among the abundance of recipes, simple and understandable. Until now, grandmother's roll with Antonov apples or Simirenko's rennet is still in front of my eyes.

The term strudel (German: Strudel) literally translates as whirlpool, abyss, whirlwind. It is a pastry originating from the Austrian lands, and the first printed recipes date back to the end of the 17th century. Difficult to prepare, at first, a dish of “exhaust” dough with various fillings. There is a sweet apple, with cherries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. - a real delicacy, although it is much more difficult to prepare than pies or. I read somewhere that making homemade apple strudel in the traditional way is now quite rare, as the recipes are very different.

Dessert is usually served hot. Moreover, interestingly, light vanilla ice cream or whipped cream is often added to the strudel. Although, most prefer pastries with coffee or tea. I drink black strong coffee with caution, except perhaps with, and I prefer strudel with or coffee with cream.

A pastry with the common name strudel is very common in countries predominantly inhabited by people who speak German. Apparently, this has historical roots. However, apple, cherry or pear strudel is part of the Hungarian cuisine, Czech and other Slavic cuisines. In addition, Jewish cuisine has always been famous for strudel. Isaac Babel's story "In the cellar" mentions a strudel with jam and a poppy seed pie, which was baked by the hero's aunt, especially for the visit of his rich friend.

Puff pastry apple strudel is a type of apple pie. Apples are the most affordable fruit, so apple pie, apple strudel, charlotte with apples are the main dessert of the cuisines of many countries. I remember that in the USA in any institution there is an apple pie on the menu, and it is always fresh and tasty.

Apple strudel is made from "exhaust" dough. This is a yeast-free dough, very thin - almost transparent like thick polyethylene. This type of dough is very popular in the Balkans and the East - the famous byureks are made from it. Such similar dough is called yufka, tocheni kori, kore, phyllo. The dough is very elastic and stretches excellently, although the composition of the dough can vary quite a lot.

* Recipe recorded while making strudel. Many thanks to my beloved daughter Julia!

Apple strudel. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (1 strudel)

  • Wheat flour of the highest grade Depends on a situation
  • Large sweet and sour apples 5 pieces
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Brown sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 100 g
  • Olive oil 50 ml
  • Egg 2 pcs
  • Seedless raisins 100 g
  • Rum or cognac 0.5 cup
  • Breadcrumbs 3-4 st. l.
  • Ground ginger, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, salt, cinnamon sticks, cloves Spices
  1. The cooking process, at first glance, seems very laborious and tedious, as, for example,. Looking back, it becomes funny from their fears and prejudices. Strudel with apples is no more difficult to prepare than baked or. Fear has big eyes - it's just about a phobia to cook such an amazing cake.
  2. For the filling, you need to choose large sweet and sour apples. The ideal option is Renet Simirenko, Granny Smith or similar green apples. These apples hold their shape well when cooked and do not release too much juice. On the eve of cooking, soak 100 g of pitted raisins. We use dark rum or cognac. Mix half a glass of rum or cognac and half a glass of water, pour the washed raisins with the mixture and add 1-2 cinnamon sticks and 3-4 cloves to it. Leave for a few hours.

    For the filling, you need to choose large sweet and sour apples

  3. We start preparing the pie by preparing the filling. Throw 50 grams of butter into the pan. Add 1 cup sugar, brown sugar if available, and spices. The composition of spices may vary. We added 1 tsp. ground ginger and cinnamon, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg and a little vanilla - to taste.

    Melt butter, add sugar and spices

  4. After the oil has almost melted, so as not to overheat the spices, add the raisins soaked the day before along with the liquid in which they were soaked. Discard cinnamon sticks and cloves.

    Add the raisins soaked the day before along with the liquid

  5. Stir all the contents and over medium heat, uncovered, continue to heat until the sugar begins to caramelize. The sugar will start to foam a little and darken.

    The sugar should start to caramelize.

  6. Immediately add peeled and seeded apples, cut into small pieces or plates. It is not necessary to cut too finely, otherwise there is a risk of getting applesauce. Mix apples and caramelized sugar.

    Add peeled and seeded apples, cut into small pieces

  7. Simmer the apples over low heat, covered, until the apples are soft but retain the shape of the pieces. In time, depending on the variety of apples, it will take 20-30 minutes. The main task is not to get applesauce. Leave the apples to cool completely. Then drain all the liquid from them. It is worth throwing the apples into a colander so that the filling is almost dry, otherwise the roll will fall apart during baking.

    Stew apples over low heat under a lid

  8. Then you can proceed to the second stage - to prepare the dough. From myself I will say - it is very interesting and exciting. In a deep bowl, mix 2 cups of white flour and release the contents of one egg. Heat half a glass of water a little so that it is slightly warm, and add 1-2 pinches of salt to it. Pour the water into the flour and knead the dough. I must say right away that you will have to add flour, focusing on the condition and consistency of the dough. Sweep the dough very (!) carefully.

    Mix flour, egg and water for dough

  9. The dough should be very soft, and the dough should not stick to your hands. It shouldn't stick at all. Roll the dough into a ball and transfer to a bowl.

    The dough should be very soft.

  10. Further, in order for the baking to turn out as it should, the dough must ripen. Not quite a common technique, not typical for most types of dough - slightly cut the dough crosswise and generously grease with olive oil on all sides. Olive oil should be 50-70 ml. Cover the dough with an inverted deep plate and refrigerate for 45-60 minutes. During this time, the dough will ripen and the apple filling will have time to cool.

    Slice the dough lightly in a crosswise pattern and brush generously with olive oil.

  11. To prepare and stretch the dough and form the strudel, you will need a large table and cloth. Cover the table with a clean cloth - a canvas or towel without lint and long enough. Then you have to do what at first plunged me into a stupor. The fabric should be generously sprinkled with flour. Immediately prepare a baking sheet by lining it with baking paper and dusting the paper with flour. Separately, it must be said that the length of the roll and, accordingly, the dimensions to which the dough must be stretched depend on the size of the baking sheet. This must be remembered.

    Line the table with a clean cloth and sprinkle liberally with flour.

  12. Pulling the dough for the strudel is a leisurely process that does not tolerate fuss. Therefore, in order to bake a masterpiece, and not a pie with apples, you need to be patient. The dough stretches perfectly with your fingers, and a rolling pin is not needed here at all. Put the dough on a cloth with flour and, very slowly, carefully pull it with your fingers starting from the edge, stretching and smoothing the clots.

    The dough stretches perfectly with your fingers

  13. If, by chance, a gap has formed in the test, this is unimportant for two reasons. Firstly, a strudel is a roll, a roll in which the dough is rolled up together with the filling, and all the gaps will be inside. Secondly, any gap can be covered with a lump of dough, which will glue the gap, and re-stretch it.

    Put the dough on a cloth with flour and, very slowly, carefully pull it with your fingers starting from the edge

  14. Continue stretching the dough into a very thin layer. The size of the layer should be 25-30 cm wider than the length of your baking sheet. Layer length - as long as possible. We got a layer of dough about 50 cm wide and about 140 cm long. Geometrically smooth edges are absolutely optional.

    In a layer of thin dough there will be irregularities in thickness

  15. The dough turned out so transparent that you can read a book through it. In a layer of thin dough, in any case, there will be unevenness in thickness, small clots of dough are normal. If for some reason you are annoyed by the uneven edge of the dough, just cut it off.

    The dough turned out so transparent that you can read a book through it.

  16. Everything is ready for the formation of apple strudel. Melt in a bowl, but do not heat, 50 g of butter. Lightly beat one egg in another bowl. Grease the dough stretched on the fabric with melted, but not hot, butter. Excellent lubrication with a silicone brush. When I was little, my grandmother greased the roll with a bunch of feathers.

    Lubricate the dough with butter

  17. Sprinkle the buttered dough with 3-4 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs or grated and sifted stale rolls, best of all "French" baguette. The crumbs will absorb the oil, this is an important point.

    Sprinkle the buttered dough with 3-4 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs

  18. Pour the apple filling onto the prepared dough, which should be at room temperature. Spread the filling evenly over the dough with your hands, leaving an empty strip on one short edge, approximately one quarter of the entire length of the dough. And also, leaving both long edges without filling, on the basis that the width of the strip of the spread out filling is the same as the size of the baking sheet - in size, how the strudel will be formed.

    Pour the apple filling onto the prepared dough.

  19. Along the long edge, it is necessary to wrap the hanging edge of the stretched dough inside the future roll so that the width of the dough with the stuffing with wrapped edges turns out to be the length of the baking sheet. You can wrap the edge by 10-12 cm. This should be done along the entire length of the dough. From the short side of the dough, wrap the edge with the filling about 12-15 cm, starting to form a roll.

    Along the long edge, wrap the hanging edge of the stretched dough inside the roll

  20. Then, lifting the edge of the fabric, turn over or turn over the roll of dough with the filling so that the strudel rolls up. The roll should roll towards the edge of the unfilled dough left on the second short edge.

    Lifting the edge of the fabric, turn over the roll of dough with the filling so that the strudel rolls up.

  21. Important: the stuffed strudel should be short and thick, not long and thin. When the strudel is fully wrapped, roll the package onto the prepared baking sheet lined with baking paper.