Drinks      07/06/2023

Papaya, beneficial properties. What are the benefits of fruit for women and men, calorie content of papaya. Calorie content and beneficial properties - papaya What is papaya good for the body

Such exotic fruit, how papaya became famous in our latitudes relatively recently. Papaya is a palm plant native to the tropical forests of South America. The fruits of the fruit have a bright yellow, orange color. And the papaya peel is greenish in color. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy, and the juice has particular benefits for the human body. Fresh papaya pulp is truly healing properties. Fortunately, today the fruits can be found on the shelves of large supermarkets all year round. What are beneficial properties papaya?

Vitamin and mineral composition of fruits

The birthplace of the fruit is considered to be South America and Mexico. Today, trees are grown in Thailand and other Asian countries. Therefore, the export of exotic fruit is established. Papaya is also called melon tree. This is because vitamin and mineral composition The pulp of the fruit is very similar to the composition of melon. So, first of all, it is worth noting multiple vitamins.

Only 100 grams of pulp or natural juice papaya contains the required daily intake of ascorbic acid. Therefore, this norm is 60 mg. In second place among the vitamin composition is vitamin A. It is fat-soluble, so it is worth adding a small amount of vegetable fat to papaya juice for maximum absorption and benefits. Papaya fruits are saturated with folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, vitamins E, K.

It has been established that the fruits of the exotic fruit contain anabolic components. They saturate bone tissue with calcium and activate protein production in the body. Papaya is also famous for its high level of minerals and trace elements:

  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus.

Also, minor doses of beta-carotene, beta-crypto-xanthine, and lutein-zeaxanthin were noted in the product. The benefits of the product for the digestive system are determined by the presence of dietary fiber, pectin, and fiber.

Papaya calories

Recommended for use while on a diet. The product will help reduce body weight, as it is low-calorie. 100 grams of papaya pulp contains only 47 kcal. This figure is average. The amount of calories can vary from 24 kcal to 70 kcal. It all depends on the type of papaya fruit. But, nevertheless, nutritionists keep papaya in their arsenal of dietary foods.

A lot of healthy fruit water is contained in fruits. So, liquid makes up 86-88% of the total composition of the pulp. Also, it is worth noting natural sugars - fructose, sucrose, glucose. There are also small amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Fats are only 0.1 g, proteins - 0.5 g, carbohydrates - 9.1 g. Contains papaya and ash, malic acid, resins, fatty oils, carpain.

Health Benefits of Papaya

The benefits of fruits can be traced not only thanks to the rich vitamin composition. The pulp of the fruit contains the natural enzyme papain. It received this name precisely because of this fruit. The enzyme has the same effect as gastric juice. Therefore, the main beneficial property of papaya is the rapid digestion of food, maximum absorption useful substances. Also, papain promotes the rapid breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which speeds up metabolic processes.

Among other beneficial properties of papaya, it is important to mention dietary properties fetus A large amount of dietary fiber and fiber improves intestinal motility. Due to this, toxins and waste are quickly removed from the body. Eating papaya is beneficial for constipation. The record high level of ascorbic acid in the fruit helps burn excess fat. And in combination with physical activity, vitamin C will convert fat tissue into muscle.

The benefits of papaya in medicine

Residents of countries where papaya is grown know that regular consumption of the juice and pulp of the fruit normalizes blood pressure. Therefore, doctors recommend that all hypertensive patients consume the product. In general, the product has a positive effect on heart function. Thus, restoring the heart rhythm prevents the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.

Papaya juice with honey is very useful for diseases of the respiratory system. Doctors recommend this drink for the treatment of laryngitis and tracheitis. And to treat tonsillitis you need to drink the juice of unripe fruits. These fruits contain high levels of antibacterial components. Papaya is a natural antioxidant. It helps fight the harmful effects of free radicals. And numerous laboratory tests have proven that eating the pulp helps cure colon cancer at the initial stage of development of the disease.

Vitamin A improves vision. It is enough to consume 2 servings of fruits per day to maintain high visual acuity until old age. What are the other health benefits of papaya? The fruits are extremely beneficial for women's health. The juice of the product eliminates pain during menstruation and restores the normal menstrual cycle. IN folk medicine The juice of the fruit is also used to eliminate some of the consequences of abortion. Papaya is suitable for nutrition for people suffering from diabetes. And of course, the product increases the body’s protective functions.

The benefits of papaya in cosmetology

The pulp and juice of the fruit are actively used to cleanse and whiten the skin. Using the juice as a lotion or toner can help get rid of clogged pores and acne. Therefore, plant extract is often added to cosmetic products. Papain, which is part of papaya, rids the facial skin of dead cells. Due to this, the skin becomes lighter. Papaya is also good for hair. Masks based on the plant get rid of dandruff.

How is papaya used?

You can eat papaya in any form. It is customary to peel the fruit, cut the pulp into cubes and eat. Also, the fruit is added to various fruit salads. Unripe fruits are suitable for preparing main dishes - stews, soups, roasts, curries. Papaya fruits are considered universal, as they go well with seafood, berries, other fruits, meat, nuts, milk, and honey. The only bad thing is the combination of papaya and beans. The average acceptable intake of papaya pulp is 100 grams per day.

Various face masks are prepared from the pulp of the product. It is enough to place the pulp puree on your face for 20-25 minutes. This simple mask will cleanse your skin and get rid of acne. In addition, the skin will be perfectly moisturized and become velvety. This cosmetic product option is suitable for all skin types:

  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of papaya puree;
  • Mix with 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • Apply to cleansed facial skin;
  • Leave for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse off with warm or cool water.

You can add elasticity to the skin by mixing fruit pulp with rice flour. The mask is kept on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse off the product with cool water. It is recommended to carry out this cosmetic procedure three times a week to obtain the most positive result. A mixture of 1 spoon sea ​​salt, 1 spoon olive oil, a small amount of papaya pulp, 1 spoon of honey will act as an excellent body scrub.

How to choose quality papaya?

The only benefit to the body will be quality product. But spoiled fruits are extremely dangerous to health. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the right fruit. There are two main types of fruit: Hawaiian and Mexican. In the first, the fruits are quite small and are allowed to be eaten raw. Mexican papaya is larger and subject to heat treatment.

Ripe fruit has an orange or bright yellow color. The presence of small isolated red spots on the peel is acceptable. Also, some varieties have green skin, which is also considered normal. Be sure that ripe fruits are elastic, without dents or dark inclusions. You can also evaluate the quality of a product by its smell. A good papaya has a raspberry flavor. When pressing on the surface, it should not leave dents. Otherwise, this phenomenon will indicate overripeness and lethargy of the fetus.

It is better not to purchase papaya with green spots on the surface. This shows her immaturity. And unripe fruits of some varieties can be dangerous, as they have poisonous juice. If the fruit does not have any odor, this indicates the use of chemicals in the process of growing the plant. In general, good fruits have a flat, smooth surface, without spots or pits. Only such a product will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Papaya (Carica papaya)

Papaya, melon tree, breadfruit tree, or pawpaw - is a thin tree up to 10 m high, with an umbrella of long (up to 70 cm) leaves. The fruits develop in the axils of the cuttings and reach 45 cm in length. Ripe papaya fruits are shaped like a pear and have soft, aromatic, amber-yellow flesh.

History and distribution

Papaya was known to the Indians of Mesoamerica many centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Today, papaya trees are grown in all tropical countries: Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, the Philippines and Jamaica. Papaya loves heat and humidity very much, so it is very difficult to grow outside the tropics.


Papaya is used in cooking and medicine, and the stems and bark of the trees serve as raw materials for ropes.

Ripe papaya fruits are usually eaten raw, peeled and seeded, and added to fruit salads and desserts. In salads, papaya goes well with Parmesan and other hard cheeses. Due to the high pectin content, papaya can be used to make jelly.

Unripe fruits are subjected to various culinary processing: stewed and fried with vegetables and meat. Green papaya fruits are especially popular in Thai cuisine.

The papain enzyme found in green papaya can soften even the toughest meat. This property was known to the American Indians, who marinated the meat of old animals in papaya pulp.

Papaya seeds have pungent taste and can replace black pepper. In some Asian countries, young papaya leaves are also eaten. They are steamed and served as a side dish or added to salads.


The nutritional value of papaya is very high: it contains a lot of sugar and fiber. Papaya is rich in vitamins A and C. One fresh medium-sized fruit contains 3 daily norms of vitamin C and about 60% of the daily norm of vitamin A. In addition, papaya contains B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.


Papaya stimulates digestion and awakens appetite. Papaya juice slows down the growth of tumors and can be used to treat early stages of cancer. Papaya seeds have antibacterial properties and prevent kidney diseases.

Papaya leaves are used to make a drink that prevents malaria infection.


Green papaya and its seeds have contraceptive and abortifacient properties!

Unripe papaya may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Interesting facts

When roasted over a fire, papaya fruits smell like fresh bread, which is what gave this plant the name “breadfruit”.

By 2010, 80% of Hawaii's papaya crop comes from genetically modified plants. New varieties Sunup and Rainbow have been created to combat a dangerous virus that is destroying papaya trees.

Harrison Ford, during the filming of Indiana Jones, got rid of a herniated disc with the help of injections of papain, a substance isolated from papaya pulp.

Calorie content and nutritional value papaya

Papaya calories - 39 kcal.

Nutritional value of papaya: proteins - 0.61 g, fats - 0.14 g, carbohydrates - 8.01 g

In the tropics, papaya is considered a fairly tasty and important fruit. Almost everyone loves to eat the fruits of an exotic plant. They are somewhat reminiscent of . It is for this reason that papaya is called a melon tree. Sometimes the fruits can reach about 7 kg, and cultivated varieties generally weigh 3 kilograms. When the fruit skin is completely cooked, it is yellow-orange in color. When you buy it, be sure to pay attention to this. You should not use green-skinned fruits; they are unripe and can cause serious damage. We note that papaya contains a large number of seeds inside - about 700 pieces.


Papaya is related to the squash tree. If papaya is roasted over a fire, it will have a pleasant aroma of fresh bread, which is why some people call it “breadfruit”. Nowadays papaya is actively used in cooking and medicine. Rope is made from stems and bark. Ripe fruits are recommended to be consumed raw. Papaya is an excellent addition to fruit salads and desserts. The fruit can be combined with cheese and other hard varieties.

Due to the fact that papaya contains pectin, it is used to prepare delicious jelly. Are you unlucky to have bought unripe fruits? It is recommended to heat the fruit. Papaya is fried and stewed with vegetables and meat. Particularly popular in Thailand. In addition, the fruit contains a lot of the enzyme papain, which helps soften even tough meat. In ancient times, the Indians specially added the fruit when they marinated the meat of an old animal.

Papaya seeds

In cooking, the seeds are the best substitute; they are considered quite spicy. In Asia they like to eat the leaves of the young plant. They are often put in salads, can be steamed, and served as a side dish.

How many calories are in papaya? The fruit contains no more than 75 calories. It all depends on the variety and the size of the fruit. Berries contain a lot of fructose, protein, glucose, fiber, beta-carotene, organic acids, vitamin B1, B2, B5. Papaya is rich in sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium. Nutritionists are confident that a particularly valuable enzyme is papain, which acts almost the same as gastric juice. The fruit contains a lot of protease, vitamins A, E, C. This group of vitamins is considered an excellent antioxidant.


The tropical fruit is rich in various beneficial substances. It is recommended to be used for preventive purposes against intestinal and stomach cancer. Please note that there are many properties of this healthy tropical fruit, which is why it is recommended to use it as a reliable remedy for various cancers, as well as for the prevention of diabetes. Papaya has a large amount of dietary fiber, which binds and removes harmful toxins from the body.

We note that the skin and pulp of the fruit have a regenerating effect and quickly heal various wounds. In addition, the fruit is part of various anti-aging,.

Can pregnant women eat papaya?

Tropical fruits contain a lot of folic acid. It is extremely necessary during pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period. This substance can prevent anemia and ensure a flow of fresh blood to the uterus. In case of a lack of these substances, everything ends with birth defects and problems with the child’s nervous system.

Attention! Many nutritionists are against eating papaya during pregnancy. It contains papain, which is very harmful to the baby.

The healing power of enzymes

The fruit contains:

  • Arginine.
  • Carpain.
  • Papain.

Arginine is essential for the male reproductive system. Without papain, the body cannot digest protein foods. And carpain helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, papaya contains fibrin. This is a very important enzyme involved in blood clotting. We all know that best vegetable is good for eyesight, so papaya is much healthier than it. With the help of fruit you can improve your health. At regular use Fruit contains substances in the body that prevent vision loss, protect against damage to the retina, and slow down the aging process.

Regular consumption of papaya:

  • Strengthens the body.
  • Restores strength.
  • Improves mood.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and burns.

The fruit is especially useful for the treatment of vitamin deficiency hernia. It makes it possible to keep the body in good shape and reliably protect itself from cancer and flu.

Unripe fruits are rich in papain, which perfectly breaks down protein, fats, and starch. The fruit should be on the menu of those who have difficulty digesting protein. We note that papin has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is found in various medicines. Dentists love to use papain cream; it is an excellent treatment for caries.

Tablets help cure:

  • Ulcer.
  • Gastritis.
  • Relieves digestive problems.

Papain is actively used for cosmetic purposes. It is often added to various creams and ointments that remove freckles and remove excess hair on the body.

Papaya juice gets rid of herpes. It is enough to apply it several times to the affected skin. In addition, various diseases of the spine are treated with juice. We note that papaya contains an enzyme that regenerates connective tissue. Sometimes the juice is used as an anthelmintic; it perfectly treats eczema, intestinal and stomach diseases.

Please note that papaya is rich in various plant fibers. Thanks to them, you can quickly normalize cholesterol and protect against thrombosis. The pulp of the product is an excellent antipyretic against high fever because it contains salicylic acid. Using fresh fruit, you get rid of, noticeably improve your condition.

So, papaya is an interesting exotic fruit that is worth trying. He's quite useful. It can be used for culinary and medicinal purposes. The main thing is to take into account contraindications to avoid an allergic reaction.

You can find many healthy exotic fruits in grocery stores across the country. Many of them, unfortunately, are not very popular, for example papaya. This is due to the fact that people are not very familiar with it. In addition, few people know what the benefits and harms of papaya are.

So what is papaya, how is it useful and what contraindications does it have? More on this later in the article.

What does papaya look like and where does it grow?

There are two types of papaya:

  1. Hawaiian. The shape resembles a pear. The maximum weight is 500 g. When ripe, the color of the peel is yellow, the flesh is pink or bright orange. The pulp tastes like melon. There are black seeds in the center.
  2. Mexican. The maximum weight reaches 5 kg, so the Mexican species is larger in size than the Hawaiian one. The color of the flesh when ripe can be pink, yellow or orange.

There are also wild, Philippine, mountain and Dutch varieties, Torpedo and Red Lady varieties.

In nature, the fruit grows in Asia and tropical regions of America. In many countries, including Russia, papaya trees are planted for useful experimental purposes.

Chemical composition and calorie content of papaya

100 g of pulp contains:

  • 0.5 g protein (0.61% of normal);
  • 0.3 g fat (0.46% of normal);
  • 10.8 g carbohydrates (8.44% of normal);
  • 1.7 g dietary fiber (8.5% of normal);
  • 88.06 g of water (3.44% of normal).

The calorie content of papaya per 100 grams is 43 kcal.

As can be seen from the composition, the content of healthy carbohydrates is overwhelming: per 1 g of protein there are 0.6 g of fat and 21.6 g of carbohydrates. This information will help you know if the product meets the standard proper nutrition person or dietary requirements.

  • Present in large quantities healthy vitamin C. Its share in relation to other vitamins in 100 g of product can reach up to 68 g.
  • Next comes vitamin B4, which contains 6.1 mg per 100 g.
  • In addition, there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, K, PP, as well as lycopene and lutein.

As for useful macro- and microelements, papaya contains the most potassium (182 mg per 100 g), magnesium (21 mg), calcium (20 mg), phosphorus (10 mg) and sodium (8 mg). In addition to them, there is copper, manganese, selenium, iron and zinc.

What are the benefits of papaya for the body?

It is important that papaya fruits provide both benefits and harm. They contain substances that improve digestion: they promote the breakdown of proteins and their conversion into fats. But if too much protein accumulates in the body, diabetes may occur.

Those who suffer from arthritis can also add papaya to their menu, which, thanks to the enzyme chymopapain, helps relieve pain and eliminates the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Benefits of papaya for pregnant women

Use during pregnancy:

  1. Prevents the development of anemia thanks to folic acid.
  2. Normalizes blood circulation.
  3. Helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  4. Recommended for those who have stretch marks on their skin.

Pregnant women should not get carried away with papaya either. The unripe fruit with green skin contains peptin, which causes frequent uterine contractions and, as a result, premature birth.

Advice! If you really want to eat papaya, but there are no healthy ripe fruits, you can buy unripe ones and cook it in the oven by stewing.

Also healthy juice has the ability to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Can I eat papaya while breastfeeding?

  • red and orange(the pigment that gives this color causes rashes and spots on the body);
  • citrus fruits (vitamin C is also a strong allergen).

Therefore, it is better for them to exclude papaya from the menu.

It has been proven that the stomach tends to better assimilate those foods that grow in the place where a person lives. Papaya, as was written above, practically does not grow in Russia and the CIS.

If you don’t want to give up healthy and harmful exotic foods, then it is better to eat them in small quantities and not in the first weeks after the birth of the child. This will allow you to “introduce” your baby to new healthy nutrients and instill in him antibodies against harmful allergens for the future.

At what age can papaya be given to children?

Papaya can be both beneficial and harmful to a child's health.

The age at which it can be introduced into the diet is not fixed anywhere. Papaya should not be given as part of the first or second feeding. Some parents risk adding it to the diet at 6–8 months (only if the baby digests the usual foods normally). And yet, tropical products will be healthier no earlier than 8–10 months or even after a year.

If a child digests familiar food like potatoes without harm, or they decide to give him papaya, then this should be done as follows:

  1. Process the pulp into a puree consistency.
  2. Give a teaspoon a day no more than 4 times a week.
  3. Carefully monitor your baby's reaction.

If there is harm from an allergy, then its properties will manifest themselves quite quickly.

Important! All updates to a child’s diet can only be made after consultation with a pediatrician.

Is papaya good for weight loss?

The benefits of papaya for the human body are significant.

Low energy value useful product allows those who watch their figure to take it (you need to follow the norm, otherwise harm will be done to the body) in order to receive the necessary vitamins and not overeat.

The fruit is sweet, but contains little sugar, which can also be considered beneficial, especially for those who exercise or have diabetes.

It was said above that beneficial substances regulate the level of stress hormone. This is also a good property for weight loss. The harm of stress in this problem is obvious.

During a nervous breakdown, a person loses a lot of useful energy. To replenish it you have to eat something. Most often, people in this condition do not control what food they take: they eat everything and gain significant weight, causing harm to the body. With constant stress, overeating generally becomes a habit. The harm intensifies.

Papaya can be an excellent medicine: it can help you stay full (without overeating) and normalize your stress hormone levels. As a result, no nerves and obesity.

Papaya seeds: benefits and applications

When cleaning, many people throw out the seeds. In fact, it is unwise to neglect the use of papaya seeds for medicinal and preventive purposes. The benefits of their properties are difficult to overestimate:

This is the benefit of papaya enzymes.

If five seeds are crushed, mixed with a tablespoon of lime juice (fresh) and taken a couple of times a day for a month, significant improvements in cirrhosis of the liver can be observed.

The only thing you need to do first is consult with your doctor about using this mixture.

True, it is better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from eating papaya seeds.

Medicinal uses of papaya

In addition, the product has the ability to quickly heal wounds, strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

Papaya is also good for the intestines. Papin in the seeds helps fight pathogenic bacteria, thereby improving the properties of the microflora.

For wound healing

Powdered seeds help in healing wounds. It contains substances that kill harmful microbes and bacteria, and the juice of the green fruit prevents the formation of edema at the wound site and the formation of pus. Raw product contains a protease enzyme, which also accelerates wound healing.

To improve vision

For the prevention of atherosclerosis

Papaya vitamins A, C and E prevent atherosclerosis and promote healthy heart function. Vitamin C also regulates stress hormones.

For intervertebral hernia

A hernia occurs for many reasons:

  • from a sedentary lifestyle;
  • due to incorrect posture;
  • as a consequence of improper load distribution;
  • due to osteochondrosis.

It can be cured by papaya extract, which, due to its properties, can restore connective tissue in the discs between the vertebrae.

How is papaya used in cosmetology?

The fruit is widely used in cosmetology due to the fact that vitamins A and C are included in skin and hair care products. Various papaya-based preparations are used to restore skin. The juice is able to remove dead skin cells, restoring its healthy structure. In addition, the product is included in scrubs, creams, soaps, toothpaste and shaving foam.

Papaya face masks

Masks have the ability to cleanse the skin and make it radiant, and also remove toxins and provide a rejuvenating effect, and treat acne.

To use the product for cosmetic purposes to renew the skin on the face, you can use the following recipe for preparing the cream:

  1. Grind 5 g of pulp.
  2. Mix it with 20 g of shea butter and 20 g of sour cream.
  3. Place the mixture in a cosmetic jar.
  4. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

The cream should be used instead of the night fluid.

Papaya oil for hair

The oil, which is applied to the hair, gives it shine and silkiness, fights dandruff and helps strengthen the hair follicles, and generally improves the condition of the skin on the head.

The oil is made from the seeds of the fruit and is combined with various acids such as palmitic or oleic, which makes its properties universal. The mixture can be used as:

  • air conditioner;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • soft peeling;
  • balm or mask.

The oil should not be used by people with harmful allergic reactions to the substances contained in it.

What can you cook from papaya?

In modern cooking, the exotic fruit is in demand. The scope of its application is extensive:

  • salads;
  • desserts;
  • smoothie;
  • cocktails;
  • meat and fish dishes;
  • pancakes;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • ice cream.

Some people grind the seeds and use them as spices.

How to clean and eat papaya

There are several ways to peel and eat fruit:

  1. Cut in half, remove the seeds and eat with a spoon, like a watermelon.
  2. Cut into slices.
  3. Use your fingers to peel off the skin and use a spoon to eat the pulp.
  4. Peel the skin with your hands and eat without cutlery, like a pear or peach.

The benefits and harms of dried papaya

The benefits of dried papaya for the body, as well as the benefits of dried papaya, are difficult to overestimate.

A serving of unsweetened dried fruit contains 14 g of carbohydrates (the norm for a healthy adult is 225 g). Carbohydrates are fuel for humans. The same serving contains about 3 g of dietary fiber (the norm is 30 g), which improves intestinal function and reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

Dried fruit is well suited for a balanced diet. The benefit of dried papaya fruits is that it is an excellent source of healthy fiber.

Although they contain much less vitamin C compared to fresh fruits, the benefits of papaya are undoubted.

Harm of papaya and contraindications

Papaya is a fruit that brings both benefits and harm.

The unripe fruit contains harmful latex milky juice with poisonous properties, which can also cause premature contractions of the uterus in pregnant women, resulting in miscarriage.

Eating dried papaya can cause irreparable harm to people suffering from diabetes. You should always monitor the amount of dried fruit you consume because it contains additional sweeteners that can be harmful to your dental health and weight.

How to select and store papaya

When choosing, you need to consider the following:

  1. The fruit must not be damaged.
  2. The color of ripe fruit should not be green (harmful to health), but rich orange or yellow.
  3. A ripe, overripe fruit has a sweet smell.
  4. The fruit should be soft but elastic.
  5. The smaller the fruit, the tastier.

It can be stored throughout the year, but papaya acquires a special taste in spring or autumn. The fruit retains its taste and medicinal qualities if stored at a temperature of approximately 10 degrees Celsius.

To speed up ripening at home, you can put papaya in the same bag with a banana.


Papaya – healthy fruit, which has a maximum of useful and even medicinal properties and a minimum of contraindications. Yes, the benefits and harms of papaya are undeniable. The pulp helps to develop and maintain the body in normal condition.

The only thing you need to do before adding pulp or seeds to your diet is to consult a specialist. Perhaps some people have harmful allergic reaction on papaya substances. For some, use may be harmful for other reasons.

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For our latitudes, papaya is an exotic fruit. To some it resembles a melon, to others – to a pumpkin. It really looks like our native gifts of nature.

There was controversy regarding the species of the fruit. It was decided that at the everyday level it is necessary to call papaya a fruit or a vegetable depending on the condition of the fruit. Unripe or stale - a vegetable. Fresh ripe specimens are considered fruit. Although according to the botanical classification it is a berry.

What does papaya look like and where does it grow?

The undoubted advantage of papaya is that it can always be consumed fresh. The fruits ripen all year round.

Distribution area

It is believed that the birthplace of the tree is Mexico. Today it grows in tropical countries on both sides of the equator: Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Cuba, and others. They are trying to cultivate it in the surrounding areas. Pilot plantations have been established on the Black Sea coast of the South Caucasus.

What does it look like

Papaya grows in clusters on trees up to 9-10 m tall, resembling a palm tree. The harvest is harvested in the first year after planting the seedlings. The fruits are oval-shaped, melon-like, 12-35 cm in diameter, up to half a meter in length. Weight - 0.5-4.5 kg, giants up to 6-7 kg are not uncommon.
Greatest benefit brings quality ripe papaya:

  • bright, evenly colored, without black spots or grayishness;
  • yellow or orange, preferably with pink barrels;
  • elastic, soft, but does not press under the finger;
  • the flesh is pink-orange, red, salmon-colored, and green in some varieties;
  • the aroma is like that (some compare it with wild raspberries).

The peel must be whole and not damaged. Wet or sticky means treatment to artificially preserve presentation. There is no benefit from such fruits.

Taste of fruits

The taste depends on ripeness: unripe specimens are almost tasteless. Everyone has their own opinion about ripe ones:

  • Some people think of melon, others think of boiled sweet carrots, zucchini, and apricots.
  • Experts recommend trying papaya Holland. It is medium-sized, yellow, with pink barrels, and tastes like coffee or chocolate. In Indonesia the variety is known as "California".
  • The second “exotic among exotics” is the red embossed papaya. It has a sweet, but unusual taste and red flesh: scarlet or slightly muted.
  • There are varieties with green flesh (like apples). Soft specimens are beneficial.

Fruits baked over a fire or in the oven smell like freshly baked bread. It is not for nothing that papaya is called melon or breadfruit tree.

The concept of “papaya season” is irrelevant; you can go to its tasting at any time of the year.

How to peel and eat papaya

When you first get acquainted with tropical exotics, the question of how to eat papaya is inevitable. There is nothing complicated.

How to clean and eat

Only the pulp of the fruit is edible. They consume it like a melon:

  • wash;
  • cut lengthwise in half (especially large specimens - into quarters);
  • Using a tablespoon or dessert spoon, remove fibers with seeds.

The remaining pulp is processed in different ways:

  • cut or remove with a spoon from the peel;
  • cut off the peel and cut into slices;
  • cut into pieces on the skin of the segments, then carefully cut off at the bottom onto a plate.

They eat directly from the halves with a spoon, fork, or holding skewers stuck into the pieces.

Culinary assortment

You can taste fresh papaya in a salad, as a smoothie or juice. In processed form, these are jams, marinade, soft ice cream. In Thailand, tourists are treated to national dish number one – the fiery “Tam Som” salad. These are dried shrimp flavored with garlic, chili pepper, and green papaya.
Some “life hacks” from residents of the country will be useful at home:

  • Ripe papaya, sprinkled with lime or green lemon juice, replaces a full breakfast.
  • Particularly good with exotic seafood.
  • A spoonful of juice or a couple of pieces of fruit are added to the broth to make the meat melt in your mouth.
  • For variety, the fruit is combined with orange, or lemon juice.
  • Green fruits are added to fish, meat dishes, soups. Before cooking, cut them to drain the liquid. The pulp can be fried, stewed, boiled. The pieces are baked like shish kebab or stewed like zucchini.

A traditional Thai dish is papaya with meat, rice and spices. Fruits of medium ripeness make the baked dish sophisticated and refined.

How to store

Almost all tourists bring this exotic as a gift or for themselves. The question of how to preserve papaya at home arises head on. Fresh fruits are stored, like melons, in the refrigerator. But only two weeks. Dried or dried fruit does not spoil for months and is beneficial.

Calorie content and chemical composition of papaya

The tropical fruit has a well-deserved reputation as a storehouse of elements that benefit health.


It’s not for nothing that emotional Latin Americans have dubbed papaya “fruit bomb.” This is truly a bomb.
The champion in this section is vitamin C (two-thirds of the total composition). The second in volume is A. They are supplemented by vitamins: group B (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9), D, E, K, PP, β-carotene, choline.

Micro- and macroelements

In first place is potassium. Other components (in descending order by volume):

  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese.

There is more potassium than the rest of the elements combined.

Other components

The fruit also contains:

  • almost two dozen amino acids;
  • a dozen fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6;
  • carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, mono- and disaccharides.

Dietary fiber also provides benefits.

Calorie content

100 grams of pulp contains (g):

  • water – 86-88;
  • carbohydrates – 8-11 (including mono- and disaccharides – 5.9);
  • fat – 0.14-0.26;
  • proteins – 0.47-0.62;
  • fiber – 1.8-2.2;
  • ash – 0.5-0.7;
  • saturated fatty acids – 0.04.

Depending on what variety and how ripe the papaya is, the calorie content is 38-47 kcal/100 grams.


The “trick” of the fruit is the plant enzyme named after it. In the stomach, papain breaks down everything that is difficult to digest: fats, starch, proteins.
It is beneficial as a tenderizer for the toughest meat. This was established by the American Indians who roasted game. Their experience is used by modern cooks and housewives.
The benefits and harms of other papaya enzymes are determined by the degree of maturity of the fruit.

What are the benefits of papaya?

The benefits of a fruit like papaya are felt in different forms. The main thing is that in the early stages, the enzyme papain destroys the protein present in cancerous structures.

Benefits of candied papaya

Candied papaya fruits are useful, like fresh pulp, but less so, because they are boiled.
Product advantages:

  • beneficial substances last longer;
  • you can have a satisfying and quick snack;
  • lovers of candied fruits have less cholesterol in their blood, their liver functions better, and their skin rejuvenates;
  • antipyretic for influenza, sedative for insomnia.

They are easy to prepare at home. When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition and color. If there are dyes, flavors, or other additives, there is zero benefit.
Candied papaya has a calorie content of 320-330, that is, seven to eight times more than the fruit without “sugar” processing.

Benefits of seeds

Papaya seeds (there are up to 700 pieces in a fruit) are not consumed fresh, but are beneficial as raw materials:

The bitter, pungent taste of the seeds has made them a popular oriental seasoning, similar to black pepper.

Benefits of dried fruit

For residents of non-tropical regions, dried or dried papaya is a godsend. The benefits are the same as from a fresh product, but can be stored for months. The fruit is washed, cleared of seeds and peel, cut into thin slices, and placed in a low-heat oven (60-65°C). Store as regular dried fruits - at room temperature, without sealing tightly.

Beneficial properties for the body

The benefits of papaya for the body are assessed as therapeutic and preventive in the following areas:

  • skin problems: eczema, insect bites, thermal burns;
  • blood: cholesterol levels are reduced, thrombosis is prevented;
  • teeth: preventing caries, reducing bleeding gums.

The main benefit of papaya is the prevention or inhibition of cancer.

Papaya strengthens the eye muscles and helps maintain vision. This is important for older people and those who sit at the computer (that is, almost everyone). It prolongs youth and strengthens immunity.

What are the benefits of fruit for women?

Exotic fruits are useful for the female body in every sense:

  • the skin becomes radiant, smooth, elastic;
  • the condition of PMS is alleviated;
  • you can sleep less, but with better quality;
  • the emotional state is improved, a barrier to depression is put in place.

Dieters need to be vigilant: the fruit is beneficial as it is low-calorie, but it increases appetite. You should also not be overzealous so that the skin does not turn yellow.

Eating papaya during pregnancy

As a storehouse of useful substances, it is desirable for women during pregnancy:

  • anemia becomes impossible or inhibited;
  • toxicosis, constipation are prevented, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized;
  • folic acid is particularly beneficial for the proper development of the fetus; ensures blood circulation between the body of mother and child;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • relieves skin stretch marks.

However, unripe specimens with a hard skin are “stuffed” with peptin. It provokes an increase in the intensity of uterine contractions, so even a lobule can “organize” an unplanned birth.
Eating semi-ripe papaya (pulp and seeds) can cause miscarriage.

Papaya extract in cosmetology

The world's cosmetic giants have appreciated the advantages and benefits of exotic. Its extract appears in almost the entire range of beauty products:

  • skin: preparations for whitening, wart removal, freckle discoloration, post-epilation care;
  • hair: shampoos, masks, rinses, balms;
  • toothpastes.

Oil goes in a separate line:

  • skin: cleanses, moisturizes, removes acne; suitable for ladies of any type;
  • hair: treats ends, strengthens follicles.

If there are no products with these components on sale, a few drops added to the main product will also benefit.

Benefits for men

Papaya contains arginine, a natural aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on potency. 150-250 g of pulp daily helps maintain sexual health and increases male strength. The benefits of papain are to destroy keratin and slow down hair growth. Therefore, shaving products with this component are popular.

Use in folk medicine

African sorcerers, Peruvian brujos, and East Asian healers have studied and used healing powers for centuries medicinal properties papaya. Different parts of the tree provide benefits:

  • The juice of immature specimens heals open, deep, festering wounds.
  • They also neutralize poisons from insect bites. The product is considered a pain reliever, helps with eczema, problems with the spine (hernia, osteochondrosis).
  • The seeds are used for anthelmintic drugs.
  • Leaves are used to instantly heal wounds.
  • Flower infusions treat colds.

Medicines with a wide range of effects are prepared from the pulp.

Papaya contraindications

Regarding papaya, the benefits and harms to the body are determined by the degree of maturity and rules of consumption:

  • Only ripe fruits are beneficial.
  • The juice should be white and uniform in consistency. Watery and colorless occurs in spoiled specimens.
  • The juice and pulp of green fruits are dangerous. They contain carpaine. Even small doses of this alkaloid provoke intoxication of the body, abdominal pain, and indigestion.
  • Ripe fruits fresh from the tree are full of latex juice. It is recognized as an allergen. Eating them excessively can cause burns – internal and external.
  • A ripe specimen is also tasted carefully: a small slice or piece is enough to start with.
  • Unripe papaya (pulp and seeds) acts as a contraceptive.

If there are doubts about the ripeness of the fruit, but it’s a pity to throw it away, process it: fry, boil or steam it.

Allergy sufferers should be especially vigilant. A person may experience individual intolerance or allergy to papaya. But only tasting allows you to find out.


The benefits of papaya are obvious. It can be consumed by almost anyone and given to children over two years old, especially if they do not eat well.
This is still a curiosity for us, so we need to get to know it gradually. If we are talking about children, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.
This exotic food is worth trying to enrich yourself with new taste sensations and become healthier.