Desserts      12/19/2021

Jamie Oliver's oatmeal. How to make the perfect oatmeal for breakfast: the secrets of Jamie Oliver - photo. Black rice pudding

A nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day, so you can work focused until lunchtime. Breakfast is an excellent opportunity to nourish the body with macro- and microelements. For your attention, ideas from Jamie Oliver for breakfasts in the framework.


Granola is called a mixture of oatmeal, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and honey, baked in the oven until crispy. Can be added to granola fresh fruit, wild berries, pieces of chocolate and various spices. It goes well with kefir, yogurt and honey. The main value of this product is fiber, which saturates the body and stimulates the digestive system.


  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • half a lemon
  • olive oil first
  • 4 leaves fresh basil
  • 400 g (one tin) canned beans varieties "cannellini" (white oblong)
  • 1 pinch fennel seeds
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 slices whole grain bread
  • 2 tsp. spoons of ricotta cheese
  • to taste: balsamic vinegar and chili sauce


Cut the tomatoes into halves, place in a bowl and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, add one tablespoon olive oil and basil leaves, stir and set aside for a few minutes. Place a wide non-stick frying pan over high heat. Drain the beans and add them to the pan along with the fennel seeds and a pinch of black pepper. Leave the beans on the fire for about five minutes, stirring occasionally so that the beans burst and open. Then add the contents of the bowl with tomatoes to the frying pan, add 100 ml of water to the frying pan. Add heat and let the excess liquid boil and evaporate for a minute. Break two eggs into the pan, cover with a lid and cook for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Make toast with ricotta. Serve scrambled eggs with toast and balsamic vinegar or chili sauce.

Black rice pudding

Such a beautiful glass will allow you to start your day in a completely different way. Hazelnut milk is high in vitamin B12, which gives you strength, and black rice is high in antioxidants. Prepare these cups on the weekend and you'll have a stylish breakfast at the start of the week.


  • 200 g black rice
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped hazelnuts
  • 1 tbsp. coconut flakes
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 200 ml hazelnut milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. vanilla extract
  • 4 tbsp. l. with a pile of honey
  • 2 passion fruits (can be replaced with any other fruit according to the season)


Prepare black rice according to instructions. Cook longer than package directions, it should be sticky. Cool. Prepare mango puree by adding lime juice. Pour into a bowl. Fry the nuts and coconut in a frying pan and grind in a mortar. Mash bananas using a blender, pour in the hazelnut milk, add vanilla extract and two-thirds of black rice, if necessary, add honey for more sweetness and mix until smooth. Add the rest of the rice. Place in four beautiful containers. Top with mango, squeeze passion fruit over each bowl, then top with yoghurt and garnish with nuts and coconut.

Poached eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein and are great for breakfast. Serve with toast whole grain flour, a pinch of salt and black pepper.


  • sea ​​salt
  • 4 eggs


Take a deep frying pan and pour water from a just boiled kettle. Add salt and turn the heat to low. In one motion, place the egg into the water, then the rest. You will see that they will immediately begin to move into the readiness stage. Depending on various factors, the eggs will be ready in 2-4 minutes. Place eggs on paper towels and let dry. Season with salt and pepper. Serve on buttered toast.

Egg and berry sandwich

This breakfast is ready in 15 minutes and is a treasure trove of benefits. Sweet, with the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg, decorated with pistachios, is not breakfast, but a dream.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ground nutmeg
  • ground cinnamon
  • 2 slices whole grain bread
  • 150 g raspberries
  • olive oil
  • 20 g peeled pistachios
  • 4 tbsp. l. with a heap of low-fat yogurt


In a blender, beat the egg and peeled banana, add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Pour into a flat plate. Make a pocket in each piece of bread and remove the crumb. Place raspberries in it with your finger and pour in the egg-banana mixture. Press down so that the bread absorbs it. Meanwhile, you place a non-stick frying pan on the heat with a spoonful of oil and spread the oil with a paper towel. Pour some of the remaining mixture into the frying pan and place your bread in the middle. Do the same with the second piece, turn over and cook for another couple of minutes. Serve topped with yoghurt and topped with pistachios and honey. Sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon if desired.


Oatmeal for breakfast is a classic that never loses its relevance. There is plenty to get creative with by adding nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc.


  • 160 g oat flakes
  • 600 ml milk or water
  • sea ​​salt
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 30 almond petals
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp. l. poppy
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. maple syrup or honey


Place the oatmeal filled with milk/water to cook on medium heat. Add a pinch of salt and stir with a wooden spoon. Once brought to a boil, cook, stirring, for 5-6 minutes. Honor the banana and cut into pieces. Fry the almonds until golden brown. Add cinnamon, poppy seeds and maple syrup, stir. Place oatmeal in a dish and top with banana slices and almonds. A couple more drops of syrup or honey and you're done.

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A famous chef knows how to make you love porridge

© Depositphotos

Jamie Oliver- the main popularizer of home cooking and adept. He taught the whole world to love food and proved that preparing healthy food is easy. He is happy to share his culinary secrets in a television show and his own glossy magazine.


We learned how to quickly and easily prepare the most healthy and nutritious breakfast- oatmeal. It is this porridge that is recognized by nutritionists as the best start to the day - it is good for breakfast, both for breakfast and simply for good brain activity and energy throughout the day.


Somehow it turned out that many of us for some reason do not like the taste of oatmeal. Jamie Oliver will teach you how to cook porridge so that it has a delicate creamy texture (without adding cream and butter, which reduces its calorie content) and tastes good.


Follow 4 basic chef tips:

  1. Choose the right oatmeal. Those that are intended for long cooking are ideal - they are denser and as a result their taste will be more intense. The best oatmeal is organic and fairly solid. It is processed less than flakes, which just need to be poured with hot water, and therefore is considered healthier. In addition, dense flakes will yield porridge with the correct texture.

  1. It is important to maintain proportions. One cup of oatmeal should yield four. Because for proper preparation porridge, pour the flakes in a ratio of 1:3. That is, for a cup of cereal - 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, the flakes will become softer and you can try the consistency to your taste. However, it would be better to boil the porridge for 12-15 minutes.

© Depositphotos
  1. Don't forget the salt. One very important nuance that is often forgotten when preparing oatmeal is the addition of salt. Even if you want to cook sweet porridge with fruit or any other topping, salt is required. It reveals all facets of the dish’s taste and emphasizes its sweetness and tenderness. Feel free to add a pinch when the porridge begins to boil and mix well.

© Depositphotos
  1. The final touch is stirring. Oatmeal loves to be stirred. In Scotland there is even a special spoon for this, but any one will do. Don't stop stirring the porridge all the time until it thickens.

Jamie Oliver- the main popularizer of home cooking and adherent healthy eating. He taught the whole world to love food and proved that preparing healthy food is easy. He happily shares his culinary secrets on a television show and his own glossy magazine.

We learned how to quickly and easily prepare the healthiest and most nutritious breakfast - oatmeal. It is this porridge that is recognized by nutritionists as the best start to the day - it is good for breakfast both before training and simply for good brain activity and energy throughout the day.

Somehow it turned out that many of us for some reason do not like the taste of oatmeal. Jamie Oliver will teach you how to cook porridge so that it has a delicate creamy texture (without adding cream and butter, which reduces its calorie content) and tastes good.

Follow 4 basic chef tips:

Choose the right oatmeal. Those that are intended for long cooking are ideal - they are denser and as a result their taste will be more intense. The best oatmeal is organic and fairly solid. It is processed less than flakes, which just need to be poured with hot water, and therefore is considered healthier. In addition, dense flakes will yield porridge with the correct texture.

It is important to maintain proportions. One cup of oatmeal should yield four. Therefore, for proper preparation of porridge, you need to pour the flakes in a ratio of 1:3. That is, for a cup of cereal - 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, the flakes will become softer and you can try the consistency to your taste. However, it would be better to boil the porridge for 12-15 minutes.

Don't forget the salt. One very important nuance that is often forgotten when preparing oatmeal is the addition of salt. Even if you want to cook sweet porridge with fruit or any other topping, salt is required. It reveals all facets of the dish’s taste and emphasizes its sweetness and tenderness. Feel free to add a pinch when the porridge begins to boil and mix well.

The final touch is stirring. Oatmeal loves to be stirred. In Scotland there is even a special spoon for this, but any one will do. Don't stop stirring the porridge all the time until it thickens.

When choosing a topping for porridge, let your imagination run wild. You can add whatever you can get your hands on: fruits, berries, sweets, peanut butter, seeds, nuts or superfoods. Just go with your own taste, or borrow a few ideas from Jamie.

Home Cooking Skills by Jamie Oliver - a great series and collection step by step recipes, which will improve your home cooking skills. Preparations of such simple dishes, like scrambled eggs or morning toast with jam, are described here step by step. We chose three recipes from Jamie - with blackberries and caramelized apples, banana, almonds and cinnamon, and a classic milk porridge.

Once you've made this basic oatmeal the way you like it, you'll be sure to remember the process and sequence. Having consolidated the result several times, you can move on to variations - adding honey, maple syrup and other sweeteners to the recipe. And a little later - experiment with fillings - seeds, nuts, fruits, berries and dried fruits.

for basic milk porridge:

200 g oatmeal
750 ml milk

For the blackberry and apple filling:

2 apples
small piece of butter
1 tbsp. liquid honey
1 tsp oatmeal
2 handfuls fresh or frozen blackberries

For the banana cinnamon filling:

2 ripe bananas
2 tbsp. almond flakes or coconut flakes
½ tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. poppy seeds
2-4 tbsp. honey or maple syrup

Milk oatmeal

Step 1

Mix oatmeal and milk (can be replaced with water) in a saucepan, add a little salt and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes until the porridge reaches a “creamy” consistency.

Step 2

If you like thinner porridge, just add a little more milk or water. Serve hot.

Oatmeal with blackberries and apples

Step 1

Cut the apples in half, remove the core and cut into cubes.

Step 2

Fry apples in a heated frying pan on butter. Pour in the honey, add the flakes and cook until the apples have a caramel color, up to 10 minutes.

Step 3

Add the berries to the prepared milk oatmeal and stir. Serve with caramelized apples on top.

I would like to apologize to my Russian friends for the fact that it’s already like this here...

but, probably, it’s not worth it, because only when we have 37, only then will it become clear which of us is luckier...

And yesterday, thanks to the fact that in the community gotovim_vmeste Oatmeal week was announced, and we still had it on the table. In three types. The oatmeal itself, soda bread with oatmeal and fish in oatmeal breading. The community will not be interested in the first two recipes, but I will still present them here.

Where do you think I went in search of recipes with oatmeal? Well, of course, to our Jamie Oliver.
And I found four options for oatmeal porridge. I had my eye on one. This one is with chocolate and orange marmalade.
It's simple - cook the porridge in milk with added salt and add dark chocolate without sugar in pieces and stir until it dissolves.
Serve with a couple of spoons of orange marmalade.
For some reason, adults liked this dish more than children.

2 cups flour
1 cup rolled oats (rolled oats)
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp (55g) cold l. butter, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup small raisins
1/2 cup walnuts, chop finely
1 1/4 cups kefir (buttermilk)
Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F.
Grease the baking tray vegetable oil.
In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (from flour to salt). Add the cold pieces of butter and chop with a knife into small pea-sized crumbs (or rub the butter into the flour with your fingers).
Add raisins, nuts and stir. Add kefir to the flour, stir with a fork (the dough will be slightly sticky).
Place the dough on a floured table, knead a little until the dry flour disappears and form a round loaf 15 cm in diameter; place the loaf on a baking sheet.
Using a strainer, sprinkle the bread with flour (1 tsp). Make shallow cuts on the bread with a knife (2 cm deep, 10 cm long) in the shape of a cross.
Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until done. (the crust of the bread should be dry and hard, but it will soften as it cools).
Cool the bread

Well, the last recipe for today. In general, I don’t even raise my hand to write this great word - “recipe” :), but still...

Jamie Oliver's Oatmeal Crusted Trout

Trout fillet with skin, pour over lemon juice, salt and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.
Spread with Dijon mustard and sprinkle with oatmeal instant cooking.
Bake at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes
(the cereal in Oliver’s book acquired a bronze tint, but mine did not want to brown for anything, despite my manipulations with the temperature and even the grill)

Yes, there was more than just oatmeal that day :)
We were supposed to play football with the French Lyceum. They searched for him for an hour, despite the rain, and when they found him, it turned out that the host team showed up in the number of three people.
The Spaniards are mainly susceptible to optionality, I thought that this property was acquired, but it seems that it is innate.
The rain had just stopped and we had to play with ourselves. There are teachers at the gates :)

This is my son in flight :)

While the boys were busy playing, I enjoyed the beauty and aroma of flowering trees. It's already started, yeah...