Bakery products      25.12.2021

Olive oil or sunflower oil: which oil is better for frying? Olive oil or sunflower oil, which oil is healthier? Why is sunflower oil worse than olive oil?

When a person decides to lose weight and begins to eat right, he, like a five-year-old child, explores this world anew. He tries new tastes and combinations, tries to figure out which of the products are healthier, more satisfying, digestible better or worse, and which ones should not be eaten at all. Getting off the mayonnaise needle, a person discovers the world of fresh vegetable salads, and with them the world of oils. Which oil is healthier - olive oil or sunflower oil? Or maybe sesame or trendy coconut? Let's try to figure it out.

Oil for fasting

The first oil from sunflower seeds was obtained back in the days of the Russian Empire at the plant of the merchant Bokarev. From there it began its journey around the globe. Already six years after the first pressing, the oil began to be produced in large quantities for import.

In those days, people did not yet think about what is more useful - olive or sunflower oil, since the first was completely inaccessible to ordinary people. At the same time, sunflower quickly gained popularity, because it could be consumed in fasting, unlike butter and pork fat.

How do they do it?

Sunflower oil is produced at oil extraction plants in several stages. First, sunflower seeds are peeled and passed through a crushing machine, resulting in the so-called mint. The resulting substance is sent to the brazier, and then to the pressing shop, where the first product is extracted - unrefined virgin oil.

In the mass left after the press shop, called the pulp, about 22% of the oil still remains. It is mined in the next, extraction shop. The second pressing - in the extractor - is carried out with the help of organic solvents. The resulting product is refined, purified and deodorized, resulting in various varieties sunflower oil.


Before answering the question of which oil is more useful - olive or sunflower, it is worthwhile to figure out which oils from sunflower seeds are on the market and what properties they have.

  • Unrefined cold pressed. Such oil is the most useful of all sunflower oils, since the only purification procedure that such products undergo is physical filtration. This oil retains all tocopherols, phosphatides, phospholipids, sterols, linoleic and oleic acids and vitamins.
  • To obtain unrefined hot-pressed oil, the seeds are heated and passed through a press. In this case, more finished product is obtained, but some of the tocopherols and phosphatides are destroyed by heating.
  • Refined oil is an oil refined with alkali and absorbents, which practically does not contain tocopherols and phosphatides. It is good for frying, as it does not foam, does not smoke, and does not form carcinogens when heated for a long time. However, it contains very few nutrients and vitamins.

Beneficial features

Unrefined cold-pressed sunflower oil retains all beneficial features sunflower seeds: tocopherol for the functioning of muscles and the nervous system, phosphatides for proper calcium metabolism in bone tissue, phospholipids, which are a structural element of cells, linoleic, arachidic, oleic, stearic acids and vitamins groups A,D and E. It cannot be heated, but is great for dressing salads and cold dishes.

Sunflower oil strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of oncology, improves memory, normalizes appetite, has anti-aging properties, and has a positive effect on sexual functions.

Oil from the sunny Mediterranean

Olive oil known in the Mediterranean countries since antiquity. It is an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine. O healing properties olive oil has been known since antiquity - it was not only eaten, but also used as masks and moisturizers.

The unique anti-aging and softening properties of olive oil are still used by cosmetic companies, adding it to various skin care products.

Production and types

Spain is the world leader in olive oil production. It is closely followed by Italy and Greece. It is extracted from the fruit of the European olive. They are collected, crushed and squeezed out the oil. As in the case of sunflower, there is a cold and hot pressing.

After pressing, the oil is sent for processing - part of it only undergoes physical filtration and receives the category "unfiltered extra virgin olive oil". The second part undergoes chemical cleaning, which helps to remove a pronounced smell, and at the same time a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

What are the benefits of olive oil?

To the question "Which olive oil or sunflower oil is better absorbed by the human body?" experts give an unequivocal answer - olive. It has an absolutely unique composition. 100% absorbed by the body.

It is considered a unique anti-aging agent, serves to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pressure in hypertensive patients, heals wounds and ulcers well. Olive oil strengthens bone tissue, eliminates cholesterol plaques, and prevents atherosclerosis.

Dressing for salads and cold dishes

Very often, vegetable oil is used to dress salads or cold dishes. If the recipe does not clearly indicate which is better - olive oil or sunflower oil, then both options can be used.

Of sunflower seeds, you should opt for unrefined cold-pressed oil - it is this oil that retains all the beneficial properties of the seeds and has a pronounced taste and aroma. When choosing, you should adhere to the same scheme - cold pressing, no refining.

Despite the fact that these oils are unequal in terms of the number of micro and macro elements included in them, both of them will bring undoubted benefits to the body.

For frying and baking

The situation is quite different with recipes in which the oil is subjected to heat treatment. Which is better - olive or sunflower oil - to use for frying and baking?

Unrefined sunflower oil will foam strongly when heated, form carcinogens, and almost all useful material will be destroyed in it. Refined sunflower, although devoid of such shortcomings, is completely useless in terms of benefits - tocopherol, phosphatides, phospholipids and other elements necessary for our body have already been destroyed in it under the chemical influence of refining.

Olive oil has a reputation for being the best oil for frying. It retains its structure, useful elements and does not burn up to 240 degrees. Thus, when cooking with heat treatment Olive oil is preferred.

For diet

Most oils contain too many calories and are not suitable for weight loss. Which oil has more calories - olive or sunflower? The first contains 824 kcal per 100 grams, the second - 900 kcal.

However, due to the unique composition and a large amount of linoleic acid, it is recommended that those who lose weight replace sunflower oil with olive oil. Interestingly, even based on the use of a large amount of unrefined fats, the keto diet recommends that its followers replace sunflower oil with any other oil - olive, sesame, butter, and even rapeseed.

For kids

The question of which oil is more useful - olive or sunflower - for the first complementary foods and, in principle, for young children is quite controversial in domestic pediatrics. Some doctors insist on the introduction of refined deodorized sunflower oil, others say that such a practice is useless and even harmful.

For hair and skin

Since ancient times, oils have been used not only as food, but also as a cosmetic product. On their basis, they make all kinds of masks for hair and face, body wraps and scrubs, add to creams, balms and shampoos.

Which oil is more useful - olive or sunflower, when it comes to cosmetic care? Here again, olive oil comes first. It contains vitamins A and B, which are responsible for the formation of collagen, which is directly responsible for silky hair and elastic skin. In addition, olive oil contains an increased concentration of vitamin E, which slows down aging, and vitamin K, which improves blood circulation.

Oils are important

An unequivocal answer to the question "What is more useful - sunflower or olive oil?" just doesn't exist. Each of them is good in its own way. Unrefined olive will add aroma and taste Greek salad, but ruin a lean plum pie. Sunflower will foam and splash in a pan, but it will remind you of the taste of childhood in vegetable salad.

And it is best to have a small shelf at home where you can collect all the oils of the world:

  • creamy - for creams and cakes;
  • sunflower, olive and linseed - for various salads;
  • sesame - to tomatoes;
  • coconut - for cheesecakes;
  • peanut - in oatmeal;
  • mustard - for croutons.

All of them, subject to reasonable use, will only benefit the body.

Saturated fatty acids in olive and sunflower oils

Saturated fatty acids are palmitic, stearic and lauric acids. In large quantities, they are found in fats of animal origin, but they are necessarily included in different proportions in the composition of vegetable oils.

The intake of saturated fatty acids is essential for our health, but in limited quantities. Saturated fats are needed to maintain the immune, bone and nervous systems in working condition, to protect the liver.

At the same time, modern eating style creates an overabundance of saturated fats in our diet, which leads to an increase in bad cholesterol and excess body fat.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, or vitamin F, have a special place in ensuring the normal functioning of the human body. The main elements of the complex of this type of acids are Omega-6 (linoleic) and Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic). They are irreplaceable, they are not synthesized in the human body, therefore they must be supplied with food.

Vitamin F is necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis, improvement of tissue nutrition and blood circulation, reduction of inflammatory processes, absorption of most other vitamins. Its deficiency can lead to chronic diseases and developmental delays in children.

Omega-9, oleic acid, is the most commonly found monounsaturated acid in foods. Despite the fact that monounsaturated acids are not essential, their benefits to the body cannot be overestimated.

Omega-9 is necessary to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots. It improves protein synthesis and enhances fat burning, which is necessary for effective weight loss.

Tocopherol - vitamin E - is not without reason known as the "vitamin of youth". This substance is the strongest antioxidant that helps the body cope with a number of serious problems.

Tocopherol is necessary to strengthen the cardiovascular system and to slow down the aging process of cells. The lack of tocopherol is unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation.

After analyzing the indicators that are essential for us, we can conclude that these types of vegetable oils are not antagonists, but complementary food products.

Sunflower oil is polyunsaturated, olive oil is monounsaturated. The presence of unrefined oils of both types in our daily diet in small quantities (1-2 tablespoons) will help improve health and maintain a slim figure.

The debate about which is healthier - olive or sunflower oil, has not subsided since the tropical variety of this product first entered our market. There are probably supporters for both one and the other option, but a reasonable consumer will not blindly believe in taste and aroma, but will try to compare two products, trying to find the difference. Of course, there is, so let's try to pay attention to the differences.


It should immediately be clear that both sunflower and olive oils also differ depending on the variety, therefore, episodically, absolutely objectively, the comparison can be won by both one side and the opposite. Differences in varieties need to be used properly, since oil is used for different needs, and what is not suitable for salad may be much better for frying.

For example, both olive and sunflower oils are unrefined or refined. The product is either squeezed out mechanically, or extracted by extraction - by adding various solvents, which will subsequently be removed from the liquid. Thanks to this, unrefined oil is obtained, which has a rich color, the same smell and taste. This option is optimal for salads and other cold-cooked dishes, but you should not fry it - the components contained in it during the boiling process can release harmful substances that will not add health. At the same time, the combustion temperature of unrefined oil is relatively low.

To rid the liquid of potentially dangerous components and make it suitable for frying, the oil is refined, that is, purified. Such a liquid normally tolerates temperatures up to 240 degrees above zero, since there is nothing superfluous in it. However, it also does not have a tasteful smell, which disappeared during cleaning, and the color, by the way, practically disappears - the oil becomes almost transparent. You can add such a product to a salad, but the effect of improving the dish will be insignificant.

For this reason, comparisons between the two types of oil are made only in the context of unrefined varieties. Refined oils are not so easy to distinguish from each other, besides, they lose most of the beneficial and harmful substances.

Oil does not seem to be the most vitamin product, and yet it is made from plant materials, in which vitamins must be present. They also pass into the oil extracted from such raw materials.

So, sunflower oil is very rich in vitamin E - it is immediately three times more than that of a competitor. On the contrary, olive oil contains a significant dose of vitamin K, which the sunflower variety is not rich in.

However, it is important to note here that both vitamins are needed by the human body, but in relatively small quantities.

It would be wrong to say that due to the high content of a certain vitamin, one of the two oils is healthier, so it is best to use sunflower oil, and after a while replace it with olive oil, and so on all the time.


For many modern women, the evaluation of a product begins with how it fits into their favorite diet. Naturally, oil, in principle, cannot be dietary, but after all, it is consumed relatively little, because the fair sex is very meticulous about what kind of oil to fill the salad with. Studies show that there is not much difference, because it is almost impossible to determine which oil has less calories.

Averages fluctuate around 899-900 kcal per 100 grams in favor of sunflower oil, however, the performance of each individual variety may vary. In general, it can be said that there is no significant difference in this criterion.

Saturated fats

This component is the most dangerous in the composition of any oil, since it is he who is responsible for the accumulation of excess weight. As is often the case, it is impossible to do without a harmful component, since it also brings certain benefits. If you do not abuse saturated fats, they are necessary for the normal functioning of many systems in the human body. However, the situation with modern nutrition is such that too many of these substances are consumed, and therefore the abundance of saturated fats in the diet leads to increased absorption of cholesterol. The result of this is not only problems with being overweight, but also diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Both types of oil do not contain cholesterol at all, but to a certain extent they contribute to the fact that it remains in the body after eating other products. Therefore, the leadership criterion is again for sunflower oil, and again - uncertain: studies show that vegetable oil is still a little more harmful.

unsaturated fats

Oddly enough, fats can not only increase, but also normalize the amount of cholesterol in the blood - polyunsaturated fats are responsible for such processes. Substances of this type make up the vast majority of both olive and sunflower oils, but in sunflower their content is still higher - 80% versus 77%. However, even nutritionists agree that such a difference is not so fundamental.


There are also substances that prevent the absorption of cholesterol from any food, thereby reducing the likelihood of gaining excess weight and the occurrence of concomitant diseases. The best-known phytosterols are linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids, also commonly known as omega-6 and omega-3, respectively. They are practically absent in sunflower oil, but they are well represented in the composition of olive species.

This is perhaps the only clear advantage of olive fruit over sunflower seeds, but it is pronounced, while the benefits of sunflower oil are usually relatively weak.


And here is another indicator in which olive oil is in the lead. It is absorbed in the human body on average one-fifth better than sunflower. The reason for such a high figure is the fact that up to ¾ of the composition of olive oil is oleic acid, which the body badly needs, and therefore its use is useful. However, in sunflower oil it is also present in a high proportion of content - up to 45%.

Quality level and prices

We should also not forget that any vaunted product is really useful only if its highest quality sample is taken. According to this indicator, the difference between olive and sunflower oil is also very noticeable.

For example, sunflower oil in our latitudes, each country produces itself. In the same Russia, each region has its own producers who produce both high-quality and mediocre sunflower oil. If you don’t understand the assortment, you can guess the choice far from the first time, but absolutely all varieties are relatively inexpensive - production in a country with relatively low wages and proximity to the consumer affects.

With olive oil, the situation is somewhat different. In our area, if it is produced somewhere, it is very limited - especially since consumers simply will not trust such a product. This variety is imported from warm countries - mainly Greece, Spain and Italy, and there the wages of workers are higher, and the cost of delivery is very different upwards. At the same time, such products are often regarded as the highest quality, but here importers are cunning.

The fact is that really good olive oil in our understanding is extremely expensive, therefore it is imported into our country in limited quantities and is not sold everywhere - the main market for it is Western Europe and North America. In fairness, very bad oil is also usually not brought to us - low-quality products, as a rule, are not exported at all, unless we are talking about China. It turns out that almost all olive oil on domestic shelves is of average quality at relatively high prices.

In this regard, it is most reasonable in choosing to build on your own preferences related to taste and aroma. However, if you want to get the maximum benefit and indulge yourself with gastronomic diversity, it makes sense to alternate different oils, discovering new combinations.

The following video will help you to fully determine the difference between olive and sunflower oils.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of vegetable oil, and some, for not entirely transparent reasons, praise foreign olive oil, while others, on the contrary, call for eating exclusively domestic sunflower oil. Let's try to clarify the current situation and answer the main question that worries many who somehow monitor the usefulness of their diet: which oil, olive or sunflower, is more beneficial for a person?

Let's start, perhaps, with exposing the stereotypes imposed by advertising, when the advantages of only the product are put on display, which, through this advertising, must be realized by the mass consumer, as a rule, completely forgetting to mention its existing analogues. First of all, we are talking about olive oil. After all, it is known that the European Union allocates simply colossal funds to support the trade propaganda of olive oil. So there is nothing surprising in today's popularity of olive oil - it is a natural product of powerful and expensive advertising.

Frequent claims that olive oil does not contain cholesterol, as in other things and sunflower, as well as other types of vegetable oils, are made from scratch, since vegetable oils in their composition, by definition, do not contain any cholesterol. The same goes for claims that a particular type of oil contains vitamin E. All vegetable oils contain this fat-soluble vitamin, which is also a powerful antioxidant. True, the mass fraction of vitamin E largely depends not only on the type of oil, but to a large extent on its place of origin, time and pressing technology, as well as on mixing it with other cheaper varieties or on enrichment with artificial additives and dyes. In fairness, it is worth noting that our native sunflower oil contains more vitamin E than the advertised Mediterranean olive or, as it is also called, Provence oil - over 60 mg per 100 g of product. All of the above is fully manifested in the content of other vitamins present in vegetable fats: vitamins A, D and K. In this regard, more cheap varieties of olive oil may contain fewer vitamins than domestic sunflower oil. The same market experts say that before Russian market expensive varieties of olive oil simply do not reach, because they are produced in relatively small quantities and are sent to the European market first. In contrast to this fact, says the following: 60% of the total production of sunflower oil in the world falls on the share of Ukraine. So maybe we should first of all satisfy our needs for vegetable oils, and only then saturate the import market by sending less high-quality products to the west?

The advantage of olive oil is its high digestibility.(10 to 8, olive versus sunflower). This fact is explained by the fact that in its composition about 70-75% of all fatty acids are oleic acid, which is extremely useful for the human body. But the same fatty acid is also included in the composition of sunflower oil in an amount of up to 45%. A notable addition is the following: olive oil is more suitable for frying in view of the fact that when heated, it contains much less trans fats that are dangerous to health than sunflower oil. But this does not mean at all that sunflower oil should be excluded from salads, dressings and other dishes that do not require long frying at high temperatures. And even more so, this does not mean that you can fry in olive oil for a long time and as much as you like - everything needs a measure.

Another significant difference between olive oil and sunflower oil is the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fats that are indispensable for the human body. So in sunflower oil for 71 parts of fat omega 6, whose share is estimated at 50%, accounts for only one part of the fat omega 3. In turn, in olive oil, this ratio is 4:1 , which is recognized by nutritionists as the most optimal for our body and is the reason for the periodic consumption of this type of vegetable oil in food.

You need to understand that nutritionists defend the dietary side of the issue, which often does not fit with nutritional value and the needs of the body. In scientific circles, omega 3 fats are considered to be more nutritionally valuable.

Summarize. Taking into account the places of growth of raw materials and their subsequent processing into oil, further transportation and marketing features of the distribution of expensive and cheap varieties of the types of oils in question, their final cost, it is quite reasonable to dwell on their joint use in food, sometimes giving preference to one or the other. Then it will be possible to get nutritional benefit, both from olive oil and from sunflower oil in general.

Do not forget to use other types of oils - pumpkin, hemp and many others.

Find out how to choose the right oil, what is the difference between olive and sunflower, where is the truth and where is fiction.

Modern dietology is full of prejudices and myths, controversial topics and misconceptions, this does not bypass the problem of choosing oil for salad dressing. This article details which oil is better: olive or sunflower.

The value of oil depends on the concentration and proportion of fatty acids, the main of which are Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are essential unsaturated fatty acids.

Both olive and sunflower oils contain a low concentration of Omega-3, the leader in its content is oil. According to the concentration of Omega-6, olive contains 5 times less of it than sunflower.

The value of sunflower and olive oil

Other indicators per 100 gr. are:

The energy value:

Sunflower - 899 kcal.
Olive - 898 kcal.

Omega-6 fatty acids:

Sunflower - 60g.
Olive - 12 gr.

Vitamin E:

Sunflower - 44mg.
Olive - 12mg.

Saturated fats:

Sunflower - 11g.
Olive - 16g.

In various sources, there is information that the lack of modern nutrition is a strong disproportion of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Based on these data, many nutritionists advise reducing the consumption of omega-6 fats and increasing omega-3 fats. However, most people forget about important point- the rapid growth of the total amount in human nutrition. This is the main cause of obesity, which needs to be paid close attention.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and only after that increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

The next important element of oils is Vitamin E. This group of vitamins has a number of positive qualities for the body:

Participation in the synthesis of proteins, as well as sex hormones;
- strengthening immunity;
- active participation in the formation of creatine phosphate and ATP, as well as in energy metabolism;
- antioxidant effect on the cell membrane, which reduces the likelihood of cancer.

If we talk about saturated fats, which are necessary to perform a number of important functions in the body, then sunflower oil again breaks out into the lead with a small margin.

What oil to fry?

A common question is - what oil is better to fry? The best solution would be none. However, if you still have to use oil for frying, then the best solution would be refined. Although it is less useful in its raw form, it produces fewer carcinogens during the heat treatment process.

For frying it is better to use refined oil, not refined for salad dressing.

Why choose olive oil?

Of all the above, the question remains which oil is better, but where does the confidence come from that olive oil is healthier and better than sunflower oil? Several reasons contribute to this:

1. Way of thinking - the more expensive, the better.

You can't argue what's right healthy eating is more expensive than feeding everyone, but this does not apply to absolutely all products.

2. Total translation of Western sources of information.

Most information about fitness, bodybuilding and proper nutrition with the correct proportions of BJU, it came from the West and for them olive oil is an everyday product, and sunflower oil is a rarity. After all, if we compare at the world level, sunflower oil is consumed in large quantities by the former countries of the USSR, the whole world uses other types of oils.

3. Aggressive marketing ploy.

Large corporations have the only goal of maximizing profits and it is more profitable for them to sell expensive products, infusing the necessary information into the minds of people, they control our preferences.


From the information listed above, both types of oil are beneficial to the body. The main thing is to stick to a certain list of products that will have the best effect on the figure and health in general. By including both of the above products in your diet, you will more clearly understand the benefits of each of them.