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Is it possible to eat cabbage with pancreatitis: broccoli and other varieties, cooking methods and recipes. Features of the use of broccoli. Dairy and sour-milk flavored products

Inflammation of the pancreas is a disease that requires a strict diet. Many familiar foods and dishes from them become forbidden, cabbage is among the first. White, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli in pancreatitis have different effects, several types are allowed and recommended, others are a categorical taboo. For this reason, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether cabbage is harmful in pancreatitis or not. The answer depends on the variety and method of preparation.

About 35 varieties of cabbage are eaten, most of them are prohibited, but some types will be useful when the pancreas becomes inflamed

Several dozen types of cabbage are used for food, they differ in appearance, taste, chemical composition. The effect of each of the varieties on the inflamed pancreas is different.

Fresh white, like sauerkraut with pancreatitis fall under an absolute ban at any stage of the disease.

There are several good reasons for this.:

  • Cabbage juice increases the acidity in the stomach.
  • The vegetable is rich in fiber, which requires a large amount of enzymes for digestion. An unhealthy pancreas is unable to provide them, already a quarter of an hour after serving cabbage salad the patient develops bloating, flatulence, pain.
  • To assimilate a complex product, the pancreas begins to actively produce enzymes, this is not good for an inflammatory process, even if it subsides.

Fresh white cabbage is most dangerous for pancreatitis; before eating, the vegetable must be cooked

All this applies to raw or pickled vegetables, eat stewed cabbage or boiled as part of soups, without spices and fatty, hot sauces allowed in moderation.

Permitted varieties

Cauliflower can be eaten even by babies, it is not for nothing that this vegetable is introduced into the baby's diet as one of the first complementary foods. It is well absorbed, does not irritate the mucous membrane, does not provoke flatulence. But we are talking about a stewed, boiled vegetable - fried, pickled can not be consumed.

Beijing cabbage can also appear on the patient's menu with diagnoses of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It is not necessary to boil it, on the contrary, gastroenterologists recommend using this variety raw. Then in the "Beijing" a maximum of vitamins is preserved, the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines.

Cauliflower - the best choice for the menu of a patient suffering from inflammation of the pancreas

Sea or kelp in moderation is recommended for pancreatitis in remission. Laminaria is rich in trace elements that promote tissue regeneration, normalize the digestive process, and metabolism. This is an excellent prevention of diabetes mellitus, which often accompanies pancreatic dysfunction.

Note: you need to understand that vegetables of any variety that have passed heat treatment become harmless to the pancreas. But not so useful for the body, since in the process of cooking, stewing, they lose useful substances.

Brussels sprouts are not often served at our table, this variety is not particularly popular. In vain! Small green cats that look like a miniature white cabbage, differ in composition. They do not irritate the mucous membrane, they are well absorbed. On condition proper cooking Brussels sprouts can be an excellent side dish for a diet meat dish, it is allowed to add to soups, casseroles. The raw vegetable is not consumed.

Healthy Recipes

In diseases of the pancreas, the patient is forced to follow a sparing diet. Dishes should be steamed, boiled, stewed (when the disease becomes chronic). A minimum of seasonings, vegetable oil, fats, sauces is used. These simple recipes will help diversify the insipid diet of the patient and will surely delight on the everyday and festive table.

Brussels sprouts casserole

You can cook a lot more delicious, healthy diet dishes from vegetables than you could imagine - the menu will be varied every day

For the casserole you will need:

  1. half a kilo of vegetables;
  2. a tablespoon of butter and wheat flour;
  3. a glass of milk;
  4. egg yolk;
  5. salt and pepper;
  6. 50 g grated cheese.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Brussels sprouts are sorted, washed, cut off the roots, spoiled leaves are removed.
  2. Cut into halves, boil in boiling salted water for 20 minutes.
  3. To prepare the sauce in a frying pan, melt the butter, add flour, stir, heat, preventing color change.
  4. Pour milk into the sauce, stirring constantly, boil for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat, let the sauce cool down a bit, add the yolk, grind well.
  5. Into a lightly greased mold vegetable oil, lay out boiled vegetables, pour sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  6. The dish is served as an independent dish for dinner or as a side dish for steam cutlets, meatballs.

Brussels sprouts are easily replaced with cauliflower or broccoli, it will also turn out tasty and nutritious.

Cabbage puree soup

Cooking will take time, but the result is worth it - you get a tasty, nutritious, completely safe diet dish.

You will need:

  • cauliflower - 500 g (you can add broccoli or zucchini);
  • wheat flour - a large spoon;
  • milk - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Boil about two liters of water in a saucepan.
  2. Separate cauliflower into florets, wash.
  3. Dip the vegetable in boiling water, cook until soft.
  4. In a heated frying pan, dry the flour without oil, preventing color change.
  5. Pour milk into the pan in small portions, constantly stirring with a spatula, bring to a boil. If the sauce turns out to be too thick, add half a glass of the broth in which the cabbage was boiled.
  6. The mixture should boil for 5 minutes, then add the butter, stir.
  7. The cabbage is taken out of the water, allowed to drain, crushed in a blender in mashed potatoes (rubbed through a sieve).
  8. It remains to combine the milk sauce with vegetable puree, warm the soup over low heat.
  9. Serve soup at a comfortable temperature with wheat croutons, chopped herbs.

Cabbage cutlets

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • half a small fork of white cabbage;
  • two tablespoons of breadcrumbs;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the cabbage from spoiled leaves, rinse, chop coarsely, dip in boiling salted water, boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Throw the vegetable in a colander, let the water drain, chop in a food processor to a state of small pieces.
  3. Crack an egg into the cabbage mass, add a spoonful of breadcrumbs, season, mix.
  4. Form cutlets with wet hands, roll in breadcrumbs, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, let the cutlets stand in the closed oven for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Serve with low-fat sour cream, chopped herbs for persistent remission.

It is difficult for residents of our region to completely abandon cabbage even with such a diagnosis as pancreatitis. But you can find alternative varieties of vegetables and cooking methods so as not to harm the diseased pancreas and satisfy gastronomic addictions.

Broccoli has long ceased to be an exotic curiosity. This unusual vegetable, having appeared on the tables of compatriots, quickly gained popularity, both among supporters healthy eating and adherents of dietary systems. But how clear is the benefit of the product? Patients diagnosed with pancreatitis are primarily interested in whether they can eat this vegetable or not, and what method of processing will be optimal?

Broccoli is a healthy product and is used in dietary nutrition.

Broccoli during an exacerbation of pancreatitis

During the acute period of illness, restrictions apply to many products. In some cases, even a short-term refusal to eat food is recommended. But for broccoli with pancreatitis in the acute stage, there are no special contraindications. However, there are a number of restrictions and recommendations.

Positive and negative points

Doctors note a number of useful properties of broccoli, which have a positive effect on the work of the pancreas. In fact, its nutritional qualities contribute to the restoration of the inflamed gland, which is ensured by the presence of:

  1. Vegetable proteins that allow accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues. Broccoli contains up to 2.82 g of high-quality protein, which is easily digested without causing acidic reactions in the digestive tract.
  2. Chlorophyll, which is indispensable for the restoration of cell membranes. Thanks to this effect, pancreatic tissues acquire the ability to withstand the destructive action of enzymes.

Broccoli accelerates the recovery of the body

It is possible to include broccoli in the therapeutic diet during the acute period, if there are no restrictions associated with comorbidities.

However, there are a number of negative points when it is better to refuse to use such healthy vegetable. The presence of a large amount of fiber (up to 2.6 g per 100 g of vegetable) can provoke an inadequate bowel reaction. Patients report after eating broccoli unpleasant symptoms in the form of flatulence, swelling, colic. Some patients have an upset and loose stools.

This reaction is not conducive to recovery. Therefore, it is better not to eat broccoli in the presence of side effects. There are cases of personal intolerance to the product, which is the reason for refusing to introduce it into the diet.

Features of use

It is undesirable to eat a dietary vegetable in the first days of an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Introduce broccoli into the diet after lighter vegetables such as pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes. If there are no adverse reactions, you can eat up to 200 g of ready-made dishes from this cabbage daily.

To avoid complications in the disease, you should eat a boiled vegetable.

It is allowed to use the vegetable only in boiled and mashed form. It is strictly forbidden to use fresh cabbage during exacerbations, since the high content of ascorbic acid in it can activate the production of enzymes.

At this stage, you can prepare dishes in the form of:

  • mashed soup;
  • vegetable puree combined with cauliflower, potatoes;
  • steam pudding from pureed cabbage with the addition of protein;
  • boiled stew of finely chopped boiled vegetables.

If after eating such dishes inadequate bowel reactions are observed, it is better not to eat them, but to postpone the introduction of broccoli into the diet until a later recovery period.

If there is a negative reaction from the intestines, you should stop eating broccoli

Broccoli in remission

Patients with pancreatitis inevitably have to give up the use of many provocative foods. Non-compliance with nutritional recommendations leads to unwanted relapses. But there are no special prohibitions for including broccoli in the diet of patients with pancreatitis in remission.

What is useful for pancreatitis broccoli

The opinions of doctors are unambiguous - broccoli does not harm the pancreas and to some extent helps to improve its work. These properties are provided:

The mineral and vitamin composition of the product is unique, which is reflected when used in the work of many systems and organs.

Therefore, broccoli in case of pancreatic disease is not only possible to eat, but also necessary. The only exception will be individual cases of intolerance to the product, when allergic or negative intestinal reactions are observed in the patient.

Cooking methods

When the disease has receded and there are no symptoms acute phase, the patient can diversify the diet. Broccoli, thanks to its bright saturated color and excellent taste, helps to revive the poor nutrition of the patient. Doctors are allowed to include up to 200 g of this vegetable in the daily menu.

Given its low calorie content and combination of nutrients, broccoli is suitable for both lunch and dinner. The permitted methods of preparation are also expanding. In addition to boiling the vegetable, it can now be baked, steamed, stewed, and even eaten raw. It is forbidden to cook by frying even after boiling. Do not cook cabbage in batter, deep-fried or in combination with fatty foods. Among patients, cooking in a slow cooker has become popular, where you can choose the appropriate processing method.

The benefits of a vegetable for pancreatitis will only be if it is properly cooked.

The diet of patients with pancreatitis can include:

  • liquid and mashed soups with broccoli in low-fat or vegetable broth;
  • baked and steam casseroles in combination with other vegetables, allowed cereals, egg and milk filling, unsalted cheese;
  • vegetable stew or broccoli puree;
  • salads with boiled or raw vegetables;
  • broccoli as a side dish.

We can sum up and say with confidence that broccoli is really useful for pancreatitis, and you should not refuse to use it even during the acute phase of the disease. But in everything you need to know the measure and it is not advisable to replace other equally healthy allowed vegetables with this product.

What other products besides broccoli are useful for pancreatitis - this will be discussed in the video:

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that becomes inflamed and ceases to perform its basic functions. The disease can be acute, chronic, and requires not only medical treatment, but also a strict diet.

The diet in this case involves the use of low-calorie foods low in fat, salt and the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. useful substances. They have a rather limited list and must be prepared in a special way. Therefore, people suffering from inflammation of the pancreas often wonder if broccoli can be used for pancreatitis.

The vegetable relatively recently appeared on the shelves of Russian stores and almost immediately gained great popularity. It has a pleasant taste, rich in vitamins, minerals, contains iodine, potassium, magnesium, can be prepared according to different recipes. This is a type of cauliflower, but unlike cauliflower, broccoli contains less fiber and is ideal for a pancreatitis diet. However, cabbage must be introduced into it carefully and according to certain rules.

How to eat broccoli for pancreatic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis comes in various forms, each of which has its own distinctive features. The acute stage of the disease is expressed:

  • In severe pain;
  • In temperature rise:
  • A drop or rise in blood pressure.

It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, impaired stool (diarrhea, constipation), a rapid deterioration in well-being and can lead to loss of consciousness.

This condition of a person needs immediate medical attention and may appear for the first time or with existing pancreatitis if the diet and rules of behavior are not followed.

With an exacerbation of the disease, patients are shown fasting for about three days.

Then light foods containing a minimum amount of fiber and fat are gradually introduced into their menu.

Broccoli is included in the list of such products, since cabbage does not force the pancreas to work with an increased load and has a positive effect on the digestive organs.

The composition of the vegetable includes:

  1. Vegetable protein that restores the functions of the pancreas and prevents the development of the inflammatory process;
  2. Chlorophyll, which strengthens cell membranes and ensures their resistance to the destructive action of enzymes that accumulate in the body during pancreatitis.

It should be noted that there are patients in whom broccoli causes bloating, diarrhea or colic. If such phenomena are observed, it is better to exclude cabbage from the diet after the acute phase of the disease and postpone its use until the symptoms of food intoxication disappear. In any case, it is advisable to introduce broccoli into the menu after pumpkin and potatoes are included in it.

Soup is boiled from mashed cabbage, mashed potatoes are made, light steamed cutlets are added to the diet in an amount not exceeding 100-150 grams per day.

Broccoli with pancreatitis in remission

Sugar level

The stage of remission in pancreatitis is characterized by either a complete or partial absence of signs of the disease.

At this stage, pain usually appears rarely, the temperature is kept within the normal range, the general condition of the person is noted as satisfactory.

In remission, you can expand the options for cooking broccoli dishes.

Cabbage can be stewed, baked, added to salads and so on.

The volume of consumption of broccoli products should not exceed 200 grams per day, but the presence of a vegetable on the patient's table is desirable every day. This will make it possible to fully use the beneficial properties of cabbage and make it an effective way to treat the disease. She is:

  • Provides a lot of calcium to the body;
  • Contains lipolytic substances that prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and the development of cholecystitis;
  • Increases immunity, improves hematopoiesis;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Prevents ;
  • Prevents cell destruction;
  • Brings order to the nervous system.

In general, broccoli in pancreatic pancreatitis is one of the leading foods. It is easily digested, helps to normalize bowel function, strengthens pancreatic tissue.

Dishes for a diet can be prepared not only from mature inflorescences, but also from young sprouts.

Broccoli recipes for pancreatitis

There are many recipes for broccoli dishes suitable for people with pancreatitis, but you need to remember that the product retains all its beneficial properties only when it is briefly cooked. With a stable, long-lasting remission, the following recipes can be used.

1) The first dish of broccoli. To create it you will need:

  1. Fresh or frozen cabbage;
  2. Potato;
  3. Low fat cream.

Vegetables are first laid in slightly salted boiling water, reduce heat and boil for 15 minutes. Then they are taken out with a slotted spoon, whipped in a blender and sent back to the pan.

The cheese is passed through a fine grater, added to the vegetables, cream is poured in and everything is left to languish for two to three minutes. With exacerbation of pancreatitis, cheese and cream are excluded.

Soup can be prepared in another version by replacing potatoes with carrots. Vegetables are poured with water and milk in a ratio of three to two, boiled until tender over low heat, chopped with a blender. Then cheese and fresh herbs are added to them.

2) cabbage casserole from broccoli. It will require:

  • Eggs;
  • Milk;
  • Broccoli;

Cabbage is thrown into boiling salted water and boiled for five minutes. Eggs and milk are thoroughly beaten. Soft broccoli inflorescences are laid out on a baking sheet or baking dish, sprinkled with cheese cut into small pieces, poured with a mixture of eggs and milk, then put in the oven and baked at a temperature of 180-190ºС for 30 minutes. This dish can be cooked in an air grill. It turns out tastier and more tender.

Many people are interested in whether broccoli can be fried with pancreatitis or not. In this form, it is undesirable to use them for sick people not only with such a disease, but also with gastritis, stomach ulcers and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. They can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and lead to undesirable consequences.

You can use broccoli for pancreatitis in the chronic form of the disease, as well as from 4 days after the onset of an exacerbation of the disease. This dietary natural product contains a small amount of calories, it is low in fat and high in fiber, which makes it curative for inflammation of the pancreas.

The composition and useful qualities of the vegetable

Broccoli contains a large number of substances useful for the human body: vitamins, trace elements, fiber, water. The composition of this cabbage includes vitamins C, E, A, K, PP and group B, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, calcium. The amount of vitamin C in broccoli is higher than in citrus fruits.

To useful properties this vegetable include the following:

  • cleansing the intestines with a large amount of fiber;
  • normalization of digestion processes;
  • stimulation of bile secretion;
  • strengthening the retina.

In addition, the benefits of broccoli in the fight against cancer have been noted: the substance sulforaphane contained in the young stems of the vegetable prevents the development of cancer cells.

Broccoli also helps to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood.

Features of use

The admissibility of the use of broccoli depends on the stage of the disease.

It is necessary to consult a specialist before introducing this product into your diet.

For acute form

Enter broccoli in the menu for acute pancreatitis should be after pumpkin and potatoes. It is recommended to use the vegetable in the form of mashed soups or pureed without salt. This product must be boiled until soft and pureed with a blender or fork. Daily consumption of broccoli is not recommended.

You should immediately stop eating this vegetable if the patient has colic, increased gas formation, and bloating.

In the chronic stage

In chronic pancreatitis, this useful product can be consumed both boiled and steamed, stewed, baked in the oven, in the form of mashed soups, casseroles, soufflés. It is recommended to combine this vegetable with other permitted products. It is allowed to add a pinch of salt to dishes.

With an exacerbation of the disease

Boil broccoli in boiling unsalted water. In addition, it is important to start introducing this product into the diet with small portions, carefully monitoring the patient's reaction. In case of flatulence and colic, you should stop eating broccoli.


Salt in the finished product should be discarded. Also, don't eat this product too cold or hot: the temperature of the cooked food should be +35…+40ºС.

Is it possible cauliflower and broccoli for pancreatitis

Soup puree with broccoli and potatoes. Home recipes.

How to cook broccoli for pancreatitis

It is necessary to properly prepare broccoli for inflammation of the pancreas, so as not to harm the patient's body. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, to choose those methods of cooking this vegetable that are allowed for your stage of the disease.

Soup puree

A popular recipe for broccoli dishes for patients with pancreatitis is Healthy puree soup. To prepare light soup from this vegetable, you will need 4-5 medium-sized inflorescences, 2 cups of boiled water and 1 medium-sized potato tuber. If the patient suffers from chronic pancreatitis or is in a state of stable remission, it is permissible to add 30-40 g of hard low-fat cheese, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. l. low fat cream.

To prepare the soup, bring water to a boil, then put pre-peeled and chopped vegetables into it. Boil them for 15 minutes over low heat, then puree with a blender. In chronic pancreatitis, it is allowed to add grated cheese, cream and a pinch of salt to the already prepared soup.


To make broccoli puree, you will need several inflorescences. They must be boiled in boiling water for 15 minutes over low heat. After that, carefully mash them to a puree state. You can add some water to get a thinner consistency. In chronic pancreatitis, it is permissible to pour in 20-30 ml of skim milk, salt the dish. Before use, the puree should be cooled to a temperature of + 40ºС.


This dish is suitable for both patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis and those in remission. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 g broccoli;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat milk;
  • 1 st. l. fat sour cream;
  • 5 g unsalted butter;
  • 30 g small white bread crumbs;
  • 20-30 g hard cheese with little fat.

It is necessary to boil the broccoli for 15 minutes, then cut it. Peel the boiled carrots until tender, grate on a fine grater. Eggs should be divided into whites and yolks. Mix the yolks with sour cream, then add to the vegetables. Proteins should be whipped with milk until the state of a whole mixture. Carefully add it to the rest of the components. Grease a baking sheet with oil, then place the resulting mixture into it. You can also sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, add croutons and bake in the oven at 180ºС for 10-15 minutes.

Before serving, the dish must be cooled to the recommended temperature.

It is allowed to use broccoli for cooking with pancreatitis in the chronic course of the disease and from the 4th day after the onset of an exacerbation of the disease. This dietary natural product includes a small amount of calories, it contains little fat and a lot of fiber, which makes this product healing in the inflammatory process in the pancreas.

This question often worries patients and their families, since broccoli is considered a treasure trove of healing qualities. In its structure there is a large amount of vitamin groups and trace elements. In addition, it includes a vitamin B group, which allows you to enhance the effect of all its components.

Broccoli and pancreatitis are interconnected, since in order to normalize the functionality of the gland, this product is included in the diet. It includes soft fiber in its composition. Thus, broccoli is beneficial for the pancreas, because the vegetable has a low calorie content and therefore does not contribute to overloading the pancreas. The calorie content of the product is only 27 calories per 100 grams. Broccoli makes it possible to comply with the diet that the patient needs with the utmost efficiency.

When asked “Is it allowed to eat broccoli with pancreatitis?” it is possible to answer unequivocally yes. Experts allow you to eat broccoli, but only boiled or stewed.

Cauliflower for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Cauliflower is allowed to be used in chronic and acute pancreatitis, due to:

  1. Low calorie.
  2. The delicate structure of the vegetable.
  3. Low fiber content compared to other varieties of cabbage.

Already after 14 days from the onset of the disease, cabbage is allowed to be added to the menu of patients in the form of mashed boiled inflorescences or as one of the components vegetable soups. But, you should not eat cauliflower every day, as it can moderately lead to an increase in gastric secretion, and this is not always allowed.

Cauliflower can be an indispensable product in the diet of patients in remission. A small amount of fiber improves the digestive process, activates the intestinal tract and eliminates constipation.

In addition, the product provides useful minerals, vitamin groups, antioxidants and vegetable protein for the body. Cabbage has a high content of vitamin C and group B.

Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin U which:

  • Neutralizes toxic substances;
  • Synthesizes a large amount of useful components;
  • Improves the acidity of gastric juice.

The antitumor effect of this variety is also well known, its ability to stop the accumulation of cholesterol concentration in the blood.

Useful properties of green vegetables

Broccoli is an indispensable product for patients with pancreatic disease. Cabbage includes many vitamins and minerals that are so required for a diseased gland. Due to the small amount of fiber, the vegetable is easily digested, helps the intestinal tract to prevent constipation.

Broccoli has a beneficial effect on the whole body:

  1. Eliminates toxic elements.
  2. Normalizes gastric juice.
  3. Has an antitumor effect.
  4. Improves the activity of the digestive system.
  5. Provides natural calcium.
  6. Does not allow cholesterol to accumulate.
  7. Improves the body's immune forces.
  8. With the help of chlorophyll, pancreatic cells are strengthened, they become more resistant to the influence of aggressive enzymes.

But, given the personal intolerance, broccoli has a negative effect on the body of some people. If, when using this type of cabbage, the patient notices bloating, stool disorder, belching, it is necessary to temporarily stop the introduction of this product into the diet.

In the acute course of pancreatitis, it is necessary to slightly reduce the amount of cabbage consumed in the initial days after the exacerbation.

Cabbage dishes with pancreatitis allow not only to diversify the diet, but are also considered a supplier of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. To save in the product all useful qualities, do not subject it to prolonged heat treatment. You can cook the cabbage for about 15 minutes and the dish will be ready to eat. You can use not only mature inflorescences for cooking, but also young shoots of cabbage.

Cabbage for acute pancreatitis

Broccoli stands out nutritional properties, how:

  • It includes high-quality vegetable proteins (there are 2 times more of them in cabbage than in ordinary cauliflower), which are so necessary in order to renew the damaged organ;
  • Thanks to chlorophyll, it strengthens the membranes of all cells (including the pancreas), which will make them more resistant to the damaging effects of pancreatic enzymes.

However, in some patients, cabbage can cause colic, gas, bloating, and in some cases even intestinal upset. The adverse effect is due to the presence of fiber in the vegetable (about 2.6 g per 100 g of product). For this reason, it is more correct to administer it not initially after the acute period has been removed, but after the introduction of other “dietary” vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin and others) and provided that they are well tolerated by the patient. Soups, stews, puddings, mashed potatoes are prepared from boiled and grated cabbage.

If the use of such dishes is accompanied by unpleasant signs, then the introduction of this vegetable into the menu should be postponed until nutritional rehabilitation occurs. Another contraindication to the use of cabbage may be its personal intolerance. In this case, you will need to completely abandon broccoli.

Vegetable consumption during remission

A stable period of remission makes it possible to diversify cooking cabbage and expand the list of cooked dishes. Cabbage can be stewed, consumed raw, baked, made in salads, closed and open pies.

Numerous medicinal properties can be obtained with constant use of broccoli, as it:

  • Does not have a high calorie content;
  • It is considered an excellent plant source of natural calcium, which is so necessary for teeth and bones;
  • Stops the accumulation of cholesterol (due to lipolytic components - methionine and choline);
  • Normalizes hematopoiesis and immune forces (influence of chlorophyll);
  • Frees from toxic substances and toxins (due to soluble fiber);
  • Protects against oncology (due to anetholtrithione, synergin, sulforafen and indole 3-carbitol);
  • Stops depressive states (action of serotonin);
  • Has antioxidant activity.

In addition, by consuming 100 g of broccoli, patients receive 99% of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid and 85% of the required vitamin K.

When should a vegetable be excluded from the diet?

In certain cases, cabbage can cause colic, bloating, and other unpleasant symptoms. In such a situation, it would be best to stop using it until a period of remission and rehabilitation comes.

It will be best if you start eating cabbage after other products, and not in the initial stages. It is recommended to consume no more than 200 grams per day, in any phase of the disease.

Variants may be noted when the patient has an intolerance to such a product. In this option, it is recommended to completely stop the use and switch to other "dietary" products.

Such products include:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Potato.
  3. Pumpkin.

Broccoli recipes for pancreatitis

When preparing broccoli dishes, the characteristic features of the product should be taken into account. Heads of cabbage must be light, without spots, which indicate that the cabbage is starting to deteriorate. Before cooking, it is preferable to rinse the head of cabbage well, disassemble into inflorescences and put in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough for the cabbage to become softer and not lose its healing qualities. To achieve a white shade of cabbage, you need to add 1 tbsp to the water. lemon juice.

Cabbage and Chicken Soup

  1. To prepare this recipe, boil 500 g of breast, wait for it to boil. The broth must be washed off, the meat washed under running water and again pour water and bring to a boil.
  2. Throw 6 cabbage inflorescences, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot into the hot broth and boil until tender. Salt is allowed to be added to taste. The ratio of vegetables to water is 1 to 1.
  3. When the vegetables are cooked, they should be beaten with a blender until smooth.
  4. Add mince.
  5. Top with sour cream to taste.

cabbage casserole

  1. Boil 400 grams of broccoli in salted water for about 7 minutes after the water boils. Then take out and dry.
  2. Grate 120 grams of cheese.
  3. Take 3 egg whites, beat with 60 ml of milk.
  4. Arrange the broccoli in equal layers on a greased baking sheet. butter. Top everything with grated cheese, pour the milk mixture.
  5. Put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Carrot and Broccoli Casserole

  1. Boil 300 grams of broccoli in water, then remove and chop.
  2. Boil 20 grams of carrots and grate.
  3. Divide 4 eggs from proteins, grind with 20 g of sour cream no more than 20% fat, and beat the proteins.
  4. Grate 10 g of cheese.
  5. Mix cabbage, yolks and carrots.
  6. Gradually add egg whites to the mixture and stir again.
  7. Pour the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet. It must first be lubricated with butter.
  8. From above, fill everything with breadcrumbs (no more than 30 g), pre-moisten them with 50 ml of milk and grated cheese.
  9. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

  1. Wash 150 g of cabbage, disassemble into inflorescences and boil in salted water until tender. Then take it out of the water and let it dry.
  2. Take 2 eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and beat with 50 ml of milk.
  3. Grate cheese durum varieties(15 g).
  4. Put the broccoli in the pan, pour the milk mixture and put it in the oven to bake.

Menu with broccoli for pancreatitis for every day

Considering that the maximum daily serving of cabbage for pancreatitis is approximately 200 grams, the menu should be composed of this feature. That is, stably once a day, you can cook all kinds of broccoli dishes, not exceeding a volume of 200 grams. You can use the recipes above.

Daily intake of broccoli

The maximum allowable portion of broccoli per day for patients with chronic pancreatitis:

  • In the acute phase - approximately 200 g (if the tolerance of the product is adequate);
  • The phase of stable remission is approximately 200 years.

Broccoli contains:

  • Proteins - 2.82 g;
  • Fats - 0.37 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.64 g;
  • Kcal per 100 g - 34.

Assessment of compliance with the dietary intake in chronic pancreatitis - 10.0. Vitamins that broccoli contains: B4, B9, E, C, K, B6, B1, B2, PP, beta-carotene.