Snacks      03/03/2024

Maxi texts in French with translation into Russian, for exams. Shopping and fashion purchases in French: faire des achats, faire des courses, faire des emplettes, faire du shopping Dialogue on clothing in French

Dear like-minded shopaholics! Don't forget that Paris is the dream city of all fashionistas.

In January and June come soldes(fr. sales)! Each of these two annual sales lasts just over a month, and they provide the perfect opportunity to update your wardrobe. All grands stores(fr. department stores), small boutiques And centers commerciaux(fr. shopping centers) turn into a paradise of discounts and, at the same time, a terrifying hell, where crowds of people greedily grab everything from the shelves and right out of your hands.

Heading to the shops to buy a little black dress, shoes for long walks along cobbled streets or great high-waisted jeans for a holiday on the Seine? It is important to be easily understood when shopping.

To prepare for your whirlwind Parisian shopping adventure, remember these important phrases.

First of all, it is very important when entering any store to always greet the sellers or store staff in a friendly manner. "Bonjour!"(fr. Hello!). It is considered impolite not to do so, as if you entered someone's house without greeting the owners. Likewise, when you leave a store, always say “Merci, au revoir!”(fr. Thank you and goodbye!). It never hurts to add “Bonne journée/fin de journée/soirée.”(fr. Have a nice day/end of day/evening).

  • French phrases for planning a shopping trip

Je vais faire du shopping samedi, tu viens avec moi?- I'm going shopping on Saturday, do you want to come with me?

Je fais les soldes ce weekend, ça te dit?- I'm going to go shopping this weekend, what do you think/would you like to go?

On va faire un tour aux Galeries Lafayette.– We are going to look at Galeries Lafayette [one of the largest department stores in Paris].

  • French phrases for talking about sentences

Bon marché.– Great offer, inexpensive, cheap.

J'ai acheté ces chaussures à bon marché cette semaine.– I bought these boots at a big discount this week.

Marché can also be used as a comparative or superlative.

Je suis jalouse, ta robe était meilleur marché!– I’m jealous you bought your dress at a bigger discount!

Other ways to discuss discounts:

One bonne affaire(Good suggestion).

Un bon rapport qualité-prix(A good thing for the money; good value for money).

Un prix avantageux(Best price).

Pas cher(not expensive).

On the other hand, you could say something like "C'est de la camelote" or "une pacotille", which means “cheap junk.”

  • Search for discounts and sales

To ask if a store is having sales:

Est-ce qu'il y a des soldes?– Are you having a sale?

Est-ce que vous avez des soldes?– Are there any sales?

To ask if an item is on sale:

C'est sold?

C'est en solde?

  • Pay and ask for price

C'est combien?- How much does it cost?

Combien ça coûte?- How much does it cost?

Est-ce que je peux payer par carte bancaire?– Can I pay by card?

Je peux régler par carte?– Can I pay by card?

Je vais payer en liquide.- I'm going to pay in cash.

Je vais à la caisse.- I'm going to the checkout.

Est-ce que je peux avoir un sac?– Could you give me the package?

  • Search for specific things

Seller, or vendor, vendeuse, may ask you if you need help:

Est-ce que je peux vous aider?

Or ask if you are looking for something special:

Vous cherchez quelque chose en particulier?

You can say just watch:

Non merci, je ne fais que regarder.- No, thank you. I'm just looking.

Non merci, je regarde tout simplement.- No, thanks, I'm just watching.

Or, for example, that you are looking for a green sweater:

Oui, je cherche un pull vert.

Je dois trouver un cadeau pour un ami.– I have to find a gift for a friend.

  • Sizes and colors

Est-ce que vous l'avez en S?– Do you have this, but in size S?

Je cherche ce jean en taille 37.– I’m looking for jeans like this, but size 37.

Est-ce que vous avez d'autres tailles?– Do you have other sizes?

Je voudrais voir cette robe mais en noir.- I I'd like to see the same dress, but black.

Est-ce que vous l'avez en d'autres couleurs?– Do you have this in a different color?

  • Trying things on

Où sont les cabines?-Where is the locker room?

Est-ce qu’il y a un miroir?- Is there a mirror there?

Je vais essayer ce pantalon.- I want to try on these trousers.

C'est trop serré!- It's too tight!

C'est un peu court, n'est-ce pas?– A little short, don’t you think?

C'est beaucoup trop large pour vous.- Too big for you

  • Making important purchasing decisions

J'aime celui-ci le plus.– I like this best.

Cette chemise me plaît beaucoup.– I really like this shirt

Cette couleur ne me va pas très bien.– This color doesn’t suit me.

C'est très élégant, très chic.– Very elegant, very refined

C'est original.– Very interesting, original. (Can be used as a compliment or mild criticism. People often say this when they don't like something but don't want to be rude. Try to hear the sarcasm.)

J'adore ces chaussures, je vais les prendre.– I like these shoes, I’m going to buy them.

J'ai envie d'acheter ce manteau mais je ne peux pas me permettre.– I want to buy this jacket, but it’s too expensive, I can’t afford it.

Je vais acheter ce sac à main meme si c’est trop cher.– I'm going to buy this wallet, even if it's too expensive.

Tu devrais acheter cette jupe, elle te va super bien.– You should buy this skirt, it suits you very well.

  • French phrases for returning a purchase and getting a refund

Quelle est votre politique pour les remboursements?– What are your terms for returning goods?

Je voudrais échanger ceci pour une autre taille, s’il vous plaît.– I would like to exchange this for a different size, please.

Je voudrais retourner cette montre.- I would like to return this watch.

Je pourrais être remboursé(e) en liquide?– Can you return it in cash?

Be sure to check the opening hours of the store you're going to and whether they're open on weekends. While some shops are open on Sundays, especially in some areas of Paris, most are closed. Opening hours are extended during sales and during the Christmas holidays.

Vous fermez à quelle heure?– What time do you close?

Vous êtes ouvert les dimanches?– Do you work on Sundays?

Now just determine your budget, take it with you porte-monnaie or portefeuille(fr. wallet) and conquer the stores, be it BHV, Galeries Lafayette, Chanel or Sandro!

With these French shopping phrases, you'll instantly master the magical French taste and be able to find chic clothes at the right price.

You are now officially ready to shop in France, during the sales and throughout the year!

Quand on a besoin d"acheter quelque chose on va faire les courses. Dans chaque ville il y a beaucoup de magasins. Nous allons à la boulangerie pour acheter du pain, et à la boucherie nous achetons de la viande. Du sucre, du thé, du café, du sel etc. nous les trouvons à l'épicerie.Pour acheter des légumes on va "aux fruits et légumes" ou chez le marchand de légumes. les supermarchés on trouve presque tous les produits d'alimentation en même temps: de la viande, des légumes, des fruits, des saucissons et des boissons. Aujourd'hui dans chaque région de Saint-Pétersbourg il y a un super-marché où on trouve encore plus de rayons et de produits divers. Vous entrez dans un supermarché, prenez, un chariot ou un panier, et au bout d’une demi-heure partez avec tout le nécessaire pour une semaine ou, au moins, pour quelques jours. Cette nouvelle méthode de vendre et d'acheter est venue en Russie de l'Occident. Vous ne payez qu'une fois, à la sortie. Les caissiers comptent vite le prix total des achats à l"aide des caisses électriques et il n'y a pas de files. Quand ma mire va faire les courses, moi ou mon père l'accompagnons, car il faut porter beaucoup en rentrant. On entre, ma mère regarde les rayons et choisit ce qu'il nous faut. La diversité des produits est impressionnante. Il paraît que sur les rayons il y a tout ce qu'on pourrait vouloir. viande, de volaille sont présentés. A la boulangerie on peut choisir du pain de seigle ou de froment, des brioches, des pâtisseries. boissons laitiers, de la crème fraîche. Tous les produits sont joliment emballés et sont très attirants. étiquettes promettent des produits appétissants. Nous achetons des légumes frais pour que ma mère puisse préparer les déjeuners et dîners et des produits conservés pour les collations et les pique-niques. Les gens achètent de la nourriture presque tous les jours, souvent ils ont besoin de quelque chose en plus; quelques vêtements, ustensiles de ménage, fournitures de bureau etc. Les magasins spéciaux existent pour tout cela, par exemple, vous achetez des chaussures au magasin de chaussures, les vêtements aux magasins spéciaux, les livres à la librairie. Plus souvent vous allez dans un grand magasin où on peut acheter toutes ces choses. Les grands magasins ont plusieurs rayons: celui du prêt-à-porter pour les femmes, pour les hommes ou pour les enfants, des tissus, des chaussures, de l'équipement sportif, de la porcelaine, des appareils électriques, des appareils ménagers etc . Souvent il n'y a pas de libre service dans les grands magasins. Tout rayon a son propre vendeur qui vous montre le produit qui vous intéresse. Quand vous avez choisi ce que vous voulez, vous allez à la caisse pour payer et recevoir un ticket de caisse que vous devez déposer au rayon où le vendeur vous livre votre achat. Les grands magasins connues sont situés au center de Saint-Pétersbourg. Le plus populaire est probablement "Gostiny Dvor", cela veut dire les Galeries de Commerce. C'est un des plus anciens édifices de notre ville. Dans ce magasin il y a toujours beaucoup de monde.

"Purchases "

When we want to buy something, we go to the store. Every city has many different stores. We go to the bakery for bread, and to the butcher shop for meat. Sugar, tea, coffee, salt, cheese and the like are sold in grocery stores. We go to the grocery store for vegetables. Cakes and sweets are sold in the pastry shop. But now most grocery stores have several sections and sell all types of food, including meat, vegetables, fruits, sausages and drinks. Today, in every district of St. Petersburg there is a supermarket, which has even more departments and different products. You walk in the door, grab your basket or cart, and walk out half an hour later with everything you need for a week, or at least a few days. This new way of selling and buying came to Russia from the West. You pay only once - at the exit from the supermarket. Cashiers quickly calculate the cost of purchases using electric cash registers, so there are no queues. When mom goes shopping, me or dad have to go with her, because then I have to carry a lot. We walk in, mom looks at the shelves and chooses what she needs. The variety of products is impressive. It may seem like the counters and shelves have everything you could want. There are different types of sausages, several types of fish, meat and poultry. In the bread department you can choose rye or wheat bread, muffins, and cookies. In dairy - milk, cream, cheese, butter, various yoghurts and milk drinks, sour cream. Everything is beautifully packaged and looks attractive. We, of course, take bread and some meat or fish. The canned fruit and sweets shelves are full of products with labels that look very tempting. We buy fresh vegetables so mom can cook lunches and dinners, and some canned food for snacks and picnics. People buy food almost every day, but often they need something else: some clothes, household utensils, office supplies, and so on. There are special stores for all this, for example, you buy shoes in a shoe store, clothes in a clothing store, and books in a bookstore. But more often you go to a large department store where you can buy everything at once. Every department store has many departments. There are special departments: men's, women's and children's clothing, fabrics, shoes, sporting goods, china, electrical appliances, household goods, etc. Department stores usually do not have self-service. In each section there is a salesperson who shows you the products you are interested in. When you have chosen what you want, you pay at the cashier and receive a receipt, which you bring back to the counter, where the seller gives you your purchase. In the center of St. Petersburg there are large and famous department stores. Perhaps the most popular of these is Gostiny Dvor, which means "shopping arcades". This is one of the oldest buildings in g about kind. Gostiny Dvor is always full of people.

1. Quels types de magasins connaissez-vous?
2. Y a-t-il un supermarché près de votre maison?
3. Allez-vous souvent faire les courses avec votre famille?
4. Quels rayons peut-on trouver dans les supermarchés?
5. Quels magasins préférez-vous?
6. Y a-t-il un grand magasin près de votre maison?
Est-ce que vous allez souvent à Gostiny Dvor? Qu'est-ce que vous y achetez?

  • Une librairie Bookstore
  • Une bijouterie Jewelry store
  • Une epicerie Grocery
  • Une boucherie Butcher shop
  • Une pharmacie Pharmacy
  • Une parfumerie Perfumery
  • Une charcuterie Sausage
  • Un tabac Tobacco shop
  • Un marchand de journaux Newspaper seller
  • Une boulangerie Bakery


  1. J'ai besoin d'un medicine, je vais à la pharmacie. If I need medicine, I go to the pharmacy.
  2. Pour acheter de la viande, on va chez le boucher. To buy meat, they go to the butcher.
  3. On peut acheter ce roman à la librairie. This novel can be purchased at a bookstore.
  4. Elle commande un gâteau à la pâtisserie. She orders a cake from a pastry shop.
  5. Je prends toujours mon pain chez le boulanger.I always buy bread from the baker.
  6. J'ai vu un joli collier dans la vitrine de la bijouterie.I saw a beautiful necklace in the window of a jewelry store.
  7. Il y a toujours du poisson frais à la poissonnerie. The fish store always has fresh fish.
  8. J'ai vu un nouveau magazine de cinéma chez le marchand de journaux. I saw a new film magazine at a newspaper seller.
  9. Elle va chercher un parfum à la parfumerie. She buys perfume at the perfumery.
  10. Achète-moi un briquet au tabac. Buy me a lighter at the tobacco store.

Where, what to buy, prices

  • Lessive, éponges, désodorisant - Entretien Washing, sponges, deodorants – Household chemicals
  • Pommes, fraises, haricots verts - Fruits et légumes Apples, strawberries, green beans - Fruits and vegetables
  • Pain, croissants - Boulangerie Bread, croissants - Bakery
  • Eau, vin, jus de fruits - Boissons Water, wine, fruit juice - Drinks
  • Lait, yaourts, fromages –Crémerie Milk, yoghurts, cheeses – Dairy store
  • Shampooing, savon, gel douche - Hygiène Shampoo, soap, shower gel - Hygiene
  • Parfums, maquillage -Parfumerie Perfume, makeup - Perfumery
  • Un paquet de sucre A packet of sugar
  • Un pot de crème Jar of sour cream
  • Une bouteille de jus d’orange Bottle of juice
  • Un tube de dentifrice A tube of toothpaste
  • Une boîte de haricots verts Can of green beans
  • Un flacon d’eau de toilette A bottle of eau de toilette
  • Une plaquette de beurre packaging of butter
  • Une tablette de chocolat Chocolate bar

Tu as pris un kilo de tomatoes? - Oui, encore un kilo. Did you take 1 kg of tomatoes? - Yes, I took another 1 kg.

Il faut du dentifrice.- Je vais en prendre deux tubes. - I need toothpaste. - I'll buy two tubes.

Il y a encore du sucre? - Non, seulement une livre. - Is there any more sugar? - No, only half a kilo.

Il n’y a plus de beurre, je crois.- - Si, il reste une plaquette. - There is no more oil, it seems. - No, there is one package.

Je voudrais du chocolat. - Il y a une tablette dans le buffet. - I would like some chocolate. -There is one bar of chocolate in the buffet.

J'ai pris des jus de fruits. - Trois bouteilles, c’est parfait! - I took fruit juice. Three bottles, great!

On a des œufs? - Oui, une douzaine. - Do we have eggs? - Yes, a dozen.

Regarde, j'ai acheté ce parfum! - Le flacon est très beau! - Look, I bought this perfume! - The bottle is very beautiful!

Cette robe, s’il vous plaît, elle coûte combien? - This dress, please, how much does it cost?

En général, la vie ici, c’est cher? - In general, is life here, dear?

Pardon, monsieur, ces lunettes, elles sont à quel prix? - Excuse me, monsieur, these glasses, how much do they cost?

Alors, j'ai les bananes, la bouteille d'huile et le thé, ça fait combien en tout? So, bananas, a bottle of vegetable oil and tea, how much do I owe you?

Je vous dois 10 euros? Voilà! - Do I owe you 10 euros? Here!

Ces gants en promotion, ils font combien, s’il vous plaît? These gloves are on sale, how much are they?

Pour demander un product:

  • Est-ce que vous avez de l’huile d’olive? Do you have olive oil?
  • Je voudrais trois tranches de jambon. - I would like three pieces of ham.
  • Vous n'avez plus de saucisses? No more sausages?
  • Est-ce qu'il vous reste des croissants? Are there any more croissants?

Pour demander le prix:

  • Ces tomates, elles sont à combien? How much do tomatoes cost?
  • Combien coûte ce parfum? How much does this perfume cost?
  • C'est combien? What is the price?
  • Vous pouvez me dire le prix de ce CD? Could you tell me how much this disc costs?
  • Combien je vous dois? How much do I owe?

Pour payer dans les magasins:

  • La caisse Cash desk
  • Les pièces de monnaie Coins
  • Le billet Banknote
  • Le chèque Check
  • La carte bancaire Bank card

Tous les samedis matins, Madame Delprat va faire ses courses dans un supermarché pas très loin de chez elle. Elle prend un chariot où elle met tous les produits qu"elle choisit dans les différents rayons. Pour payer moins cher, elle compare les prix et achète plutôt les articles en promotion. Quand elle a fini, elle passe à la caisse et paye en général avec sa carte bancaire.

Every Saturday morning, Madame Delprat goes shopping at a supermarket not very far from her. She takes a cart where she places all the products she selects from the various departments. To avoid paying dearly, she compares prices and often buys goods at a reduced price. At the end, she goes to the cash register and pays for her purchases with her credit card.

While in Paris, not immersing yourself in the world of shopping is simply a sin. The most famous Mecca for shopaholics in France is Galeries Lafayette ( Galeries Lafayette). It would be hard to call this place a simple shopping center. This is not just a store, it is a real work of art, a masterpiece of architecture that amazes with its grandeur. Galeries Lafayette is rightfully considered one of the main attractions of Paris. This is a huge mega mall where you can buy everything for every taste and budget. What's missing here? Jewelry, perfume, cosmetics, accessories, branded clothing, shoes, souvenirs, gadgets - the quality of the product, as well as its price, increases with each floor. Be prepared to see crowds of visitors from all over the world. And during the sales period there is not a lot of crowds here. Don't rush to buy an item at full price. Even here, sellers resort to some tricks. The same stores are repeated on different floors. So don’t be surprised if you find the same item on the floor above, but at a significant discount.

Tired of long walks in boutiques and want to take a breath? You can relax and evaluate your purchases in one of the cafes on the top floor of the gallery. And don’t forget to taste the delicious macarons and drink a heady cup of coffee. Tax Free - refund of 12% of the cost of the goods (for purchases from 175.01 euros) - can be issued on the lowest tier. Don’t put off this important matter until last, because there is usually a long queue at the tax-free counter when the gallery closes (the store is open until 8 pm). Therefore, if you want to save money, hurry up.

On the eve of Christmas, Galeries Lafayette is especially beautiful. The fabulously beautiful decorations, a fantastic Christmas tree turned upside down, an incomparable stained glass ceiling, bright, sparkling display cases with animation, brilliant decorations, magnificent scenery - the impressions of what you saw are simply indescribable, everything is so amazing. Be sure to go to the very top of the gallery. There is an excellent terrace with benches, which offers a breathtaking view of the city. Believe me, you won’t find such a gorgeous view of Paris anywhere else.

For the most part, the staff is friendly and helpful. Even if you don't know French, they will try to help you. Although here, too, sometimes there are consultants with “stony faces” who simply ignore foreigners. Therefore, it would be nice to know a couple of useful phrases:

You can also have a few lessons with a teacher who will help you learn other useful phrases for your trip to Paris. Very close (just one block) from Galeries Lafayette is the famous Au Printemps department store. Translated from French, this name means “spring”. It consists of three different buildings, completely filled with shops. In fact, Prentham Shopping Center is another work of art. Its building is recognized as a historical and cultural heritage of France. Prentham is a direct competitor to Lafayette. We can talk about him endlessly. Luxurious interior decoration, super-animations and themed window installations, a wide range of goods from famous world brands (from Louis Vuitton to Zara), affordable European prices (especially during the holiday period), convenient tax-free design, a nice observation deck with a panoramic view of Paris , cafes and restaurants with exquisite French cuisine - in a word - the eyes run wide from all this diversity. In order to go around all the floors, you will need at least one day. Without any doubt, good shopping in Paris is guaranteed!

The topic of shopping has always been relevant and important. And if you are going to France, then you will definitely visit the shops and kiosks to do some shopping.

Today, dear readers, we are going shopping in French with you. Therefore, we want to introduce you to the most basic and necessary vocabulary related to shopping and shopping (les magasins et les achats).

Let's go to the store!

To get started, pay attention to some common words and phrases related to stores, departments, counters and shopping:

Le magasin - store:

  • Le grand magasin - department store
  • Le marché - market
  • Le hypermarché - hypermarket
  • Le supermarché - supermarket
  • Le center commercial – shopping center
  • La supérette - minimarket
  • La grande surface - shopping center
  • La boutique- boutique
  • Le libre-service - self-service
  • La vitrine - showcase
  • La devanture – showcase
  • L'étalage - showcase
  • L'article – product
  • La marchandise – product
  • L'emplette - product
  • L'étiquette - label
  • Exposer des marchandises et des prix - exhibit goods and prices
  • Le département – ​​department
  • Le rayon – department
  • La section - department
  • Au rayon (de) mercerie, à la mercerie - in the haberdashery department
  • Le comptoir - counter, stand
  • Au comptoir - behind the counter
  • La fiche - (cash) check
  • Le montant - total (on the check)
  • L'achat - purchase
  • Le portillon d'entrée - entrance door
  • La caisse (de sortie) - cash desk (at exit)
  • La caisse enregistreuse - cash register
  • Passer à la caisse - go to the cashier
  • Payer l’achat - pay for a purchase at the cash register
  • Lire le code-barre - read barcode
  • L’entrée et sortie sans achats - entry and exit without purchases
  • L'escalier roulant - escalator
  • La caddie, le chariot - cart
  • La corbeille à marchandises - basket
  • La camerara de surveillance - security camera
  • L'issue de secours - emergency exit
  • Le parking - a place to park cars
  • Se faire livrer les articles - order goods to your home
  • Le service des expéditions de la livraison - home delivery department
  • Le service de la réception – goods reception department
  • Le bureau de renseignements - information desk
  • Le bureau des objets trouvés - lost property office

Les rayons – departments:

  • Les layettes - dowry for newborns
  • La lingerie - lingerie department
  • Le rayon de bas et de gants - hosiery department
  • La chemiserie - men's shirts department
  • Le tricotage - knitwear department
  • Les chaussures - shoe department
  • Les chapeaux - hat department
  • La ganterie - glove department
  • La mercerie - haberdashery
  • La maroquinerie - leather goods
  • Le rayon m de fourrures, les fourrures - fur department
  • L'horlogerie - watch department
  • La parfumerie - perfumery
  • Les products de beauté - cosmetics
  • Les tissus - fabric department
  • Le rayon du papier paint - wallpaper
  • Les jouets - toys
  • La verrerie - dishes
  • Les meubles - furniture department
  • L'électroménager, les appareils menagers - household appliances
  • Le rayon d’articles de ménage (d’ustensiles de cuisine) - housekeeping department
  • Le rayon d'articles de sport - sporting goods
  • Le rayon de disques et instruments de musique - music department
  • Le rayon de souvenirs - souvenirs,
  • La librairie - bookstore (department)
  • La papeterie - stationery,
Let's shop!

Les articles – goods. Vocabulary related to goods:

  • L’assortiment d’articles - assortment, selection of goods
  • Un bel/ grand/ riche/ excellent assortiment - large/rich/excellent/ assortment
  • Un très grand choix selection of goods
  • L’article avantageux - profitable product
  • L'article au rabais - discounted
  • L’article de large consommation - wide consumption
  • L’article de haute qualité - high quality product
  • L’article de bonne qualité – good quality product
  • L’article de mauvaise qualité – poor quality product

Le prix – price and everything connected with it:

  • Le prix - price
  • Le prix avantageux - bargain price
  • Le prix fabuleux - excessively high price
  • A bas prix - at a low price
  • A moitié prix - half price
  • A bon marché - cheap
  • Pour rien - for free
  • Coûter les yeux de la tête - cost insanely expensive
  • La vente - sales, distribution
  • La mise en vente - sale
  • La vente aux enchères - auction
  • La solde - end of season discount sale
  • L’exposition - exhibition and sale
  • Etre en vente - to be on sale
  • En vente ici - for sale, available for sale
  • Mettre en vente - put on sale
  • La vente-réclame - presentation
  • La vente promotionnelle - advertising sales

Vendre - to sell

  • Baisser (diminuer) le prix - lower the price
  • Faire une réduction / remise - to make a discount (concession)
  • Faire son affaire - to make a profitable business, to make a deal
  • Augmenter (doubler, tripler) le prix - increase (double, triple) the price
  • Rendre la monnaie - give change
  • Plier/ envelopper/ emballer/ empaqueter/ faire un paquet - roll up (pack)
  • Mettre dans un/ sac en plastique - put in a plastic bag
  • Faire un paquet-cadeau - wrap in festive packaging
  • Propriétaire m de magasin - shop owner
  • Le patron, chef de magasin - owner, store director
  • Le chef du rayon - head of department
  • Le vendeur - seller
  • La vendeuse - saleswoman
  • Le commis, l'employé - sales clerk
  • Le caissier - cashier
  • La caissière - cashier

Acheter – buy:

  • Courir les magasins, faire des courses aux (dans les) magasins - go shopping
  • Battre les rayons - walk through the departments
  • Faire le tour du magasin - go around the entire store
  • Choisir (faire son choix) - choose, make a choice
  • Essayer (dans une cabine d’essayage) - try on (in the fitting room)
  • Prendre la file/ la queue - stand in line
  • Faire la queue - stand in line
  • Acheter/ faire des achats (des emplettes, du shopping) - buy, make purchases
  • Marchander - to bargain
  • Acheter à peu de frais - buy cheap
  • Realizer de fortes économies - save (on purchase)
  • Regarder (examiner) l’article - look (examine) the product
  • Tâter (palper, toucher) - to touch
  • Ouvrir un compte - open a loan
  • Payer argent comptant, en espèces - pay in cash
  • Payer avec une carte – pay with a bank card
  • Payer par chèque - pay by bank check
  • Acheter au comptant (à credit) - buy for cash (on credit)

Nous allons au magasin!

A few necessary phrases for communication in the store:

  • Vous desirez? -What do you want? What do you wish?
  • Vous desirez, Monsieur? -What do you want, monsieur?
  • Madame desire? -What does madam want?
  • Que desirez-vous? -What do you want?
  • En quoi puis-je vous servir? - How can I serve (help) you?
  • Et pour vous, Madame? - And for you, madam?
  • Dans quels prix les desirez-vous? – At what price do you want them?
  • Quelle est votre taille? – What is your size?
  • Quelle taille portez-vous? – What size do you wear?
  • Ma taille est de 44. – My size
  • Je porte du 44. – I wear 44.
  • Pour moi... - For me, me...
  • Je cherche... - I'm looking for...
  • Je voudrais... - I would like...
  • Je veux juste... - I just want...
  • Pourriez-vous me montrer... ? – Could you show me?..
  • Est-ce que vous avez... ? – Do you have...?
  • Est-ce que vous les avez en rouge? – Do you have these, only red ones?
  • Les avez-vous dans les XL? – Do you have them in size XL?
  • C'est tout ce que vous avez? – Is that all you have?
  • C'est cher! - It's expensive!
  • Est-ce là votre dernier prix? – Is this your last price?
  • Non, merci, je vais réfléchir - No, thanks, I'll think about it .
  • Bon, je le prends. - Okay, I'll take it.
  • Faites-moi un paquet. - Wrap it in a bag.
  • Faites-moi un paquet-cadeau. – Wrap it in a gift bag.
  • Permettez-moi de vous recommander ceci. -Allow me to recommend this to you.
  • Je me permettrais de vous donner mon avis - I will allow myself to give you advice.
  • C'est une nouveauté de la saison. - This is new for the season.
  • Veuillez passer par ici. - Come here.
  • Je pense qu’il vous va à merveille – This suits you perfectly.
  • N'hésitez pas, Madame. - Don't doubt it, madam.
  • C'est tout? - This is all?
  • Passez à la caisse, Madame. – Go to the cash register, madam.
  • Vous payez par chèque ou en espèces? – Will you pay by check or cash?
  • Attendez, je vous rends la monnaie Wait, I'll give you back your change.
  • Voilà. - Here
  • Tenez... - Hold...
  • (C'est) combien? - How much (is it)?
  • How about coûte combien? - How much does it cost?
  • Ça fait combien? - How much is it?
  • Combien cela coûte-t-il? - How much does it cost?
  • Quel en est le prix? – What is the price?
  • Je vous dois combien? - How much do I owe you?
  • Combien cela fait-il en tout? - How much is it in total?
  • Combien me ferez-vous? How much for me?
  • me compterez-vous cela? Count this for me.
  • Combien vendez-vous cela? - How much are you selling this for?
  • Combien demandez-vous de cet article? - How much do you want for this thing?
  • A quel prix est ce manteau? – What is the price of a coat?
  • Je n’ai pas de liquide sur moi - I don’t have cash with me
  • Je n’ai pas de monnaie - I don’t have any change

Well, friends, now you are armed with all the necessary vocabulary, all you have to do is go to the store and do some shopping. Bonne chance!