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The best cauliflower recipes for children: soups and other delicious dishes. Cauliflower puree soup for a child How to cook cauliflower soup for a child

With the arrival of a baby in the family, every mother thinks about how to make his menu varied and at the same time very healthy and affordable. Soups come to the rescue because they are a liquid product, help stabilize digestion and are perfectly absorbed by the body. The special ingredient is cauliflower. It contains many useful substances - vitamins, minerals. Cauliflower is more tender than white cabbage, it is lighter, digests faster, and does not irritate the intestinal walls. All of the above properties allow it to be used in preparing dishes for children.

For two servings we will need:

  • 0.1 kg cauliflower,
  • 2 medium sized potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons rice,
  • 1 carrot,
  • olive oil,
  • parsley.

How to cook

1. Wash the cauliflower thoroughly in cold water, cut into small pieces. By the way, it is better to put cabbage in boiling brine, because this way it retains maximum useful elements.

2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.

3. Peel the carrots and grate them.

4. Wash the parsley, chop it finely, or better yet, tear it with your hands and add it at the end of cooking. This will make the soup more flavorful. If the child is picky, then greens in large pieces easy to remove from plate.

After preparing the products, we move on to the culmination part:

1. Place 3 tablespoons of rice, grated carrots in boiling brine and boil.

2. Add chopped potatoes and olive oil.

3. When our vegetables are almost cooked, add chopped cabbage to the soup.

4. Add the greens and bring our soup to readiness. This will take 10-15 minutes at a low simmer.

5. Let our soup brew, pour it into a plate and decorate with herbs. If desired, you can add butter or crackers.

Appetizing, useful, low calorie soup ready! Even the most picky child will not resist this dish. Now mom doesn’t have to worry, her baby’s lunch is tasty and healthy.

Bon appetit!

"Sheep in the Meadow"

(Age: from 1 year)

Hello, my dear site visitors - about the right baby food. To begin with, I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming spring holiday - March 8th. I wish you and your children good health, great happiness and all the best. Today I am again adding to the section that is leading in the voting - . This is pureed cauliflower soup. To begin with, I want to write a little about how healthy cauliflower is for a child and about the puree soup. This puree soup recipe is suitable for children from one year old, or a little earlier.

Preparing puree soup, as we all know, is different in that at the end its ingredients are ground using a sieve; now it is easier to do this with a blender until smooth. Thanks to this, the puree soup has an enveloping property and is ideal for young children from one to three years old, since at this age the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is still very sensitive.

As we are preparing today pureed cauliflower soup, so let’s further figure out how healthy cauliflower is for a child. If you go through the composition of cauliflower. It is very rich in vitamin C; if your child eats 50 grams of cauliflower per day, then he will be provided with the daily requirement of this vitamin C. It also contains a lot of vitamins PP, B1, B2, much more than white and red cabbage. It is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, and iodine. Cauliflower contains a significant amount of essential amino acids, it is also rich in enzymes that remove toxins from the body, and contains quercetin, which helps prevent the appearance of malignant tumors. Its protein is very well absorbed by the child's body. It is important to know how to cook cauliflower for your child in order to retain all the useful things in it. It needs to be boiled in a small amount of water, covered and for a very short time (about five minutes after boiling), or in a double boiler, but a little longer.

It remains to remember one more ingredient in cauliflower puree soup - this green peas, I wrote about its benefits in children's recipe- “Princess and the Pea.”

Cauliflower puree soup recipe

To make the puree soup you will need:

(for 2 servings)

1. 2 tablespoons of green peas (frozen or fresh);

2. 200 grams of cauliflower (I used frozen);

3. 1 large carrot;

4. 1 small onion;

5. several sprigs of greenery.

6. 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil.

How to cook.

1. Place 300 ml on fire and bring to a boil. water. Wash and peel the onions and carrots well. Because at the end we will still grind them and in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances, you can boil them whole, or you can cut them if you want to reduce the cooking time. So, throw carrots and onions into boiling water and cover with a lid. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low.

2. After 15 minutes, add cauliflower and green peas (fresh or frozen) to the vegetables in the soup. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. At this time, wash the greens (dill, parsley), chop them finely and add to the soup. Let it boil again and remove from heat.

3. Let it cool a little, and at this time we prepare the decoration, it takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Take 2 large pieces of cauliflower correct form- these will be the “little bodies” of the sheep. 2 more small ones - “heads”. Instead of eyes, insert cloves or peppercorns and cut long strips from parsley, they will bend a little - these are “horns”. To make the “horns” easier to insert, use toothpicks to make holes. That's it, our sheep are ready.

4. Vegetables with vegetable broth grind using a blender. Salt a little and add unrefined sunflower oil. My daughters eat well with this oil, if your baby doesn’t like it, add a little butter. And sunflower (or olive) in the salad. Pour into plates, you get about 2 servings, depending on the age of your child.

Place the sheep on top, in the center of the plate. Can be served puree soup with cauliflower children.

5. Also, after about two and a half years, my eldest daughter began to feel bad about eating any puree soup, due to its homogeneous consistency. I don’t cook it often, once or twice a week for a variety of flavors. That's why I make crackers for her. I cut off a piece of bread, cut it into cubes and dry it for about 3 minutes in the microwave. Then I put a saucer with crackers for her separately. She throws the croutons into the creamy cauliflower soup one at a time, she likes it that way. The youngest eats with pleasure even without crackers. You can also add pieces of boiled meat to the prepared puree soup. Bon appetit!

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Products for 2 liters of water:

  • Chicken meat - 200 gr. (or 2 drumsticks)
  • Potatoes - 220 gr. (or 4-5 pcs.)
  • Carrots - 90 gr. (or 1 pc.)
  • Cauliflower - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 60 gr. (or 1 pc.)
  • Tomato - 70 gr. (or 1 pc.)
  • Greens - a little
  • Salt - to taste

Cauliflower is not yet as popular as white cabbage, but it is still worth taking a closer look at and including in your diet. This has several advantages: it is nutritious, protein is easily absorbed by the body, contains essential amino acids, and a large amount of vitamin C. Plus, it is not allergenic, so it is suitable as complementary foods. In this article we will look at the recipe for cauliflower soup chicken broth. This soup has one important point: Cauliflower should not be cooked in it for longer than 10 minutes, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

Cauliflower soup - Photo recipe:

1. Pour water over the chicken meat and let it boil, then drain the water and pour clean water into a washed pan in which to finish cooking the chicken meat. Add salt to the water.

2. Add diced potatoes and finely chopped carrots to the prepared broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

3. Divide the cauliflower into small florets and add to the soup.

4. After the cabbage, add finely chopped onions.

5. And add the tomato without skin, cut into small pieces. Cook everything together for another 10 minutes.

6. Season the finished cauliflower soup with chicken with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs. For one-year-old children, pureed cauliflower soup is more suitable. To do this, just use a blender in a separate bowl.

Cauliflower dishes are sources of vitamins, minerals and vegetable protein that children need for full growth. In addition, this vegetable, thanks to its fibrous structure, helps babies cope with constipation. That is why cauliflower for children is often recommended as the first product for introducing a baby to vegetables. In addition, its inflorescences are low-allergenic and rarely cause negative manifestations in the baby. Recipes for cauliflower dishes are also perfect for a nursing mother who adheres to the principles of hypoallergenic nutrition.

Every woman wants to know how to cook a vegetable deliciously, because there is no better reward for a mother than watching food disappear from her child’s plate. In order for feeding cauliflower to bring only positive emotions to the baby, it is also important for a young mother to know at what age to give her baby this or that dish, and what type of cooking to give preference. It is equally important to remember how to make a vegetable as healthy as possible, because the safety of the inflorescences depends on how and how much the inflorescences are prepared. beneficial properties.

You can cook cauliflower for babies after 5–6 months. At the same time, it is better to give the child the dish for the first time after consulting with a pediatrician. Indeed, in addition to beneficial properties, light inflorescences can cause increased gas formation. If a baby at this age suffers from colic, the doctor may recommend other vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini) based on the baby’s individual developmental characteristics.

  • To prepare the puree, you need to take several young, fresh, thoroughly washed inflorescences.
  • Boil for 5–6 minutes. (How long to cook the vegetable depends on the freshness of the inflorescences and size). You can also cook vegetables for your baby in a multicooker using the “Steam” mode or a double boiler.
  • Cooked dishes should not be salted. It is not recommended to add salt to food for children under one year old, also during cooking.
  • The cooked inflorescences are hot crushed to a uniform (homogenized) consistency. You can use a sieve or blender.
  • First, cool the puree and offer it to the baby, starting with half a teaspoon.

Provided that this product did not cause negative manifestations can be added to already familiar dish another new vegetable. So, you can introduce your baby to puree from and. A little later, vegetable oils are added to vegetable dishes (no more than 6g for one year old child). Then vegetable puree will be an excellent side dish for meat products.

Before learning how to prepare other dishes, a young mother should remember that when choosing products for cooking, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby. You should not add the product to the dish if for some reason the child refuses to eat it. Children's tastes change quickly and, perhaps, you need to give the child time and let him choose the vegetables for the side dish. It’s great if the mother can explain to the baby why the “rejected” product is so useful and necessary for health.

Cream of broccoli soup

This cream of broccoli soup recipe is suitable for two year old child. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • broccoli florets (fresh or frozen) – 200g
  • small onion - 1
  • carrot – 1
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • cream – 50 ml
  • broth (water) – 300–350 ml
  • spices to taste (marjoram, oregano) – 1 pinch
  • salt - to taste
  1. We separate the broccoli into inflorescences, wash them thoroughly, and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots, cut the onions and carrots in half and also place in the pan.
  3. Add chopped garlic, herbs, salt.
  4. Add cream and boil.
  5. Add broth or water and cook for 20–30 minutes.
  6. Grind the resulting vegetable mass along with the liquid in a blender.
  7. Decorate with herbs, slices of carrots, cool and serve.

You can also make cauliflower puree soup based on this recipe. You can also use broccoli and cauliflower in proportions of 50/50. You can also cook this soup using other vegetables (zucchini, spinach).

Vegetable puree soup

This recipe can be used in the nutrition of children after 1 year, provided there are no negative reactions to protein cow's milk, gluten, eggs (the recipe contains milk, eggs, flour.)

  • cauliflower – 25g
  • zucchini – 25g
  • yolk - ¼
  • flour – 1g
  1. We wash the vegetables and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add water, cook until soft.
  3. Grate the prepared vegetables, add flour, salt (optional), add broth, mix thoroughly, and boil.
  4. As a dressing, pour in pureed chicken yolk and milk.

Vegetable cauliflower soup

This cauliflower soup is perfect for a 2 year old child. If the baby has previously become acquainted with celery, tomatoes, garlic and he likes these products, he can safely start preparing the soup. Usually kids eat the dish with pleasure - its colorful ingredients attract attention and arouse interest. Based on this recipe, you can prepare cauliflower soup with chicken by adding pieces of boiled poultry to the dish.

  • cauliflower inflorescences – 200g
  • potatoes - 1
  • onion – 1
  • carrot – 1
  • celery roots – 1/4 (to taste)
  • garlic – 1 tooth
  • tomato – 1
  • salt, spices, parsley.
  • water - 500 ml
  1. Vegetables (carrots, potatoes, celery, onions) must be peeled, washed thoroughly, and cut into cubes.
  2. We disassemble the cabbage into small sized stalks, wash, and remove coarse fibers.
  3. Remove the peel and seeds of the tomato, cut the pulp into cubes.
  4. Chop the garlic.
  5. Chop the parsley.
  6. Place potatoes in boiling water (broth) and cook celery for 10 minutes.
  7. Add carrot cubes and pieces of cabbage, chopped onion, cook for another 10 minutes.
  8. Then tomato, garlic and bring to a boil.
  9. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs (3 years)

  • Cauliflower inflorescences – 200g
  • Quail eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Steam or boil the inflorescences for 3 minutes, cool, and cut in half lengthwise.
  2. Beat the eggs.
  3. Pour the crackers onto a plate.
  4. Warming up vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  5. Place the boiled vegetables in the egg mixture, breadcrumbs, and fry in oil.

An excellent alternative for a three-year-old child can be a cauliflower dish in batter. To prepare the batter, boiled potatoes are dipped in a mixture of eggs and flour (for 500g of vegetable, take 2 eggs and 3-4 tablespoons of flour).

Cauliflower cutlets (3 years)

  • Cauliflower – 1 kg
  • Semolina – 170g
  • Egg – 1
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper
  1. Boil the peeled and cut inflorescences for about 3 minutes.
  2. Grind the inflorescences in a meat grinder.
  3. TO minced vegetables add semolina, mix thoroughly.
  4. Add egg, salt, pepper.
  5. Form small cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in oil.
  6. Serve with low-fat sour cream.


This cauliflower soufflé recipe is prepared in a water bath. However, you can prepare this dish from cauliflower in the oven with the addition of cheese (for a 2-year-old child).

  • Cauliflower -150g
  • Butter – 10g
  • Wheat flour – 10g
  • Milk – 50 ml
  • Sour cream 25 ml
  • Egg – 1
  1. Peel the inflorescences, boil, prepare a thick puree.
  2. Into the hot vegetable mass, add the creamy little, raw egg yolk, whipped egg white.
  3. Place the vegetable mass in a frying pan, close the lid, and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Serve soufflé with sour cream.


Cauliflower Casserole for Kids – great option for dinner. If the mother wishes, it can be made more varied by adding cheese, chicken, tomatoes, etc.

  • cauliflower – 150g
  • butter – 7g
  • onions – ¼
  • egg – 1
  • parsley
  • salt.
  1. Boil the cabbage, peeled and divided into florets.
  2. Sauté the onion in oil.
  3. Mix onion with boiled cabbage and egg.
  4. Place in a greased pan.
  5. Bake in the oven at 180° for about 20 minutes.
  6. The baked dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and served to the baby for testing.

Salad with nuts and cheese

If mom doubts whether she can eat walnuts– it is better to refuse their use in this recipe, because it is a rather strong allergen. 3 months after birth, you can include them in the diet, starting with 1–2 nucleoli, monitoring for a possible negative reaction in the baby.

  • cauliflower – 500g
  • feta cheese – 100g
  • chopped walnuts – 2 tbsp. l.
  • sliced green onions– 2 tbsp. l.
  • low-fat kefir – 100g
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt.
  1. Stewed or boiled inflorescences can be used in the salad. The boiled vegetable is finely chopped, crushed nuts, onions, and cheese are added.
  2. Mix kefir with sour cream, add salt.
  3. Season the salad with fermented milk mixture.

After the young mother has familiarized herself with the recipes and learned how to prepare healthy and tasty dishes, she can begin cooking. The baby will no doubt appreciate her efforts. In addition, many recipes will appeal to adult lovers of vegetable delights.

When talking about feeding a baby for the first time, almost every mother will remember cauliflower. Indeed, this is one of the first products that a baby is usually introduced to, and today we will talk about the benefits of this product, its proper preparation and introduction into the diet.

Properties of cauliflower

  • This type of cabbage is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is easily introduced into the baby’s diet as one of the first products.
  • It contains vitamins: A, C, B vitamins.
  • The vegetable protein of cauliflower is easily absorbed by the child's body.
  • Cauliflower - source of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Thanks to this composition, cauliflower:

Introduction to your baby's diet

You can start feeding this wonderful product from 4 months, if the child artificial feeding, and from 6 months - if natural.

Important! Remember, each baby’s body is individual, and the age at which complementary foods are introduced may vary. And if at 4 months there was a reaction to cabbage, by 6 months everything can change, and the baby’s body will absorb it with ease. This age of starting complementary feeding is the starting point, i.e. This is the age when complementary feeding can be started; earlier it is undesirable.

Introduction rules remain unchanged

  • Give a small amount in the morning.
  • It is necessary to monitor the body’s reaction throughout the day.
  • Gradually increase the amount if the reaction is normal, otherwise stop feeding and try giving the child this product later.
  • If you are just planning to introduce your baby to this delicacy, just add boiled and grated cabbage in the form of puree. In the future, you can add it to vegetable dishes to give them more taste and health benefits.

Most often, cauliflower soup is prepared for introduction into complementary foods.

How to make cream soup or puree soup with cabbage and vegetables

Important! To prevent cauliflower from losing during processing useful substances, don't overcook it. Add the cabbage to the soup last, in boiling salted water.

There are many recipes for how to prepare this dish. We bring to your attention the recipe for cooking vegetable puree soup from cauliflower and potatoes.
The dish will do baby at 7-8 months, at 4-6 months. The child should be given homogeneous cauliflower puree.


  • 150-200 g fresh or frozen cauliflower;
  • 1 small potato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 5 g sunflower oil.

Later you can add peas and herbs.

Cooking sequence

Puree soup of vegetables and cauliflower for a child under 1 year old - video

This video will help you learn how to prepare vegetable and cauliflower soup for your children. This recipe is perfect for babies 6-8 months old.