Recipes      12/24/2023

Flaxseed mayonnaise recipe. Mayonnaise made from vegetable and flaxseed oil. For lean flaxseed mayonnaise we need

This sauce is a natural substitute for fatty and not very healthy mayonnaise. Due to the fact that flax seeds contain a huge amount useful substances and macroelements, it can serve as a successful addition to any salad, appetizers and other dishes. The sauce is thick, moderately dense, aromatic and very nutritious. You can adjust the thickness of flax mayonnaise yourself. If the mass is too dense, add a few tablespoons of water into the blender container and mix the ingredients. This way you can control the density and thickness of the flaxseed sauce yourself. To create a natural mass, use grains of any color and variety. These may be dark or golden seeds. The color of the finished sauce will depend on this.


  • flax (2 tbsp);
  • sugar (1 tsp);
  • salt (1/2 tsp);
  • mustard powder (1 tsp);
  • water (30-50 ml);
  • oil (125 ml);
  • natural vinegar 6% (1 tbsp.).


  • 1 Pour flaxseeds into the container of an electric coffee grinder or a powerful food processor and grind them to a fine powder.

  • 2 Pour boiling water into a container with flaxseed flour. Steam the mixture until it acquires a thick texture.

  • 3 Place the flaxseed jelly in the container of a powerful blender.

  • 4 Add mustard powder, sweetener and table salt. Pour in a natural bite (from apples or grapes). We can replace it with fresh lime or lemon juice. If we do not have mustard powder in stock, we replace it with the same amount of ready-made vigorous sauce.

  • 5 Mix all ingredients at high speed in a food processor. We begin to introduce neutral into the workpiece vegetable oil(in small portions). We carry out the entire process with the combine running.

  • 6 After the flax mass acquires a light, thick and moderately dense texture, the sauce is ready. We adjust the density of the mass ourselves. If necessary, add a spoon or two of water to the workpiece and combine all the components. We use natural flaxseed sauce for its intended purpose.

Many people have long stopped buying mayonnaise in the store. Everyone knows how harmful it can be. It's better not to be lazy and cook homemade mayonnaise without food coloring, artificial flavors, preservatives and so on. As a rule, homemade mayonnaise is made with chicken eggs, but in this recipe they are not, but there are flaxseed meal.

Flax seeds very useful in any form. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and lignans, which help prevent cancer. These seeds also contain “vitamins of youth” - A and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, manganese, antioxidants, amino acids, and so on. Try making this healthy and delicious mayonnaise at home.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise


  • 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed flour
  • 60 ml water
  • 125 ml vegetable oil
  • 1-2 tsp. mustard
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • salt and sugar (to taste)


  • Prepare flaxseed meal. To do this, grind the flax seeds using a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Pour water over flaxseed meal. Then place the pan with this mixture on low heat, heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens.
  • Then leave to cool to room temperature.
  • Add a little sugar and salt and blend in a blender, gradually adding vegetable oil. Don't add more than 1 tbsp. l. oils at a time.
  • When the mixture becomes creamy, add lemon juice and mustard.
  • Flaxseed mayonnaise ready! It will be a little darker in color than store bought, but much tastier and healthier. For a golden hue, you can add a pinch of turmeric or saffron.

    Good day!

    I think many, if they haven’t tried it, have heard about the benefits of flax and linseed oil.

    Cold pressed flaxseed oil- the only oil that contains sufficient fatty acids similar to fish oil acids.

    This is not just linseed oil, but oil made according to an old Russian recipe from flax grown in the Altai region. The Altai region is famous for its wide fields where a variety of cereals are grown.

    The Altai Territory is called the breadbasket of Russia and for good reason, because the extent of arable land in the Altai Territory is the largest in Russia.

    Volume 0.25 l.

    Price 141 rub.

    Flaxseed oil can be purchased in bottles of different sizes: 0.25, 0.5, 1 liter. In a plastic or glass bottle, I have a glass one, it’s better, after all natural products I think it is preferable to store it in glass.

    Manufacturer Altai Lifestyle.

    Shelf life 6 months. 1 month after opening (store in refrigerator).

    Package. Dark glass bottle.

    The labels contain all the necessary information.

    Convenient dispenser.

    I have been familiar with linseed oil for a long time; I buy it mainly in the autumn and winter. Especially during acute respiratory infections, oil is a source of vitamins and unsaturated acids.

    Consuming flaxseed oil has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

    Flaxseed oil can help cope with excess weight.

    When taken regularly in small doses, it normalizes metabolism.

    Application of linseed oil:

    Leather. I wipe my face with oil. Just a few drops are enough. I apply it to a cotton pad and after cleansing the skin, wipe it overnight. Overnight the oil is absorbed, and the skin is velvety and pleasant to the touch. All peeling, if any, goes away. At regular use Oils improve complexion and fine wrinkles become less noticeable.

    I haven’t tried this procedure in the summer. Since in the summer the skin on my face becomes combination, prone to slight oiliness in the T zone, but in the winter the skin is normal, it becomes chapped easily and dries out if you don’t take care.

    Hair. Flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on hair. I recently grew my natural hair, and most of my life I wore dye, my hair was constantly dry and the ends were split. So, a few drops of oil added to the mask transforms dry hair, but here you need to be careful and not overdo it, otherwise you will have to wash it out of your hair for a long time.

    Salad dressing.

    I don’t particularly like the taste of flaxseed oil - it’s bitter, so I add very little to salads.

    You can also prepare mayonnaise with the addition of flaxseed oil.

    Beat the egg with sugar, salt and mustard. Gradually pour in the oil, previously mixed, in a thin stream, continuing to whisk, adding lemon juice at the end.

    suitable for vegans

    Those who eat a lot of mayonnaise will never be hired as astronauts because of their big belly. I'm telling you exactly. And while spaceships will roam the expanses of the Universe, some of us risk staying at home and missing out on the most interesting things simply because we don’t fit into a standard spacesuit.

    It's an unpleasant prospect, isn't it? But there is, there is one loophole for lovers of this popular sauce: what if you make mayonnaise yourself? Moreover, make it lean, that is, less caloric, that is, not so threatening to our impeccable figure...

    What’s there to think about, as Gagarin used to say, let’s go...

    For lean mayonnaise made from flaxseed flour we will need:

    Ingredients for lean flaxseed mayonnaise:

    • 2 tbsp. with a heap of flaxseed flour (it’s easy if you grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder);
    • 60 ml. water;
    • 125 ml. vegetable oil;
    • 1-2 tsp. mustard;
    • 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
    • salt and sugar to taste.

    Ingredients for vegetable salad with lean mayonnaise:

    • 2 stalks of celery;
    • 5 cherry tomatoes;
    • 2 small pickled cucumbers;
    • 1 fresh cucumber.

    Preliminary stage. Bring water to a boil, put flaxseed flour in a blender glass, pour boiling water over it and mix.

    Intermediate... We leave this mass to swell and cool.

    Home… Rise! Add mustard, lemon juice, a little sugar and salt to the glass (if you have black salt, you can use it) and beat with a mixer or blender, gradually pouring in vegetable oil.

    We entered orbit! That's all, actually. We prepared a wonderful lean mayonnaise quickly and without any difficulties.

    Because of the flaxseed flour, the color is slightly darker than store-bought, but much tastier, to my taste. Although I haven’t eaten store-bought for a long time, I might have forgotten.

    Mayonnaise without salad is like a planet without a satellite :)

    Let's get it done quickly: cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters, cut the celery into thin rings, cut the pickled cucumbers into half rings, and chop the fresh cucumber into trash.

    We put everything together and season with freshly prepared lean mayonnaise.

    Have you refreshed yourself? Now you can go and build bridges from here to the Moon and back. And I say - you can...

    I wish all earthlings Bon appetit and have a great mood on this wonderful day, Cosmonautics Day!

    It is now impossible to imagine many dishes without mayonnaise. However, the quality store-bought mayonnaise can't boast. Therefore, I suggest preparing it yourself using vegetable and flaxseed oil.
    Recipe contents:

    Mayonnaise is a creamy sauce that has a distinct flavor. Its homeland is France, and the origin of the name is associated with the city of Mahon. It was first made in the 18th century. In the Soviet Union, Provencal mayonnaise was extremely popular. Its composition was strictly regulated by GOST, and no deviations were allowed. However, over time, oil and fat production plants began to add various artificial additives, flavors, stabilizers, etc. to the recipe. Therefore, many housewives are switching to preparing exquisite French sauce on their own. It is safe and does not contain harmful additives.

    Mayonnaises are prepared based on different oils. The most common is, of course, vegetable. However also delicious sauce obtained from olive, linseed or a mixture of oils. Today I propose to make it from vegetable and flaxseed oil. This combination makes the sauce piquant and slightly bitter. It can be successfully used for the same salads as store-bought. The only thing is not recommended to bake it, because... it starts to delaminate

    I would like to note that real homemade mayonnaise is very healthy, because... made from quality food products: eggs, oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and sugar. Thus, eggs contain albumin - a protein useful for the body, the yolk is rich in choline, which belongs to the B-vitamin complex, and vegetable oil is a source of vitamins E and F.

    • Calorie content per 100 g - 680 kcal.
    • Number of servings - 300 ml
    • Cooking time - 10 minutes


    • Refined vegetable oil - 150 ml
    • Flaxseed oil - 50 ml
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Mustard - on the tip of a knife
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
    • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

    Making mayonnaise from vegetable and flaxseed oil

    1. Beat the eggs into a bowl to prepare the sauce.

    2. Add salt, sugar and mustard to it.

    3. Using a mixer, beat the mixture until smooth and homogeneous.

    4. When the eggs acquire the consistency of eggnog, slowly pour oil into them. At the same time, do not stop the whipping process. The mixer should always be running and the oil should flow in a very thin stream. I recommend mixing vegetable and linseed oil in a glass first.

    5. When whipping, before your eyes the mass will acquire creamy consistency. If you think that the mayonnaise is very liquid, then add more oil, it is this that affects the thickness of the sauce.

    6. When all the products are whipped, add lemon juice. It plays the role of bite, but unlike it, it adds a slight piquant sourness. But if you don’t have lemon, then pour 1 tbsp. table vinegar.