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Ksya, how many degrees? Strawberry liqueur Xu Xu (XuXu). Cocktails, dessert sauces, baked goods

In the sweet family alcoholic drinks Fruit-based liqueur Xu Xu occupies quite a place of honor. And all this despite the fact that this drink appeared only 20 years ago. A German manufacturer of alcohol, mainly bitters and similar liqueurs, caught up in the general passion for natural food and a healthy lifestyle, came up with something that fits perfectly into the norms of an ecological product: a tincture of strawberry puree with carefully purified vodka.

The taste of the liqueur, which is completely sugar-free, was so loved by consumers that Ksyu Ksyu began to be produced not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. By the way, the name of the drink is translated from German as smack smack.

Composition and technology

The recipe for Ksyu Ksyu liqueur is simple to the point of genius, there are only three ingredients:

  • natural ripe strawberries (puree) – 66%;
  • highly purified vodka – 33%;
  • lime juice – 1%.

The manufacturer assures customers that there are no foreign additives in the drink. In fact, the color of the liqueur is so bright and attractive that natural strawberries simply cannot give it. By adding a substance designated as E129, manufacturers achieved stunning color. The problem is that this dye is a product of artificial synthesis, which in itself is not very good.

The technology for preparing Xu Xu is maceration. Strawberries are ground to a homogeneous puree, mixed with vodka and infused for some time. Before bottling, lime juice and coloring are added, and the mixture is carefully filtered. The result is a bright scarlet transparent drink with a strength of 15%. Strawberry liqueur XuXu (this is the official name in German) turns out to be surprisingly aromatic and tasty.

Cocktails, dessert sauces, baked goods

Strawberry liqueur can be drunk in pure form by adding ice to the glass. But that's it best qualities Ksyu Ksyu are revealed in cocktails. There are many recipes, but the best ones look like this:

  • XuXu and sparkling wine (champagne) – ratio 50x50;
  • XuXu and chocolate liqueur– “strawberry vodka” (8 parts), chocolate liqueur (3 parts), Cuban rum (1 part), mix everything in a shaker;
  • XuXu and cream (ice cream) – cream (8 parts), liqueur (2 parts), lightly shake in a shaker;
  • XuXu and banana juice - liqueur (50 ml), juice (150 ml), puff cocktail - first pour the juice, then pour the liqueur into a bar spoon.

Ksyu Ksyu is perfect as a sauce for ice cream or fruit salad, will enrich the taste of milkshakes for adults.

Today, sugar-free strawberry liqueur is often included in dough recipes for muffins, cakes, and cookies; the products are fragrant, aromatic, and have an unusual taste.

At home

You can make strawberry liqueur at home, but it won’t work without sugar. However, this will not affect the taste of the drink in any way. Recipe homemade drink no different in complexity. You will need:

  • quality vodka – 375 ml;
  • strawberries – ripe, peeled, with the stem removed – 600 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • lemon juice – 100 ml.

By the way, double-distilled moonshine brewed at home can be used as an alcohol-containing base. Just first you need to clean it with charcoal or milk.

Beat strawberries, sugar, lemon juice in a blender. Add vodka (flavorless moonshine) and beat again. Pass the resulting mixture through a strainer to get rid of the seeds. Pour into bottles and leave in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Homemade Ksyu Ksyu is ready. The liqueur tastes even fresher and more aromatic than the original XuXu.

If you like stronger liqueurs, then next recipe will be more acceptable, but will require much more time. Compound:

  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • Cuban light rum - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • strawberries - 2 kg.

Mix vodka, rum and sugar in a large bowl (glass or ceramic), add strawberries, cut into small pieces, mix thoroughly. Leave for at least three months, stir or shake thoroughly weekly. Pour the resulting liqueur into bottles without filtering, along with strawberries. Store in a cool place. This variation of Xu Xu is stronger and sweeter, but still just as aromatic and tasty.

The history of “strawberry vodka”

The idea of ​​Xu Xu liqueur was born in the laboratories of the Georg Hemmeter corporation. The task before her employees was not an easy one: to create a drink for women that contains a minimum of sugar, but is maximally aromatic and has excellent taste. The recipe was born in agony. Specialists had to develop a composition that would be acceptable for those ladies who adhere to healthy eating(lose weight), as well as for those suffering from diabetes. In addition, it was important to create something bright that would attract attention.

Nature itself and the achievements of English breeders helped. A new variety of strawberries, created in Britain, was distinguished by its natural sweetness and high yields. Strawberry prices in Germany have fallen and consumption has increased. Marketers guided specialists in the selection of raw materials. The corporation's laboratories quickly realized that the simplest mixture of pure vodka and strawberry puree met all the requirements. All that remained was to add lime juice (sour, but not as lemony). The last addition made the drink more piquant and expressive. The cooking process turned out to be not very expensive. The recipe was approved.

And now Europe drinks about 5 million bottles of Xu Xu liqueur every year.

Strawberry liqueur Xu Xu appeared not so long ago, namely in 1997, but it has already managed to conquer a huge audience and has gained great popularity among sweet alcoholic drinks. The technology for preparing the drink itself played an important role in this, because sugar is not used at all for its production. But still, strawberry liqueur Ksyu Ksyu is considered a favorite in women's society, even despite this fact. And as the manufacturers themselves claim, this drink does not contain preservatives or dyes, although this can easily be doubted because the labels of some bottles contain E129, which is nothing more than a red dye. But this trifle has no effect on demand, because attractive bottles of XuXu liqueur are sold out of the counter in no time. And all thanks to the unique taste of the drink, pronounced strawberry tones. The fact that the drink contains alcohol is practically not felt, this is explained by the low strength of the liquor, only 15%.

For the representatives of the Bavarian company that created this wonderful product Georg Hemmeter, reputation is very important. In this regard, strawberry liqueur Xu Xu (XuXu) is made from ripe strawberries (its content often reaches 66%), high-quality vodka with the addition of a small amount of lime juice.

Proper use of Xu Xu liqueur

It is traditionally drunk undiluted as a shoter, having been cooled to 13 °C in advance. But beautiful ladies do not stop at this option of drinking liquor and try to make something good even better. Namely, they invent amazing cocktail recipes with the addition of Xu Xu liqueur. For these purposes, strawberry liqueur Xu Xu is often mixed with champagne or sparkling wine, the proportions of which depend on taste preferences.

If you are faced with the problem of purchasing this liqueur in a store, you can easily prepare it at home, because the main ingredients – strawberries and vodka – are not difficult to purchase. When it gets warmer, the first strawberries appear, it’s time to start making Xu Xu liqueur at home, because we only need berries, an alcoholic base and, of course, sugar. Also, to prepare it, it is not necessary to use fresh strawberries, because out of season they are very expensive; for this you can get by with frozen berries.

The original Xu Xu drink contains only 15% alcohol; it does not contain sugar, as the manufacturer claims; it itself is very thick, cloudy and sweet. We will prepare its analogue, but with added sugar.

There are a lot of recipes for making strawberry liqueur, we chose the simplest, most adapted and simplest.

Recipe for strawberry liqueur Ksyu Ksyu

To prepare you will need:

  • Ripe sweet strawberries – 0.5 kg
  • Vodka or diluted alcohol up to 40% - 0.5 l
  • Sugar -250-300 g
  • Settled water – 200 ml


To begin, wash the strawberries, remove the stem and cut in half; large berries can be cut into 4 parts. Pour strawberries into liter jar, fill it with diluted alcohol and vodka. It is very important that the berries are covered with vodka. You can use more of it so that it reaches the edges of the jar. Add the juice of ½ lemon to the infusion, so our drink will be enriched with pleasant sourness.

Send the jar to the windowsill for 7-10 days, it would be great if the sun hits the infusion. Then carefully strain the infusion through cheesecloth, without squeezing the strawberries, then add sugar to the jar of berries. Seal the infusion and set it aside until we need it. As for the jar with sugar and strawberries, it will need to be shaken several times and left for 2-3 days, the sugar should completely dissolve. Drain the syrup, add 200 ml of water to the jar, stir and drain the remaining syrup again.

Mix the strawberry infusion with syrup, pour into a jar and leave to infuse again for 3-5 days. The strawberry liqueur will lighten during this time and must then be filtered. You will end up with a delicious liqueur of a beautiful “strawberry” color. Although its strength will not exceed 15%, the aroma and taste will be simply divine. Drink the liqueur chilled; it will also make a very tasty sorbet.

Who is XuXu strawberry liqueur suitable for?

This drink is aimed primarily at the fair half of humanity. Due to the fact that it has a rich sweet, incredibly pleasant taste and aroma, it is very popular among women. But when drinking this liqueur, you still need to be careful, because despite the fact that it has a fairly low strength (about 15%), the alcohol is practically not felt, and therefore you can easily get carried away with the drink and quickly get drunk.

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Strawberries are such a berry that no matter where you put them, everything turns out delicious. Liquor was no exception. It is known as Xu Xu and is very popular. Let's take this opportunity and try to prepare that same strawberry liqueur Xu Xu at home, and read how to do it below.

Recipe for strawberry liqueur Xu Xu at home

In order to get a bright taste and rich color, it is better to take the ripest and sweetest strawberries. You can, of course, use frozen, but then the color of the liqueur will not be as beautiful.


  • water – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 400 g;
  • vodka – 700 ml;
  • strawberries – 800 g;
  • lemon – ½ pc.


We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the stems and cut them into quarters; small ones can be cut into halves. We will use a 3 liter bottle as a dish, and put the chopped strawberries into it. Squeeze lemon juice in there, carefully so that the seeds do not get in, it will give a pleasant sourness and prevent the drink from becoming cloyingly sweet. Fill everything with vodka, it is important that it covers all the berries completely, and place it on a windowsill or any other warm place for 7 days. Then we strain the tincture from the berries through gauze in two layers into another bowl. And put sugar in the berries, shake well and leave again for 3 days, stirring from time to time with a wooden or plastic spoon. The berry will give up all the juice, the sugar will dissolve and we will strain it again through cheesecloth. You should not crush the berries so that strawberry pulp does not get into the liqueur. And pour water into the remaining berries, mix, thereby washing away the remnants of the precious aromatic and filter. Now we mix all three filtered liquids, stir and leave for another couple of days in the refrigerator.

Strawberry liqueur with vodka Xu Xu

Thanks to the chic strawberry aroma, the liqueur turns out to be very tasty and the smell of alcohol is not felt at all.


  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 320 g;
  • vodka – 550 ml;
  • water – 100 ml.


Wash the strawberries well, sort them and remove the stems. Next, you need to grind it in a blender and strain or rub through a sieve. We put this puree in a jar with a volume of at least 2 liters, fill it with vodka and leave it to infuse for 10 days in any warm place. We cook the syrup from water and sugar and add it to the tincture along with lime juice, mix and put it in the refrigerator to brew for a couple of days, after which the taste becomes richly strawberry, and the alcohol is practically not felt.

Quick recipe for homemade Xu Xu liqueur

This recipe is designed so that it can be consumed immediately after preparation, it does not require a long infusion and the strawberries can be taken frozen, so you can prepare this xu xu at any time of the year.


  • defrosted strawberries – 550 g;
  • sugar – 255 g;
  • vodka – 300 ml;
  • lemon – ½ pc.


Place the berries in a blender bowl and puree them into a homogeneous puree, which we filter through a fine sieve. Because the mass is quite thick; this process is not quick, you can speed it up with a spoon, the main thing is that all excess remains in the sieve. Then we send the puree back into the washed blender and add sugar there, beat again at maximum speed. Pour out the alcohol and lemon juice without seeds, otherwise it will taste bitter, turn on the blender for 4 minutes. Lemon juice and you can add a little more or less sugar as you like. Pour into bottles and let sit for a while to let the air out, close with lids and cool before using. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator, because... the berries were not subjected to heat treatment.

Well, we have told you all the intricacies of the recipe, but how to drink the Xu Xu strawberry liqueur - pure or in a glass - everyone will decide for themselves.

Strawberry liqueur "Xu Xu" compares favorably with many other fruit liqueurs. The bright taste and aroma are what attract gourmets to it. The composition includes vodka and strawberry juice, and the naturalness of the components used can be judged by the strawberry seeds that come across. It remains to be seen what and how best to drink the Xu Xu liqueur with.

Champagne and pineapple juice

There are various ways consumption of XuXu liqueur, however, only some of them can be considered correct, that is, those in which the liqueur exhibits its best properties.

So, you can drink Xu Xu liqueur correctly like this:

  • Add liqueur product to white champagne in a ratio of 2 to 1 and stir with a cocktail spoon. If desired, decorate the dish with strawberries and throw a few pieces of ice inside.
  • Make a puree of banana and mint, gradually add XuXu liqueur to the resulting mass. If the puree initially turns out thick, you can pour banana juice and cream into it.
  • combine champagne and pineapple juice in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then add a little liqueur, depending on your own taste. You can add a few ice cubes if desired.

If you find the taste of the drink too sweet, you can dilute it with pineapple, banana or strawberry juice. Frappe ice may be added. Try drinking liqueur with tonics6 such as Sprite.

XuXu is also used in the preparation of cocktails. A popular recipe is where to get original drink liqueur, tequila and rum are mixed.