Holidays      04/21/2022

Maple syrup benefits and contraindications. Harm and contraindications. Maple syrup: composition, benefits and applications

The viscous golden syrup made from maple sap has become a true symbol of Canada, spreading throughout the world as an excellent component of many dishes. It is especially good in combination with desserts; for example, Canadians themselves like to pour it on fluffy pancakes which are usually prepared for breakfast. Ice cream with this syrup or a variety of baked goods based on it would not be the worst option, and some people will also like meat in a sweet sauce. How is it made unusual delicacy and is it healthy to eat it?

History of appearance

Mentions of how to cook first appeared in 1760. The production technology was invented by the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland - the Indians. There is even an old legend dedicated to this dish. A young Indian was practicing throwing his tomahawk near a maple tree. Sap began to ooze from the marks left on the tree. The Indian's sister collected it and tried to use it in cooking. Everyone liked the unusual sweet taste. This is how the story of the main Canadian delicacy began. Every spring, the Indians stocked up on syrup for the year ahead; they had no sugar, and maple sap was the only sweetener available. They eventually shared the recipe with the colonists. Since what the syrup is made from, namely sugar maples of a special variety, is found only in Canada, the delicacy has become a real national treasure.

What is it?

In order to produce natural maple syrup, you need to thicken the sap of a special species of the corresponding tree.
Per liter of the final product, from thirty to fifty liters of raw materials are required, which cannot but affect the cost. The quality of what maple syrup is made from makes a huge difference. Suitable maples include black, red, silver and sugar maples. It is they, especially the latter, that contain the required concentration of sugar in their juice. Such trees grow in North America, mainly in Canada, which is why their syrup is considered the best. It is important that all necessary technologies are followed during production. So, to obtain juice, the maple must be mature, over forty years old. During the season, you can get about twelve liters of raw material from it every day for fifty years. Immediately after collection you need to start cooking the syrup. When boiled, the juice thickens naturally and without any additional components, transforming into a mouth-watering product loved by many people around the world.

Secrets of production

Harvesting the stuff that maple syrup is made from requires special weather conditions. You need to start the procedure in late winter or spring, when the temperature during the day is above zero and at night drops to sub-zero levels. This weather stimulates maximum circulation of sap in the tree. As a rule, this is the end of February and the first weeks of March. Spring juice is considered the sweetest. At a height of thirty centimeters from the ground, holes or notches are made on the trunk, and grooves with tubes are inserted into them, through which the juice flows into containers. After this, the production process begins. How is maple syrup made? Quite a long time, this is what greatly increases its cost. The juice is completely liquid, like water; in addition, it contains a small amount of sugar - no more than two percent. During processing, it undergoes thorough step-by-step purification and thickens when evaporated in huge but flat containers. No sugar or other ingredients are added. Thus, what maple syrup is made from and what is obtained as a result are completely natural products without additives. A state commission monitors the production process, so the Canadian dessert is guaranteed to meet the highest standards.

Features of maple syrup

Despite the fact that it is a dessert, maple sap also contains considerable benefits. The syrup contains a significant amount of calcium and iron, as well as vitamin B. It is worth considering that there are also imitations that have nothing useful in them. A cheap product that says on the packaging that it is maple-flavored syrup is not worth buying. You need to look for a bottle with a maple leaf, which is a kind of sign of quality. The label should be marked with a letter from A to D. This marking indicates the intensity of the syrup: AA will be very light, A will be light, B will be medium, C will be amber, and finally the letter D can be found on the darkest and thickest product.

Medicinal properties

Even without knowing the benefits of maple syrup, you can happily add it to your food. However, given its invaluable benefits, you will want to do this even more often. Of course, maple sap stimulates the immune system, charges the body with energy, serves as an antioxidant, slows down the development of atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on potency, fights cancer, and reduces the likelihood of obesity and diabetes. The syrup has a small glycemic index Moreover, it contains no fat at all. The high level of phenolic compounds and the content of large amounts of organic acids help the body fight the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the syrup contains phytohormones that stimulate the pancreas.

Mineral composition

In terms of mineral content, maple syrup, the beneficial properties of which are already quite widely known, surpasses even honey. The Canadian dessert contains magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, vitamin B complex and many polyphenols. Maple syrup contains little sugar, honey contains more. In addition, the first contains not sucrose, but dextrose, which is much more beneficial for the body. The use of maple syrup will be an excellent solution during a diet, since its calorie content is very low. It is suitable for both diabetics and allergy sufferers. A serving of sixty milliliters will provide your body with the daily requirement of manganese, a third of noticeable shares of zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. The multivitamin content is exactly what maple syrup does. Combined with excellent taste, this feature makes the product an ideal choice.

Benefits for the liver

Scientists have determined the properties of maple syrup and come to the conclusion that, among other things, it perfectly heals the liver. A diet containing this product reduces the levels of harmful enzymes in the blood and suppresses the production of ammonia. Scientists fed rats natural maple syrup for eleven days, and by the end of the experiment, the condition of the rodents amazingly improved. Some kind of liver dysfunction occurs in every fourth person, especially in middle-aged people who are prone to drinking alcohol and being overweight. The complex of useful components of maple syrup allows you to take preventive measures and significantly improve your health.

Other maple sap products

Since what maple syrup is made from is an extremely useful raw material, it is not surprising that other products are made from it. For example, in Canada, special honey and sugar are made from maple sap. Such products have a high cost, so the scale of production is small, however, you can buy and try them. Both sugar and honey from maple sap are healthier than conventional analogues. More accessible and widespread are a variety of syrup-based products that are very popular in North America. These include breakfast cereals, butter, and jelly, as well as a real variety of all kinds of sweets, from caramel to toffees and chocolates. They will all seem very delicious for that who love the rich and bright taste of maple sap. Of course, they are less beneficial than pure syrup, but buying such treats as a souvenir or just occasionally eating them in moderation is quite reasonable.

Baking with maple syrup

To experience the true rich Canadian taste as vividly as possible, try making cupcakes. Take 2 chicken eggs, 100 grams of fresh butter, 225 milliliters of maple syrup, 3 or 4 apples, 2.5 cups of flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, a teaspoon table salt, the same amount of cinnamon and nutmeg. Immediately turn on the oven and preheat it to one hundred and seventy degrees. Beat the eggs, adding butter. Pour syrup into the mixture and add finely chopped apples, mix everything thoroughly. Sift flour with baking powder and spices into the dough, mix and place in molds. Bake for twenty minutes, after which the fragrant muffins will be ready to serve. Bon appetit and good mood!

Maple syrup. Many people love sweets and eat them with pleasure. chocolates and cakes. Everyone knows that sweets are harmful to the body.

In addition, in the modern confectionery industry, far from the most useful substances are used - palm oil, synthetic fats, stabilizers, etc.

It would seem that sweets should be completely removed from the menu. But nature gave us syrups.

Maple syrup is made from the sap of the broadleaf maple tree.. The main producer is Canada. Even despite strict control over the product manufacturing process, there are still fakes on the market.

In this article we will talk about maple syrup, consider its beneficial properties and side effects.

1. Abscisic acid contained in maple syrup stimulates the pancreas. One of its main functions is the secretion of the hormone insulin, which is involved in the breakdown of glucose. Diabetic conditions are associated with the lack of insulin production.

2. A unique element was discovered in maple syrup, named Quebecol in honor of the homeland of maple. It has a sweet taste, but is not a carbohydrate.

The chemical composition of the component is close to substances of the phenolic group and, therefore, approved for use by patients with diabetes. In the near future, quebecol may provide a sweetener for people dependent on external insulin.

3. The product is very rich in potassium. Its content in 100 g of syrup is up to 210 mcg. The function of this mineral is to provide nutrition and maintain the tone of smooth muscles, which include the heart muscle.

5. For girls during puberty and women during pregnancy, zinc will ensure protein absorption and growth.

6. Zinc plays an important role in the growth of lymphocytes - cells that form an immune response to a viral or bacterial attack.

7. Manganese, the content of which is 3.5 mcg in 100 g of maple syrup, along with calcium and zinc, is important for maintaining the correct balance of substances in bone tissue.

8. Manganese is involved in the formation and transmission of nerve impulses.

9. Maple syrup contains antioxidants, similar to those found in red wine and tomatoes. However, unlike tomatoes and wine, antioxidants do not affect the gallbladder and liver.

10. Maple syrup, due to its low content of substances that cause allergies, can be used by people prone to such reactions in the body.

11. Natural maple syrup contains no dyes or preservatives.

The harm of maple syrup

1. Speaking about the dangers of maple syrup, it is worth understanding how it is consumed. As therapeutic diet any syrup, including maple syrup, has daily dosage recommendations. One spoon a day will not do any harm.

But if you regularly use syrup as a topping for pancakes and other baked goods, then you need to understand that more harm comes from flour products, and not from syrup.

2. Diabetics should take the syrup with caution. Despite its low effect, maple syrup is not indicated for all types and degrees of diabetes.

3. It is undesirable to use maple syrup during pregnancy in case of high uterine tone. Potassium contained in the syrup maintains smooth muscle tone, and the potassium antagonist in this case will be magnesium, which is prescribed to reduce tone.

Homemade maple syrup

Maple syrup is quite an expensive product. Its average price is $70-80 per liter, but you can try making the syrup yourself.

It will differ from the original Canadian one in its reduced content of glucose and other substances and, possibly, in taste.

1. Maple sap can be collected during intense spring movement, when nutrients reach the tree’s buds. This usually happens when during the day the air warms up to +15...+20, and at night there are still frosts.

2. Select a maple tree with a five-pointed leaf and a wide trunk, drill a hole in it at an angle so that the sap flows down. Insert the tube and remove it into an enamel or glass container.

3. On average, a liter of syrup will require up to 50 liters of fresh juice. From one tree you can get 4-6 liters in a few hours.

4. The juice should be boiled in an enamel bowl until it becomes syrup, evaporating the water. The process, depending on the sugar content in the juice, can take up to 18-25 hours.

5. When a syrupy state is reached, remove the dish from the stove and let it cool, then pour into several jars, close with lids and put in the refrigerator.

If you have ever collected birch sap, then you can handle maple without any problems. Buy juice or collect it yourself - the choice is yours.

Maple syrup is still a new product for our consumers. The product appeared on the domestic market relatively recently and is not very popular. And completely undeservedly. This is an excellent sugar substitute with many beneficial properties and a pleasant taste.

According to the results of recent studies, it was found that maple sap contains more than 50 macro and microelements that are beneficial for our body. Moreover, some elements are unique and are not found in the natural environment.

The product is popular in Canada and the United States of America, where it is widely used in cooking. No sugar is used in its production, food additives, flavorings, fillers, preservatives. The product is completely natural and useful for both children and adults.

What are the benefits of maple syrup, and can it cause harm? What parameters should be taken into account when choosing it, and how to use it correctly? Let's find out all the details.

Maple sap is mainly extracted in the United States and Canada (about 92%). Its production comes down to the following. The sap of sugar maple trees is evaporated in specially equipped factories. The result is a healthy, sweet syrup.

The Indians have long known about the properties of maple sap. They used it to make refreshing drinks. Later they learned to make syrup by evaporation. 40 liters of sap yield 1 liter of maple syrup. The drink is concentrated, viscous and incredibly sweet. The consistency is similar to honey. Shade – amber, various colors. The taste and aroma differs depending on the season of collecting the juice and the growing conditions of the trees.

Composition, calorie content

Of all useful substances Let's highlight only the main ones:

  • polyphenols;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • antioxidants;
  • coumarin;
  • abscisic acid;
  • zinc;
  • thiamine;
  • sodium;
  • oligosaccharides;
  • phosphorus;
  • phenolic group of compounds;
  • iron;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium.

Maple syrup is a product healthy eating. Recommended for use in diabetes and obesity. There is practically no fructose, and there is much less sugar than in honey.

Calorie content of 100 g of product is 260 kcal.

Benefits of syrup and effects on the body

  1. A great alternative to sugar.
  2. Maple syrup has been proven to help treat inflammatory conditions.
  3. Thanks to the record content of nutrients, the immune system is stimulated.
  4. The product normalizes digestive and metabolic processes and improves intestinal motility.
  5. Inhibits invasion and growth of colorectal cancer cells by suppressing one of the signaling pathways.
  6. Controls insulin secretion.
  7. The circulatory system is cleansed and the formation of cholesterol plaques is prevented.
  8. The leader in the amount of potassium and calcium, therefore it is recommended for children during the period of active growth.
  9. Promotes rejuvenation, prevents aging processes.
  10. Positively affects the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  11. An excellent aphrodisiac for men, enhancing potency.
  12. It is a preventative against the development of cancer.
  13. Regular consumption normalizes cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.
  14. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  15. Protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of negative factors.
  16. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating, wound-healing properties.
  17. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  18. Relieves fatigue, indicated for increased mental or physical stress.
  19. Does not cause allergies, unlike bee products.
  20. Strengthens hair and nails.

The beneficial properties of the product are incredibly diverse. It is no coincidence that many popular weight loss diets have been developed on its basis.

Possible harm

The product is completely safe. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to maple syrup.

Limit consumption only for children under six years of age - no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

Use in cooking

Maple syrup is a great substitute for sugar. It can be used in the preparation of drinks, confectionery sweets, baked goods, creams, to sweeten coffee, tea, and as a substitute for jams, marmalade, preserves.

The product is universal, improves taste meat dishes. In America it is used in the preparation of vegetables, legumes, omelettes, grilled meats, fish dishes. Particularly popular are lollipops that resemble our “cockerels”. This is an excellent addition to pancakes, pancakes, toasters, ice cream, and sweet cereals.

There is a recipe very delicious drink. Mix two tablespoons of maple syrup in a glass of cold milk. It makes a great refreshing cocktail.

How to choose a quality product

There are many criteria when choosing maple syrup. Let us highlight the main ones.

  1. A quality product made in Canada. It is there that syrup of proven quality, authentic, and as pure as possible is produced. If the country of origin is Canada, but the syrup is packaged in another country, you are looking at a high-quality fake.
  2. Pay attention to the price. If 1 liter costs less than $70, you should refuse to buy.
  3. The fresh product does not have a strong pronounced taste and is transparent.
  4. The taste is caramel with a soft woody taste. The aroma is pronounced. Consistency – medium thickness.
  5. The lighter the amber hue, the more pronounced the aroma and taste.

There is a special classification system by which you can select a product.

  • The best and most popular is Canada #1 (used for medicinal and dietary purposes).
  • Group Canada #2 is widely used in cooking; the syrup in this case is darker.
  • The thickest in consistency and having the most pronounced taste is Canada #3 maple syrup, used as a sweetener.

You are unlikely to find real maple syrup in stores. Counterfeits consist of fructose and corn syrup. You can buy genuine products only in specialized online stores.

How to store it correctly

The product can be stored at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Important condition– the container must be hermetically sealed.
After the container is unpacked, maple syrup is poured into glass jars for storage and stored at -5-8 degrees. Shelf life is three years from the date indicated on the package.

Maple syrup is incredibly healthy delicious product, which will be useful for everyone. Not to mention delicious dishes with maple syrup, which have excellent taste. Having tried it at least once, you will never forget the splendor of the aroma and taste, and you will certainly find your own use for the product.

Maple syrup is a sweet, highly flavorful concentrate of maple sap. It consists of almost 70% sugar. True, only from what remains after evaporating the maple sap, since according to production standards, the addition of other sugar is simply prohibited.

To produce 1 liter of maple syrup, producers have to process 40 liters of maple sap. This explains the tangible cost of this product. Almost all of the syrup is produced in Canada and the United States, with the former country accounting for about 90% of total production.

Benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup contains natural sugars, which are beneficial for the human body. It has over 54 nutrients not found in other foods. For example, quebecol, which belongs to the phenolic group. This beneficial substance, which no longer occurs naturally, allows people with diabetes to eat sweets that are safe for them. Another substance, abscisic acid, stimulates the pancreas, causing insulin to be released faster.

Despite the high level of carbohydrates in maple syrup, it is classified as a low glycemic index product. This syrup is a champion in zinc and potassium content, which puts it higher in these indicators than honey and bananas.

Maple syrup helps fight inflammatory processes in the body, it cleanses and strengthens the circulatory system, fights cancer cells, improves immunity and stops the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Maple syrup also enhances male potency. Thanks to its medicinal and health-supporting properties, maple syrup is rightfully considered one of the healthiest foods.

Some contraindications

As you know, there is always a fly in the ointment. And maple syrup is no exception. Despite the fact that maple syrup does not contain large amounts of oxalates and purines, which cause allergies, some people may experience individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, if this product is new to you, try it a little and see how your body reacts.

Maple syrup is very high in calories - on average there are 260 calories per 100 grams of product. That is why it is better to consume your favorite crepes with maple syrup as rarely as possible.

Rules for selection and storage

When choosing maple syrup, first of all pay attention to the country of origin. It is not recommended to buy a product prepared in countries where it is not officially produced. There are 3 varieties of syrup: light amber, medium amber, dark amber. The lighter the product, the more subtle the taste and aroma it has. Therefore, choose transparent glass bottles that do not hide the color and consistency of the syrup.

Several criteria will help you make the right choice:

  • choose only syrups from manufacturers that have passed state certification;
  • if you plan to use syrup for cooking, choose a rich color, and if you want to use it as a topping, then choose a lighter color;
  • pay attention to the cost of the product - it cannot cost less than $50 per liter;
  • pay attention to the composition of the product - it should not contain preservatives or unnatural sugars;
  • There should be no other syrups, such as corn syrup, in the composition.
Store unopened maple syrup containers in a cool, dark place. Opened bottles Best stored in the refrigerator. Most manufacturers recommend not storing syrup for more than one year.

It would be fair to say that for the first time Belarusians began to look closely at maple syrup thanks to cinema. How many films where the characters generously pour a portion of pancakes on them for breakfast! Can't count. Fortunately, today this amazing product, given to the world by ancient Indian tribes who once lived in the territory of modern Canada, is available throughout the world. And in Minsk, it is increasingly offered as a topping not only for pancakes, but also for ice cream and other desserts. Let’s figure out the benefits and harms of this sweet “seasoning” and learn how to choose real maple syrup.

Maple syrup is produced from sugar-rich maple sap (sugar, black, red), which is collected in early spring (from February to April). Trees suitable for sweet production grow only in some regions of North America: New York, Vermont, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Nebraska.

Fresh maple sap is clear and does not have a distinct taste. The syrup's characteristic aroma, deep amber color and caramel taste appear during the process of boiling the water. Initially, maple sap is approximately 96% water, so it takes up to 40 liters of sap to make 1 liter of maple syrup. To get the syrup to the desired thickness, evaporation requires a significant amount of time.

By Canadian standards, maple syrup must be at least 66% sugar. We are talking exclusively about the sugar that remains in the syrup after the maple sap has evaporated. No other sugar, as well as preservatives, fillers, or other “synthetics” are used to make real maple syrup. Its main component is sucrose.

The hallmark of real maple syrup is its mild, woody flavor. Its consistency is close to fresh natural honey– transparent (translucent), thick and viscous. Depending on the degree of density and transparency, it is conventionally divided into Canadian and American (Vermont) syrup. Almost all maple sap is extracted in Canada and the USA, with the latter accounting for no more than 10%.


Many doctors come to the conclusion that due to its beneficial properties this product can even compare with honey.

According to the latest research by American scientists, Canadian maple syrup contains 54 antioxidants and useful microelements. Chemical composition maple syrup includes B vitamins, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, etc. The antioxidants of this wonderful product are similar to those found in tomatoes, berries, red wine, whole wheat and flax seeds.

In addition, maple syrup can be called a leader among other foods consumed by humans in terms of the amount of calcium and potassium stored in it. Just ¼ cup of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount whole milk, and a dose of potassium comparable to bananas.

It is also known that maple syrup contains 5 substances that scientists have never encountered in the natural environment until now. Of these five elements, Quebecol stands out especially, which has a sweet taste, but does not belong to carbohydrates, but to the phenolic group of compounds. Which in turn can be useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Thanks to a whole range of useful substances, maple syrup:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • increases potency.

An important advantage of the product over other sweets (including brown sugar, stevia, agave syrup and even honey) is that it contains an extremely low amount of oxalates and purines, so it does not cause food allergies.

The harm that maple syrup can cause can only be attributed to individual intolerance and excess in food.


The biggest challenge for the uninformed consumer is distinguishing natural syrup from sugared imitations, which are typically made from corn with a little maple syrup or artificial maple essence added. They are made almost entirely of unhealthy high fructose corn syrup. Such imitation products are illegally called "maple syrup" and have no beneficial properties present natural product. Moreover, counterfeits are found in both the USA and Canada.

There are several criteria by which you can choose high-quality maple syrup:

Pay attention to its consistency and color. The syrup should be transparent or translucent, without any cloudiness, and have a medium oiliness.

Choose syrup that is made in Canada. The purity and authenticity of Canadian maple syrup is monitored at the government level by the Canadian Inspection Agency. food products. On all products produced in compliance with the technology, you can find a golden maple leaf - a guarantor of quality and that the product is truly made in Canada.

An important point: if the label says that it was produced in Canada, but is packaged in another country under the brand of a non-Canadian company, it is not a Canadian product. In this case, Canada no longer bears any responsibility for the quality and composition of this maple syrup.

Pay attention to the cost of maple syrup. Natural syrup is expensive - no less than $70 per liter.

The lighter the syrup, the more delicate its taste and subtler the aroma. Canada has adopted a special classification system for maple syrup: it is divided into three groups. Group Canada #1, which is considered the best, includes light syrups and is divided into Extra Light (very light), Light (light and light) and Medium (medium, the most popular due to its saturation). Group Canada #2(mainly used in cooking) includes syrups of a darker Amber color (amber, tart and viscous). Group Canada #3(has a strong thick taste and is used almost exclusively as a commercial sweetener) - the darkest. Maple syrup grades are based solely on the syrup's ability to transmit light. The higher the clarity, the higher the grade of maple syrup.

The most meticulous buyers should pay attention to the density indicator. In 100% natural maple syrup, the volume to net weight ratio should average 1:1.32.

Don't be fooled by labels like "100% organic." Maple syrups, by definition, are organic products because the maple trees that provide them grow naturally without the use of pesticides. And even the corn syrup that is added to the fakes is also a 100% natural product.


In Minsk, Canadian maple syrup can be found in online stores specializing in the sale of organic products. However, from experience we can say that not everywhere it is possible to familiarize yourself with the composition.

To avoid fakes, it’s better to go to the store and carefully examine the bottles of syrup yourself. Canadian syrups are available in the Corona shopping center, BIGGZ, Preston and Green hypermarkets, as well as in stores at United Company gas stations.

Sources:,,, Photo: by Google search.