New Year      10/15/2022

Carp baked in the oven with lemon. How to bake carp in the oven Baked carp in foil with lemon recipe

« Carp baked in the oven with lemon" - this is extraordinary delicious dish, which will appeal to lovers of fatty foods. Many of us know about the benefits of fish oil, but not many can use it. To do this, this dish uses lemon, which gives the carp a unique taste and which will help the body quickly absorb fish oil. “Carp baked with lemon in the oven” turns out tasty and healthy.


1. To remove fish scales from carp, you can use not only a knife, but also a grater..
2. It is easier to remove carp scales if you lower the fish into water. Then the scales will not fly all over the kitchen.
3. Boiled fish It will be tastier if you add a little cold water several times during its preparation.
4. Minced fish It will be tastier if you chop it with a stainless steel knife, rather than passing it through a meat grinder.
5. sea ​​fish it will be tastier if you sprinkle it 15-20 minutes before frying lemon juice.
6. In order to bread the fish without dirtying the kitchen, use a plastic bag with a small amount of flour. Place portions into it and shake gently.

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Carp baked in the oven with lemon.

Ingredients for baking fish in the oven:

Carp - 1 carcass

Lemons – 2 pieces

White onion – 2 onions

Mayonnaise or sour cream – 50 g.

Spices for fish

How to cook carp in the oven:

In order to prepare baked carp, it must be cleaned of scales, entrails, gills (they should be red, dark and light - a sign of stale fish), gall bladder (being careful not to burst, if it bursts - rinse the fish thoroughly under running water) water), wash, salt and rub with spices and salt. (Any ground spices for fish). Also put spices inside the fish. Place the fish in the refrigerator to marinate for 10 minutes to several hours. But you need to consider the following circumstance if you love the taste river fish and its specific smell, then marinate for a minimum amount of time; if you don’t like these aromas and tastes, marinate for a long time.

At this time, cut a large white onion into half rings (if the onion is large, or into rings if the onion is medium-sized). Cut the lemons into slices and divide the slices in half to get lemon wedges.

We take the marinated fish, let the marinade drain, make cuts on the fish deep to the bone, place it on a baking sheet, which we cover with food foil, and make it out of foil like a plate with sides. Mix the spices with mayonnaise or sour cream, coat the fish thoroughly, insert lemon into the slots, and place onions inside. Place as many onions as will fit. Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. for half an hour. We determine readiness by the crust.

Place the finished baked fish on a dish and garnish with lemon.

Live carp are sold in our stores all year round. I suggest you bake it with onions and lemon. Lemon perfectly neutralizes the fat content of fish, and onions turn into a wonderful side dish.


  • Carp - 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 piece
  • Onions - 1-3 pcs.
  • Salt, spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tsp.


I baked this fish weighing about 1.3 kg.

The most difficult thing in this matter is cutting the fish. You could just gut it and leave it whole for color and beauty, but I’m showing how I do it to make it easier to eat.

There are other recipes that can showcase the beauty of a whole fish.

So, we remove the scales, take out the insides, cut off the head, tail and fins.

Be careful with the gall bladder so that it does not rupture and the fish does not become bitter.

To prepare the fillet, I use household scissors to cut the rib bones near the backbone from the inside.

That is, on the left and right I cut them from the ridge along the entire carcass. You can do this with a knife, but scissors, in my opinion, are more convenient.

Now I separate half of the fillet from the spinal bone.

I do not remove rib bones.

I separate the second fillet in the same way.

These are the semi-finished products obtained after cutting.

In fact, everything is quite fast if you know how to act and have a good sharp knife at hand.

I use the head and bones to make broth for soup.

Cut half of the lemon and squeeze it onto the fish on both sides.

Salt the fish.

Cut the second half of the lemon into thin slices.

Cut the onion into rings or half rings.

Grease the foil with oil, put onion and lemon on top.

Salt and add spices if desired. This is a base for our carp.

Place the fillet on the onion, lightly grease the top with oil and sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Bake the fish at a temperature of 220-240 degrees.

Usually 25 minutes is enough for me, but you need to be guided by your oven, the fish should be browned on top, and the onions should be cooked under the fish.

When serving, place the onion that was baked with the fish on a plate and place the fish on top.

In this kind of fish I eat everything except the bones, down to the last piece of lemon!

You need to choose larger fish for baking. Large mirror carp will not be so lean, but fattier and tasty. If possible, buy live fish, or at least consider carp gills when purchasing if they are not frozen. They should be pink and clear, and the eyes should not be cloudy. Fresh lake fish should always smell like algae. Its smell may even slightly resemble the aroma fresh cucumber.

How to cook whole carp in the oven? Be sure to remove the gills so they don't impart bitterness. ready-made dish. Clean the carp carcass from scales, cut the belly, remove the entrails and rinse thoroughly with warm water. If time permits, the carp can be pre-marinated before baking. This technique will make the meat of the finished fish incredibly aromatic and tender. Rub the fish inside and out with fish spices or a mixture of Italian herbs. Herbs such as oregano, basil and savory are well suited for this purpose. Don't forget about salt and pepper, you can also add garlic. Place a bunch of herbs inside and sprinkle the juice of half a lemon on all sides.

Make deep cuts on the back of the carp with a knife and insert lemon slices into them. When baking, lemon juice will soak the fish and prevent the fillet from drying out, and what a flavor the fish flesh will get! Leave the carp to marinate for a couple of hours in a cold place. Meanwhile, cut the onion into large rings. Carefully place it on a greased baking sheet, forming an onion pillow, and carefully transfer the prepared carp onto it.

Meanwhile, cut the onion into large rings. Carefully place it on a greased baking sheet.

form an onion cushion and carefully place the prepared carp on it.

There are many recipes for cooking carp. This fish is fried, stewed, made into fish soup, and stuffed. When carps are baked in the oven, the result is no less tasty, and most importantly – healthy.

For example, in Israel they prepare a difficult-to-prepare dish from mirror carp - “gefilte fish”, and not a single festive table It is impossible to imagine living in Israel without this dish. Also in China, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and even in Austria there are traditional dishes from carp. Of course, we also have our own traditional ways of preparing this delicious fish.

The main thing for baked fish is to choose a larger fish and correctly calculate the cooking time. Large mirror carp is not so lean, tasty and fatty.

And thanks to the onion bed on which we place our carp, its meat will become more juicy and aromatic.
You can bake carp in the oven in foil; we told you how to do this in one of the episodes (you can find it by searching on this site). Today the goal is to present it beautifully on the festive table, so we will try to make the crust of the baked fish beautiful, like from the cover, and crispy.

To prepare baked carp in the oven you will need


  • Mirror carp - 2 kg,
  • Onions 4 – 5 heads,
  • Fresh parsley and dill - 5 - 6 sprigs each,
  • Salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Spices and seasonings to taste,
  • Vegetable oil (for greasing the baking sheet),
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece.

Cooking process:

Some tips on how to choose carp. Remember that you must smell the fish, look into its eyes and gills. Don’t be ashamed that they will laugh at you, you are the one to eat this fish! Fresh fish(lake) always smells like algae and even slightly resembles the smell of a fresh cucumber. And the gills, which will always “tell you the truth” about the freshness of the fish, should be clean and pink.

And so, you brought the fish home, it needs to be cleaned of scales, be sure to remove the gills, as they can give the finished fish bitterness and an unpleasant aftertaste. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under running cold water. Now, using a sharp knife, we make neat cuts along the back. This cooking method will allow large fish to cook evenly. The already prepared fish can be decorated with lemon slices, inserting them just into the cuts (however, as well as baking with them right away).

Onions should be peeled and cut into thin rings. The baking sheet on which we will bake the carp in the oven needs to be greased with vegetable oil.

Lay out the pillow from onions and go over it lightly with an oil brush. When roasting, the oil will give the onions a beautiful golden hue.

Place the prepared carp on top of the onion (you can use carrots or fennel instead). Next, you should salt the carp and rub it with spices to your taste. Among the spices, I prefer tarragon (tarragon) and ground ginger. Oven-baked fish will turn out delicious with basil, savory, oregano, or you can also use a ready-made mixture for cooking fish. Lubricate the carp with oil.

You need to put a tablespoon of mayonnaise in the belly of the carp and distribute it evenly throughout the entire belly inside. We also put sprigs of fresh herbs inside the fish. At heat treatment The inside of the carp will be imbued with a pleasant aroma. If you wish, you can rub the inside of the carp's belly with spices. If you want to get rid of specific fishy odors, I recommend that you lubricate the fish with lemon juice.

Place the carp in a well-heated oven for 1 hour and 10 minutes. The time indicated is for a carcass weighing about two kilograms. Cooking time for smaller carp will be shorter, you will need to look at the color of the fish. Bake fish dish at a temperature of 180° degrees.

From chicken egg making a chatterbox. Beat with a fork, adding a pinch of salt and spices. And 20 minutes before the fish is ready, you need to brush the fried carp carcass with egg wash.

Repeat the procedure twice with an interval of 10 minutes. Thanks to the egg you will receive delicious fish with a beautiful golden brown crust.

Carefully place the finished carp on a dish and decorate as desired. It could be fresh vegetables, greens, lemon slices or boiled jacket potatoes.

My carp was dressed with lingonberries and fresh parsley leaves.

And onions baked with fish are simply delicious!

This recipe is suitable for preparing baked or other river or sea fish.

You will also get delicious stuffed carp if, instead of greens, you put it in its belly fried mushrooms, crumb white bread with a chatterbox from raw egg or sautéed vegetables.

Anyuta and the Recipe Notebook wish you a bon appetit!

Today I suggest baking carp in the oven in a lemon-onion marinade! This is a Sunday dish, I would say. Because in no case is there any need to rush here - the fish will be tastier the longer it sits in the marinade, but I also don’t recommend overdoing it in this process. The most optimal time for marinade is from half an hour to 2 hours. The fish will be saturated with the aroma of onions and lemon juice, because carp is far from lean product! If you marinate longer, the small bones will become softer, but the taste may differ slightly. And, of course, the most important thing is that the fish must be fresh.

Take the products from the list.

I have the longitudinal half of a decent-sized carp. Let's clean it well of the scales - they are huge, like coins!

Cut the fish crosswise into portions.

Finely chop 1 onion and basil leaves.

Let's prepare half a lemon and a pepper grinder.

Place the fish in a pan, add salt and pepper, add the cooked onion and basil. Rub the mixture well with your hands and leave for 40 minutes.

Line a baking dish with foil, sprinkle with oil and cover with a layer of onion, cut into half rings.

Place the pieces of fish in the pan with their backs up and place the onions from the marinade on top.

We will pack it in an envelope. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

After half an hour, remove the top part of the foil and set the carp to brown slightly for another 10 minutes.

Our fish turned out so delicious!

Serve the carp in the lemon-onion marinade, baked in the oven, with lemon slices and fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!