Second courses      01.12.2021

What a cup of tea looks like in different countries of the world. What a cup of tea looks like in different countries of the world Kenya – black tea

step by step instructions
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The day of UAE residents begins and ends with this drink. Try karak tea, prepared according to Bedouin traditions.

Karak is a strong black tea with the addition of sugar, milk, cardamom and the king of spices - saffron (true gourmets also add cinnamon and ginger). There are no contraindications for use; everyone, without exception, can drink karak in any quantity.

How to do this?

1. Taste traditional tea Bedouins can be found in special tea cafeterias on Jumeirah Street or on highways and sidewalks in the city. Look through the window facing the roadway or pedestrian area - traditional express teahouses.

I saw how Arabic kerek tea is prepared..))
There was a program “Planet of Flavors. Dubai" with Antosha Zaitsev,
he was treated to this tea in some cafe.
I'm terribly curious!))
I saw it yesterday and made it today.))

I really love tea..
Mostly black good variety, with accustomed to it from childhood.
At home we drank a lot of tea, long and tasty.))
Mom and aunts were chasing Indian tea, Krasnodar, brewing it strong
and they always drank only fresh.
In Transbaikalia, we often drink tea with homemade milk and without sugar,
it should be scalding hot, homemade yeast sweet is served with tea
baked goods, cookies, jams, sweets, homemade crackers, bagels, refined sugar, sour cream, butter...
Homemade croutons with sour cream, lingonberry jam on top...
Wash it down with tea with milk..or butter on a bun..yummy!!!

I immediately introduced drinking tea in the evenings as soon as I got married.))
I drank tea with my friend while watching TV and chatting after dinner..
Mostly there was jam, refined sugar or crackers for tea...
When I met my husband, he drank sweet water instead of tea.))
First attempts to get him drunk good tea didn't lead to anything...
She waved her hand...
and here we are in the hostel drinking tea every night..))
and suddenly my handsome man was terribly offended - they poured tea for himself, but not for him!
They opened their eyes and poured tea..))
All!! I started drinking well-brewed tea from one day onwards.
And now he’s already well versed in varieties...

I liked Kerek because the tea contains milk.
At our house we sometimes made tea with boiling milk.
It's very tasty..))
Well, today I prepared kerek - that’s what Anton called it.
(I wrote down the title from his words)

**There is a recipe for karak tea on the Internet:

3/4 cup water
0.5 cups milk
2 tsp Sahara
1 piece carnations
1 cm piece of ginger
2 cm cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon or 2 bags of good black tea
Cardamom seeds
Add water, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves to the pan. Bring to a boil, add sugar and tea, reduce heat. Brew over low heat for one minute. Turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Leave for two minutes. Then pour in the milk and bring to a boil again. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat, strain through a strainer. Serve hot or warm.

I made my tea almost the same way...
Only there was less water and more milk, the liquid was about 300 ml..
but no cinnamon or ginger.

1\2 tbsp. Boil water, add 2 tsp. sugar and a few saffron stamens.
Then add cloves and a pinch of cardamom, 1 heaped teaspoon of tea leaves, pour in a glass of milk. When everything boiled, let it sit for about a minute, removed from the stove and closed the lid.
for the tea to brew.

The tea turned out interesting, aromatic, sweetish, with rolls and plum jam
It turned out to be a great snack.

In some countries, tea is considered nothing less than art.

This is what a traditional cup of tea looks like different countries peace.

Japan - matcha tea

Matcha– this is crushed green tea, which is made in Japan from finely ground high quality green tea leaves. It is usually used during traditional Japanese x tea ceremonies.

India – Indian Darjeeling tea

India has a rich and varied history of tea, and traditional masala tea was prepared throughout South Asia for thousands of years before tea production began to boom during the British colonial era. The photo shows Darjeeling white leaf tea, which grows in India.

Great Britain - English tea

Black tea in the UK is served plain or with milk and/or sugar and is drunk several times a day. When adding milk to tea, add until the tea turns golden brown.

Türkiye – Turkish tea

Turkish coffee is the most famous hot drink, but Turkish tea is no less popular. It is served with every meal or between meals, usually without milk, with or without sugar, and brewed in a double teapot.

Tibet – Tibetan tea

Tibetan tea called Chaisuma, combines tea, salt and yak butter. The tea is steeped for several hours to develop a bitter taste, after which it is whisked with butter and salt just before serving.

Morocco – Moroccan tea

For this drink, popular in Morocco and much of northern Africa, fresh mint is added to green tea.

Hong Kong – Silk Stocking Milk Tea

Cold is popular in Hong Kong milk tea, which is also called " silk stocking", as it is similar in color to flesh-colored stockings. To prepare it, chilled black tea is mixed with condensed milk and served with ice.

Taiwan - bubble tea

Bubble tea, which was invented in Taiwan, has already gained worldwide popularity. It is served hot or cold with tapioca balls cooked in sugar syrup.

Russia - tea from a samovar

Although most people in Russia now use a regular electric kettle, traditional tea in Russia is, of course, the one brewed in a samovar.

USA - ice tea

Sweet iced tea originated in the southern United States. As a rule, it is prepared with black tea and sugar, and also adds lemon and a pinch of soda for softness.

Pakistan – masala tea

Spicy and creamy masala tea is not only popular in India but is also a favorite afternoon tea drink in Pakistan.

Thailand – milk tea

Cha-yen is a Thai tea that combines condensed milk and a strong brewed Thai tea mixture.

China – Puer tea

The Chinese love tea and drink many types of tea in different colors and flavors. different tastes. In the photo - loose leaf tea puer, pressed into the shape of a ball or brick, which is crushed into a cup and brewed with hot water.

Egypt – Egyptian tea

Egypt is major exporter tea, and here it is customary to drink tea unsweetened throughout the day. At Egyptian weddings they like to drink hibiscus tea.

Mongolia – Mongolian tea

Traditional Mongolian tea called suutei tsai, cook in a saucepan with milk and salt. This aromatic tea is served in metal bowls with every meal.

Kenya – black tea

Kenya also exports tea. The country produces simple black tea, and Kenyans prefer to drink tea with milk and sugar.

Argentina – mate tea

Mate – vitamin drink, which is grown and drunk throughout South America, as well as in Portugal, Libya and Syria. It has a smoky flavor and is served hot or cold.

Karak tea (karak chai, karak tea), one might say, is a kind of light version of Indian masala tea. :) It is very popular in the United Arab Emirates. Any cafe will prepare you a strong, tart, sweet, aromatic, warming drink. It is drunk at any time of the year. In summer it quenches thirst well. In winter it will warm you up and help you cope with colds.
There is a belief that whoever starts his morning with a cup of karak chai will succeed in the implementation of his planned projects and all his aspirations will come true and be crowned with success.

For one serving of tea:
3/4 tbsp. water
0.5 tbsp. milk
2 tsp Sahara
2 cardamom boxes (open and use seeds)
1 piece carnations
1 cm piece of ginger
2 bags of good black tea (or 1 tsp)
2 cm cinnamon stick

Add water, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves to the pan.
When the water boils, add sugar and tea, reduce the heat. Simmer over low heat for 1 minute.
Turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Leave it like this for two minutes.
Pour in milk and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Strain through a strainer and serve hot.

And this, meet the new member of my little elephant family, arrived from the African continent:

Unusual masala tea came to us from the Indian provinces, where this drink became traditional. It warms you up perfectly and gives you energy for a long time. The peculiarity of masala is that it is tea with spices and milk. Not everyone will like this unusual combination of ingredients, but the drink is definitely worth attention, because it brings great benefit for the body.

Origin of tea

Indian chai masala gained popularity in the late 19th century during the British colonization of India. Then the British tea company gave local workers tea with milk to drink to give them strength. They soon fell in love with the drink, and each family considered it a rule to create own recipe its preparations.

Many different seasonings, sugar and herbs began to be added to the tea and milkshake. The result was a completely new drink, which was called masala tea. Therefore, India is considered the ancestor of the warming drink. The Arabs have a similar milk tea - karak, but it is lighter.


There are many varieties of Indian masala tea, but the basic ingredients remain the same:

  • Black tea.
  • Full fat milk.
  • Sugar.
  • Seasonings.

IN traditional recipe It is customary to use large leaf. However, some people prefer to make green tea masala. Moreover, depending on the desired strength of the drink, the leaves can be brewed in the traditional way or simmered over low heat.

It is better to take high-fat milk to get a thick drink. The proportions of ingredients can vary from 1:4 to 2:5. Milk is either added to the finished drink or, conversely, tea is brewed along with milk and spices.

Spices added to tea can be varied and are limited only by personal preference. Traditional spices: cardamom, ginger root, cloves and cinnamon

Other spices for masala chai:

  • Saffron.
  • Liquorice.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Black pepper.
  • Anise.
  • Fennel.
  • Coriander.
  • Vanilla.

Spices can be combined with each other in any variation and get a unique drink each time. Ready-made spice mixtures for Indian tea are available for sale. It is still preferable to take fresh spices and grind them yourself before preparing the drink. The taste of the finished mixture is somewhat inferior in brightness and aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

Masala is a high-calorie drink. It contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Optimal energy value allows it to be nutritious and at the same time help fight excess weight.

Ingredients of masala tea:

  • Magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Vitamins of group B, A, C, E, PP.

Milk is an essential source of calcium, which is necessary for the proper absorption of vitamin D and the formation of bone tissue. In addition, it is protein, and our muscles are built from it.

In teas different varieties contains tannins, tannin, alkaloids and amino acids. This drink normalizes blood pressure, improves gastrointestinal function, strengthens the immune system and increases performance.

Ginger is useful for women with unstable hormonal levels and diseases of the reproductive system. It contains many microelements and essential oils that easily cope with colds and bad mood.

Cardamom is the queen of spices. In terms of the content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, it can compete with any biologically active supplement. It has a beneficial effect on all body systems, strengthening its protective properties.

Cinnamon is known for its bactericidal properties. Contained in it essential oils They fight well against respiratory diseases. Cinnamon is used to cleanse the skin of inflammatory elements and also as a diuretic.

Such a unique composition resulted in the undeniable benefits of the Indian drink for the body.

Useful properties Masala teas are as follows:

  • Cleanses the blood of toxins and allergens.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens blood vessels.
  • Has bactericidal properties.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Improves skin condition.

The drink is often used for weight loss. Indeed, the seasonings it contains help burn fat. However, to reduce calories, it is better to replace milk with water.

Here are the benefits of Indian tea for treating and preventing the development of diseases:

  • It is a preventative against anemia and vitamin deficiency.
  • Protects against bacterial and viral infections.
  • Prevents the risk of nervous system disorders.
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels from disruptions in their functioning.
  • Fights some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible contraindications

When consumed correctly, the drink is extremely beneficial. Harm from masala tea is possible only if you are individually intolerant to the components. Therefore, if you are allergic to a specific spice, you can exclude it from the composition and enjoy the drink.

People suffering from bleeding should be careful because ginger has a blood thinning effect. Otherwise, there are no contraindications, except for childhood.

How to make masala tea

Preparing masala tea at home is not difficult if you know the peculiarities of combining the ingredients. But the composition of the drink can be different and the taste characteristics depend on the combination of seasonings.

Classic recipe

The following combination of ingredients is considered traditional:

  • 50 gr. tea leaves
  • A glass of milk.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • 2 words tablespoons grated ginger root.
  • Black pepper on the tip of a knife.
  • A quarter of a cinnamon stick.
  • 2-4 cardamom grains.

The method of preparing masala tea is simple. To begin with, spices are crushed in a mortar and mixed with tea leaves. Milk and water are poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat to heat. When the mixture begins to boil, spices and tea leaves are added to it, and after a couple of minutes sugar. The drink should be boiled for 5 minutes, and after removing from the heat, leave for 10 minutes under the lid to infuse. The tea is filtered before drinking.

Another cooking method

Based on classic recipe create other varieties of the drink. Here, for example, is a recipe for masala tea with nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. You need to boil water in a saucepan and add tea leaves and a glass of milk to it. First, spices such as nutmeg, ginger and black pepper are added. After the drink boils, add the rest of the spices. At the very end, sugar is added and you can remove the tea from the heat.

For variety, you can use another recipe for making masala tea. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of green tea.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar.
  • A sprig of cardamom.
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger.
  • Pinch nutmeg and white pepper.

Tea is brewed in a separate container. Spices are crushed and heated in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. The milk must be boiled and combined with prepared spices and sugar.

Brewed tea is combined with flavored milk. The drink remains to be strained and poured into portions

Cooking features

It is not enough to know how to combine ingredients correctly. There are some subtleties in preparing Indian elixir that must be observed. The drink will turn out tasty if the milk is fat enough and the tea leaves are strong.

An important rule is that butter tea cannot be boiled - the ingredients must simmer and impart flavor to the drink. To obtain uniform tea, use a trick - combine hot milk with water by pouring from one cup to another several times.

As you can see, creating an Indian drink is a creative process. You can combine ingredients in different ways and get your own unique recipe.