Holidays      09/18/2023

How to make apple juice with pulp. Apple juice for the winter: all recipes. Homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter

Any homemade product has advantages over store-bought products. They are healthier, tasty, and contain only natural ingredients. The same applies to homemade apple juice, which is prepared for the winter. In cold weather, such a drink will delight you with a summer, fresh taste and fill the body with vitamins. But in order for it to be well stored and contain more useful components, you need to choose the appropriate recipe and adhere to the proposed algorithm.

Apple juice often prepared at home, but usually it is a drink intended for direct consumption. As for preparing it for the winter, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the most interesting taste can be achieved by using apples with other vegetables and fruits, or adding spices;
  • the foam formed during the cooking process must be removed - this will make the liquid lighter and reduce the amount of sediment;
  • homemade juice will not be as clear as store-bought juice, but it can still be clarified with citrus fruits.

What varieties of apples are best to choose?

The following types of fruit are suitable for making juice:

  • Anise;
  • Antonovka;
  • Grushovka;
  • Semerenko;
  • Strey fling.

Mixing several varieties is encouraged; this allows you to achieve an interesting, blended taste and aroma of the drink. Autumn fruit varieties are more suitable for winter preparations.

Preparation of the main ingredient

There is nothing complicated about preparing apples. It is enough to sort through the fruits, removing completely spoiled ones. They should be washed under running water and rotten areas should be cut off. And then cut into pieces, removing the core.

Recipes for making apple juice at home

There are many recipes from which apple juice is prepared. Some require time and skill, while others are not even suitable for experienced housewives.

A simple recipe for the winter

Make apple juice for the winter, saving the maximum useful substances, you can by this recipe. It requires fruits and granulated sugar, which is added to taste.

Cooking method:

  • the juice should be squeezed out in any suitable way - using a juicer or manually, straining from the pulp or leaving it;
  • add sugar to the liquid and place it on low heat until it boils;
  • when the juice boils, it should be removed from the stove and poured into pre-sterilized jars;
  • it is necessary to sterilize jars of juice for 20 minutes over low heat by placing them in a pan covered with a cloth;
  • The jars should be rolled up, turned upside down and left for a day.

You can preserve the drink without sterilization, but then it should be boiled for 5 minutes.

Through a juicer

With this device you can get large volumes of juice without much effort. The drink will require fruits and sugar to taste. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • peeled fruits should be passed through the device;
  • freshly squeezed juice can be filtered by straining through several layers of gauze or cotton cloth;
  • the liquid is sent to low heat and heated to 80-85 degrees, it is important that it does not boil;
  • The drink can be poured into prepared containers and left for 20 minutes for sterilization.

Thus, preservation can also be prepared from juice with pulp; for this, the liquid is not expressed or passed through 1-2 layers of gauze.

With pulp

You can make this drink from any apples, but it is better to use sweet, juicy ones. You can give it a spicy taste with the help of cinnamon, which is added based on your own preferences.

Cooking method:

  • pieces of fruit should be grated, without removing the peel;
  • the resulting slurry is placed on multi-layer gauze and squeezed out;
  • the liquid is placed in a saucepan and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour, but without boiling;
  • spice is added to the juice and poured into sterilized jars;
  • containers can be rolled up and placed under a warm blanket for 10 hours.

In a juicer

This kitchen appliance allows you to make excellent juice, which requires only apples. However, if the fruit is sour, it is recommended to add sugar.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  • the juiciest and ripest fruits are selected, they should be peeled from the core and roots;
  • Water is poured into the juicer, and after it boils, the fruits are placed on the upper tier;
  • softened fruits need to be covered with granulated sugar, the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit and the taste preferences of the cook;
  • the device hose should be lowered into a sterilized jar in which it will be stored;
  • As they are filled, the containers should be changed, and when they are all filled with drink, they must be closed with a sealing key.

In a slow cooker

This device will not help you make juice from fruits, but it allows you to cook it in 5 minutes. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • apples are cut into pieces, the core is removed;
  • The juice is squeezed out of the fruits - you can grate them and squeeze them, or use a juicer;
  • the liquid should be poured into the bowl and set to “Soup” mode;
  • the drink is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and poured into jars;
  • containers with cooled juice should be closed.

No sugar

According to classical technology, the fruit drink is prepared without additional sweeteners. However, for this you should use fruits of sweet varieties.

Cooking method:

  • containers and lids are prepared and must be sterilized;
  • apples are peeled - from rot, cores, petioles, and cut into 4 parts;
  • Juice is extracted from fruits using any available method and filtered through gauze folded in several layers;
  • the container with liquid is sent to the stove and heated to 90-95 degrees;
  • the hot drink is filtered through cheesecloth; if it is too sour, add sugar and put it back on the stove;
  • it must be heated to 80-85 degrees, poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up;
  • The containers are placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket.

With cherry

Apple juice is good on its own, but the drink with the addition of cherries is also delicious. It requires:

  • cherry – 1.2 kilograms;
  • apple juice – 2 liters.

Prepare as follows:

  • cherries should be washed and pitted;
  • the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, the juice should be squeezed out and strained through cheesecloth;
  • two drinks are mixed in a saucepan and sent to the stove until boiling;
  • in order to preserve maximum nutrients, taste and aroma, it is not recommended to boil the liquid;
  • The drink should be poured into containers, rolled up, turned over and covered with a blanket until it cools, this will allow you to preserve the preparation in the winter.

With pumpkin

Apple-pumpkin juice is a drink with a rich taste, natural sweetness and a lot of vitamins. To prepare it at home, you will need:

  • apples – 1 kilogram;
  • pumpkin – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 0.4 kilograms;
  • water;
  • citric acid – 20 grams.

Cooking method:

  • pieces of peeled pumpkin should be grated and then boiled with water for 3-5 minutes until softened;
  • it is rubbed through a sieve, sugar and lemon are added to the pulp;
  • peeled apples also need to be grated and squeezed;
  • both juices are combined and boiled for 5 minutes;
  • The hot drink is poured into jars and rolled up.

With pear

You can make a delicious drink from pears and apples, for which these components are taken in any proportion.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • the fruits are peeled, filled with water and boiled over low heat;
  • sugar is added only if necessary;
  • the workpiece should be cooled, passed through a sieve and squeezed out the liquid;
  • the juice is boiled for a quarter of an hour and poured into containers.

With grapes

There are many recipes, but the most interesting taste The drink is obtained by combining apples with two varieties of grapes at once. For 4 kilograms of juicy apples, take 5 kilograms of pink grapes and 1 kilogram of blue ones.

Cooking method:

  • all components should be washed, the apples should be cut into several parts; and the branches are removed from the berries;
  • the fruit is passed through a juicer, the liquid is boiled for 5-7 minutes in a thick-walled container, avoiding boiling;
  • The juice is poured into jars and rolled up.

Storage Features

During the first 2 weeks after preparation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the preparations. At the first sign of fermentation, the jars are opened and the contents are boiled. Such a product will no longer be stored, so it is better to use it for preparing other dishes - jellies, marmalades, compotes.

If the juice looks good, after a couple of weeks it can be stored in a dark, cool place.

Do you like to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, do you like to drink juices yourself and pamper your children with fruit and vegetable natural juices? Then this amazingly simple recipe for preparing juice from fresh apples through a juicer and storing it for the winter is for you.

Properties of natural apple juice

Natural apple juice from fresh apples through a juicer is rich in vitamins and microelements, especially a lot of iron. The lack of which in the human body leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, and this, in turn, causes lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, pale skin, hair loss and other types of ailments.

It is better to use natural juices freshly squeezed and preferably daily, since heat treatment (boiling) destroys vitamin C, but other vitamins and microelements are preserved.

Apple natural juice is the strongest antioxidant, since it contains pectins, which means it cleanses the body of toxins and acts as an adsorbent. These properties of apples are simply invaluable in the fight against cancer, obesity, and senile dementia.

Apple drink in pure form, as well as mixed with other freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices (cocktails) rejuvenates the body, nourishes its cells with sucrose and fructose and especially renews brain cells, but this only happens with daily intake or with regular intake of natural juices.

It is recommended to take apple juice for weight loss about two liters daily within ten days. As a result of such a diet, you can lose 7 (seven) kilograms of excess weight and cleanse the body in order to establish proper metabolism.

Apple juice should be taken orally through a tube, as it contains a large amount of fruit acids, which can destroy tooth enamel. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should consult their doctor.

To obtain natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter, you should have the following equipment and materials in your household: electric juicer, glass jars or bottles with a wide neck, lids.

And, of course, raw materials for juice:

The steps for preparing apple juice using a juicer according to the recipe are as follows:

  • Preparatory stage (washing raw materials and glassware).
  • Slicing apples and squeezing juice.
  • Cooking semi-finished product.
  • Sterilize glassware.
  • Bottling and packaging.
  • Storage.

Now let’s look at each stage of preparing apple juice using an electric juicer for the winter in more detail:

Washing apples and glassware

This step of the recipe involves the process of selecting whole quality apples free from spoilage and rot, removing those spots, removing the stem, and removing the seeds and cotyledons. Now we need rinse the raw materials thoroughly from whole and unspoiled parts of apples in cold running water.

Dry them by placing them in a colander and then pat them dry with a clean towel, removing any remaining water. Apple blanks can be sprinkled with citric acid to prevent them from darkening in the air.

If the harvested apple crop had a lot of debris and stuck dirt, for example, carrion apples were collected from the ground in the garden, then before performing the preliminary stage, the apples should first be cleaned, wiped with a dry rag and soak overnight in cold water.

Having prepared the apples, we proceed to prepare glassware, namely cans or bottles, which should also be wash with detergent for dishes until they squeak, so that in the future they are ready for sterilization.

All the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed to the next stage of the recipe.

This step of the recipe involves cutting the apples into halves and quarters accordingly so that they fit easily into the juicer's intake opening. Then the resulting apple slices pass through a juicer and at the end we get: liquid apple semi-finished product and apple pomace in the form of small semi-dry chips, consisting of one hundred percent healthy and tasty fiber.

From apple pomace (cake) you can make marshmallows, for this you need to add them, whipped into foam with powdered sugar egg whites, and vanilla. Place the resulting mass on a tray lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven.

Baking time from one and a half to two hours at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, preventing the apple layer from frying. Get healthy and delicious dessert- homemade natural delicious fragrant apple pastille.

The resulting semi-finished product is poured into a pan through an electric juicer in the form of raw liquid from fresh apples for the winter at home to begin the next stage of the recipe, heat treatment.

Cooking semi-finished product

The cooking stage of the semi-finished product according to the recipe includes a thermal process of processing raw apple juice, which is produced over low heat. The raw mass is brought to a boil constantly stirring with a wooden spoon without letting the juice burn on the bottom of the pan.

Then slowly introduce granulated sugar or better into the hot apple juice for the winter through a juicer. hot sugar syrup. To improve the taste and shelf life of granulated sugar, it is better to first prepare sugar syrup in a separate bowl.

To prepare it you need combine sugar with water and, stirring, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and quickly turn off the heat. Sugar syrup is ready.

For people suffering from obesity and diabetes, granulated sugar and sugar syrup are recommended to be eliminated completely or add sweeteners to juice(sorbitol, Stevia leaves). Such an apple product, prepared from fresh apples through an electric juicer, will immediately become very low-calorie and at the same time a medicinal product.

So, bring the sweet mixture of raw liquid semi-finished product and granulated sugar to a boil and let let it boil for two or three minutes. Important condition heat treatment- do not digest the semi-finished product, otherwise all the beneficial substances in it will die.

Turn off the heat, apple vitamin elixir for the winter through a juicer at home is ready for pouring into sterilized containers for the best simple recipe.

How to sterilize glassware

During the heat treatment of semi-finished apple product obtained from fresh apples for the winter, the main condition is to have clean dishes: glass jars and bottles, preferably sterilized, and this can be done at home in the following simple way:

  • heat in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 (one hundred) degrees Celsius;
  • warm up in microwave oven no more than 3 (three) minutes at medium power;
  • steam for 10 minutes for a 0.5 liter container.

Bottling and packaging of juice for storage

The bottling and packaging stage of the recipe is as follows: the resulting sweet apple juice must be poured hot into sterilized glass jars and bottles. Then we roll up or seal the jars and bottles with juice with sterilized lids and turn the glass container over, placing upside down.

Now you can wrap it in a warm blanket to warm it up, thus creating a bathhouse for canned food. Leave the glass container with the juice upside down for a day until it cools completely.

Then the next day, cans and bottles of juice can be put away for long-term storage so that in your winter home there may not be fresh apples, but a healthy elixir in the form of apple juice for the winter through a juicer without additional preservatives.

Storing delicious vitamin-rich apple juice according to the recipe is recommended in a cool dry place or refrigerator. The product according to this simple recipe can be stored in this sealed form for up to two years.

It turns out concentrated and is recommended for use dilute it with water or other drinks (compote, tea, vegetable juices), the effect will be the same and will last longer, the main thing is regularity of intake.

In the cold and frosty winter, you will not only have natural apple juice, but at the same time you will also have a full pantry useful vitamins and microelements without artificial chemicals, which will help prolong the youth of your body.

Apples are rightfully considered the most popular and affordable fruit in our latitudes. Indeed, in the fall, tree branches bend under the weight of juicy and rosy apples - just have time to pick them! The “hot” time is beginning for culinary specialists, when generous apple harvests need to be periodically “processed” into vitamin preparations for the winter. As a rule, canning apples occurs by rolling jams, marmalades, compotes and juice. Today we will learn how to properly make apple juice for the winter at home - by passing the fruit pulp through a juicer and without it, as well as using a juicer. Our culinary selection presents the simplest step-by-step recipes with photos and videos of apple and pumpkin juice, with the addition of carrots and even without sugar. After all, natural apple juice is a real treasure minerals and vitamins B, C, E, PP, H. Due to its exceptionally beneficial nutritional qualities, drinking apple juice is recommended for many diseases and as a preventive measure. And it’s just so nice to drink a glass of a wonderful fruit drink in winter - for both children and adults. So, stock up on ripe “rejuvenating” apples, jars and patience, and we wish all cooks creative inspiration.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer - step-by-step recipe with photos

Homemade apple juice perfectly preserves its beneficial properties, and the taste is much superior to the store-bought drink. How to properly prepare apple juice for the winter? For convenience and to facilitate the process of separating juice from pulp, it is better to use a juicer, through which you can quickly pass several kilograms of fresh fruit. We suggest you master step by step recipe with a photo of natural apple juice - with the help of modern kitchen appliances, even a culinary novice can handle the preparation. As a result, you will get tasty and healthy apple juice, which will perfectly replenish vitamin deficiencies in the winter.

Necessary ingredients for winter preparation of apple juice:

  • apples – 2 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for apple juice for winter using a juicer, with photos:

Delicious apple juice through a juicer at home for the winter - recipe with photos, videos

A home juicer greatly simplifies the process of juice production, allowing you to process several kilograms of apples at a time. The main advantage of this device is that due to the action of soft steam, the drink retains a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins. We have selected a simple recipe with photos and videos delicious juice from apples prepared using a juicer. By following the instructions, you can easily preserve at least a few liters of aromatic apple juice for the winter - the more, the better!

Ingredients for homemade apple juice recipe for the winter:

  • sugar - to taste
  • apples - any variety
  • water – filtered or spring

The procedure for preparing juice from apples passed through a juicer - recipe description:

  1. Pour the apples into a large bowl and rinse under running water.
  2. Cut into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape, removing damaged and wormy parts of the fruit.
  3. We put the prepared raw materials into the upper container of the juicer - not exceeding the indicated mark. Add sugar if necessary.
  4. We fill the lower part of the device cold water(approximately 2 - 2.5 liters). We place a container on top in which the juice will be collected - place a bowl under the faucet with a hose to drain the finished drink. Place the compartment with the chopped apples on the very top of the juicer, remembering to cover it with a lid.
  5. Wash the cans for preservation thoroughly with soda, rinse and sterilize in any convenient way - steamed, in the oven or microwave. While the jars are being “cleaned,” we send the metal lids to boil.
  6. The cooking time is about 45 – 50 minutes, depending on the type of apple. When only applesauce, the fire can be turned off. Puree will be an excellent base for delicious jam– using a blender you need to grind the mass, add sugar and boil. So, thanks to the juicer, you can make another delicacy from apples - an excellent “waste-free production”!
  7. After the juice has stopped flowing from the tap, we wait another 10 minutes and disassemble our “construction”. Pour the juice from the container into the pan and set to cook, adding a spoonful of sugar if necessary.
  8. Fill sterilized jars with hot apple juice and seal. Turn it upside down and leave it to cool under a warm blanket. A pantry or cellar is suitable for storing a vitamin fruit drink, where we send the cooled jars until winter. Enjoy your tasting!

Apple juice with pulp for the winter - preparing at home, recipe with photo

With the arrival of autumn, housewives prepare canning jars in advance - the “apple” boom is coming! Every home is in full swing with the work of preparing various items for the winter. fruit treats, because abundant fresh harvests are so short-lived. Therefore, our recipe with a photo of apple juice with pulp will definitely be useful for both novice cooks and experienced housewives. How to make apple juice at home? With a little effort, you will stock up on natural vitamin drink for the whole family - for a long period of cold weather. Apple juice prepared according to our recipe not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body get rid of toxins and normalize metabolism. A real elixir of health!

List of ingredients for preparing apple juice with pulp for winter:

  • sweet and sour apples of late varieties – 2 kg
  • water – 250 ml
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step description of the recipe for homemade apple juice with pulp for the winter:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, remove areas with damage and diaper rash - leave the peel and inner part.
  2. Cut into medium-sized pieces and place in a large saucepan. Place a plate and a small press in the form of a jar of water on top - the apples should release a little juice. Pour in water and add sugar.
  3. Place the pan on low heat and simmer until the apples are completely softened. It is important not to bring the mixture to a boil, so that a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins does not “evaporate”.
  4. Using a wooden masher, mash the boiled apples into a puree and return to the heat for about 5 minutes.
  5. Ready apple juice with pulp should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up metal lids, boiled in hot water. We cover the jars with a warm blanket, and after a day we take the cooled drink to a cool, dark place. Such homemade juice apples can be safely given to six-month-old babies as complementary foods. So we roll up so much juice that there is enough for both children and adults - with all our hearts!

A simple recipe for apple juice with grapes at home, with photos

Apple juice contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. However, in combination with grapes, the taste of the drink will increase many times - you will get a real vitamin “bomb”! According to our simple recipe with photo, you will prepare tart grape-apple juice at home for the winter. All the ingredients for the recipe in the fall can be found at your summer cottage or the nearest market. Happy conservation!

To prepare apple and grape juice at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples – 1 kg
  • blue grapes – 1 kg
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

How to make apple juice with grapes for the winter at home - according to a simple recipe:

  1. Wash the grape bunches in cold running water, separate the berries from the stems into a separate bowl. If you have a special meat grinder that separates the seeds and skin from the pulp, great, you can use this “miracle” of technology. Otherwise, you will have to “crush” the berries with your hands or a wooden masher, straining the mass through cheesecloth. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl.
  2. Wash the apples and cut them into quarters and remove the core. We put the fruit pieces into a juicer and get about 0.5 liters of fresh juice.
  3. Mix grape and apple juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar - you can do without sand. Boil the drink for about 3 minutes, remembering to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. To obtain clear juice, you need to strain it through a couple of layers of gauze and boil again.
  5. Pour the juice from apples and grapes into clean sterilized jars, roll them up and leave them for a day under a warm towel or blanket. Then we take it to the basement or cellar, and in winter we enjoy the amazing taste of grape-apple juice. Amazing mix!

Low-calorie apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar, recipe with photos

To prepare apple juice for the winter according to our recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients - only juicy fruits of sweet varieties. This low-calorie drink will appeal to those for whom sugar is contraindicated for health reasons, as well as those on diets. Drinking a glass of sugar-free apple juice a day will not only help you slim figure, but also a decent supply of vitamin C and useful microelements– iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, acids. Just nectar, and that’s all!

Ingredients for Sugar Free Apple Juice Recipe:

  • apples – 3 kg or quantity as desired

Preparing sugar-free apple juice for winter at home, step by step:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, cut them into quarters and remove the inside and tails.
  2. We pass the prepared pieces through a juicer and at the end we get about 1.5 liters of juice - from 3 kg of apples according to the recipe. If you plan to thoroughly stock up on apple juice for the winter, you will have to increase the volume of “raw materials” to at least 10 kg.
  3. Foam forms on the surface of the juice, which must be removed. Then you need to pour the drink into a saucepan and put it on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil. During cooking, we also periodically remove the foam.
  4. When the temperature reaches 90 degrees, remove the juice from the heat - in this case, a significant part of the vitamins will be preserved.
  5. We select convenient and practical containers for our apple juice - glass bottles with a screw cap. We sterilize the prepared containers by steaming, fill them with juice and roll them up. Turn them upside down to make sure the bottles are leak-proof. The cooled drink can be stored until winter in a kitchen cabinet or pantry - try it for your health!

Apple juice for the winter with zucchini - canning at home

When canning apple juice for the winter, you can experiment with adding other juices - carrot, pumpkin and even squash. This mixing is called blending and helps improve the taste and useful qualities drink We offer a recipe for apple and zucchini juice, which can be easily prepared at home, surprising loved ones and guests with a new drink with an “intriguing” taste.

We stock up on ingredients to prepare apple and zucchini juice for winter:

  • zucchini – 2 kg
  • apples – 2 kg
  • citric acid – 2 gr.
  • sugar – 0.5 kg

How to preserve homemade juice from apples and zucchini for the winter:

  1. We wash and peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and inner fibrous part.
  2. Peel clean apples and cut out the core.
  3. Prepared fruits and vegetables should be cut into medium-sized pieces and passed through a juicer.
  4. Pour the juice of zucchini and apples into an enamel pan, put on the fire and heat. Add citric acid and sugar and stir. Boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and cool. Place long-term storage Such a vitamin drink will be found in a dark, cool place - a basement or cellar. As you can see, the recipe is very simple and does not require any special skills, and the finished juice will pleasantly surprise you with its original flavor combination.

How to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, video

Many summer residents in the fall try to make good use of surplus apple harvests by storing juices and compotes for the winter. From our video you will learn how to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, because not everyone in the country has such a device. This method is simple - like everything ingenious!

Preparing apple and pumpkin juice for the winter - video recipe

Pumpkin and apple are an extremely harmonious combination of taste and benefits. By mixing these two juices, you will get a bright and rich drink, rich in vitamins and microelements. How to prepare apple and pumpkin juice for the winter? Watch the video with the recipe for this amazingly delicious “sunny” drink.

Canned apple and carrot juice at home for the winter - video recipe for making it

It’s very easy to prepare apple juice and carrots for the winter, especially if you use a juicer. Thus, thanks to the presence of apples, the tart “carrot” taste is significantly softened, and the benefits of the drink increase significantly. According to our video recipe, every housewife cans several jars of “mega-healthy” food at home. apple-carrot juice– drink and don’t get sick in winter!

Despite the fact that the juice is boiled or canned, it has many advantages over your favorite store-bought juice. To prepare apple juice for the winter at home, you don’t need anything other than apples. Maybe sugar, and only if you use it sour apples. Neither citric acid, there are no stabilizers, no flavor enhancers, no dyes in the recipe. There is only the real natural taste of apples, apple aroma and a bunch of vitamins.

Prepare apples for juice. To prepare apple juice for the winter, it is better to choose sweet and juicy varieties of apples, otherwise you will have to add sugar.

Wash the apples, peel and core.

Pass the apples through a juicer. You don’t have to throw away the pulp, but cook, for example, apple pancakes.

Place the saucepan with apple juice on the fire and bring to a boil. During heating, a lush “cap” of noise will begin to rise - it needs to be collected as much as possible with a small strainer or slotted spoon.

Boil the juice over medium heat for 10 minutes, pour into clean, dry jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them warmly until they cool completely. For the winter, apple juice can be placed in the pantry or basement.

Prepare apple juice for the winter with love and enjoy it when you want to remember the warm summer...

There are many in various ways save apples for the winter. Summer varieties can be made into puree and jam, and they can also be dried. Such fruits are not very suitable for juice, as they have a small amount of moisture. For this reason, it is best to use late varieties for this purpose, which are much juicier. And, of course, it is advisable to use your own homemade apples for processing, although you can also choose good store-bought ones. Now we’ll look at how to roll it yourself and how to preserve it for the winter.

General information

Many can remember how in the nineties of the last century they carried bags of apples from their dachas and shops to their apartments and turned the latter into canning factories for some time. Considering that there was only one type of fruit on sale, most often they prepared juice of one type - from 30-40 liters. Now the time has come that you can buy everything inexpensively, but the habit of storing vegetables and fruits for future use remains, perhaps not in such huge quantities. After all, no store purchase will ever replace real, homemade apple juice.

This is great for winter useful product, both for children and adults - especially those who engage in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, the process of collecting juice is not quick and not the easiest, but it is worth it. Moreover, modern equipment will provide maximum assistance. Let's get straight to the story of how to roll up apple juice.

The first option for making apple juice

We will need: a juicer, apples, lids, jars, a slotted spoon, gauze, a seaming machine, tweezers, a canning thermometer. Here's a step-by-step recipe:

Another option for rolling up freshly squeezed apple juice

Modern cooking offers us more than one way to complete the task assigned to us. The only thing they have in common is that you need to carefully select the fruits: they must be undamaged and always ripe. Proportions and ingredients depend on the desired result and the variety of apples. You can make clarified juice with pulp. To get an unforgettable aroma of the drink, adjust and combine at your discretion various varieties fruit. Thus, there is a chance to get completely new tastes that could surprise even people who are very demanding about drinks.

Experts in this industry argue that it is wrong to prepare juice using only slightly acidic apples, since the result of such work, among other things, will not meet the necessary quality requirements. The most favorable varieties for preparing the drink are: pear, anise, titovka and winter parmen. If you are interested in how to roll up apple juice after a juicer in other ways, the information below is for you.


Squeeze the fruit cut into slices in a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into an enamel or glass container. To prevent oxidation and further darkening, it is advisable to add a little lemon juice. We will need a large saucepan. After squeezing, pour the future drink from the container, without heating, into jars and cover with lids. Place them in a saucepan and fill with warm water up to the neck. We heat the water to a temperature of 85 degrees, reduce the heat and, maintaining the temperature, the time depends on their size: 20 minutes for one to one and a half liters and 30 minutes for two to three liters. Using a towel folded several times or a thick pot holder, we carefully take out the hot jars one by one and immediately roll them up. Another way to roll up apple juice has been mastered.

Recipe for making apple juice without a juicer

Natural and delicious drink can be obtained without much effort and without a juicer. We will need fruits with light flesh and definitely sour in taste. In this case, sugar and water will not be required. We cut the fruits into several parts and pass them through a juicer or meat grinder.

We squeeze out the resulting pulp using gauze, put the remaining pulp into a pan filled with water (ratio of two liters per 10 kg), soak for six hours, heat and squeeze again. Let's move on to the next stage. We brew the drink: heat the liquid to 80-90 degrees, let it sit for five minutes and pour it into jars. Boil the lids in a water bath and roll up the resulting nectar. At home, you can cook without pasteurization by slightly increasing the temperature of the water for boiling the jars. In this case, for additional sterilization, they need to be rolled up with lids and turned upside down. Apple juice is ready for the winter.

Juice recipes with sugar and pulp

If you want to prepare nectar with sugar, then the technology is similar to the previous one, only in the second stage, take 70% sugar syrup and add it to the juice. Syrup can be obtained either from secondary juice or from sugar. The proportion is as follows: for one liter you need one hundred grams of sugar and 150 ml of syrup. Now we will describe another option for how apple juice is made. Recipe for a drink with pulp: pass the fruit through a meat grinder two or three times, and through a small mesh. It is necessary to prevent darkening of the exiting mass, for which we add ascorbic acid to it.

The ratio is as follows: for 10 kg of fruit you need 10 grams of acid. You should already know well how to properly roll apple juice, just remember to pasteurize it. By the way, the more crushed and homogeneous the resulting mass is, the tastier the juice will be, and its storage will be longer.

Another way to make apple juice

Apple juice can also be prepared in a juicer, but in this case you need to have equipment good quality and certain skills, we will not describe the process. Just follow the recipe exactly and strictly maintain the temperature, and everything will work out. In our next method we will use and you will learn how to prepare and how to roll freshly squeezed apple juice in this case. Let's do it quickly and easily. To improve the taste and color, you can combine our drink with blueberry, grape or chokeberry juice. Products you need: apples, granulated sugar if desired, and baking soda for washing jars. Necessary utensils: juicer, saucepan, colander, metal lids, glass jars, seaming machine.


Preparing apple juice. The recipe is as follows. We wash the fruit, cut it and put it through a juicer. Let the squeezed juice settle, then filter through two or three layers of gauze.

Pour the resulting drink into a saucepan and bring to 95 degrees over high heat. At the same time, we constantly remove the foam, thus clarifying the juice. Again, strain the hot drink through cheesecloth and bring almost to a boil. Pour into jars and seal. Then upside down - and to cool. Having mastered well how to roll up apple juice, we will get very healthy drink, which, due to the presence of potassium, normalizes cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the removal of radionuclides. Apple fasting days will help with obesity.