Salads      07/06/2022

How to cook liver in sour cream sauce. Delicious liver with sour cream and mustard

Not everyone likes the taste of liver, especially, for some reason, children do not like it. But with age, tastes change, and what was not liked in childhood turns out to be one of the favorite dishes. I am no exception in this regard, and now I really like this dish. Today I will show you how to cook beef liver stewed in sour cream so that it turns out soft and tasty.

This recipe can be used to cook any liver, beef, pork, or chicken. When preparing beef and pork liver The main thing is not to overcook it on the fire, otherwise, instead of being soft and aromatic, you risk getting a “rubbery” tasting liver. 🙂

  • 500-600 g beef liver
  • 1 large onion (at least 100 g)
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • flour
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper

Cooking method:

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden brown.

Rinse the liver with water, dry it with a paper towel, then remove the film with a sharp knife. The film is removed relatively easily.

After this, we cut the liver into fairly large pieces about 1.5-2 cm thick, something like this:

From 600 g of beef liver I got 9 pieces. Of course, you can cut each piece into another 2-4 pieces, this is optional, but today we are preparing it in large pieces. When slicing the liver, try to cut out the dense walls of the large vessels that penetrate the liver; there are not many of them.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour a little vegetable oil, approximately 4 tbsp. l. We take each piece of liver in our hand, salt and pepper on both sides and roll in flour. Then we put it in the frying pan.

Fry for no more than 2-3 minutes on each side, the liver should “set” and slightly, very slightly, brown. If you fry longer, the liver will become tough.

After this, put the first batch into a saucepan, fry the second batch, and also put it in a saucepan. Sprinkle fried onions on top. Do not try to fry the entire liver at once; the pieces should be located freely in the pan.

Now let's prepare the sour cream sauce. By 4 tbsp. l. add 1 tsp sour cream. flour with a small slide, mix so that there are no lumps. Then gradually pour in 0.5 liters of warm water from the kettle, stirring all the time. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour this sauce over the liver. There should be enough liquid so that it is equal to the upper pieces of the liver. If there is not enough sauce, you can add hot water.

Place the saucepan on medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer for no longer than 15-20 minutes.

Pork liver fried with onions in sour cream - it would seem that it could not be simpler. But unfortunately, few housewives know how to cook this dish deliciously. In addition to the nuances of cooking technology, it is very important to consider what products you use to make it. This is especially true for pork liver. Firstly, it is important to be able to determine the freshness and quality of the product, and secondly, to prepare it correctly.

There are many recipes for pork liver fried with onions. Let's look at some of them. But before that, we’ll try to figure out how to choose the liver correctly and process it.

Basic rules for choosing pork liver that everyone should know

The first thing you need to know is that pork liver is large. If you are confused by the size of the product, but the seller convinces you that it is pork liver, then it is better to leave the counter immediately.

The liver should look shiny and slightly moist. Color - rich burgundy. In all other cases, the liver will most likely be stale. And this can be hazardous to health. Therefore, if you are confused by the color or smell of the liver, it is better not to buy it.

Useful properties

Liver is a product rich in useful microelements. Therefore, it should be present in every person’s diet. Pork liver is a storehouse of vitamins B, E, K, A, D. It contains large amounts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, and chromium. The advantage of this offal over meat is that the liver contains protein, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

But despite the usefulness of the liver, many do not like it. Especially children, whose diet is difficult to imagine without this by-product, categorically refuse to eat dishes with liver.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to prepare it correctly. Many housewives resort to various tricks. And one of them is adding sour cream.

Pork liver fried with onions in sour cream will simply melt in your mouth if you manage to cook it correctly. For additional flavor, you can use various herbs and wine.

Secrets of liver preparation from experienced chefs

In order to get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in pork liver as much as possible, it needs to be soaked in milk for a couple of hours. Just before that you need to remove the film from it. After this procedure, the liver will not only lose its bitterness, but will also become softer.

If you don’t have time, but you need to cook the liver urgently, then you should resort to more fast way. To do this, scald the offal with boiling water. And do this until it changes color.

The article offers several recipes for preparing pork liver fried with onions in sour cream. But there are many others in which you can experiment not only with seasonings, but also with different ingredients. You can add potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, etc. Remember that pork liver in sour cream with onions, stewed or fried, will be delicious if you choose it correctly and take its processing seriously.

Product processing

Inside any liver there is a bag of bile. It is very important to remove it in such a way that it does not burst. Otherwise, you risk getting a bitter dish that you cannot serve. Remember that if you were unable to safely remove the bile bag and it leaked onto the product, it is better to throw it away immediately. Firstly, it will be very difficult to get rid of this bitter taste, and secondly, bile is a harmful liquid for our body.

It is necessary to cut out the gall sac correctly. Grab about 4-5 millimeters of pulp around the pouch. Basically, the pulp near the bile is greenish in color.

At the next stage of cleaning, it is necessary to cut off the film and cut out large ducts.
Next, the liver must be rinsed well under running water and soaked for an hour so that all the bitterness comes out. If you are preparing the liver of a young animal, simply soaking it in water will suffice. If you come across the offal of an old animal, then after soaking it will need to be beaten with a hammer so that the product becomes softer and looser.

You can cook pork liver in sour cream that is juicy, soft, and melts in your mouth, but you will have to resort to some tricks. Before you start cooking it, you need to immediately after soaking it, place it in wine or apple cider vinegar for about 15 minutes.

Classic recipe for pork liver fried with onions in sour cream

As you know, simply fried liver with onions it's a little dry. Therefore, it is always better to use sauce. In this case, sour cream sauce with added flour is best.

So, you need the following products:

  • pork liver - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 300-500 g;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt and other spices as desired;
  • bay leaf.

You can take 300 g of sour cream, or you can take 500 g. The more it is, the softer the liver will be. You can use oil or pork fat for frying.

Let's start the cooking process. Cut the already prepared liver into cubes or thin slices and place it in a heated frying pan.

Immediately mix it so that each slice is covered in oil.
Cut the onion into small cubes. And immediately add it to the liver. Salt to taste. Mix everything and fry for about 10 minutes. After this, throw in a couple of bay leaves and ground black pepper. Don't forget to stir the dish constantly.

At the next stage, add sour cream and cover the pan with a lid. Don't forget to turn down the heat. Fry in sour cream for no more than 5 minutes. After this, take out the bay leaf and turn off the heat. Let the dish stand covered for a while. If desired, you can sprinkle with herbs, such as dill, at the end.

Pork liver, fried with onions in sour cream, can be served simply with white bread, or maybe with a side dish. Suitable as a side dish boiled rice, seasoned with soy sauce.

Pork liver stewed in sour cream. Recipe with added wine

For this dish you will need:

  • 700 g liver;
  • 3 medium sized onions;
  • 200 ml dry white wine;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 g bacon;
  • salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Let's start preparing the dish. We cut the prepared liver into pieces large pieces and fry in a frying pan on all sides until lightly browned. There is no need to bring it to full readiness.

Next, transfer to a fireproof container and fill with wine. After this, the liver needs to be stewed in wine for 10-15 minutes. There is no need to pour out the oil in which the liver was stewed - we also fry the onions and bacon in it. Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Fry everything until a golden crust appears.

After that, put everything on the liver. Add sour cream, salt, pepper. Mix everything well and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it brew for up to 15 minutes. After this, you can serve it as a separate dish.

Liver dishes. Reviews

Many of us do not like pork liver dishes. But after trying to cook dishes according to our recipes, you can be sure that they will please not only you, but also your family. Reviews from culinary experts confirm this.

I rarely cook liver dishes. So rare that it's almost never.

But the blog inspired me to this feat, my dear ephons.
And today I will cook beef liver stewed in sour cream and mustard sauce.

Beef liver -500 gr
Milk for soaking - 300-400 g
Sour cream 20% -200-300 gr
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. with a slide
Mustard -1 tbsp.
Sugar - 1 tsp.
Salt to taste
Onions -2-3 pcs.
Large carrot - 1 pc.
Butter for frying -30 gr.
Spices-2 tsp. - to taste

1. Prepare the liver in advance. Place the liver in a deep bowl in the refrigerator to defrost. For the night. A lot of blood will flow from the liver. A deep bowl won't hurt. At the appointed hour, take the liver out of the refrigerator, rinse it well, and remove the films. Cut into medium-sized pieces and soak the liver in milk for about half an hour to an hour.

2. Take onions. Cut into half rings. . Sauté until translucent. Remove the liver from the milk. Place in a deep wok pan. If you don’t have such a frying pan yet, be sure to get one. This is an indispensable item in the kitchen. Pepper and salt. And fry for 10 minutes.
I added a little milk in which the liver was soaked. It's a shame that the product is disappearing.

3. Clean and grate the carrots. Add carrots to our stew. Stir. Fry for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to medium.

4. Prepare sour cream sauce. In a bowl, thoroughly mix sour cream, flour, mustard, dill and spices. Use the spices you like. I put khmeli-suneli.
If for some reason you don’t like mustard, then simply don’t add it. But it is the mustard that gives the dish its unique taste. If desired, you can replace the mustard with wasabi.

5.Pour the sour cream sauce into the frying pan. Mix everything thoroughly. Add sugar and salt to taste. Reduce heat and simmer until done under the lid. I did it for about half an hour.

6. You can serve the liver as a side dish. mashed potatoes With green peas or boiled.

The sauce turned out simply gorgeous! I liked it.
Bon appetit!

So why ephons? Know, this is the name of the eagle that pecked Prometheus’s liver. Ephon.

Pig, who robbed some Prometheus of his liver.

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Delicious liver with sour cream and mustard

Prepare the liver in sour cream sauce Any inexperienced cook can do it, but it is worth remembering that this product requires little preliminary preparation, without which it delicate taste and soft consistency will not fully appear.

Without taking into account some nuances, the liver may turn out to be bitter in taste or hard in consistency, with an unpleasant odor or completely unpresentable in appearance. To avoid such troubles, you first need to choose the right product.

Beef liver– tasty and useful product, from which you can prepare many dishes. In order not to miss the choice of liver, you should remember that it is bought unfrozen, slightly sweet in smell, smooth and juicy in appearance, dark red beef or light brown veal.

Before you begin the cooking process, you need to “work” with the liver: remove the films, remove the veins, rinse well. For liver pancakes, you can choose a product of any shape - edge or middle. If the liver is prepared in pieces, then the “source” itself should be as beautiful as possible, preferably without a large number of veins and bile ducts.

Many housewives pre-soak the liver in milk - this helps rid it of the specific smell and taste and makes it more airy. Soaking is not a prerequisite for preparation, because fresh and well-cleaned liver is tasty without it.

Chicken liver

Chicken liver is reddish-brown in color, without any foreign unpleasant odor, with a smooth and shiny surface. It is very gentle and delicious product, it is prepared very quickly and eaten just as quickly, provided all processing rules are followed.

U chicken liver films, blood clots, vessels are removed, and special attention is paid to the bile ducts - after all, they are the main “culprits” of the bitter taste of the dish.

Turkey liver

Turkey liver is one of the best sources of vitamins and microelements among all other offal products. However, it is also the most expensive product. Its quality criteria are the same as those of chicken liver, so when choosing, you can rely on already known facts.

Fresh liver of any animal cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

For this liver recipe, you can use any mushrooms, but most varieties require preliminary preparation and fairly long temperature treatment. Since chicken liver is valued, in particular, for its speed of preparation, it is worth taking champignons with it.

Read also: Turkey in cream sauce in a frying pan – 5 recipes


  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 500 gr.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • flour – 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • parsley - several sprigs;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  • Prepare the liver, cut it into 2-3 parts.
  • Mix flour and salt, roll in the liver and fry over high heat on both sides (literally 2-3 minutes on each side).
  • In the same frying pan, fry the onion until transparent, then add the champignons cut into small pieces.
  • Cook the mushrooms until the liquid has evaporated and the mushrooms themselves begin to brown. A minute before readiness, add finely chopped garlic.
  • Add cream, sour cream, pieces of liver, herbs, salt and pepper to the mushrooms.
  • Mix well and cook covered over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

If the liver-mushroom mixture turns out to be too thick, you can pour a little broth into the pan.

Recipe with onions

Tender chicken liver in sour cream sauce and sweetish onions, fried until golden brown, will create the best duet of flavors in this recipe. The dish is prepared in a matter of minutes and includes a minimum of available ingredients.


  • chicken liver – 500 gr.;
  • onion – 500 gr.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • sour cream – 200 ml;
  • soy sauce– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • hops-suneli, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  • Peel the onion and chop it into half rings.
  • Grate carrots onto coarse grater, finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  • Prepare the liver and cut it in half.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onions and carrots, add the garlic at the end.
  • Place the liver in a frying pan and fry with vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Add salt, spices, mustard, soy sauce and sour cream.
  • Mix well and simmer covered for another 15 minutes.

The liver will not be tender if you overheat it. If the liver is chopped finely, the cooking time should be reduced.

Beef liver with garlic

Garlic goes very well with liver, neutralizing its specific taste and adding spiciness. To make the sauce richer and thicker, you can add a little mayonnaise to the sour cream.


  • beef liver – 500 gr.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • dill greens - several sprigs;
  • sour cream – 70 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  • Prepare the liver, cut it into “bricks” 1 cm thick.
  • Finely chop (or squeeze through a press) the garlic, chop the greens.
  • Mix herbs, garlic, mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Roll the liver in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper.
  • Heat the oil well in a frying pan, fry the liver pieces for 2-3 minutes. on one side, and then on the other side.
  • Place the liver on a plate and fry the onion, cut into half rings, in the same frying pan until golden brown.
  • Return the liver to the pan, mix with onions and pour in sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Simmer the dish for 15 minutes.

The readiness of the liver is checked with a splinter: if, after a puncture, not blood comes out of the piece, but juice, the liver is ready.

Cooking in the oven

Stewed liver in the oven will please your opponents fried foods. Pots are useful for preparing chicken liver with vegetables in sour cream sauce. This method helps to preserve the maximum in the product. useful substances.

Read also: Pot roast - 6 delicious recipes


  • chicken liver – 500 gr.;
  • leeks – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • fresh (or frozen) peas – 200 gr.;
  • sour cream 10% - 100 ml;
  • cream 10% - 100 ml;
  • chicken broth – 100 ml;
  • flour for deboning the liver;
  • salt, ground coriander, ground pepper - to taste.


  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices.
  • Prepare the liver, cut each piece into 4 parts.
  • Roll the liver in flour with salt and spices.
  • Finely chop the garlic and onion.
  • Put the oven to preheat.
  • Arrange in layers in pots (after placing a piece of butter on the bottom): onions, liver, potatoes, garlic, peas.
  • Pour a mixture of sour cream, cream and broth on top.
  • Close the lid and simmer for 40 minutes. at a temperature of 200°C.

Chicken liver in pots will be no less tasty the next day, so you can confidently cook it with “reserve” and put it in the refrigerator overnight directly in the pot.

Turkey liver in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

There's nothing easier than putting out tender liver in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker, because this device is just a godsend for those who don’t like to stand at the stove, step by step controlling the cooking process.


  • turkey liver – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper (yellow and red) – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • sour cream 10% - 200 ml;
  • salt, a mixture of peppers, a pinch of curry;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  • Prepare the liver and cut it into 2-3 parts.
  • Chop the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Cut the celery across the grain of the stem diagonally, finely chop the garlic.
  • Chop the greens with a knife, cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Set the multicooker to “Fry” mode and add onions, carrots and celery.
  • After 5 min. add the liver and continue frying with the lid open, stirring the dish with a wooden spatula.
  • In another 5 minutes. put garlic and tomatoes.
  • Activate the “Stew” mode, add sour cream, spices and herbs and close the multicooker lid.
  • Wait for the sound signal - the dish is ready.

The recipe for cooking beef liver in sour cream sauce came to us from Poland. This dish is very popular and widespread there. If the liver is cut into thin pieces, then after frying, let it simmer in a frying pan for much less time. Check the readiness of the liver with a toothpick; if no blood comes out, then the liver is ready. The main thing is not to overcook it, then it will remain juicy and tasty.


To prepare liver in sour cream sauce we will need:
500 g beef liver;
150 g sour cream;
125 g milk;
1 onion;
2 tbsp. l. butter or ghee;
0.5 tbsp. l. flour;
0.5 tbsp. l. mustard;
salt, white pepper.

Cooking steps

Cut the beef liver into portions. Fry in 1 tablespoon of butter on both sides. Fry for 1 minute on each side. Transfer the fried liver to a plate, keeping warm, add salt and pepper.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in the remaining butter. Add flour to the prepared onion and lightly fry it. Then pour in the milk and keep on low heat, stirring, until thickened.

When the sauce thickens, add sour cream and mustard to it.

Season the sour cream sauce with salt and pepper, add beef liver and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 15-20 minutes.