Main courses      06/12/2021

Measurement of the strength of mash. How to measure the strength of mash in different ways? Formula calculation. How to determine the strength depending on sugar and density

Everyone has heard that the strength of the mash is from 11-12 ° on baker's yeast and up to 20 ° on alcohol turbo. But how do you know how many degrees your wort has gained, already ready for distillation? It would seem - to lower the alcoholometer into it and find out.

But we have to disappoint you: it’s not possible to take and measure the strength of the mash with a hydrometer like this. There are reasons for this.

Hydrometers are designed to find out the strength of a drink consisting of water and alcohol. And in the fermenting liquid there are many impurities: carbon dioxide, fusel oils, etc., which distort instrument readings.

Alcohol is obtained only from sugar. These are not only white sweet granules known to everyone, but also sugars contained in grains, starch, vegetables, fruits. Theoretically, from 100 g of sugar, processed by yeast first into sucrose, and then into alcohol, it turns out 60 ml alcohol 96°.

Thus, the strength of the mash can only be calculated based on the density of sugar in the wort, it simply cannot be measured in the usual way.

Important. Measurements must be made at least twice: after sugar and water are combined (before adding yeast) and when fermentation is completed.

For accurate calculations, you need hydrometer-saccharometer AS 3. It looks like an alcohol meter, only bigger. The liquid to be measured must correspond to 20°C. First, we measure the density of the wort, and then, using a special table, we look at the correspondence to the amount of sugar. There are plenty of tables on the Internet, they are used by brewers, winemakers, and moonshiners.

  1. We measure the density of the wort: carefully mix sugar or syrup and warm water until completely dissolved.
  2. Pour part of the resulting syrup into a liter jar.
  3. We check that the temperature is 20 ° C.
  4. Pour the liquid into the measuring beaker. We lower the AC 3 device into it.
  5. As an example: the device shows a density of 23%. The table will tell you that at the end of fermentation, we should get mash with a strength of 12 °.
  6. During fermentation, you can check according to the table how many degrees have already “fermented”. To do this, you again need to pour the wort into a jar, chat it for several minutes so that as many gases as possible come out and measure the sucrose.
  7. Suppose it was 6. That is, less than the original density. We subtract 6 from 23, we get 17. According to the table, 17% density is 8.7 ° alcohol content.
  8. When the wort, according to your understanding, is ripe, you need to make another measurement. If the sugar content turns out to be zero, then all the sugar has already been processed into alcohol, the estimated strength of 12 ° has been dialed, it's time to drive moonshine.

Nabrod by weight

When sugar is processed by yeast, the approximate weight of the alcohol produced can be calculated from the amount of carbon dioxide "left".

Reference. Reducing the weight of mash by 100 g is equal to the presence of 110 ml of alcohol in it.

You can check it this way:

  • we put the braga. For example, 10 liters;
  • Let's take a kitchen scale. Mechanical ones will give too much error, and our data is already approximate;
  • freshly prepared mash, which is just showing signs of fermentation, using a measuring glass (you need exactly 1/10 part, that is, 1 liter), pour into a glass jar and weigh. We record the evidence;
  • We cover the jar loosely and weigh it periodically. Thus, we find out how much alcohol the mash already has;
  • The jar “lost weight” by the end of maturation, for example, by 10 g, which means that it already contains 11 ml of pure alcohol or 23.5 ml of moonshine with a strength of 45 °;
  • it turns out that the total strength of the mash is 10 - 11 °, adjusted for the inaccuracy of the method.

Attention. The method “works” regardless of whether your fermentation tank is covered with a loose lid, or under a water seal - carbon dioxide leaves it anyway and the wort gradually “loses weight”, reducing weight.

The formula for determining the strength of mash

If you have a hydrometer-saccharometer, then you can calculate the strength without tables using the formula:

KB (braga strength) \u003d (NP (initial strength) - CP (final density)) / 10 x 6

Why 10 and 6? Because every 10% density gives 6 degrees of strength.

Example. Our NP was 22%. Subtract 0 from it - this is KP. We get 22. Divide by 10 \u003d 2.2, multiply by 6 \u003d 13.2 ° strength of the mash.

Another example. NP - 20, KP - 2. We perform the same simple mathematical operations. It turns out, at the moment: 20-2=18:10=1.8x6=10.8°. KP - 2% indicates that the mash is not yet quite ripe, 2% of the sugar in it has not turned into alcohol. So - you need to give the must the opportunity to ferment.

What does degree depend on?

For those who are not too willing to bother counting, you can use an approximate calculation:

  • in order for the yeast to be able to “work out” up to 12 ° alcohol content, it is necessary to add 2 kg of sugar to 10 liters of water. In other words, the density of the solution for sugar should be at the level of 20%. This indicator is the most suitable if you are using baker's yeast;
  • to obtain a mash strength of 16-18 ° per 10 liters of water, you will need to spend 3 kg of sugar (30% solution). But yeast also needs alcohol, bakers will not be able to “bring” the mash to such alcohol content and sugar will be thrown into the wind;
  • the quality of sugar plays an important role. "Being led" to cheapness, you can lose a lot. Today, many moonshiners note that sometimes bad sugar gives almost half as much moonshine as expected;
  • different raw materials also give different degrees of mash and the yield of finished products. When using a recipe, pay attention to this;
  • maturation should take place in the heat. Theoretically, yeast “works” at 18°C, but in practice, it is fully active at 26-28°C. In a living room (kitchen), this temperature occurs only in summer. At other times, it must be provided in other ways;
  • fermentation utensils also contribute to the fortress. It is desirable that it be airtight, under a water seal. The best materials are glass and food grade stainless steel.

Ways to increase the strength of the wort

To "squeeze the maximum", heed the advice of experienced distillers:

  1. Whatever mash you put, use only quality raw materials. Rotten fruits, moldy jam, etc. contribute to the decrease in degree.
  2. Collect tails and you will have something to "add a degree." Many, after the fall of the fortress in the jet below 40 °, stop driving. But the degrees still remain, they should be taken into another dish and then used at the next stage.

Attention.“Tails” are only added to ready-made, “replayed” mash before putting it on distillation, otherwise they will kill the yeast, stop ripening, some of the sugar will not be processed and hopes for extra milliliters of moonshine will collapse. Also, don't add too much. If the mash will be a fortress of more than 20 °, you will not get high-quality moonshine.

Insulate the container immediately after the wort has been prepared. The ingredients are diluted with warm water and heat is also released during the fermentation process. That is, a braga wrapped in a jacket or a blanket, standing on a warm bedding, will not give off heat to the room, but use it for its own benefit - the fastest processing of sugar into alcohol.

Do you know other safer ways to increase the strength of the mash? Tell us about them in the comments. Like, share the article on social networks.

In addition to preparing a delicious drink, distillers in the manufacture of alcohol are trying to make sure that the maximum strength of the mash allows you to get more alcohol. The strength of the mash is an unstable indicator, it largely depends on environmental conditions, so it can be increased or decreased as desired.

Braga is a drink that is obtained from the processing of sugar by yeast. As a result of the activity of the culture, alcohol appears from sugar in the mash. Usually the amount of alcohol in the finished drink reaches 12%. This is due to the fact that when using baker's yeast, they are able to produce so much alcohol, and then, due to the concentration of this substance, they simply die. It is ethyl that is a poisonous product, because of which the fungi cannot continue to work. Therefore, at a certain moment, when the amount of ethyl stops at around 12–14%, the fermentation process stops.

Measuring the strength of the mash

But it also happens when the mash has a lower concentration of alcohol, but even then the fermentation has stopped. There are several explanations:

  • a small amount of sugar according to the recipe (the wrong hydronic module was used);
  • the optimum process temperature has not been selected.

In this case, the strength of the mash will be very low. Often this happens if the distiller uses fruit to make mash and does not add sugar according to the recipe. But these reasons can be dealt with, it is enough to add an additional dose of sugar and yeast to the fermentation container, and leave the container itself in a warm place.

To get a good strength as a result, it is important to follow the cooking conditions. Technologies for mash from any raw material have common ground. Among the rules to be followed are the following:

  • Careful selection of raw materials for the drink. It is important not only to select the ingredients with high quality, but also to evaluate the proportions in the recipe, as well as calculate the approximate yield of moonshine. You can use different water, wort, top dressing and additional components. But the main ingredient is yeast. For baking mushrooms, the strength of the drink is medium, higher rates for alcohol cultures. Well, wild and beer - you should not use it for making moonshine.
  • Selection of a container for fermentation. The process is best done in a glass container. But if there is none, then you can choose a special plastic that will not react with alcohol.
  • Installation of a water seal. This device will help you understand the readiness of the mash. It also acts as a carbon dioxide outlet. The ejection of the brew with a water seal is impossible, harmful bacteria and debris will not get into the drink. Sometimes, instead of this device, a rubber glove with a hole in the finger is used. As soon as it falls off, the mash is ready for use.
  • It is important to remember the timing of the preparation of the drink. Of course, the indicator depends on the raw materials for the preparation of mash. But on average, the process can be completed in 3-4 days or last up to 2 months. Optionally, this indicator affects the fortress. Fruit mash, even after a month of insisting, they still won’t turn out too strong. But sugar mash with the addition of alcoholic yeast is able to hit the concentration of ethyl after 4 days.
  • The temperature of the infusion of the drink also plays a significant role. When the indicator drops to 18 degrees, the process slows down to a complete stop. Heating the fermentation tank will help start the activity of the yeast. But at values ​​​​more than 35 degrees Celsius, the yeast dies from the heat, and then a new batch of product will have to be added to the mash.
  • The hydromod is important because it affects both the timing and the strength of the mash. If you prepare a drink on sugar and water with yeast, then the ratio of 1: 4 is considered optimal. Of course, if the drink is based on fruit, then you can take a chance and add more water, relying on the sugar content of the wort.

The timing of the ripening of the mash and determining its readiness

Before preparing distillate from mash, you need to check the readiness of the drink itself, as well as measure its strength. There are signs that help the distiller to understand that the fermentation process is complete. At the same time, the indicators do not differ from each other depending on the type of ingredients for mash. Among them:

  • Appearance of the finished drink. Braga becomes layered, the top layers are light, almost transparent. There is sediment at the bottom of the container. There is also no foam in the form of carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface. The drink does not sizzle when gently shaken.
  • Ready mash can be tasted. Sweetness should finally disappear from the product, bitterness or sourness will appear. Nedobrod, that is, a drink in which sweetness remains, and hence processed sugar, cannot be poured into alcohol mashine. The strength of the unkind will be very low, up to 5%. Even if the fortress of the mash was not damaged at the same time, you should not overtake it.

Readiness can also be determined by foaming: as soon as it stopped and the foam settled, the mash was either cooked or sour. Fermentation may stop due to non-compliance with the temperature in the room. Yeast stops its activity, the fortress remains at a low level. But the problem can be solved.

After pouring an additional portion of sugar with yeast into the container, you can check the strength and readiness of the drink in 2-3 days. At this point, the bitterness from the mash should disappear. Only then are the distillers allowed to overtake the product.

But you can get more accurate grounds for the readiness of the mash only if there are several signs. And distillers use a hydrometer. A hydrometer is a special device that determines the concentration of sugar-containing substances in the wort and the density of the drink. How more density contents of the fermentation tank, the higher the alcohol strength will be.

The density is also adjusted according to the yeast. If you use standard cultures, then the indicator should not exceed 18–22% at the beginning of fermentation. If wine or alcohol yeast is used, then the initial density can be increased up to 30%. It is the hydrometer that will help adjust the strength of the mash and, accordingly, the moonshine.

A hydrometer will also help determine the readiness of the mash. If the device displays values ​​of 2-2.5%, this means that the drink has received enough time to prepare, it can be distilled, and also that it is strong. But if the mash is not ready, the hydrometer indicator will rise above 2.5%. Such a drink cannot be distilled.

Hydrometer Application

It is with the help of a hydrometer that you can accurately determine the strength of the mash. Of course, you can also carry out the procedure using tables, formulas, calculations and yeast instructions. But the mechanical device is easy to operate, and the technique will take less time.

The hydrometer works on the basis of the law of Archimedes. Depending on the density of the liquid, the device descends to different depths and takes a stable position. After that, the indicator of the density of the contents of the fermentation tank is displayed on the scale of the device.

In order to measure the initial density of the liquid, the hydrometer must be lowered into the container before adding the yeast. In this case, the temperature of the contents should be at the level of 20 degrees Celsius.

To measure the density index, it is enough to dip the hydrometer into the container and wait for it to stop. Next, write down the indicators and do the procedure two more times with an interval of 5 minutes. The arithmetic mean is calculated from the three values. The greater the initial density of the wort, the stronger the moonshine.

But measuring the density of the finished product will take a little longer. This requires a glass of the finished drink, which is filtered through several layers of fabric. Next, the following actions are performed:

  • the solution is shaken, the remaining carbon dioxide is removed;
  • the mash is heated to room temperature;
  • the solution is poured into a clean glass container;
  • dip the hydrometer into the liquid, wait for the movement to stop and record the values.

Good orientation - indicators from 1.5 to 2.5%. Measurement for control can be carried out in a day. In this case, the indications should not change.

What determines the strength of the drink?

An indicator such as the percentage of alcohol in a drink is formed as a result of:

  • the initial density of sugar and the contents of the fermentation tank;
  • quality of raw materials and their type;
  • type of yeast culture.

But not all processes can be adjusted only by the amount of sugar. If this product is not enough, then the fermentation process simply will not start, the yeast will have nothing to process. And if there is too much sugar, this arrangement will also slow down the process due to the conservation properties of the product.

It is the balance of these two components that allows you to prepare high-quality alcohol. The optimal amount of ingredients: 200 grams of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. It is important to take into account the natural sugar content of the wort.

To try to increase the strength of the drink at the initial stage without extra costs, you can add carbohydrates. The maximum allowable rate for any type of sugar is 30% of the total must. If converted into liters and grams, it turns out that up to 300 grams of sugar can be dissolved in one liter of water. If you add more of the last component, then the mash will simply turn into a canned liquid.

Even if baker's yeast is used, it is possible to increase their productivity and increase life expectancy with the help of top dressing. Nutrients in the wort itself are often not enough for the active formation of alcohol. As a top dressing, you can add as Rye bread, and chemical fertilizers, grape cake or pulp, depending on the variety of mash. But alcohol yeast does not require top dressing, since initially the powder contains all the components.

It is also important not only to monitor the temperature limits, but also to maintain the indicator at a stable level. It is desirable that the degrees on the thermometer do not fluctuate during fermentation. You can maintain the values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the help of heaters or just warm clothes in which the fermentation container is wrapped. Ideal performance: from +20 to +30 degrees Celsius.

How to increase the strength of the mash?

There are several ways to raise the fortress of mash. Of course, it is not always beneficial to do so. So you can really save on raw materials, but lose the quality of the drink. If you want to increase the rate by more than 12 degrees, then you can use the following tips from distillers:

  • Add the tails left over from the last distillation to the new brew before distillation. This action will increase the strength of the drink to 22 degrees. At the same time, the strength of the tails is at the level of 20 degrees. If you pour this fraction into a mash that is not ready, then the yeast will die and fermentation will not occur. It is also worth remembering that the tails contain a large amount of fusel oils, which will affect the smell of the drink and make it more unhealthy.
  • Use special yeast cultures. Among them: alcohol or wine strains, turbo yeast with dressings and amino acids. The taste of the drink will not change, and the fortress will increase to 18%.
  • If you increase the amount of sugar added according to the recipe, but slightly, then the technique will help to achieve alcohol levels of 15%. Then the yeast will die.

Before you increase the strength of the mash from sugar or other raw materials, you need to consider the feasibility of this action. To make the moonshine strong as a result, you can not mess with the mash, but simply overtake the drink again or select a distillate with a high strength during distillation. The strength indicator is a guideline for distillers and indicates that the product is ready for further stages of processing.

Home-brewing, no doubt, is very economically profitable, but it gained its popularity due to other reasons. Modern high-tech production cannot provide the market with high quality alcohol at a low price, which cannot be said about the age-old traditions of homemade vodka. So, how many degrees should be mash for moonshine?

Knowing how to calculate the future number of moonshine and, you can plan cooking based on need, without excess. After reading this article, you will be able to independently calculate a more accurate amount of alcohol, based on the raw material and its volume.

Quantity alcoholic drink depends on various factors, because of this it is difficult to deduce the final figure of the product. Some of the main indicators that affect this: the amount of alcohol in the brew and compliance with technological requirements.

To make the most of the content and get a quality finished product, you should pay attention to some production details:

The maximum productivity of the process can only be achieved in industrial production. Modern equipment and technologies contribute to this. Home-brewing has a large number of technological shortcomings, and when calculating how much moonshine will turn out from 3 liters of home brew, the result should be reduced by 10% at best.

Raw material quality

The raw material you use to make the wort plays the most important role in the production of alcohol. It is responsible for the positive organoleptic properties of the resulting drink, as well as for its quantity.

If the owner is not interested in how much moonshine will come out of 10 liters of mash, he is interested in the softness and taste of the drink.


It depends on them how many degrees the mash should be. The alcohol content in the finished mash depends on the type of yeast that was used to knead the wort. Different yeast fungi have a different critical point and stop their vital activity at a certain alcohol content in the wash.

There are two main types of yeast:

There are new yeast developments that optimize must fermentation. These turbo yeasts can speed up fermentation up to 24 hours, and some growers offer strains that can reach 19-20⁰ ABV. Moreover, they increased the possibility of fermentation at different temperatures.

Amount of sugar

Alcohol is produced by yeast fungi from carbohydrates, and the strength of the mash directly depends on the amount of sugar used. Many people think that by adding more sugar to the wort, they can increase the yield of the finished product, but this is not so. There are at least three reasons that affect the result of the distillation of mash:

There is such a thing - hydromodule. This helps to determine the optimal proportion of must ingredients. The type of yeast plays a key role in the hydronic module:

Moonshiners have found a good solution to avoid exceeding the density of the solution. They divide sugar into two parts and apply separately. The first half is used when kneading the wort, and the second - over the next day.

If using turbo yeast, this method produces the highest amount of alcohol.

Use of different raw materials

For the production of moonshine, not only crystallized or refined sugar is used, other products containing carbohydrates can also be used. This list includes:

There is no need to calculate the amount of sugar in different foods. Experts have long been able to calculate everything and issued ready-made tables for viewing. Having found the raw materials from which you prepared the wort from the table, you can assume the yield of alcohol. The result may differ from the actual up to 10%. A kilogram of raw materials is taken into account.

The volume of mash and the output of moonshine

When compiling the table, sugar mash was taken for calculation as the most stable. Hydromodule for wort preparation 1:4, fermentation and distillation are carried out under optimal conditions.

Only a few lines are given for understanding mathematics, everyone can calculate other values ​​\u200b\u200bin their own.

Mathematics is simple, after distillation, a liter of mash turns into approximately in 100 g of alcohol, or 220 g of vodka 40⁰. Knowing exactly what volume of liquid after fermentation, it is not difficult to calculate the approximate (± 10%) yield of alcohol.

During the fermentation of the wort, foaming occurs in sufficient quantities. In order to avoid contamination of the room, it is recommended to use a container for mash with a margin, that is, fill the dishes with no more than ¾ of the total volume.

Be careful! Baker's yeast has one feature - intense foaming. There are situations when there is too much foam and the free volume of the container is not enough, what should I do? It is advised to crush one piece shortbread biscuits, for a while the formation of foam will decrease. If you don't have cookies handy, you can use vegetable oil by adding two tablespoons to the mash.

Possible reasons why there is little output

Each moonshiner, laying the components of the fermentation process, must represent the approximate amount of moonshine that he can get as a result. Someone is interested in the financial result, someone creates the necessary stock and plans their pantry. Even out of simple curiosity, it is interesting to know how much vodka will turn out.

An error of 10% should be included in any case, but larger deviation can be considered misstep at work. We recommend that you get acquainted with some of the factors that lead to a decrease in the amount of alcohol received, study them in order to increase efficiency.

Unfermented mash

Such a mass has a sweet aftertaste, the alcohol content is less than 10 °, these are obvious symptoms of incomplete fermentation. Some of the sugar remained in the state of undecomposed carbohydrates.

Nothing terrible happened, of course, if you did not start distilling the mash. Unfavorable conditions of detention played a cruel joke, the yeast stopped its activity. To complete fermentation you need to change the container in a warmer place or additionally wrap with a blanket. This will help wake up the yeast, which will safely complete the process.

Error in the hydraulic module

There can be only two variants of the proportion error:

Consider purchasing a hydrometer. This device helps to measure the amount of unprocessed sugar in the mash, which indicates its readiness for distillation. The liquid density index should not exceed 1.002.

long fermentation

Such processes are fraught with an increased content of fusel impurities in the final product. If the distillation has begun, you should carry out the separation of the third fraction ahead of time, this will reduce the amount of moonshine, otherwise the quality of the product will deteriorate significantly.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to worry in advance and ensure the optimal fermentation temperature, which ranges from 25-28 ° C.

Souring of mash

During fermentation, it is necessary to put a water seal on the container or put on a pierced medical glove. This is done to create aerobic conditions for proper fermentation.

In a situation where oxygen enters the dishes, oxidation occurs ethyl alcohol, the mash begins to turn into vinegar. Because of this the fortress of the fermented mass falls, and the yield of alcohol will be small. Most moonshiners neglect a water seal, but to get a quality drink, we strongly recommend using such a device.

Distiller tightness

If steam comes out of the distiller during the distillation process, this can significantly reduce the yield of the finished product. There is no point in stopping the distillation of the mash, it is enough to close the breakthrough with a test, and take care of it for the future and purchase a new apparatus.

If steam comes out of the distiller spout, it's okay, it's poor coil cooling. The water flow should be increased, if the water is not flowing, then it must be replaced with a colder one.

What can accelerate fermentation

Of course, the faster fermentation takes place, the faster we will approach distillation and, as a result, we will get alcohol faster. But fast fermentation allows you to increase the volume of the product due to the reduced amount of impurities.

To achieve these goals, methods of accelerating fermentation are used. It is worth noting that it is worth putting additives only in sugar wort. Any other components in themselves contain everything you need.

Even for a large capacity of 10 or 30 liters, it will be enough to apply any of the options:

  • crumble a loaf of black bread;
  • 300 g tomato paste 25%;
  • 200 g fresh juice or crushed berries;
  • 500 g ground malt.

Using inverted sugar allows the yeast to break them down faster. Monosaccharides are quickly used by yeast fungi.

The process of preparing syrup helps to remove unnecessary impurities from sugar. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, 500 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Foam should be constantly removed. Gently, little by little add 5 g citric acid. After the foam subsides, close the lid and cook for 60 minutes.

  • Temperature range of yeast activity- 18−35 ⁰С. A low temperature will delay fermentation, a higher temperature gives many side effects. It is worth paying attention to a constant room temperature and simply wrapping a container with a wort in a blanket. The required heat of 25−28⁰С will be reached by the mash itself during the fermentation process.
  • Experienced moonshiners prefer to activate the yeast before adding it to the wort.. Take warm sweet water and dissolve the required amount of yeast in it. After 20-40 minutes, a yeast foam forms on the surface, now you can pour the activated yeast into the main container. If this does not happen, then such yeast should not be used.

Long storage of mash after complete fermentation increases the risk of sourness. After the gas has ceased to be released through the water seal or glove, foaming will stop, a precipitate will fall out and the top layer of the mash will lighten. All this suggests that it is necessary to start distillation, it remains only to check the content of alcohol and sugar.

It is necessary to take care of the quality of the product, which will invariably remind you of its taste and morning mood.

Attention, only TODAY!

A sugar meter for mash is a special device that helps determine the strength of a drink. It is used in various cases: it helps to control the fermentation process, influence the final strength of home brew and, accordingly, moonshine, beer or wine. This device has another name - a hydrometer.

Saccharometer for the production of moonshine

The device is necessary in order to determine the readiness of the mash, to state the fact of the end of fermentation. The fact is that in most cases, the indicator of readiness is not assessed in accordance with certain factors, they start to drive moonshine, following the recipe, which is not always correct. So, in order not to be mistaken and not to start preparing a strong drink from a liquid that has not yet fermented, it is worth resorting to the help of a saccharometer.

How to determine the readiness of a drink if there is no special experience in moonshine brewing? It is easy to understand this issue. There are certain indicators that are considered the standard: for example, the shortest maturation period for mash varies from 3 to 5 days. Such a short ripening period is due to the fact that the drink is prepared on the basis of starch, grain or beans are used as the main raw material.

But if the mash is prepared on the basis of sugar or solutions that contain this sugar, then its ripening period is longer - it varies from 5 to 14 days. To prepare the wine, it will take a little more time - the raw materials will be ready in 21-28 days.

But in order to determine whether the mash is ready for distillation or not, it is worth relying not only on generally accepted indicators and those recommendations that are indicated in the recipe. It is worth paying attention to other signs that will help recognize the finished product:

The first step is to pay attention to the appearance of the mash: if it has become transparent, and flakes and waste products of bacteria have settled to the bottom, then it makes sense to think that the product is ready or almost ready for processing.

The second sign of readiness is taste. If you taste the mash, then it should be bitter-sour, there should not be sweetness in taste. If sugar is felt, it means that the product is not yet ready, the yeast has not fermented and could not process the sugar. It is not worth making moonshine from such raw materials.

The sugar content in the product affects the fermentation process: if there is little sugar, then there is nothing for yeast microorganisms to eat, the fermentation process may go slowly or not start at all. But too much sugar in the mash can spoil the drink - the fact is that sugar is a preservative, it simply does not allow the fermentation process to begin. The ideal proportion is 200 grams of granulated sugar per 1 liter of water.

If you do not consider the fermentation processes and go to the finished distillate, then a saccharometer will help determine the strength of the product.

How to use the device?

Measuring the strength of the mash with a hydrometer will help determine the readiness of the product for distillation and even identify the estimated strength of alcohol.

The definition will help, without assessing the quality and appearance of the mash, to identify its readiness. At the same time, the device itself works on the basis of the law of Archimedes.

So, what can you use a sugar meter for:

  • this device helps to determine the amount of dry sugar-containing yeast in the wort;
  • it takes into account the density of the mash, which allows you to judge its readiness;
  • measures the final gravity of the wort.

The alcohol content of the mash is directly dependent on the density. This indicator affects the quality of the product and its strength. If you want to determine the end of the fermentation process, then you should lower the device into the drink. If the hydrometer indicator is 2–2.5%, then we can talk about the completion of the fermentation process. But for more accurate information, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

What does density depend on? This indicator is affected not only by the sugar content in the mash, but also by the quality and characteristics of the yeast:

  1. If wine or ordinary yeast for baking was used in the process of making the distillate, then the density of the liquid should not be more than 22%.
  2. If the drink is made using special, alcohol-resistant yeast, then its density will vary from 20 to 30%.

If you monitor the density, you can use it to adjust the strength of the product: the higher the density, the stronger the drink will be.

The principle of operation of the saccharometer

It is easy to measure the strength of future alcohol using a hydrometer. To do this, it is necessary to immerse the device in a container to a certain depth and wait until its position stabilizes and density indicators appear on its scale.

How to find the initial gravity of the wort:

  • the hydrometer is immersed in liquid;
  • then you should wait for the sugar meter to stop;
  • indications are recorded;
  • To obtain an accurate result, the procedure is repeated several times.

The whole process of density measurement will take no more than 5 minutes. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 20 degrees. The indicators are recorded, they will need to be added up, and then divided by 3. This will help determine the strength of alcohol. The initial gravity is measured before the yeast has been added to the liquid.

A hydrometer/sugarmeter will also help determine the density of the final wort. To carry out the procedure, it is worth selecting 200-250 milliliters of mash, then filtering it, passing it several times through a dense fabric. With the resulting liquid proceed as follows:

  1. It is shaken in order to remove the remaining carbon dioxide.
  2. Then warm to room temperature.
  3. The liquid is poured into a transparent glass container.
  4. Then the device is lowered into it and the indicators are measured.

If the density indicator is stable at around 1.5-2.5%, then you can start distilling moonshine, the mash is ready. Naturally, the most accurate indicators can be obtained by measuring the density in the wort 2-3 times.

What determines the strength of the drink?

There are several factors that can affect the strength of the drink and change its density. If this indicator for one reason or another has become higher or lower, then an assessment of those same factors will help to return it to normal.

So, what affects the strength of alcohol and the fermentation process:

  • sugar content;
  • type of yeast;
  • temperature.

Sugar has already been mentioned above: to make the mash strong, it is worth adding a little more sugar to it at the initial stage. The proportion can be changed by adding about 300 grams of sugar to 1 liter of water.

If we talk about the yeast that is used to make alcohol, then alcohol-resistant microorganisms will help increase the strength of the drink.

Now let's move on to the temperature: it is desirable that in the room where the mash is located, it does not exceed 30 degrees, but does not fall below 18. At the same time, the indicator should be stable. Temperature fluctuations can slow down or stop the fermentation process.

You can monitor the process and determine the readiness of the mash for distillation using a hydrometer, but you should not rely only on the ability of the device. External evaluation of product quality also plays an important role. After all, if you miss the moment, then instead of good, strong alcohol, you can get an indistinct low-quality product.

A common mistake made by beginner moonshiners? start distillation not when the mash is really ready for distillation, but exactly after the period indicated in the recipe for its preparation. Correctly measuring the strength of the mash is no less important than determining the moment of readiness for distillation. Otherwise, the percentage of alcohol in the beer wort will be insufficient, either due to malnutrition, or due to the souring of raw materials.

The duration of fermentation depends on the quality of the feedstock, the properties of the water, the type of yeast used. Are external factors also affecting the speed of aging and the strength of the mash? light, temperature and humidity.

The shortest maturation period? 3-5 days? in starch solutions, where cereals or legumes are used as the main ingredient. Does mash based on sugar, sugar-containing raw materials ferment a little longer? from 5 to 14 days. Do you have to wait much longer to make moonshine from grape must? from 21 to 28 days.

How much mash ripens and how to determine its readiness?

It is possible to determine whether the mash is ready for distillation by several indicators. In addition to the desired strength, there are a number of characteristic signs of the end of fermentation. They are the same for all types of mash, regardless of the raw materials used in the recipe.

First of all, the readiness of strong home brew for moonshine is evaluated by appearance. The upper layers of the solution should become transparent, light. A thick mass of the remains of yeast and their metabolic products sank to the bottom. There is no foam, carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface. There is no characteristic hiss when shaking.

The second sign of the readiness of the mash for distillation? taste. It should be bitter-sour, absolutely not sweet. If at the end of the set fermentation period, sweetness is still felt, it means that the yeast did not have time to convert all the sugar into alcohol. It is impossible to drive moonshine from such a product, even if its strength is normal.

The most common reason for the lack of strength of the drink and malice? non-compliance with the temperature regime. If the room is too cold or too hot, the yeast will die. As a result, fermentation stops until the sugar is completely processed.

What needs to be done to restart the fermentation process? Move capacity to more appropriate place or add a new batch of yeast to the wort. After a few days, you should check the strength of the mash, taste it. If sweetness is not felt, you can start distillation.

The readiness of the mash wort for further processing can be determined by another sign? no carbon dioxide emissions. To do this, it is enough to bring a lit match to the neck of the fermentation tank: when the wort continues to ferment, the flame will immediately go out. If the fire does not go out, then the fermentation has stopped, the mash is ripe.

To be completely sure that the product is ready for distillation, it is necessary to make sure that several of these "symptoms" are present at once. Is it also desirable to measure the strength of the mash with a hydrometer? a special device that allows you to determine the density of the wort.

What is a hydrometer for?

A hydrometer (sugar meter) is necessary to measure the concentration of dry sugar-containing substances in the wort, which are the main nutrient medium for yeast. The greater the initial density of the mash solution, the greater the volume of strong moonshine can be obtained after distillation.

Moreover, if wine or baker's yeast (dry, pressed) is used in the recipe, the initial density should not exceed 18-22%. When using alcoholic yeast, it is allowed to increase the initial density to 20-30%. By adjusting these indicators using a hydrometer,
you can increase or decrease the final strength of the mash.

In addition, the final gravity of the wort is measured with a hydrometer to accurately determine whether the fermentation has completed. Meter readings of 2-2.5% indicate low density. This means that there is practically no sugar left in the solution, the drink is strong enough and ready for processing into moonshine. If not all of the sugar is processed, the sugar meter stays consistently above 2.5%. Distill such a product early.

How to find out the strength of mash using a hydrometer?

The principle of operation of the hydrometer is based on the law of Archimedes: the mass of a body is equal to the mass of water displaced by an object immersed in it. Depending on the density of the solution, the hydrometer is immersed to different depths. After the device takes a stable position, the density of the liquid will be displayed on its scale.

When measuring the initial gravity, the hydrometer should be lowered into the wort before yeast is added to it. To obtain the most accurate data, the liquid temperature should be around 20°C.


  • The hydrometer is immersed in the wort.
  • Wait until the device stops.
  • Record testimonies.
  • Manipulations are repeated 2 more times with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

The readings are summed, divided by 3, and the average is taken. The greater the initial density of the mash wort, the stronger the moonshine will eventually turn out.

For measuring final density it is necessary to select about 200-250 ml of must and filter it through several layers of cotton fabric. Next, you need to do the following:

  • Shake the solution to remove residual carbon dioxide from it.
  • Warm up to room temperature.
  • Pour into a clean clear glass container.
  • Dip the hydrometer into the solution.
  • Wait until the device stops.
  • Record readings.

You can start distillation when the hydrometer readings are in the range of 1.5-2.5%. For reliability, it is recommended to repeat the measurement after a day. If fermentation is completed, the instrument readings will remain the same. You can safely overtake.

What affects the strength of the mash?

Alcohol compounds? a waste product of alcoholic yeast. These microorganisms feed on sugar-containing raw materials, processing sugar (glucose, fructose) into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Consequently, the percentage of alcohol in the must, i.e. its strength, depends on the initial density of sugar, the quality of the raw material and the type of yeast.

But not everything is so simple. Of course, if there is little sugar, the nutrition of alcohol yeast will be poor and fermentation will not begin. At the same time, sugar is a preservative. Accordingly, a too sweet environment does not contribute to active and rapid fermentation, but slows down or does not allow it to start at all.

For normal maturation of strong wort, it is necessary to maintain a balance of water and sugar-containing raw materials. Optimal proportions: 200 g of sugar dissolved in 1 liter of liquid.

The initial concentration of sugar in the wort should be 20% of the total volume, provided using baker's or alcohol yeast. If special alcohol-resistant yeast is used, the percentage of sugar can be high. In this case, the alcohol content of the solution after fermentation will be equal to 12%, which corresponds to 120 ml of alcohol in 1 liter of mash.

To make the strength of the drink higher, you need to add more sugar at the initial stage. The maximum allowable proportions? 30% of the total volume of the wort, i.e. 300 g of sugar are allowed to be dissolved in 1 liter of liquid. If these indications are exceeded, fermentation will not begin.

Now about yeast. When it comes to starches, sugar mash, in the preparation of which wine or baker's yeast is used, for normal fermentation, top dressing must be added to the must. This is due to the fact that nutrients in such solutions for yeast microorganisms are usually not enough. Top dressing in the form of special nutrient salt, fruit juice, puree, berry pulp will ensure normal fermentation and maturation of the must of sufficient strength.

When using alcohol yeast, additional feeding is not required. The composition of such a product initially contains all the necessary components, trace elements, so it is not necessary to enrich the composition.

We must not forget about the temperature regime. Indoor air temperature should not be lower than +18°С and higher than +30°С. Violation of these indicators leads to a slowdown, cessation of fermentation. It is desirable to maintain a stable temperature in the room throughout the entire period of wort maturation, to prevent its fluctuations. Otherwise, it will not be possible to make high-quality strong brew for moonshine.

How to increase the strength of the mash?

On average, the alcohol content of a drink intended for distillation should be 12%. At the initial stage of preparation, the strength of the future product is regulated by changing the density of the wort. The more sugar in the wort, the greater the strength of the product ready for distillation. Using a hydrometer, the initial density is increased or decreased by adding sugar (glucose, fructose) or water to the solution.

The quality of the raw materials used is of no small importance. Braga for moonshine can be prepared from granulated sugar, cereals, legumes, all kinds of fruits, berries, vegetables. Is malt an excellent raw material? barley, rye wheat. In this case, the wort must be prepared only from selected material, purified and processed accordingly.

It is possible to increase the strength of the solution during the fermentation period by changing the temperature regime. The need to regulate the temperature is due to the fact that too active reproduction of yeast leads to an increase in the concentration of acids, fusel oils, carbon dioxide in the mash. This automatically lowers the strength of the solution. In the reverse situation, the slow vital activity of yeast microorganisms caused by low temperatures leads to malnutrition, when sugar remains incompletely processed. Accordingly, alcohol compounds are not formed, the strength of the drink after fermentation is completed will not be high enough.

Finally, you can increase the strength of the mash with the help of special alcohol-resistant yeast. If ordinary baker's yeast allows you to get a drink with a strength of 9-12 degrees, then thanks to alcoholic yeast, the alcohol content of the product ready for distillation rises to 18%. It is possible to increase the strength of the solution even more, up to 20-22%, by adding to it the tailing fractions of the distillate left during the previous distillation.