Recipes      06/24/2023

Where is the best place to store fruit at home? How to properly store vegetables and fruits at home. Brussels sprouts, savoy sprouts, Chinese sprouts, cauliflower

How to keep fruits and vegetables from your garden fresh for weeks or months? We have collected useful recommendations and tips for you that will help you succeed in creating the right conditions for storing crops.

How to store vegetables


Under no circumstances use the refrigerator to store potatoes, otherwise the starch in its composition will turn into sugar, and the vegetable itself will become sweet taste. Use a brush to remove any remaining soil from the fruits and place them in a cool, dark place where the temperature is kept at 4-5°C. It is best to store potatoes in the basement, out of reach of light, using plastic boxes lined with a layer of damp sand.

Unlike other vegetables, potatoes require a little more heat, so containers with them should be placed at a higher level.

Do not store apples in the same container, as the fruit emits ethylene gas, which accelerates the process of potato spoilage.

Garlic and onion

Neither garlic nor onions (not shallots) should ever be stored in the refrigerator. They require a cool, dry place with good ventilation and a temperature of 5-8°C. Mesh bags in which a batch of vegetables is delivered to the store are ideal (they “breathe” perfectly). If you don't have a special bag, use a regular bowl. Place the garlic in it and store it in the pantry. You can also use a bag, just make sure it has enough ventilation holes.

Pair interesting facts to note:

  • potatoes release moisture, which accelerates the rotting of onions, so do not store them nearby;
  • Green onions and shallots can be kept in the refrigerator;
  • Garlic can be used to make garlic powder, which makes an excellent seasoning.

Want to stop crying when cutting onions? Cool it for half an hour before peeling off the outer layers. Cut the root last, as it causes tears the most.

How to store beets, carrots and parsnips

Carrots, parsnips, beets and other root crops should be thoroughly cleaned from the soil and stored in a cool, dark place (for example, a cellar). If you cut off the tops with leaves, the vegetables will remain fresh much longer.

Carrots and other root vegetables are well stored in layers in boxes with sand or peat. Keep them in the lowest level of your basement, it's coldest there.

If you have excess beets, make borscht from them and freeze them. For a richer color, add a little vinegar. The beets will be easy to grate if you boil them first.

Hot pepper

Hot peppers are dried the old fashioned way on a string. Position it so that the pods do not touch each other. This will ensure good air circulation and ensure the peppers dry properly.


Tomatoes are stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Any unheated room or ventilated cellar will do. If the vegetables are still green, place them in a shallow box, separating each fruit with paper, then they will ripen. At a temperature of 12 degrees this process will take about 26 days. If you raise it to 20°C, it will take only two weeks. Never store tomatoes in the refrigerator if you want to preserve their original, refreshing taste.


Salad cannot be stored for a long time; it is a perishable product. This is the only vegetable that we recommend rinsing and drying before storing in the refrigerator. Typically, food is washed immediately before cooking. As a result of exposure to water, the natural protective coating that prevents the formation of mold is destroyed.

Rinse the lettuce leaves cold water and dry on a kitchen towel (if you don’t have a special centrifuge for drying greens). After this, place the lettuce in a plastic container with ventilation holes.

If you collect lettuce from the garden, do it only in the morning. Otherwise, it will quickly wither.


They don’t like the cold as much as root vegetables. They should be stored at a temperature of 10 to 18 degrees. If the room is colder, they will spoil, and if it is warmer, they will become tough and fibrous. You can put zucchini under the bed in your bedroom, but only if the room is always cool.

How to store fruit

The best way to store apples

Apples can be placed in the refrigerator for short-term storage. Place them in a fruit drawer and cover with a damp towel.

Never leave apples in a bowl on the kitchen counter unless you plan to eat them soon. Already at a temperature of +10 degrees, fruits ripen 4 times faster than at zero. And if the room temperature is more than 20°C, the fruit will become overripe in a matter of days.

For long-term storage, fill plastic bags with apples and place them in plastic boxes. The thermometer should be maintained at zero, then the fruits will not lose their properties and will not deteriorate within six months. If you do not have a special cellar for root vegetables, then it is also possible to achieve similar conditions. To do this, place a double cardboard box of apples in a cold hallway or basement.

If apples are frozen, they will release juice when they thaw. Make sure the temperature does not drop below zero.

Storing berries

Never wash berries unless you plan to eat them immediately; water removes the thin protective epidermal layer from the skin. Unfortunately, this perishable product cannot be stored for a long time. However, if necessary, wrap the berries in a paper towel and place in a tightly sealed container. Store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator for 2-3 days maximum.

Tropical fruits

Tropical fruits quickly lose their flavor in the refrigerator or at low temperatures. If possible, store bananas, avocados, citrus fruits, as well as pineapples, watermelons, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers and beans at 10 degrees.


and parsley will last up to two weeks if the stems are immersed in a glass of water and covered with a plastic bag. Most other herbs (and greens) can be stored briefly in the refrigerator, unwashed, in tightly sealed plastic containers with enough liquid to prevent premature wilting. For more long-term storage, use moisture-permeable paper and cellophane.

Storing Fresh Herbs

Most fresh herbs will quickly wither in the refrigerator. You've probably noticed how basil or parsley turns brown. These leafy herbs (as well as cilantro, mint and dill) are best served in a glass cold water like a bouquet of flowers. Trim the stems and change the water every two days. Just pinch off the leaves when you need them. This will stimulate even more growth. You can also dry or freeze the greens, preserve them in vinegar, or use them for pesto.

Dried herbs should not be placed near the stove or in close proximity to burners. The heat and steam will quickly cause them to lose almost all flavor. As always, choose a dry and cool location.

A few general tips will definitely come in handy. Remember, frozen rhubarb, sweet corn And green beans They do not lose their taste after thawing, so feel free to store them in the freezer.

Beets, cranberries, tomatoes and almost all fruits (especially peaches) are great for canning. As one American singer sang on this topic: “My grandmother always keeps a piece of summer in jars.”

The most fertile time of the year has arrived. Since ancient times, people have been harvesting crops in the fall and making provisions for the winter. It is very important to properly organize the storage of vegetables and fruits so that they do not lose their properties for as long as possible. beneficial properties and beautiful appearance. We have compiled a list of the most important recommendations that will help housewives in this matter.

1. If you need to preserve raspberries for a long time, strawberries, blueberries and other berries, then to do this you need to put them in a plastic container, close it with a lid and put it in the freezer. There is no need to wash them before this, as when defrosting the berries will lose their fresh appearance and look lethargic. Repeated freezing is not permitted. Berries can be stored in this way for 12 months if the temperature in the freezer reaches -18 or -23 degrees. At -8, the berries will be stored for 3 months.

2. There are fruits and vegetables that are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. These include: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, eggplants, potatoes, citrus fruits, pomegranate, melon, bananas, mango, pineapple.

3. Storage of tomatoes and cucumbers is allowed on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator. At the same time, they should lie separately from each other, and preferably in plastic bags or special cling film.

4. Apples should be stored separately from other fruits and vegetables. The same rule applies to bananas and tomatoes. They emit ethylene, which affects the rapid ripening and spoilage of vegetables and fruits.

5. Potatoes become too sweet when exposed to sub-zero temperatures., as starch is converted to sugar. Therefore, it must be stored at a temperature not lower than +3-5 (can be stored for up to 3 months) and not higher than 20 (stored for no more than 2-3 weeks) degrees, preferably in a box that needs to be covered with a thick cloth. This will prevent the tubers from sprouting.

6. Carrots store well on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To do this, you need to put it in a plastic bag, sprinkle it with a little water and tie it so that air remains in the bag.

7. Onion different varieties doesn't like neighbors. Therefore, bitter onion, sweet white and Yalta varieties should be stored separately from each other. Interestingly, sweet varieties are less susceptible to spoilage than their bitter counterparts. The ideal temperature for storing onions is 18-20 degrees Celsius. The room should be dry; with high humidity, onions quickly deteriorate.

8. Do not wash vegetables and fruits before putting them in the refrigerator.

9. Basil is afraid of low temperatures. It is recommended to store it on the window in a jar of water. The main thing is that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause the basil to quickly wither.

10. Parsley, dill and green onions Can be stored in a regular glass jar with a closed lid. Dill can also be placed in a vessel with water and covered with a ventilated lid, such as the top plastic bottle with a neck. Both options will allow the greens to remain fresh for 3-4 weeks.

It is convenient to store vegetables and fruits in a small pantry, but not every apartment has one. We decided to find out.

First, a little chemistry lesson. Ethylene is an odorless and colorless gas that helps some fruits ripen. Some fruits contain a lot of it (for example, apples and pears), and some have negligible amounts.

  • apples,
  • apricots,
  • avocado,
  • bananas,
  • melons,
  • figs,
  • nectarine,
  • peaches,
  • pears,
  • plums,
  • tomatoes.

They should not be stored with other fruits and vegetables. Unless you want them to finish it faster.

For example, if you put a banana in a paper bag, it will ripen faster because the ethylene will be trapped in the paper. Or you can put an apple or pear along with a banana.

It is also worth considering the fact that ethylene comes out faster from damaged fruit. As a result, one cracked apple can cause the entire package to spoil faster than usual.

What and where to store

After going to the market or store, you need to put what you bought in right place. Otherwise, all your efforts and money will be wasted.

Stored in the refrigerator:

  • Artichokes
  • Beet
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Celery
  • Cherry
  • Grape
  • Green beans
  • Lima beans
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Leek
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Zucchini

For refrigerator storage, you have three options: store without a bag, in a plastic bag, or in a paper bag. A plastic bag traps moisture inside, so it's best not to tighten it tightly or poke a few holes.

It is advisable not to wash vegetables and fruits before putting them in the refrigerator. If you wash them, dry them well, otherwise mold may appear, and this is not very good for other products and your health.

After ripening the following are stored:

  • Avocado
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums

Store in water:

  • asparagus
  • green

You need to store it the same way as if you were storing flowers: cut off the ends and place in a glass with a little water.

Store in a paper bag:

  • mushrooms

Do not wash and store in a plastic bag:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Cranberry
  • Green onions
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Radish

Do not wash and store in one layer:

  • Blackberry
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Raspberry

The listed berries cannot be washed and large quantities cannot be placed in one tray. The berries are very tender, and their skin is also soft. When washing, you damage them, juice leaks out and they simply turn sour. If you store them in small trays in one layer, they will last much longer.

Stored on the kitchen table:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Ginger
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Oranges
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Pepper
  • Persimmon
  • Pineapple
  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Pomegranate

It is not advisable to place the listed vegetables and fruits in direct sunlight or near the stove. From time to time you need to move them from place to place so that the fruit does not lie on the same side for a long time. This is especially true for tomatoes.

Store in a cool, dark place:

  • Garlic
  • Potato
  • Pumpkin
  • Leek

It’s not for nothing that cellars are so popular in villages. After all, it is in them that not only pickles and jam are stored all winter, but also potatoes, onions, pumpkin and garlic.

These few valuable tips will allow you to store vegetables and fruits for a long time and in the freshest form.

Do not wash anything before storing

Even perfectionists will have to get used to the fact that it is better not to wash vegetables and fruits before storing.
If the dirt irritates you, you can wipe it with a dry cloth. Otherwise, you risk washing off the protective film that prevents mold and rot.

Fruits and vegetables prefer dryness

Humidity promotes mold growth. It is best to wipe food dry before storing.
You can line the bottom of boxes or containers for storing fruits and vegetables with paper towels. They will absorb excess moisture and prevent rotting.

Place the avocado in a paper bag

Unripe avocados are best stored until ripe at room temperature, wrapped in newspaper or a thick paper bag.
After ripening, store it in the refrigerator in a bag.

Some fruits and vegetables cannot be stored in the refrigerator

Bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are stored only at room temperature. In the refrigerator, peppers will lose their aroma and elasticity, and cucumbers and tomatoes will turn into an unpleasantly slimy substance.
We also do not store any unripe fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Only after ripening at room temperature can they be transferred there. Otherwise, they will rot unripe.

Banana petiole film

Bananas in the refrigerator will quickly turn black and lose their taste. They really need moisture, so it is best to store them by wrapping the base of the bunch in cling film.

Water preserves cut and peeled vegetables

Fresh peeled and chopped radishes, carrots and celery can be stored in the refrigerator for an unusually long time.
However, for storage you need to place them in a container with a small amount of water. It is very convenient to use plastic food containers or ordinary jars with lids for these purposes.

Place vegetables and fruits in a warm area of ​​the refrigerator

The lower the storage temperature, the less aroma and freshness are retained. If you want to enjoy them longer, it is better to store vegetables and fruits where the temperature is higher.

We don’t store some vegetables and fruits nearby

Once ripe, some vegetables and fruits begin to emit ethylene gas more actively than others. For example, bananas, apricots, melons, pears, plums, mangoes and tomatoes.
Apples, eggplants, cucumbers, watermelon, potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and broccoli that are sensitive to its effects, when placed next to the first group, begin to overripe and deteriorate. It is best to keep these two groups away from each other.

Onions and potatoes - in different boxes

If you put onions and potatoes in the same box, then soon enough even the youngest potatoes will begin to sprout and will no longer be suitable for preparing delicious treats.

Garlic and onions love the dark

Darkness is a friend not only of youth, but also of garlic and onions. Our grandmothers stored garlic by braiding it, and onions by hanging them in nylon stockings in the basement.
Now you can buy special containers and place them in any convenient dark and dry place. You can store onions and garlic for a long time in paper bags by making holes in them.

Potatoes spoil in light

Potatoes should absolutely not be stored in an open sunny place; they not only spoil in the light, but become dangerous.
It is best to place it in a dry and dark place or in wooden, plastic boxes and baskets.

Add an apple to the potatoes

If you put one or a couple of apples in a box with potatoes, they will retain their freshness and all their properties longer.

We store asparagus as a bouquet

Having brought asparagus from the store, put it in a container of water. This way it will remain juicy and fresh longer.

Broccoli and cauliflower love moisture.

Store the broccoli stalk by dipping it in a container of fresh water and covering the inflorescences with a damp towel. The water is changed regularly and the towel is moistened.
Cauliflower is also stored in a damp towel or in cling film with several holes made for ventilation.

Vegetables need air flow when stored indoors

Don't keep them in a kitchen cabinet drawer or a closed basket under the sink. When stored this way, they will rot faster than they are needed.
They are best placed in ventilated wooden or plastic boxes in a spacious pantry or in a place where there is air flow.

Wrap celery in foil

Celery keeps well in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil. If you store it in a plastic bag, it will quickly lose its elasticity and bright taste.

Place the tomato with the stem facing up

The most tender and weak spot of a tomato is around the stalk. This is where all unpleasant processes usually begin. Therefore, we simply place the tomatoes upside down, and they will last longer.

Grapes will stay fresh in polyethylene

It is better not to store soft grapes at all, but hard grapes will be preserved without rot if you wrap them tightly in a plastic bag or cling film and put them in the refrigerator. This way it will remain juicy, elastic and fresh.
And it’s better not to store grapes in large portions; they will choke under the weight. It is convenient to arrange it in clusters in small bags.

Usually we simply put vegetables, fruits and herbs brought from the store into the refrigerator. Unfortunately, without knowing how to properly store vegetables and fruits, it is easy to lose a significant part of your supplies. In addition, not all products are suitable for refrigeration. For example, potatoes, onions and the more exotic yams - fruits that ripen underground - should be kept at room temperature. The exception is carrots, which tolerate storage well in the refrigerator without loss of nutritional qualities and vitamins.

Should I wash fruits, berries and herbs before putting them in the refrigerator? Research shows that in those places where droplets of moisture remain on the fruit, rotting begins. Therefore, it is best not to wash the fruits, but to wipe them with a dry cloth or paper towel, and wash them only before use.

Each type of fruit and berry should be stored separately. It's good if your refrigerator has many special compartments; otherwise, you should pack fruits and vegetables in separate bags made of food grade polyethylene, foil or paper. Remember, the fruits must “breathe”, otherwise the water condensation accumulated on the inside will cause rotting. If the bag does not have special perforation, you can make it using an ordinary fork, piercing the bag in several places.

"Harmful" ethylene

An interesting fact is that some fruits and vegetables release ethylene during storage. This harmless gas is a “ripening hormone” for most fruits, accelerating their ripening. However, in ripe vegetables and fruits, ethylene causes aging and subsequent spoilage. The record holder for the release of ethylene is... ordinary apples, which can most often be found on refrigerator shelves. Pears, apricots, plums and melons are almost not far behind them. All these fruits should be stored either outside in the refrigerator or in the refrigerator in plastic bags, away from other fruits. Kiwis, peaches, nectarines, watermelons are especially sensitive to ethylene, and also, oddly enough, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Selecting storage temperature

Different fruits prefer different storage temperatures. All vegetables and fruits can be divided into two large groups: those who prefer the coldest compartments of the refrigerator with a temperature of 1 - 3 C, and those who prefer warmer places, with a temperature of 6 - 10 C.

The group of “frost-resistant” fruits includes:

Fruits: apples, apricots, pears, strawberries, figs, cherries, kiwis, nectarines, plums, peaches and grapes.

Vegetables: artichokes, green salad, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, carrots, garlic, cabbage, radishes, Brussels sprouts, beets, celery, asparagus, spinach and corn.

When placing these fruits and vegetables in the coldest areas of the refrigerator, make sure that the temperature there does not drop below freezing. Frozen fruits lose their taste and spoil very quickly.

The “heat-loving” group includes:

Fruits: pineapples, avocados, bananas, pomegranates, guava, mango, olives, papaya, passionflower and citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits)

Vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, green beans, pumpkin, melon, sweet pepper, tomatoes, watermelons and zucchini.

If vegetables or fruits are not yet ripe, do not put them in the refrigerator. Peaches, plums, and bananas ripen well in a dark place at room temperature. You should not put watermelon in the refrigerator - recent studies have shown that if it ripens at room temperature, it accumulates much more useful substances– carotenes and antioxidants – than if it is stored in the refrigerator.

Like greens lettuce or spinach blot to remove as much moisture as possible. Wrap them in paper towels, place them in a bag and place them in the vegetable compartment. Keep them away from ethylene-producing apples and tomatoes. Fresh herbs also wrap in paper towels, place in plastic bags and place in a crisper in the refrigerator. Please note that basil, on the contrary, is afraid of the cold, so it must be placed in water and placed in a window closer to the sun.

Useful tricks:

Revive lettuce and greens with an ice bath

If greens that have been stored in the refrigerator have wilted a little, they can be easily revived with an ice bath. Simply place the lettuce or greens in a large bowl of ice water and give it a good shake. In a couple of minutes it will look like it just came from the garden!

Refrigerator will save bananas from overripening

To stop the rapid ripening and subsequent overripening of bananas, it is still better to put them in the refrigerator, contrary to the popular belief that bananas supposedly spoil in the refrigerator. Bananas stored in the refrigerator, even with a brown peel, remain absolutely suitable for consumption; bananas of a similar color, stored outside the refrigerator, as a rule, turn out to be spoiled inside. To prevent banana skins from darkening so quickly in the refrigerator, place them in a plastic bag and tie it tightly.

A hot bath will protect the berries from rotting

If fresh berries you don’t have time to eat quickly, you want them to “live” at least until the next day. One way to prevent fungal spoilage of berries is to give them a hot bath. This “thermotherapy” involves immersing the berries in hot—about 55 degrees—water for 30 seconds, which will kill mold spores and help keep the berries fresh longer. After this “bathing”, the berries should be dried on paper towels and then placed in a storage basket.

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