Desserts      07/31/2023

Homemade tomato juice from tomatoes for the winter. Features of preparing tomato juice for the winter. Traditional recipe without sterilization

Homemade tomato paste, prepared with your own hands, unlike the store-bought counterpart, is healthy because it has retained its taste and aroma. fresh tomatoes. This is a concentrated mass obtained by boiling and rubbing ripe tomatoes, and preserving a lot of useful substances. There are two types of tomato preparation: simple, unsalted paste, and with the addition of salt.

IN different countries The taste of the pasta is different. Italians add hot seasonings to tomatoes - garlic, basil, red pepper, oregano. The Greeks have a milder taste; they strive to preserve the taste of natural tomatoes. In the tomato paste of Caucasians, you can detect the characteristic nutty notes inherent in their cuisine.

How to prepare tomatoes at home

Here are some tips for making your own tomato paste.

  • For harvesting, select the ripest tomatoes, not too juicy and fleshy.
  • If you use your own tomatoes grown on the plot, try to process them on the day of picking; more lycopene, a substance valuable for health, will remain in the vegetables.
  • To spend less time boiling the tomato, be sure to drain the excess juice. If possible, place the mass obtained after grinding into a gauze bag. Hang and let the juice drain naturally.
  • You can grind tomatoes into puree using any available method. Use an electric meat grinder, juicer, blender or regular sieve.

What can be added to the preparation:

Simple pasta is good on its own; made from ripe tomatoes, it will turn out aromatic and tasty. Many housewives use concentrated tomato to restore tomato juice When preparing sauce for spaghetti, pizza, cooking borscht, various spices and herbs are added to the product in advance. Add basil, dill, hot and black pepper, and garlic.

Advice! In an open jar, tomato paste quickly becomes moldy. To avoid wasting any leftovers, once you have used some, smooth out the top. And then sprinkle with salt, or pour vegetable oil.

A simple recipe for tomato paste through a meat grinder

The easiest way to prepare tomatoes at home. It is considered classic because it does not contain any additives.

You will need:

  • Red tomatoes – 10 kg.

How to prepare homemade tomato:

Divide the tomatoes into halves and quarters. Cut out the whitish part from the stalk.

Scroll through a meat grinder, or punch with a blender.

Drain off excess juice. Pass through a sieve, removing seeds and skin.

Place the bowl with the puree on the stove. Over low heat, begin to simmer the contents.

Soon the liquid will begin to evaporate and the paste will begin to thicken. The thicker the tomato, the more often it needs to be stirred.

Boil the mixture to the required thickness. Depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes, this will take up to an hour, sometimes up to 1.5 hours. The product will darken and change color.

Fill the jars and roll them up. Cool upside down under a towel.

The most delicious tomato paste - homemade recipe

According to GOST, tomato contains only tomatoes and salt. A small addition and change in cooking technology can turn ordinary pasta into an amazingly tasty sauce.

You will need:

  • Tomatoes – 4 kg.
  • Salt – 4 large spoons.
  • Olive oil - ½ cup (can be replaced with vegetable oil).

How to preserve for the winter:

  1. Select the tomatoes and wash them. Cut into pieces and place in a saucepan.
  2. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Count the time from the moment of boiling. The pieces will become soft.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. Cool the contents slightly, then chop, rubbing through a sieve or colander.
  4. Add salt to the remaining mixture, add oil and stir.
  5. Pour onto a baking sheet or wide, high-sided pan.
  6. Set to maximum temperature (preferably 300 o C).
  7. Check the oven periodically; if the top begins to darken quickly, lower the temperature. At the same time, stir the mixture. Soon the pulp will thicken.
  8. Simmer the paste for 1 hour, then moderate the heat intensity to 250 o C. Continue evaporating the liquid for another hour and a half.

How to store the workpiece

  1. Place the hot paste into jars, pour a layer of oil on top, and roll under an iron lid.
  2. Pour the tomato into small containers, cool, and place in the freezer. Frozen pasta can be stored for a very long time without losing its taste and quality.

Tomato paste – finger-licking recipe

The spicy paste can be served with meat, cabbage rolls, lasagna, or added to borscht, rassolnik, or kharcho.


  • Tomatoes – 4 kg.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ground coriander, black pepper, cinnamon - a teaspoon each.
  • Clove sticks – 10-12 pcs.
  • Dill, celery leaves, parsley, basil.


  1. Cut out the white area around the stems of the tomatoes. Cut into 4 pieces.
  2. Place in a sieve and place in a pan of boiling water. When the pieces become soft, wipe them into a separate bowl. Do it in several stages, as it is more convenient to blanch in small portions.
  3. After collecting the entire mass, set it to cook. After an hour, add spices and herbs.
  4. Continue cooking until the puree is reduced to a thick paste. Methods for storing workpieces in winter are described above.

Recipe video step-by-step preparation homemade tomato paste from tomatoes for the winter.

Every real housewife should know the secrets of how to cook a tomato for the winter, because for such preparation you need to choose special tomatoes, and in addition spices and other vegetables. The cooking process can last from a few minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the ingredients and consistency, and also on what you want to get as a result. Let's look at the rules for choosing tomatoes for juice, recommendations for preparing them, and the best proven sauce recipes for the winter.

How to choose tomatoes for cooking

There are few selection rules. They are simple, but the result depends on compliance. So let's begin:

  • Depending on what consistency of juice is desired, it is worth selecting the varieties of tomatoes. If you take the “Bull’s Heart” variety, the drink for the winter will turn out to be very thick and rich. And the Tsar Bell tomato variety will give a lot of water, so the juice will be liquid, like apple juice.
  • Even the ripest vegetables are suitable for cooking tomatoes. Slightly soft, crushed, overripe ones will also be ideal for sauces.
  • Green tomato fruits should not be used for juice, as they will spoil the color of the product and its taste. Unripe vegetables do not provide much water, so their use is not advisable.
  • The format of tomatoes for making juice does not matter. These can be small cherries, medium cream or large fruits. They will still be cut into pieces during cooking.
  • Tomatoes grown in the open sun in garden beds are considered ideal for making tomato juice. Fruits that ripen in greenhouses do not have a large volume of water for such preparation and have a noticeable sourness.

What kind of container to cook tomatoes in?

A caring housewife will definitely ask herself the question: is it possible to cook a tomato in an aluminum pan? There is no definite answer here: if utensils made of such material are used for 1-3 hours, then oxidation will not occur, but if the juice is infused and then only boiled, then it is better to choose other types of utensils. No chemical processes occur in an iron, enameled or cast iron pan, so they are recommended for cooking tomatoes. Here is a list of utensils that may be needed for cooking tomatoes:

  • Juicer for quickly removing the pulp and veins of tomatoes from the juice.
  • A saucepan or large deep bowl for cooking juice.
  • Colander or sieve (for straining the sauce after cooking, if a juicer was not used before).
  • Storage containers (jars with screws or tin lids).
  • A scoop or large mug for pouring tomato juice into jars.
  • Seaming key (if classic tin lids for jars are used).

How long to cook the sauce for the winter

To understand how many minutes you need to cook the juice until it is ready, it is worth analyzing the entire cooking process. If heat treatment will be made with vegetables for the first time, it can last up to 1 hour, but in classic versions, after boiling, you need to wait 5-15 minutes and pour the juice into jars. If the cooking takes place a second time (at the first stage, pieces of tomatoes were boiled, then they were rubbed through a sieve and put on the stove again), then 2-5 minutes will be enough to boil the dish and place it in containers.

Recipes for making tomato paste at home with photos

To understand how to cook tomatoes for the winter, you should consider several recipe options and choose the most suitable one for yourself. The difference lies not only in the process of obtaining the juice, but also in the additives that are added to the drink or sauce. Let's look at a few classic recipes and unusual ways of preparing tomatoes for the winter. All the options considered are proven, so they are easy to use independently even for beginners.

Tomato paste on the stove

If you don’t use a juicer to prepare tomato juice, the process will take a little longer, but you won’t have to wash a lot of dishes and waste electricity. The task is to cut the vegetables into large pieces, boil them a little and rub through a sieve. This method helps to obtain a thick tomato with a small amount of grains and pulp. Let's consider a simple proven recipe for the dish.


  • Ripe red tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Sweet red pepper – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, sugar - according to tomato varieties and taste preferences.
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaf.


  1. Rinse all the tomatoes under running water and remove excess water.
  2. Do the same with pepper.
  3. In a large (preferably cast iron) container, cut the tomatoes into large pieces, cutting out the roots and veins.
  4. Along with the tomatoes, cut into small pieces sweet pepper meaty varieties.
  5. Place the bowl with chopped vegetables on the stove over low heat, and when a little liquid appears at the bottom, increase the power of the burner.
  6. After the fruits have boiled for up to 5 minutes, they should be set aside and cooled to room temperature.
  7. Through a sieve or colander, strain the boiled tomatoes and peppers, crushing them with a spoon or silicone spatula. Excess skins and veins should be removed.
  8. The resulting paste must be salted, sugar, spices and a few leaves of bay pepper must be added. Put it all on the stove, boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour it into jars and roll up the lids.
  9. This tomato paste can be stored for 1 to 5 years in a cool, dark place.

Homemade tomato for the winter, just like fresh

There's nothing better in winter than homemade tomato juice. This dish is allowed to be consumed as an independent unit or added to borscht, cabbage, soups or other types of food. In order for homemade tomato juice to turn out as fresh, you need to add a minimum of spices and additional vegetables to it, but to increase the shelf life, it is worth cooking well. Let's consider quick recipe such a blank.


  • Red tomatoes of fleshy varieties - 3 kg.
  • Parsley, dill - a few fresh sprigs.
  • Salt, pepper, white sugar - according to taste preferences.


  1. Rinse vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Dry them in a colander or with paper towels.
  3. Cut out the inner root of the tomatoes and run the vegetables through a juicer.
  4. Pour all the resulting juice into a large enamel container.
  5. Place the liquid on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Add sugar, salt, ground pepper, constantly trying the future dish. You shouldn’t put too many spices, it will enhance the taste, but it will lose its naturalness.
  7. Place parsley and dill leaves into boiling liquid.
  8. Boil the juice until the sugar finishes melting. The total amount of time the tomato simmers should be about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Pour the liquid into sterilized jars and seal the tin lids very tightly.

Pepper Bulgarian tomato without sterilization

Sweet bell peppers are often added to tomato juice. This addition gives an unusual taste and makes the consistency thicker. Peppers can be placed cut into pieces, whole or grated through a grater or blender. Let's consider a simple recipe for tomato juice with other vegetables and fruits, which will certainly be appreciated by all household members and guests.


  • Red and yellow tomatoes – 3 kg in total.
  • Bell pepper – 1.5 kg.
  • Plum with a well-separable pit - 0.5 kg.
  • Sour apples – 300 g.
  • Sugar, salt - according to tastes.


  1. Rinse all vegetables and fruits under clean water. Leave them for a few minutes to drain off excess water.
  2. Peel the pepper, cut into quarters, place in a large cauldron, where the whole dish will be cooked.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into the bell pepper.
  4. Peel plums and apples, pass through a juicer, add this liquid to the main tomato juice.
  5. Immediately put a little salt, sugar, and spices if you want.
  6. Bring tomato juice to a boil, stir it, taste.
  7. Adjust the dish according to your own taste (add salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar).
  8. Boil the tomato for 5-10 minutes and pour into glass jars. Bon appetit in winter!

Tomato juice recipe

A good housewife knows that making tomato juice takes a lot of time. But how to cook tomatoes for the winter using new kitchen appliances? Such devices make it possible to simplify the cooking process and even reduce the creation time. great dish. Let's consider step by step recipes tomato juice in a slow cooker and pressure cooker for preparing for the winter.

In a slow cooker

To quickly prepare delicious tomato juice at home, you should use a slow cooker. This popular device will help you by asking you not to stand at the stove for a long time, but to start the equipment and go somewhere else to attend to your issues. In addition, there is no risk that the contents of the pan will leak, boil over or burn. Let's give great recipe rich tomato juice in a slow cooker.


  • Cherry tomatoes or other small varieties of tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Ripe pear – 300 g.
  • Sour apple – 300 g.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, allspice, salt, sugar - according to taste.

Preparing tomato juice in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse all fruits and vegetables.
  2. Separate the excess parts from them: tails, veins, seeds, core.
  3. Using a juicer, chop tomatoes, pears, and apples.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl and add spices.
  5. Turn on the “Cooking” mode for 30 minutes and wait for cooking.
  6. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars in a water bath and prepare the lids.
  7. When the multicooker announces the end of the program, pour the tomato juice into containers and close tightly.

In a steamer

The main advantage of a double boiler is that it allows you not only to quickly cook food, but to do it while preserving all possible vitamins and minerals. Tomato juice, adjika, sauce or other product prepared in a double boiler has the best taste and is most beneficial for the body. We'll tell you perfect recipe tomato dishes.


  • Red tomatoes – 2.5 kg.
  • Yellow tomatoes– 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes “Black Prince” - 0.5 kg.
  • Parsley, dill, basil.
  • Salt, sugar and pepper - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash and dry all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Peel the ends of the tomatoes, cut each of them into 2 parts.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer, setting the appropriate mode to obtain juice with the maximum amount of pulp.
  4. Add greens to the liquid.
  5. Place everything in a double boiler and bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from heat, open the lid slightly, add spices.
  7. Boil the juice in a double boiler for another 5 minutes and pour into jars.

Video recipe: how to twist a tomato for the winter

So that beginners don’t have any questions about creating the perfect tomato dish, they should watch training videos. In such materials, famous and popular chefs advise how to choose the right vegetables, how to process them, and what additional ingredients to add to the juice. Here is a short video that demonstrates the correct approaches to growing tomatoes for the winter.

Tomato paste– an indispensable component of many dishes. But if in the summer it can be replaced with fresh tomatoes, then in the winter housewives have to go to the store and make a purchase. Knowing the recipes for making tomato paste at home, you can make a delicious preparation for the winter without containing artificial thickeners, flavors and preservatives.

Technological secrets

To ensure that homemade tomato paste is always of high quality, housewives must know several manufacturing secrets. The concept of “quality” implies obtaining a thick, homogeneous mass without residues of skin, seeds and foreign impurities. The finished product must be stored properly at room temperature.

How to achieve these goals:

  • Use fleshy August tomatoes with sufficient ripeness. Juicy vegetables are not suitable for pasta; it is better to use “cream”.
  • Grind the vegetables with a blender or meat grinder, first removing the seeds and removing the skins. Alternatively, you can rub boiled tomato slices through a sieve or pass the fruits through a juicer equipped with a special attachment.
  • For good thickening vegetable puree Boil the pulp in a saucepan with continuous stirring. The volume should decrease by 4 times. You can boil the product in a slow cooker or oven. If you use the oven, do this: place the mixture on a baking sheet and let the excess liquid evaporate in a hot oven for 90 - 120 minutes.
  • Sterilize lids and small jars.

If the recipe for homemade tomato paste does not indicate a specific method for chopping tomato pulp and evaporating excess moisture, housewives are not prohibited from using any methods that are less labor-intensive.

Classic recipe

The familiar tomato paste at home with classic version preparation requires several ingredients:

Let us describe in detail how to make tomato paste. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut out spoiled and unripe areas. The raw materials are cut in half and placed in an enamel pan, add onion and half a glass of water. The dishes are closed and placed on the stove. As soon as the mass boils, reduce the fire and set for 30 minutes. Primary processing makes vegetables more amenable to mashing.

The mass obtained from the tomato is cooled and rubbed through a sieve, then boiled 3-5 times over very low heat. While tomato paste is being produced at home, the composition is continuously stirred to avoid burning. At the end, add spices and garlic gruel and let the semi-finished product boil for several minutes. If tomato paste is intended for the winter, it is sealed in sterile jars.

Multicooker recipe

Did you know that tomato paste is made much faster in a slow cooker than in a conventional oven? This amazing device fully replaces a saucepan, steamer, pressure cooker and bread maker. If you intend to prepare a large amount of pasta for future use, a multicooker will significantly save time and save you from standing at the stove for a long time.

What components will be needed:

How to prepare tomato paste in a slow cooker:

  1. Vegetables are cleaned of dirt and defective areas.
  2. The raw materials are processed with a blender or manually grated. You can leave the bones.
  3. The mass is sprinkled with sugar and salt and mixed.
  4. The composition is supplemented with vinegar and oil.
  5. A few spices are added as desired (ground pepper will do).
  6. The workpiece is mixed again and placed in a multicooker for 1 hour.

The appliance is set to the “Quenching” mode and the contents are stirred periodically. The finished product is rolled into jars.

Tomato paste recipe for beginner housewives

If you don’t have much experience in cooking, you can still make your own tomato paste if you master the simplest recipe for making it. This two-component composition is 5 kg of tomato and 100 g of salt.

How to prepare tomato paste at home (the recipe is very simple, for beginners):

This method is good because in the absence of spices, the preparation can be added to any dish. Fans of spicy dressings should figure out how to prepare tomato paste at home for more complex technology. We will describe it below.

Tomato paste with spices: recipe for the oven

If you don’t have a multicooker, a conventional oven can replace it. Now we will master the production of tomato paste with spices and get a delicious, aromatic version using the oven.

List of ingredients:

If you have already made tomato paste in the classic way, then immediately process the vegetables and place them in a wide sieve. Place the sieve itself over a pan of boiling water and cook the mixture in this form for 10 minutes. To ensure that the raw material undergoes steam treatment well, divide it into several portions.

Continue preparing the tomato paste by grinding the softened tomatoes through a sieve. Then salt the mixture, pour into a tall saucepan and place in a hot oven (t = 200°C). The dish should be cooked in the oven for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Once it reaches the desired consistency, add spices and a bouquet of aromatic herbs.

Simmer the mixture for another half hour and remove the greens. Pour the paste made from tomatoes into jars and roll up.

Tomatoes have been and remain the favorite vegetable crop of many people. In addition to fresh consumption, tomatoes are used to make pickles and various snacks. Homemade tomato paste is one of the most the best preparations, which is always useful in the kitchen.

In the future, you can prepare delicious gravy and sauces from it, add it as a dressing to borscht, and grease pizza dough. You can prepare tomato paste within a couple of hours, and the cooking process itself is simple.

The main advantage homemade pasta is its naturalness. Unlike a similar product bought in a store, homemade tomato paste does not contain taste stabilizers, thickeners or harmful preservatives. You can be confident in its quality and usefulness, because in addition to taste, the product contains sodium, magnesium, iodine, sulfur, vitamins of almost all groups and other microelements.

Before making tomato paste, you must adhere to the following rules:

Using fleshy tomatoes

In such varieties, the pulp boils well, and the skin is easy to separate. Fleshy varieties include Bull's Heart, Pink Honey, Pinky Lady, Mikado, Pink Rise. Almost all meat tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse;

Ripe fruits

The most ideal option for preparation is to use already overripe fruits. They have a beautiful color and rich taste;

Volume and preparation of containers

The shelf life of the finished product is most influenced by the cleanliness of the container. Glass jars with lids are used to store the workpieces. There is no need to use large-volume jars; containers of 0.2, 0.5 liters are quite suitable. It is convenient to store such a jar in the refrigerator, and its contents will quickly be used up and will not linger. It is advisable to sterilize the jars in the oven or steam for disinfection before cooking. However, there are preservation methods that exclude sterilization;

Using spices

In addition to salt and pepper, you can add rosemary and red pepper, paprika, dried garlic, basil, a mixture of Italian spices;

Proper storage

The finished product is stored at a low temperature of 10-16 degrees Celsius. You can store jars in the basement or refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade tomato paste is one year. Open jar Stores in the refrigerator for up to one month.


Of the variety of recipes, only the most delicious and simple ways preparations. Each recipe produces pasta that is incredibly sweet and juicy.

Classic way

The most common preparation option. Cooking time takes 1 hour 40 minutes. The finished product is suitable for seasoning soups and meat dishes.

You will need:

  • 3 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. 6% vinegar;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • ½ glass of water.

The stems and spoiled areas or dents are cut out of the fruit, and then cut in half and placed in a deep pan. Finely chop the onion or grate it and add it to the tomatoes. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes until the tomatoes are softened. Then the cooled mass is discarded in a colander or sieve and ground into a container. The skins remain in the colander; they will no longer be needed. The remaining mass in the container is again transferred to the pan and boiled for another half hour until it thickens. Vinegar, salt and pepper, and sugar are added to the thick mixture. Everything is mixed and poured into sterilized jars. Cover the jars with a lid, place in a saucepan with water and boil for 15 minutes. Then remove, close the lids tightly and turn over until cool. The container is removed for storage.

Fast way

In order not to waste time separating the tomato pulp from the skin, you can pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Cooking time: 80-90 minutes.


  • 2 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • peppercorns;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • salt, tsp

Peeled tomatoes, onions and garlic are ground in a meat grinder and placed in a saucepan. Place the pan on the stove, turn on the heat and evaporate excess moisture until the volume of the contents is reduced by 3 times. The consistency of the finished product should become thick. Sugar, salt and pepper are mixed into the prepared tomato paste and poured into a container, then after 5 minutes, close the jar with a lid and cover with a warm blanket until it cools.

Without vinegar

Since vinegar adds extra sourness to tomato paste, not everyone likes it. You don’t have to add the ingredient, but use rock salt for preservation. Just like vinegar, it is a natural preservative, and the product will not spoil for a long time.


  • fresh tomatoes, 2 kilograms;
  • 2 tbsp. rock salt;
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • cinnamon, tsp;
  • 5-6 carnation flowers;
  • ½ tsp. coriander;
  • ½ glass of water.

The tomatoes are cut into quarters and placed in a saucepan. Pour water into the pan, place the mixture on medium heat. Boil for 15 minutes, after which the pulp is separated from the skin in a colander. The liquid mixture is brought to a boil again, spices and sugar are added. When the paste thickens and its color turns a beautiful dark red, stop heating. The hot paste is packaged in jars, then the jars are sterilized.

Using a blender

A blender is a great helper in the kitchen. With its help you can prepare an excellent preparation. The blender crushes tomatoes in a matter of seconds, turning the fleshy pulp into puree.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of red tomatoes;
  • 2 tsp 9% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • tbsp paprika;
  • 3-4 black peppercorns;
  • salt as desired.

Grind the tomatoes with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained and leave it to heat. Add spices and sugar to the hot mixture and evaporate the paste for one hour. The thick mass is allowed to cool slightly and then distributed into jars. The container with the paste is placed in hot water to sterilize for 10-15 minutes. After the time has passed, the jars are removed from the boiling water, the lids are rolled up and turned over, and the top is covered with a warm cloth. In this way, they are kept until completely cooled, and then put into the basement or refrigerator.

In a slow cooker

You can use a slow cooker to prepare tomato paste. It is easy to use, and the finished product is juicy and aromatic.


  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • tbsp 9% vinegar;
  • tbsp Sahara;
  • tsp salt;
  • black pepper optional;
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil.

Grind tomatoes with onions and garlic in a blender. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker container and turn on the heat. When the oil is hot, add the crushed mass to it and cover with a lid. Cook the paste for an hour, stirring occasionally. At the end, add sugar and salt, as well as pepper. After cooling, the paste is ready for use.

In the oven

In the oven, with long simmering, the taste of the tomato mass becomes more intense. Many housewives take advantage of this property and enjoy cooking pasta in the oven.

You will need:

  • tomatoes, 1.5 kilograms;
  • vinegar 6%, 1 tbsp;
  • salt, ½ tsp;
  • sugar, tbsp;
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and pour the resulting porridge into a heat-resistant container greased with vegetable oil. Turn on the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees and place a container in it. Simmer the contents for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. After the time has passed, take out the container and sprinkle salt and sugar into the mixture, add vinegar. Place in the oven for another 6-9 minutes, and then the hot product is poured into jars, and then the workpiece is sterilized in boiling water.

Without sterilization

Sterilization does not need to be carried out, but the shelf life is not reduced. It is enough to use more vinegar according to the recipe, and the preparation will last a long time in the refrigerator.


  • tomatoes, 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of red pepper.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender until mushy, pour into a saucepan and heat for 10-15 minutes. Then add sugar and salt, pepper to the mixture and boil the contents for another half hour. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and quickly pour the paste into jars. Banks are washed with soda in advance. Cover the container with a lid and allow to cool completely. Without sterilization, tomato paste can be stored for up to a year.

The resulting product perfectly complements meat and fish dishes. Tomato paste can be served with spaghetti as a sauce. It can replace ready-made ketchup and concentrated juices. Natural product Not only does it taste great, but it has many benefits for the human body.