Beverages      01/16/2022

Bilberry flowers useful properties. Berry-doctor blueberry: useful properties and contraindications, advice on selection, storage and use. Methods of application in traditional medicine

Here are nine scientifically proven health benefits of blueberries.

1. Rich in Nutrients

Like most berries, blueberries are a nutrient-dense fruit.

Blueberries have a similar nutrient profile to blueberries ().

Accordingly, blueberries can be expected to contain about 85 calories, 15 grams of naturally occurring sugar, and 4 grams of fiber per 150-gram serving.


Blueberries are relatively low in calories but are a good source of water, fiber, manganese, and vitamins C and K.

2. Contains Beneficial Plant Compounds

Blueberries contain vitamin C and phenolic acids, and are a particularly good source of anthocyanins, powerful flavonoid antioxidants that give red, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables their characteristic color ( , ).

It is believed that it is thanks to the anthocyanins contained in blueberries that this berry is so beneficial for the health of women and men.


Berries are one of the best dietary sources of antioxidants. Blueberries are a particularly good source of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants likely responsible for their health benefits.

3. May Improve Vision

Blueberries are most popular for their ability to improve eyesight, especially night vision.

Several small studies have investigated the effect of these berries on night vision, but concluded that this property is not supported by strong evidence ().

However, blueberries may benefit your eyesight in other ways.

One 2-year study in people with glaucoma, a disease that leads to gradual loss of vision, showed that daily intake of 120 mg of blueberry anthocyanins improved visual function by about 30%, while visual function worsened in the placebo group ().

Other studies show that taking 160–480 mg of blueberry extract powder daily can reduce dry eyes and other symptoms of eye fatigue associated with computer work ( , , ).

However, more research is needed to confirm these beneficial properties.


Blueberries can improve eyesight in people with glaucoma and reduce eye fatigue and dryness in people who work with computers. However, more research is needed in this area.

4. May Reduce Inflammation

Blueberries can help fight inflammation, which is thought to be the root cause of many diseases.

This effect may be partly due to the anthocyanins it contains, which are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties ().

In one 3-week study, people taking a daily supplement containing 300 mg of blueberry anthocyanins experienced a 38–60% reduction in inflammatory markers compared to a 4–6% reduction in the placebo group ().

What's more, a small 4-week study found that drinking 330 ml of blueberry juice daily significantly reduced markers of inflammation compared to placebo ().

However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.


Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that can reduce markers of inflammation.

5. May Lower Blood Sugar

Blueberries are a popular herbal remedy used to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes ().

Experts believe that berries prevent the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, similar to some drugs that lower blood sugar levels ().

Animal studies show that the anthocyanins in blueberries can also stimulate the secretion of insulin, the hormone needed to move sugar from the blood into your cells ().

One study reported that blueberry extract lowered blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes more effectively than placebo. This amount of extract is the equivalent of 50 grams of fresh blueberries ().

Another 8-week study showed that a diet enriched with fresh blueberries increased insulin secretion in adults with metabolic syndrome, a group of conditions that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease ().

However, more human studies are needed before conclusions can be drawn.


Blueberries can stimulate insulin secretion and prevent the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestines, which can help lower blood sugar levels. However, more human studies are needed.

6. May Improve Heart Health

Blueberries can benefit your heart.

This may be partly due to the fact that it is rich in vitamin K, which helps prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke ().

Test-tube studies also show that the specific blend of anthocyanins in blueberries can help lower blood pressure ().

In one 8-week study, 35 people who took a daily blend of different berries, including blueberries, experienced improvements in platelet function, blood pressure, and HDL (good) cholesterol levels - markers associated with a healthier heart ().

In another 12-week study, people taking 320mg of blackcurrant and blueberry anthocyanins daily experienced an 11% increase in HDL (good) cholesterol as well as a 14% decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol, compared with less than a 1% decrease in placebo group ().

However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.


Blueberries can help lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and protect you from blood clots, thereby improving your heart health. However, more human studies are needed.

7–9. Other Potential Benefits

Blueberries may also have the following beneficial properties:

  1. May improve brain function. Taking powdered blueberry supplements has been linked to improved long-term and working memory in older adults ().
  2. Can kill bacteria. Test-tube studies show that blueberries may have antimicrobial effects against potentially harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus ( , ).
  3. May relieve symptoms of ulcerative colitis (UC). A 13-person study found that taking a daily blueberry supplement reduced chronic inflammation of the colon and rectum in people with UC ().

Keep in mind that these studies were small and some lacked a placebo group, making it difficult to determine if blueberry supplements are causing the positive effects. Therefore, additional research is needed.


Blueberries may improve learning and memory in older adults, fight certain bacteria, and reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

How to include blueberries in your diet

There are many ways to include blueberries in your diet.

It has a similar but slightly more intense flavor than blueberries. You can eat them fresh or dried, on their own, or as part of any recipe that might include blueberries.

For example, blueberries are a great addition to pancakes, muffins, and other baked goods. You can also include it in smoothies, oatmeal, salads, and yogurts.

In addition, it can be used to make jam, or you can simply mash it with a fork for a quick spread on bread.

Blueberry supplements are an alternative way to include this fruit in your diet. They can be found as drops or as powdered tablets or capsules in health stores and online.

However, fresh berries may be more beneficial, as they likely provide many other nutrients that most supplements don't have.


Fresh and dried blueberries can be eaten separately or included in a variety of recipes. Blueberries can also be found in powdered and liquid supplements.

Effective dosages and contraindications

Blueberries are considered safe for most people when consumed in normal amounts.

However, the high doses found in some supplements can cause problems, especially when taken long-term ().

Blueberries may increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications. It can also cause blood sugar levels to drop in people taking blood sugar-lowering drugs.

Blueberry supplements may not be safe for children and for pregnant and breastfeeding women. They can also interact with certain medications, so be sure to check with your doctor before adding them to your diet.

Although blueberry leaf tea is sometimes used as an herbal remedy, the leaves are considered poisonous and experts do not recommend them for this use ().

The limited number of studies and large differences in dosage make it difficult to determine the most effective dose. However, most human studies have used anywhere from 50 grams of fresh blueberries to 500 mg of blueberry supplements.


Fresh blueberries are generally considered safe, but high doses in some supplements can cause problems. Children, adults taking certain medications, and pregnant and breastfeeding women may need to avoid blueberry supplements.


  • Blueberries are small blue berries that are rich in many nutrients and beneficial compounds.
  • It has been linked to reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, as well as improved vision and heart health. It can even improve brain function, fight bacteria, and reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
  • As with most berries, blueberries are a healthy addition to your diet.


Of all the wild berries, blueberries are the hardest to pick. It does not grow in sunny glades, like strawberries, but in the most gloomy corners into which the sun's rays do not penetrate. However, people do not pay attention to these inconveniences and rush into the forests every summer to collect fruits from a low-growing shrub. Blueberries are harvested for the winter - beneficial features and contraindications are already known to everyone, not only berries, but also leaves and shoots, because they contain the main medicinal properties for the human body. There are a lot of plant recipes.

What is blueberry

A perennial deciduous slow-growing bush of blueberries (chernegi, blueberries, blueberries) belongs to the genus Vaccinium of the Vereskov family. It grows up to 60 centimeters high. Flowering lasts from May to June, and the berries ripen in July-August. The plant begins to bear fruit from the second year. At first, a small number of large berries appear on the bush, but over time they become many, but already smaller. Fresh fruits are low in calories: 100 grams contain only 57 calories.

Where does it grow

Blueberries do not grow in the southern hemisphere. Residents of hot eastern countries are not familiar with this plant either. The only place on the planet where you can find large blueberry plantations is the northern hemisphere. In the North, it is easy to see thickets of shrubs that stretch for tens of kilometers. Blueberries grow in well-moistened marshy places, in coniferous or mixed forests. The largest berry plantations are located in Russia.

What does it look like

In ordinary forests, the height of a blueberry bush reaches 20-35 centimeters, but near a swamp, a plant can grow up to half a meter. The berries there are also juicier and larger. The stems of the shrub are straight branching, and the leaves are thin, smooth, finely serrated. Small flowers of the plant have a white-greenish color with a pink tint. Blueberry fruits are a blue-black berry similar in shape to a small ball. Inside it is purple-red in color with numerous seeds.

Useful properties of blueberries

The plant is rich in antioxidants that help fight stress. The use of berries, due to the neutralization of free radicals, slows down the aging process of the body, is the prevention of cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack. The vitamin composition of the plant is represented by ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, PP group, B.

  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.


They are famous for their bactericidal properties due to the fact that they contain vitamin C in large quantities. The use of preparations containing blueberry leaf helps to get rid of heartburn, relieves stomach cramps, and increases the acidity of gastric juice. Blueberry leaves have useful anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic properties, therefore they are effective in kidney and liver diseases. Decoctions are used for infections of the oral cavity - stomatitis, periodontal disease. Blueberry leaves can do one harm to the body - cause allergic reactions.


For treatment, fresh, frozen or dried blueberries are used, if there are no contraindications. The presence of useful tannins in them has an anti-inflammatory effect. Frozen berries are indispensable in winter in the treatment of sore throats and for the prevention of colds. When frozen, blueberries do not lose their beneficial properties, having a beneficial effect on the immune system and the digestive system. It is used for indigestion, diseases of the pancreas, liver. Dried berries have a diuretic effect, so they are used for urolithiasis.


What blueberries are good for the body has been known for a long time, but not all people know that the shoots of the plant also have anti-inflammatory properties. If there are no contraindications, they are used in diabetes due to the ability to lower glucose levels. Blueberry shoots collect toxins and salts of heavy metals, remove toxins from the body, which helps to eliminate inflammatory reactions in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Young elements of the plant are used for degeneration of the retina, so the use of tea from blueberry shoots improves vision.

Folk recipes with blueberries

Due to the presence of valuable trace elements, blueberries are used during the diet, used in cosmetology and cooking. It helps to cope with tumors, strengthens blood vessels, improves metabolism in the process of losing weight. Rejuvenating berry in folk medicine is used to treat rheumatism, burns, hemorrhoids, cough, and other pathologies. In gynecological practice, douching is carried out with an infusion of shoots or leaves of a plant. Blueberry antioxidants help to cope with anemia, control blood pressure.

For vision

The benefit of blueberries for the eyes is that its components improve vision with myopia. Use for the treatment of infusions, freshly squeezed juice, jam. How blueberries are prepared and used for vision:

  1. A decoction of dried berries. Pour 200 g of blueberries with ½ cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then drink half a glass of a medicinal drink 2-3 times a day until vision improves.
  2. Drops from fresh blueberries. Squeeze juice from several fresh berries, dilute with water 1:2, instill both eyes daily, if there are no contraindications.

With gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa imposes certain restrictions on the diet. Plant secretin, which is found in blueberries, helps to normalize the digestion process. A rich complex of minerals and vitamins promotes the regeneration of cells in the walls of the stomach, preventing their destruction. How to take blueberries for gastritis:

  1. Blueberry wine. Increases the level of acidity. To prepare, you need to take half a glass of berries, rinse, pour 100 ml of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add 1 glass of homemade grape wine, hold for another 10 minutes on fire. The tool is taken three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals 30 minutes.
  2. A decoction of dried leaves. For cooking, you need to pour 60 g of crushed raw materials with a liter of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. It is necessary to take a drink for half a glass before each meal.

From hemorrhoids

If we compare the benefits and harms of blueberries, then we must take into account that there are very few contraindications, and the healing properties of the berry cannot be counted. For example, dry leaves of the plant are widely used for hemorrhoids. And compresses are made from berries, which are applied to hemorrhoids. Folk recipes for hemorrhoids:

  1. Enemas from blueberry broth. Steam a couple of tablespoons of chopped dry leaves in a glass of boiling water, boil for 25 minutes. After the broth, strain, add boiling water to the edge of the glass and divide into 4 procedures.
  2. Sitting baths. In a sealed container, boil for 20 minutes 20 grams of dry or fresh berries, then squeeze, strain. The temperature of the decoction should not exceed 60°C. Baths should be taken until the water cools down.

From impotence

With sexual impotence, blueberries will also help. This dietary product effectively fights kidney and genitourinary diseases that provoke erectile dysfunction in men. Recipes for impotence:

  1. Blueberry tea. For its preparation, both berries and leaves of the plant are used. A richer and brighter taste can be obtained from young shoots. The plant is brewed and drunk for impotence, like regular tea.
  2. Blueberry juice. It is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice without sugar every morning. A natural drink for impotence is drunk on an empty stomach chilled.

For sore throat

Blueberries are very useful for children. Especially during a sore throat or severe cough. As a rule, along with drug treatment, doctors for throat diseases prescribe drugs such as Blueberry Forte or others containing blueberry extract. Recipes recommended by traditional medicine:

  1. Infusion. One st. l. crushed fresh berries should be poured with boiling water (250 ml), let it brew. Drink a drink in two doses every day until the symptoms disappear. When treating a cold, you can make the infusion more concentrated.
  2. Gargling. A thick blueberry decoction should be used not only for oral administration, but also for rinsing the mouth. This should be done as often as possible during the day to get rid of inflammatory processes.

For skin diseases

The plant is effective in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Especially the plant saves pregnant women, who are forbidden to use many medicines while carrying a child. The plant has many useful properties that are not lost when used externally:

  1. Compresses. Pour dried berries with water in a ratio of 1:5, cook until half of the liquid boils away. The mixture should be cooled, put on gauze, then used on the affected areas of the skin in the form of a compress, if there are no contraindications from the doctor.
  2. Puree. Instead of a decoction, you can use freshly squeezed mashed potatoes. The berries should be mashed, put on a gauze bandage, which must be changed several times a day.

From pressure

Organic acids, proteins and monosaccharides contained in blueberry fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The following recipes will help normalize blood pressure:

  1. Infusion. With hypertension, it is useful to drink blueberry infusion at a dose of one glass per day. To prepare it, 4 teaspoons of fruit should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then insisted for 8 hours.
  2. Morse. To prepare the drink, you will need 200 g of fresh berries, 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Blueberry fruits must be wiped, poured with water, boiled for 7 minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat, filter and add sugar. You need to drink mors daily for 2 glasses.

For diarrhea and constipation

Blueberries contain a plethora of nutrients that help normalize any stomach upsets. Recipes:

  1. From constipation. Berries are famous for their ability to remove toxins and act as a mild laxative, so for constipation, they are best consumed fresh. You can get rid of the problem by eating 100 g per day.
  2. From diarrhea. An excellent remedy for diarrhea is blueberry jelly. You can prepare it from 200 g of berries, 200 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. starch and 2.5 liters of water. You need to drink jelly 3-4 times a day in small portions.


In some cases, it is impossible to use the plant as a medicine. Contraindications for use:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the plant;
  • if the baby has allergies during breastfeeding;
  • with caution in the treatment of the liver and pancreas;
  • with the combined use of drugs that thin the blood (may cause bleeding).


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Blueberries have not only a beautiful appearance and good taste, but also a lot of useful properties for the human body and all its systems.

This is due to the fact that a small inconspicuous berry is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a person, especially in the cold season or during illness. Berries and blueberry leaves have long been used in the field of medicine, cosmetology and nutrition.

What vitamins do blueberries contain?

100 grams of blueberries contain:

water component85 g;
carbohydrates12.3 g;
squirrels0.75 g;
fiber (dietary fiber)2.6 g;
ash0.26 g;
vitamin a (beta-carotene)33 mcg;
vitamin C9.8 µg;
vitamin e (tocopherol)0.59 µg;
vitamin pp (niacin, vitamin B3)0.420 µg;
thiamine (vitamin B1)0.039 mcg;
riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.042 mg;
pyridoxine (vitamin B6)0.07 mg;
vitamin b9 (folic acid)0.6 mg;
phylloquinone (vitamin K)0.20 mg;
vitamin B4 (choline)7 mg;
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0.126 mg;
sodium0.2 gr;
calcium7 mg;
phosphorus13 mg;
magnesium7 mg;
potassium76 mg;
copper0.56 mg;
selenium0.2 μg;
zinc17 mcg;
iron29 mcg;
manganese0.37 mg.

100 grams of blueberries contain 58 kcal.

Useful properties of blueberries

The usefulness of blueberries for the body is difficult to overestimate, because they have a lot of useful properties, and also have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Do blueberries grow in your area?


Blueberries are a treasure trove useful substances with an antioxidant effect, which are able to remove free radicals from the body, as well as accumulated toxic substances and toxins. The fruits not only remove all the muck from the body, but also eliminate the consequences of their long stay inside a person.

Of the beneficial properties of delicious berries, it can be noted:

  • Rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin, prevention of premature aging of the skin;
  • Regeneration of the cornea of ​​the eye after damage;
  • Improving immunity and protective functions of the body;
  • Improving concentration and memory;
  • Prevention of diabetes mellitus and relief of its symptoms;
  • Cleansing the body of harmful substances and radicals;
  • Prevention of cancer and diseases of the heart muscle;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • Removal of cholesterol from blood vessels, prevention of its accumulation in the future;
  • Normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Relief of the condition with hemorrhoids, stopping bleeding in the hemorrhoids, easing the pain syndrome;
  • Prevention of eye diseases, including cataracts;
  • Improving blood circulation and blood clotting;
  • Prevention of varicose diseases;
  • Fight against intestinal infections and viruses of various etiologies;
  • Inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Normalization of kidney function, stabilization of creatinine levels;
  • Blueberries contribute to the burning of subcutaneous fat and weight loss, this effect is achieved due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Medicinal properties of blueberries

plant fruits

In addition to all its beneficial properties, blueberries also have medicinal properties, such as:

  • Removal of inflammatory processes of the outer shell of the eyes, contributing to the reduction and resorption of blood clots;
  • Blueberry berries and leaves, consumed in any form, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and on the genitourinary system as a whole;

Important! Regular consumption of blueberries has a good effect on the male reproductive system, improves blood flow to the genitals and helps reduce the risk of premature ejaculation. Given such a useful property of blueberries, we can safely call it a lifesaver for those who experience difficulties in the sexual sphere.

blueberry leaves

Medicinal properties are possessed not only by blueberries, but also by its leaves. A decoction of blueberry leaves is used to treat and heal purulent wounds and skin diseases. Enemas with an infusion of blueberry leaves are used in medicine to stop bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids and relieve pain symptoms. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of dry leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, strain, cool and add the infusion to the washing solution.

Also, leafy infusions are used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the bladder. The infusion is consumed 2-3 cups a day until the sensation of dehydration is completely eliminated. If there is thirst and frequent trips to the toilet, start drinking the infusion again.

Leafy blueberry infusion is used to treat wounds and skin lesions. To do this, you will need 2 teaspoons of dried leaves. Pour them with 180 ml of boiling water, put on fire for 20 minutes, strain, cool and use as directed.

A decoction for rinsing the mouth is prepared according to the same principle as above. Rinse must be done in the morning and evening.

When diabetic symptoms appear in the early stages of the disease, blueberry leaves also come to the rescue. They are brewed, defended and taken 3 times a day, 180 ml at a time, in small sips.

Features of use


If the child is familiar with blueberries since breastfeeding, and allergic reactions was not observed - it can be given at an older age, it will bring many useful substances to the child's body.

Due to the high percentage of calcium in blueberries, it will have a beneficial effect on the formation of strong muscles and bones in the child. Especially popular among children is a delicious drink made from milk and fresh blueberries. It is able to replenish the reserves of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances in a child's actively growing and developing body.

Blueberries mashed with granulated sugar will be an excellent prevention against colds and viral diseases, this is due to the fact that the berries strengthen the immune system well and increase the protective functions of the body. Also, the berry is useful for increasing concentration during strong mental stress, for replenishing reserves of strength and energy.

Important! Blueberry berries will excellent tool to accelerate metabolism and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract for children of any age. Berries are used for indigestion (not infectious etiology). With constipation of a chronic nature, blueberries should not be abused, it can harm an already malfunctioning body.


Blueberry berries can be of particular benefit to the female body, it will help both for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The benefits of berries for women:

  • Blueberries have a beneficial effect on the female body in the presence of problems with the kidneys, bladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Berries strengthen hair, give it shine and improve its appearance. Also, berries will help get rid of such problems as dandruff and hair loss;
  • Skin rejuvenation is another invaluable property of the berry, for which the beautiful half of humanity loves it so much. On the basis of blueberries, many creams and face masks are made with the effect of moisturizing and eliminating inflammatory processes;
  • Berries, due to their antioxidant properties, affect the acceleration of the circulation of body fluids, promote the regeneration of damaged cells, prevent premature wrinkles and skin aging;
  • Blueberries will become an indispensable healer for a woman on critical days. Thanks to the research activities of scientists, such a property of blueberries as the elimination of pain and the promotion of spasm was confirmed. Also, blueberries contribute to the normalization of the menstruation cycle;
  • By improving blood circulation in the vessels, berries help in the treatment, symptomatic relief and prevention of varicose veins.

When breastfeeding

Most young mothers during lactation try to adhere to the strictest diet in order not to harm the baby and not provoke indigestion and allergic reactions. This is true, because most foods are harmful to the baby and too heavy for the fragile stomach. But, even during breastfeeding, blueberries are not a prohibited product, as they are one of the few hypoallergenic berries.

Useful properties of blueberries during breastfeeding:

  • Saturation with vitamins and minerals;
  • Six useful organic acids necessary for the proper and effective functioning of the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

Despite the beneficial composition of blueberries and their properties, there are contraindications to the use of blueberries during lactation. These include:

  • Tendency to constipation;
  • Frequent bowel obstruction and stomach pain;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis with an increased level of acidity;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • And the most important point - when using berries with HB for the first time, start with small doses to identify an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the product, if any.

During pregnancy

One of the most beautiful and valuable states of any woman is the period of bearing a baby. At such a time, blueberries can make an invaluable contribution to the body of the mother and child. Blueberries will replenish the body's vitamin and mineral reserves, because now, more than ever, a future mother needs a healthy and strong body.

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity weakens and becomes an easy target for viral and colds. Blueberries should be eaten in order to prevent respiratory diseases, as well as to increase the body's defenses and strengthen immunity.

Of course, a young mother can buy a vitamin complex at a pharmacy and use it for its intended purpose, but the advantage of blueberries in their 100% naturalness and natural origin, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

For diseases

Respiratory tract infections

One of the useful properties of berries is the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases of various etiologies. Blueberries can be consumed in any form: fresh berries, frozen, ground with sugar, dried, as well as in the form of compote, infusion or jelly.

There is a particularly tasty and healthy blueberry recipe. To prepare it, you need to pour dried blueberry leaves with boiling water and put on fire for 20-25 minutes, then cool and add to dry wine(preferably red). It is necessary to use the product 20 ml 3 times a day.

Visual impairment and cataract prevention

The most famous use of blueberries is the prevention of eye diseases, improving vision. Thanks to the anthocyanins, which are part of the leaves and berries, blueberries have a favorable and strong effect on the organs of vision, helping to cope with a strong load (especially useful when working on a computer for a long time). Also, berries have a regenerating effect on the retina and increase visual acuity.

Important! Remember, blueberries are not a panacea for eye diseases, they are more useful for their prevention. Also, you should be aware that the effect of eating blueberries is cumulative, so you should not expect super vision from a few berries eaten once a day. For a tangible effect, blueberries must be eaten regularly, every day.


Blueberry berries are an indispensable tool for indigestion (diarrhea). Also, the berry is widely used to eliminate the symptoms of food poisoning, which are accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as diarrhea. For such purposes, the best option is a weak blueberry infusion prepared on the basis of dried leaves or berries.

Skin diseases

Blueberries are used not only inside, but also externally. This method is used to treat diseases and lesions on the skin. To do this, pour dried berries with boiling water, observing a ratio of 1: 5, put on low heat and wait until half of the liquid has boiled away.

The resulting slurry is placed in a clean gauze bandage, folded several times and used as a compress, applied to the affected areas of the skin. It must be changed 5-6 times during the day, with each change of the compress soaked with fresh infusion. If you do not have the opportunity to make the infusion yourself - it does not matter, use freshly squeezed blueberry juice or puree.

We have previously mentioned the antiseptic and antioxidant properties of blueberries. Due to these properties, it is used in medicine and cosmetology. Using a simple decoction based on blueberry leaves as a cleanser, you can forget about skin problems, inflammation, pimples and acne.

Another way to use the decoction is to freeze it in an ice mold, and wipe the skin of the face with such a cube every morning. This will help reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes, eliminate puffiness and give the skin vigor and a fresh glow.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

In the warm season, people who have a history of diseases of the genitourinary system are recommended to eat 500 grams of fresh blueberries every day. In the cold season, dried berries will be an alternative.

By including blueberries in the daily diet, a person will be able to improve the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, as well as reduce the symptoms of existing diseases and pain.

During an exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to drink blueberry broth or tea based on the leaves of the plant. It will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the bladder, kidneys, and the whole organism as a whole.

Joint diseases

Another useful property of blueberries is the use in diseases of the joints and pain in them. The therapeutic effect can be achieved through the use of blueberry decoction. To prepare it, take 25 grams of dried berries, pour 400 ml of water, put on a small fire and cook until half of the liquid part has evaporated.

This decoction is consumed hot before meals, 50 ml each. An alternative to a decoction can be a delicious blueberry jelly. For cooking, you will need to add 50 g of dried berries to 600 ml of water, put on low heat, bring to a boil, strain through cheesecloth, add 2 tsp. starch, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, brew, cool and eat.

Strengthening the body's immune system

To increase immunity and strengthen the body's defenses, blueberries will become an indispensable assistant at any time of the year. To do this, you just need to consume 15 blueberries every day in any form. In terms of immunity benefits - no other berry can be compared with blueberries.

In addition to the composition enriched with vitamins, minerals and acids, it contains useful and strong antioxidants - anthocyanins, in high concentration. Preparation of a useful infusion - brew 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. berries and leaves in dried form, consume 50 ml of infusion before each meal.

Blueberry leaves for diabetes

Berries and leaves of blueberries are recommended to be consumed in any form by people suffering from a disease such as diabetes. The leaves of the plant contain the glycoside myrtillin, which helps to reduce and normalize the level of sugar in human blood.

Reference. To achieve the best and permanent effect, you must include blueberries in your daily diet.

For sore throat

For diseases of the throat, it is recommended to use a blueberry decoction made on the basis of the berries of the plant. The cooking process is quite simple. Pour blueberries with boiling water, observing the proportion of 1:5, bring to a boil, strain and put the resulting decoction into the oral cavity 3-4 times a day after meals.

With hemorrhoids

Another useful and healing property of blueberries is the treatment of hemorrhoids. Due to its composition and properties, the berry helps to stop bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids, relieves pain symptoms and eliminates the inflammatory process. For treatment, blueberry infusion is used, from the following calculation:

  • Dried leaves and berries - 60-65 gr;
  • 1 liter of purified water.


  • Pour fruits and leaves with water, put on fire;
  • After 10 minutes, remove from the stove, strain;
  • Drink instead of tea 3-4 times a day, 150 ml.

Reference. At advanced stages of hemorrhoids and prolapse of nodes outward - according to the same recipe, a decoction is prepared and used for douching. If the disease is accompanied by indigestion, dried mulberry leaves are added to the decoction.

Some contraindications

Blueberries have a lot of useful and medicinal properties, but before using it, be sure to read the contraindications. These include:

  • Individual intolerance to blueberries and allergic reactions;
  • Oxalaturia;
  • Diseases of the pancreas, chronic and in the period of exacerbation;
  • Biliary dyskinesia and irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Cholangitis and cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis.

In the article, we tried to reveal the answers to all important questions about blueberries as much as possible. Knowing the beneficial and medicinal properties of fruits and leaves, they must be included in the daily diet in order to strengthen health and all body systems.

© larionovao -

    Blueberries are a sweet wild berry that has not only a pleasant taste, but also beneficial properties. Not only the fruit is useful for the human body, blueberry leaves also have medicinal properties that are used even in modern medicine. Few people know, but it is this berry that is the first assistant in losing weight. In addition, the berry helps athletes recuperate after a grueling workout. And blueberries are an effective cosmetic product that has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, removes dark circles under the eyes and prolongs youth.

    Composition, BJU and calorie content of blueberries

    The calorie content of blueberries, as well as BJU, varies depending on the form in which the berries are: fresh, dried, frozen. The composition of the fruit includes a large amount of minerals, vitamins, free organic acids, as well as dietary fiber. With the right technology for freezing and drying berries, you can save all the value and useful properties of fresh blueberries.

    Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:

    Dried blueberries are high in calories due to the dehydration process, which makes the product more concentrated. To get 100 g of dried berries, it is processed from 1 kg of fresh fruits, which means that the concentration of nutrients and elements increases, as does the number of calories.

    Chemical composition of fresh wild berries per 100 g:

    • ash - 0.3 g;
    • vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg;
    • vitamin C - 11 mg;
    • vitamin PP - 0.5 mg;
    • vitamin E - 1.3 mg;
    • vitamin A - 0.04 mg;
    • organic acids - 1.31 g;
    • - 0.39 mg;
    • calcium - 17 mg;
    • magnesium - 7 mg;
    • sodium - 5 mg;
    • potassium - 52 mg;
    • phosphorus - 14 mg;
    • iron - 0.8 mg.

    Blueberry leaves contain such useful elements as:

    • vitamin C;
    • carotenoids;
    • triterpenic acids;
    • essential oil;
    • flavonoids.

    Frozen blueberries do not store a complete list of all vitamins, however, with proper freezing and proper defrosting, you can save most of the useful elements. It makes no sense to freeze the leaves, since they have medicinal properties only when fresh.

    Pay attention to the low calorie content of the product, which cannot but please all those who are losing weight, since blueberries can be eaten in large quantities, if we are not talking about dried berries.

    Useful properties of berries for health

    The beneficial properties of blueberries for human health are very extensive, since the product has not only medicinal, but also cosmetic qualities. It is suitable for adults and children, and if you use the product regularly, blueberries will not only saturate the body with vitamins, micro and macro elements, but also have a beneficial effect on some organs and life processes.

  1. Antioxidant properties. Antioxidants act at the cellular level, providing a preventive effect against malignant tumors, as well as destroying the foci of their appearance. Antioxidants in blueberries are often equated with anthocyanins, which can prevent cancer. In terms of the content of this element, blueberries are superior to apples and dark grapes.
  2. Blueberries improve vision and prevent the occurrence of diseases of the visual organs. All this is possible thanks to beta-carotene, which is part of the berry, which stimulates retinal tissue to renew itself and stimulates blood circulation in the eye, as well as relieves fatigue. Blueberries can be used medicinally to combat night blindness or conjunctivitis. However, it should be borne in mind that berries are only assistants in the treatment of eyes, the main therapy is carried out by a doctor.
  3. Wild berries are able to improve metabolism and cleanse the body of salts, metals and toxins, which directly affect the aging process and destruction of the body. Metabolism due to the pantothenic acid included in the composition.
  4. Bilberry has found wide application in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. By taking blueberries regularly, you can get rid of colitis and stomach symptoms. In the case of diarrhea, dried berries will come to the rescue, and fresh fruits will help against constipation. All due to the fact that blueberries improve the intestinal microflora, because of which you can not be afraid of the processes of food decay in the process of digestion. And also the berry has disinfectant properties.
  5. Increases endurance during sports. Low in calories and high in nutrients and fiber, it promotes weight loss.
  6. Reduces inflammation in the body. Due to this effect, blueberries are recommended for use in diseases of the liver or gallbladder. In addition, the berries are used as a remedy for headaches during colds or pneumonia.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Useful and medicinal properties are provided not only by sweet fruits, but also by blueberry leaves, with which you can lower blood sugar levels and normalize the work of the pancreas (the possible aggravation of diabetes depends on the work of this organ).
  8. Blueberries are a great helper in the treatment of colds and infections due to the fact. Berry is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. A decoction made from the leaves or fruits of blueberries helps during the treatment of a throat or wet cough.
  9. Helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract. You can use the berries in their pure form or buy preparations that contain blueberries.
  10. Blueberries strengthen the immune system.
  11. Regular consumption of berries strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of thrombosis.
  12. Thins the blood and prevents a heart attack. In addition, wild berries normalize the work of almost all vital organs.
  13. Has bactericidal properties. If you systematically drink juice from fresh blueberries, you can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that cause diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery.
  14. Due to the high calcium content, blueberries have a beneficial effect on the formation and strengthening of children's bones.
  15. It is recommended for use by pregnant women, but only on the condition that she does not suffer from a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

This is far from full list possible therapeutic effect of berries on the body, but only the most common and important properties of the plant. The main thing is to use ripe berries in moderation and without fanaticism. Blueberries are only an assistant in the treatment of certain diseases, but by no means the only medicine.

Note: The best time to collect leaves is when blueberries are in bloom. The leaves are carefully cut with scissors and dried in a ventilated place. After they are folded into cloth bags and used all year round for medicinal purposes.

Cosmetic effects of blueberries

Blueberries have a beneficial cosmetic effect on the skin of women and girls, so wild berry extract is widely used in cosmetology, and not only at home.

Blueberries as a means of cosmetology:

  • saturates the skin with vitamins;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • helps with redness caused by irritation to the external environment (dust, dirt, etc.);
  • evens out complexion;
  • compresses from a decoction of blueberry leaves or masks from ground berries will help remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • reduces puffiness.

In addition, blueberry extract is wonderful in helping teenagers cope with acne on the face and places of dry skin. For an older generation, wild berries will help remove signs of fatigue and even out skin tone.

© chihana -

Berry for weight loss

Blueberries are among the most effective berries for weight loss.

It has the following effects:

  • cleanses the body, in particular the intestines;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces feelings of hunger.

With all of the above tasks, blueberries do an excellent job. And thanks to the fiber content, it prevents constipation.

In addition, due to useful composition blueberries saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins, which are often lacking during a diet.

Blueberry juice deserves special attention, which tones the muscles after training. Without sports and physical activity, it is difficult to achieve sustainable results in losing weight. The juice from the berries not only tones the muscles, but speeds up the metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger. It is useful not only for women, but also for overweight men.

Advice! For effective weight loss, you do not need to eat exclusively berries, it is enough to observe the daily calorie intake and include smoothies, low-fat yogurts and blueberries in the diet.

© pilipphoto -

Harm of blueberries and contraindications

Harm from blueberries and contraindications to use can most often occur due to individual intolerance to the product or an allergic reaction. In addition, there are a number of features due to which it is worth refraining from eating berries. The most common of them are described below.

  1. Abuse of berries or banal overeating. The daily intake of blueberries is no more than 0.5 kg. If you manage to eat more, such an oversight will lead to indigestion.
  2. During the use of blueberries, especially in cases of following a diet with berries, it is recommended to refrain from such berries as raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries and strawberries.
  3. For diabetics, use blueberries only with the permission of a doctor.
  4. It is contraindicated to eat berries for people suffering from pancreatitis or urolithiasis, since blueberries contain oxalic acid.
  5. It is harmful to eat berries for people who have diseases of the pancreas.

It follows from this that there are no large number of contraindications, and the consequences of overeating are minimal. However, remember that if you buy products containing blueberries, this does not guarantee their unconditional usefulness. This is especially true of store-bought blueberry juices, the benefits of which and the actual content of berries in the product are very doubtful.

© rintemps -


Blueberries are a tasty and healthy product that has medicinal properties and is excellently used in cosmetology. wild berry practically harmless, if you do not overeat and take into account the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, blueberries act as an auxiliary product for weight loss and are well suited for athletes. It increases vitality, endurance and helps to cope with heavy loads.

Blueberries, the health benefits of anti-tumor, rejuvenating effects on the body, are famous for their ability to improve vision. In fact, this fact has not been scientifically proven and, from a medical point of view, the fruits of the plant prevent diseases of the eye organs, but do not eliminate the existing ones. For this reason, we can talk about the absence of a therapeutic effect, but does everyone know what kind of disorders in the functioning of the eye organs this culture can prevent, whether the berry really keeps youth, what contraindications blueberries have. Detailed answers to these questions are provided in the text below.

Common blueberry belongs to heather shrubs.

What it is

Blueberries are called shrubs that reach a maximum size of half a meter in height and grow in the tundra. The plant is used for medicinal and ornamental purposes.


  • species affiliation Vaccinium;
  • the Vereskov family.


  • shrubs with a lifespan of up to forty years;
  • the minimum height is 10 centimeters, the maximum is 50;
  • the angle of the branches relative to the trunk is acute;
  • leaflets are arranged alternately, in a spiral;
  • leaf shape - ovate / elliptical / ovate-elliptical with a sharp point;
  • shade of foliage - pale below, light green above;
  • root - creeping, with shoots;
  • the flowering period falls on the month of May;
  • the shade of the flowers is white with a greenish tint;
  • the shape of the flowers is corollas with five teeth;
  • the number of pestles is one;
  • stamens, number - 10 pieces;
  • the flowers are tilted towards the ground so that the pollen does not suffer from excessive moisture;
  • pollination method - insects (bees, bumblebees);
  • fruiting period - from the second decade of July to the beginning of autumn;
  • fruit color - bluish-black;
  • each berry is covered with a dense wax coating, after which it acquires a darker, almost black shade;
  • the color of the juicy pulp is purple;
  • inside each fruit contains up to forty small seeds.

Blueberry bushes propagate by seeds and vegetatively. The territory of distribution of culture covers forest and swampy areas, the plant loves humidity and shade, therefore it does not grow in open spaces and warm countries. You can meet at:

  • northern regions of Russia;
  • on the server of the European part of the continent;
  • Asian taiga.

At the moment, breeders have not bred crop varieties that can be grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation.

If you want to introduce a variety of fruit crops and do not live in the north, planting and care, even taking into account all the rules for planting below, may not be successful. This fact is explained by the fact that it is quite difficult to create a model of the natural habitat of a plant by choosing a place and soil, because blueberries grow in forests. In order not to be sad after spending several years and not getting a harvest, it is better to purchase seedlings of blueberry varieties specially bred for your climatic conditions in the nursery. This does not mean at all that blueberries are unpretentious in their care: the crops belong to the same family, are demanding on planting and choosing a place, and the fruits are superior in number of anthocyanins to a close relative.

The composition and useful properties of blueberries

Before moving on to talking about the effect of the product on the human body, it is worth understanding in detail the components and their action.

Blueberries are high in iron

blueberries calories

The energy value of one hundred grams of fresh product is 44.0 kilocalories. The low value of this indicator does not mean the possibility of uncontrolled use, because an overdose of vitamin or mineral substances can lead to rejection by the body.

Blueberries: bju

Nutritional value for one hundred grams, grams / percentage of the daily requirement:

  • proteins, 1.1/1.2;
  • fat, 0.6/0.9;
  • carbohydrates, 7.6/5.3;
  • dietary fiber, 3.1/15.5;
  • water, 86.0/2.8.

Blueberries: chemical composition

Vitamin and mineral composition is rich in the following substances:

Minerals % of norm in 100 g vitamins % of norm in 100 g
Potassium, K 2% Vitamin A, RE 0,3%
Calcium Ca 1,6% beta carotene 0,6%
Silicon, Si 73,3% Vitamin B1, thiamine 0,7%
Magnesium 1,5% Vitamin B2, riboflavin 1,1%
Sodium, Na 0,5% Vitamin B4, choline 1,2%
Sulfur, S 0,7% Vitamin B5, pantothenic 2,5%
Phosphorus, Ph 1,6% Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 2,6%
Chlorine, Cl 0,3% Vitamin B9, folate 1,5%
Iron, Fe 3,9% Vitamin C, ascorbic 11,1%
Iodine, I 7,3% Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 9,3%
cobalt, co 9% Vitamin H, biotin 4,6%
Manganese, Mn 16,8% Vitamin K, phylloquinone 16,1%
Copper, Cu 5,7% Vitamin PP, NE 2%
Molybdenum, Mo 3,4%
Selenium, Se 0,2%
Fluorine, F 1,8%
Chrome, Cr 3%
Zinc, Zn 1,3%

beta carotene serves as a material for the synthesis of a substance called retinol acetate by the human body. The connection is necessary to support the work of the organs of vision in the dark. B vitamins in combination with magnesium normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve blood composition, thereby strengthening the structure of the nail plates, hair shafts, and improving the appearance of the dermis. Biotin improves cellular regeneration, due to which the strands acquire a natural shine and a healthy appearance.

Folic acid reduces the risk of congenital pathologies in the fetus (relevant during pregnancy), ascorbic acid is a material for the production of collagen, a building protein, the amount of which decreases with age, which leads to the appearance of visible signs of aging.

Tocopherol acetate has an antioxidant effect, which is also important for maintaining youth. The substance supports the functioning of the genitourinary system, prevents male / female diseases.

A nicotinic acid reduces the risk of early gray hair, zinc is necessary to reduce hair loss, copper - to preserve the natural shade of curls.

Calcium maintains the condition of the teeth, is necessary for the musculoskeletal system.

Selenium stimulates the immune system, manganese normalizes metabolic processes.

Iron necessary to maintain the amount in the circulatory system of a protein called hemoglobin, which has a transport function - delivers oxygen molecules to cells.

Despite the fact that iron is present in the berries, this mineral is not absorbed by the human body, so the use of blueberries does not lead to an increase in the amount of transport protein in the blood, but to its decrease.

The chemical composition of blueberries is rich in the following groups of compounds:

  • digestible carbohydrates: starch/dextrins/monosaccharides/disaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3/omega-6;
  • essential amino acids: arginine / valine / histidine / isoleucine / leucine / lysingm / methionine / threonine / tryptophan / phenylalanine;
  • non-essential amino acids: alanine/aspartic acid/glycine/glutamic acid/proline/serine/tyrosine/cysteine;
  • phytoncides - anthocyanins;
  • organic acids: malic/citric/succinic/oxalic/lactic/quinic;
  • tannins;
  • coloring agents;
  • pectins.

Despite the fact that the proportion of proteins is quite small in terms of mass, the composition still contains amino acids, the combination of which is unique:

  • glycine normalizes blood circulation and brain function;
  • arginine dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
  • phenylalanine eliminates headaches;
  • tryptophan increases the emotional background, prevents depression.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids serve as a powerful tool for preserving youth by slowing down the natural aging process.

The proportion of organic acids, among which citric acid predominates, is quite small, so the berry does not cause heartburn attacks. Pectins are not digested by the human body, creating a feeling of satiety and thus promoting weight loss. Tannins determine the antimicrobial effect. Anthocyanins, the concentration of which is quite high, prevent the formation of tumors, have an anticancer effect.

The seeds contain on average up to thirty percent of fatty oils and protein. Obtained by cold pressing of the product, the oil is rich in:

  • tocopherol acetate;
  • retinol acetate;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fatty acids: oleic, linolenic, linoleic.

These compounds determine the pronounced anti-aging and antioxidant effect of blueberry oil.

Blueberry leaves are less useful than berries

The composition of the leaves is rich:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • elite oils;
  • quinic, ursulic, oleanic, gallic, benzoic, tartaric acids;
  • hydroquinone;
  • myrtillin;
  • triterpene alcohol;
  • ericoline;
  • ceryl alcohol;
  • neomyrtillin;
  • arbutin;
  • minerals: potassium / sodium / magnesium / calcium / iron / sulfur / phosphorus / chlorine / iodine.

Oleanic acid determines the antitumor and antiviral effect, malic acid - laxative, citric - antioxidant, quinic - normalizes the value of body temperature, has a restorative effect, ursulic - anti-inflammatory, gallic - antitumor, hemostatic, anticancer. It is known that benzoic acid, which is found in blueberry leaves, acts as a natural preservative.

Arbutin, which is isolated from blueberries, for use in the pharmaceutical industry, has an antiseptic effect.

It should also be noted that the plant is prone to the accumulation of radionuclides, so the berry is subjected to additional control for the content of radium salts. For this reason, you should not collect fruit in dubious or unknown places, and as for the purchase, only in those places where a radiation test is carried out.

Outwardly dangerous blueberries are no different from those that do not contain radium, so it is impossible to determine this parameter on your own, without special equipment.

Despite the average lifespan of a shrub for forty years, over time, the amount of useful substances in the fruits decreases: it is recommended to collect from a plant aged ten to fifteen years.

Such blueberries, older than ten and younger than fifteen, contain few branches grown from the main trunk.

Blueberries: useful properties

The positive effect on the human body is expressed by the following effects:

  • improved brain function;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular nervous system;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • prevention of eye diseases associated with the retina (not to be confused with the refractive apparatus);
  • cleansing;
  • stimulating (immune system);
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • prevention of strokes, heart attacks;
  • regulation of the number of units of cholesterol, glucose in the circulatory system;
  • laxative;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitumor;
  • strengthening (hair follicles and rods, nail plates, musculoskeletal system);
  • improving (appearance of the epidermis, metabolism, metabolic processes);
  • anti-inflammatory (dried fruits);
  • nutritious;
  • vascular strengthening.

Decoctions prepared on the basis of dried blueberries are used as a means to combat diarrhea due to their pronounced antimicrobial action. The anti-cancer effect is due to the presence of anthocyanins in chemical composition, the concentration of which determines the color and saturation of the shade (when compared with blueberries, the berry has a darker shade under a bluish bloom).

It is worth distinguishing between the benefits of various parts of the plant: fruits, seeds, leaves. The former are recommended to be consumed as a whole, the latter - in the form of oil, the third - decoctions, infusions, teas.

There is an opinion that the benefits of blueberries for the body lies in the miraculous effect on the visual organs: the plant is credited with a regenerative effect, which has not been scientifically confirmed. In fact, the rich vitamin and mineral composition is rather a prophylactic for impaired eye function, certain substances have a beneficial effect on the retina, accelerating cell renewal.

Due to the low content of organic acids, the berry does not contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, does not cause heartburn attacks, and is not contraindicated in inflammation and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blueberries: useful properties and contraindications for women

The presence of problems with the hair shafts indicates possible malfunctions in the internal organs and system, as a result of which the circulatory system does not deliver nutrients to the hair follicles, deep layers of the dermis, and nail plates. For this reason, the hair becomes dull, loses its natural shine, brittleness and cross-section appear.

It is impossible to restore the damaged structure by any expensive procedures and means even available in beauty salons. In this way, it is only possible to hide imperfections for a while, for the reason that there are no analogues to human collagen, and the animal is rejected after four to eight weeks.

In order for the hair, epidermis, nails to acquire a healthy appearance, it is necessary to improve the composition of the blood, cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. These two tasks can be accomplished with the help of specialized dietary supplements or rich in vitamin and mineral substances - B vitamins, tocopherol acetate, copper, zinc, magnesium. Blueberries contain not only these compounds, but also polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent early aging.

Amino acids have a normalizing effect on the nervous system, glycine improves blood circulation and brain function, anthocyanins prevent the formation of tumors.

With positive effects, nursing mothers should still not use this product for at least four months after childbirth.

Blueberries strengthen the immune system

Blueberries for pregnant women: benefits and harms

The undoubted positive effect on the body has not bypassed that period in the life of every woman, when twice as much vitamin and mineral substances are required. You can use the berry fresh, compote, fruit drink, but with caution. The fact is that a high calcium content can lead to complicated childbirth, oxalic acid can accumulate in the kidneys, and the use of excessively large amounts can cause individual intolerance to the product in the mother and baby.

In order not to cause a negative effect on the fetus, before entering into the diet, you should still consult a doctor and follow the recommended amounts.

Strict adherence to contraindications and the norm can solve some problems at different stages of pregnancy:

  • eliminate toxicosis;
  • prevent heartburn;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase stress resistance.

To eliminate heartburn and attacks of toxicosis, it is recommended to drink fruit drinks.

It is worth noting that the berry, despite the fact that most sources talk about a possible increase in the level of transport protein, hemoglobin, in the circulatory system, does not have such an effect.

In fact, saponins, which average about 2.0% by weight, interfere with iron absorption. For this reason, when wondering how to increase hemoglobin, you should pay attention to the fact that there are foods that contain iron, but lead to a decrease in the amount of transport protein.

Blueberries: useful properties and contraindications for men

Due to the high content of tocopherol acetate, the berry prevents diseases of the male genitourinary system, improves potency, and increases libido. B vitamins in combination with tryptophan increase stress resistance, copper preserves the natural shade of curls, nicotinic acid prevents early gray hair, zinc prevents excessive hair loss.

Arginine has a vasodilating effect, as a result of which regular use serves as a prevention of hypertension.

It is known that men over 50 are more prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system. The chemical composition of the fruits of the plant contains potassium, which strengthens the work of the heart muscle, so the benefits of the fruits are that regular use prevents strokes and heart attacks.

Blueberries: Benefits for Children

For the child's body, the berry acts as a natural source of vitamins and minerals and can be introduced into the diet of babies who have reached the age of seven months in the form of juice or fruit drink. In its pure form, pediatricians do not recommend giving up to 12 months, and up to three years - grind to a puree state due to possible inhalation. In fact, for a child's body, the range of beneficial actions is wide:

  • from six months can be added to curds;
  • prevents diseases of the organs of vision;
  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • improves brain function;
  • used in the treatment of inflammation associated with the oral cavity.

Juice can be used to lubricate sores in the mouth of already six-month-old babies.

Despite the wide range of benefits, rarely, but there are cases of allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Frozen blueberries: useful properties

Putting the berries in the freezer can keep all the positive qualities for twelve months. The specified period guarantees health benefits, but over time, even in conditions of deep freezing, the destruction of vitamin substances occurs.

So that the frozen berries do not stick together, the fruits must first be sorted out, removing those susceptible to spoilage, then dried, placed on paper towels, laid out on the bottom of the mold in one row. In this form, it must be kept in the freezer until completely frozen, then put in an airtight container or bag.

The container must be designed for storage at low temperatures, otherwise a specific unpleasant odor may appear. In this form, you can purchase the product in finished form all year round in retail chains.

Frozen blueberries are a great helper of the human immune system.

Dried blueberries: useful properties

Drying is carried out at a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. To do this, the berries pre-washed under running water are placed:

  • in the shade on the street (natural conditions);
  • dryer (specialized device);
  • oven (initial temperature is 40 degrees).

Under natural conditions, complete dehydration occurs in seven to ten days, the berry acquires a slightly tart taste with an astringent note and changes its characteristics: dried fruits have a strengthening effect and fully retain their beneficial properties for two years.

Garden blueberries: health benefits and harms, how to grow

Specialized varieties that can grow on flat terrain have not yet been bred by breeders, but the berry can still be grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation. You need to take into account what is required:

  • acidic soil;
  • humidity;
  • penumbra;
  • illumination.

If at least one of the requirements is not met, the fruits will have a sour taste or even tasteless.

Landing rules:

  1. First, you need to mix peat with sand, sawdust, foliage, coniferous needles in an arbitrary proportion, add powdered sulfur.
  2. The recommended time is the first decade of October.
  3. From bush to bush should be at least one and a half meters.
  4. Pit size: half a meter in diameter, at least sixty centimeters deep.


  1. Pit is being prepared.
  2. Cover with soil, fill the soil with water.
  3. Leave for at least thirty days.
  4. Dig a hole.
  5. Moisturize.
  6. Place the seedling so that the roots are not damaged.
  7. Fill half the soil.
  8. Pour from half to a full bucket of water.
  9. They fall asleep all the soil, make a hole, pour half a bucket of water.
  10. Fill the hole with foliage or coniferous needles.

If the place for growing is chosen correctly, in the future it is necessary to regularly water and fertilize:

  • feeding - once a year, preferably in autumn;
  • watering during the season - twice a month.

When the shrubs are three years old, pruning of extra branches will be required. The procedure in the future must be performed annually.

Medicinal properties of blueberries

According to data from various sources, the therapeutic effect attributed to the fruits of the plant by traditional healers in relation to the organs of vision is greatly exaggerated. Official medicine does not deny the fact of a charitable effect on the retina of the eye organs, but the regenerative effect has not been proven by science. The fact is that vitamin substances of the chemical composition can improve the regeneration of retinal cells, but in the fight against myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, blueberries, the health benefits of which are interconnected, are powerless.

However, doctors still do not deny the fact that regular use is the prevention of eye diseases, hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis.

An interesting fact is that fresh berries are not effective against diarrhea, but a decoction prepared on the basis of dried fruits can eliminate malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the pronounced cholesterol-lowering effect, it can be used in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Blueberry leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

The text above shows the chemical composition of the leaves, which, of course, differs from the fruits of the plant. Due to the presence of tannins, anthocyanins, minerals, decoctions and other drinks prepared on the basis of foliage collected from the beginning of flowering to the formation of the ovary have a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect.

Young leaves are used to prevent and treat diseases such as hypertension.

Indications for use:

  • diseases of the epidermis;
  • impaired vision;
  • malfunctions of the kidneys, cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous systems;
  • digestive disorders;
  • anemia;
  • haemorrhoids.

To make tea, it is enough to immerse four tablespoons of leaves in a teapot for brewing, add a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for at least thirty minutes.

It is contraindicated to drink drinks with leaves in the presence of constipation, diagnosing the impaired functioning of such an organ as the pancreas, individual intolerance.

The foliage contains carcinogenic agents, so you should not drink more than two glasses of decoctions, infusions, teas per day. For this reason, therapy should be carried out in courses with interruptions.

Blueberries: benefits for vision

According to the data provided by official medicine, the berry has an improving effect on the organs of vision, can be used as a prophylactic against hypertension, is able to support the work of the visual apparatus, but in the presence of serious diseases there is no pronounced therapeutic effect.

Experts say that there are no pharmaceutical preparations made on the basis of blueberry extract, dried juice, with clinical trials. Dietary supplements on the market can only maintain vision at the current level, preventing further deterioration.

You should not hope to cure impaired vision on your own with the help of a berry: in the presence of any deviations, a doctor should prescribe therapeutic agents.

Blueberries improve retinal trophism

Blueberries for type 2 diabetes: benefits and harms

The berry is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus in fresh, dried, pasty form as an immunostimulating, vascular strengthening agent that reduces the amount of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Leaves, young shoots (in the form of decoctions, teas, infusions) are also suitable for use.

It is forbidden to use jams, preserves, fruits mashed with sugar when diagnosing diabetes, but the use of dishes with fructose should be discussed with the doctor.

Blueberry shoots: useful properties and contraindications

This part is available fresh to residents of the northern regions of our country, and the rest can be ordered via the Internet with delivery across the Russian Federation in dried form. Infusions have a pronounced hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering effect, therefore they are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, where manufacturers offer recipes for healing drinks. The list of indications also includes inflammatory processes in the throat, metabolic disorders, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Dried shoots available on the market are not medicinal preparations, but it is still necessary to consult a doctor before using them.

It is forbidden to use in the presence of gastritis with reduced acidity, impaired functioning of the pancreas, poor blood clotting.

Blueberries: useful properties and contraindications for pressure

Science has not proven the property of the berry to act in a regenerative way on the organs of vision, but there are facts confirming the ability to reduce the likelihood of developing hypertension. For medicinal purposes, fresh fruits, decoctions or infusions of leaves can be used. The fact is that the benefits of blueberries for blood vessels are explained by the presence in the chemical composition of an amino acid called arginine, which strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases elasticity, and ultimately lowers blood pressure.

This positive effect occurs with an increased background of pressure, but with chronic hypotension, a greater decrease in blood pressure is possible (when using excessively large amounts).

Blueberries: contraindications and side effects

The chemical composition of the berry includes a unique combination of amino acids, vitamins with minerals and fatty acids, and the low content of organic acids reduces the likelihood of heartburn attacks. These properties take place when the recommendations for daily intake are observed. It is not excluded the possibility of an allergic reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Overuse can also cause serious food poisoning.

It is worth knowing that blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are interconnected, are prohibited for use in the presence of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diarrhea;
  • impaired functioning of an organ such as the kidneys (if urolithiasis is diagnosed);
  • chronic diseases associated with the work of the pancreas;
  • impaired liver function;
  • chronic constipation;
  • children's age less than seven months;
  • the first four months of breastfeeding (severe complications are possible in crumbs).

In the presence of any diseases that are not listed in the list of contraindications, before entering this product diet should be consulted with a doctor.

The berry should not be used during the course of treatment with pharmaceuticals with a blood-thinning effect: in this case, heavy bleeding is possible.

Blueberries: how to choose and store

Fresh berry has a laxative effect due to the malic acid contained in the chemical composition, which occurs with constipation, but is by no means useful for diarrhea, which can also be caused by eating stale fruits. It is worth noting that berries with an unpleasant odor and traces of mold may contain fungi that are deadly to the human body, called aflatoxins. For this reason, the choice of fruits should be treated with special attention.

You should not buy berries in dubious places - the plant accumulates radioactive elements, so the harvested crop must go through the verification stage for the appropriate quality indicator. Unfortunately, it is impossible to visually determine this parameter - this will require expensive equipment, which is equipped with specialized laboratories.

Criteria for choosing quality products:

  • specific pleasant smell;
  • solid color;
  • without darkening;
  • lack of soft spots;
  • elastic to the touch;
  • lack of traces of rot, mold, sour notes in taste and smell.

The presence of a specific wax coating, which gives a lighter shade, indicates that the blueberries are hand-picked and are not the cause of failure. The non-compliance of the product with the above criteria suggests that it is better to purchase the berry elsewhere.

If there is a possibility of harvesting, you should not immediately rush to use it: you must first find out if the area is not subject to radioactive radiation.

Those who are wondering whether it is possible to buy berries in the presence of damaged units of goods should know that mold fungi tend to reproduce by spores that are small and quickly transferred to other products. For this reason, if traces of mold are present in the batch, it must be taken into account that the fruits will not be stored fresh for a long time.

The blueberry season lasts about a month, and those who want to maintain a healthy diet seek to receive vitamin and mineral substances from natural sources all year round. To preserve the taste of the juicy pulp of purple fruits until the next harvest, you can use the freezer, dryer, or prepare blanks.

Over time, useful substances undergo destruction and the synthesis of harmful compounds occurs, so you should not store the blank for too long. Guaranteed validity under the conditions:

  • pre-washed berries, placed in an open container with a paper towel at the bottom - 5-10 days;
  • sealed container, freezer - 1 year;
  • paper bag, dry, protected from direct sunlight and moisture place (for dried) - 2 years.

It will be possible to preserve the properties of a fresh crop for a specified time period only if a number of requirements are met, because blueberries rot very quickly and lose their benefits due to the lack of natural preservatives in the chemical composition (the concentration of benzoic acid is rather low). For this you need:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove twigs and spoiled berries.
  2. Rinse under running water, place in a colander.
  3. When excess liquid drains, mix one glass of table vinegar with three glasses of boiled water.
  4. Immerse the berries in the prepared solution.
  5. Hold no more than thirty seconds.
  6. Rinse under running water, place in a colander.
  7. As excess liquid drains, dry on a paper towel.
  8. Put dry berries in an open container, the bottom of which is covered with paper towels.

Store in this form in the refrigerator, but not in the fruit / vegetable compartment and not on the top shelf - this will avoid moisture and condensation. Every day, the berries should be sorted out, removing spoiled ones.

Blueberries: what can be cooked

Fresh blueberries have the greatest benefit, and cooking with heat treatment leads to the destruction of vitamin substances and increases energy value. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a storage method.

Blueberry tea lowers blood sugar levels

Blackcurrant leaf tea with blueberries: benefits and harms

On sale there are ready-made teas with the indicated components, which have a general strengthening effect on the body. Do not forget that in the presence of any diseases before use, you should first consult with your doctor. The drink can also be prepared independently, taking dry or fresh raw materials.

Would need:

  • currant leaves / 1 teaspoon;
  • birch / 1 teaspoon;
  • blueberries, leaves / 1 teaspoon;
  • boiling water / 500 milliliters.
  1. Place the indicated quantities of herbs in the teapot.
  2. Add boiling water.
  3. Infuse for at least ten minutes under a closed lid.

Blueberry jam: benefits and harms

Previously, this version of the dish was the main one for preserving the favorite taste until the February frosts. During this period of the year, the amino acids present in the chemical composition of the product can be a means to avoid winter depression. The dish can be found everywhere on the shelves of retail chains, as well as cook yourself. It should be borne in mind that the beneficial substances during cooking remain intact to a minimum extent, because the unstable B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and other compounds undergo destruction. The addition of sugar expands the range of contraindications - it makes the product inapplicable in diabetes mellitus.

Would need:

  • blueberries / one kilogram;
  • sugar / one and a half kilograms.

If fructose is used as a sweetener, the required amount is 900 grams. In this case, jam can be eaten with diabetes. The dish has another advantage: fructose does not destroy tooth enamel.

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones, rinse under running water, place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Combine fruits in a saucepan with 700 grams of sugar.
  3. After five hours, when the juice appears, drain the liquid fraction.
  4. Separately, in a saucepan, mix the juice with sugar, put on fire.
  5. As the juice dissolves, add the berries.
  6. Boil no longer than five minutes (from the moment of boiling).
  7. Store in a dry, cool place (cellar) protected from direct sunlight.

Chicory with blueberries: useful properties

The drink is a mixture of extracts: the rhizomes of a plant growing under our feet (everywhere) with a berry in the form of an extract or whole (in dried form). Known for its positive effects and high content of inulin, chicory helps to improve metabolic processes, accelerate metabolism. The addition of berries expands the spectrum of action, giving antioxidant properties.

Before use, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions on the package and follow the recommended amounts for consumption. An overdose may not have the best effect on the general condition of the body, and in the presence of chronic / acute forms of diseases, before introducing such a drink into the diet, you should first consult with your doctor.

Blueberry syrup on fructose: benefits and harms

The addition of fructose instead of sucrose improves the digestibility of alcohol, which is important in case of poisoning with an alcoholic drink. The syrup can be purchased ready-made via the Internet. Manufacturers recommend using for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with impaired metabolism (gout, arthritis, arthrosis).

Before use, you must first consult with your doctor.

Morse with blueberries: recipe

Would need:

  • fruits / 150 grams;
  • sugar / 150 grams;
  • water/one litre.

The drink is suitable for spinning for the winter (then a five-minute brew is required).

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove the stalks, rinse under running water, place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Combine water with sugar in a non-metallic container, put on fire.
  3. As it boils, bring in the fruits.
  4. Turn off heat, remove from stove, cool.

Blueberries mashed with sugar: benefits and harms

A berry that is not subject to long-term cooking still retains vitamin substances, because sugar acts as a preservative additive, but the presence of a sweetener in the composition of the dish still nullifies all the benefits of the plant's fruits. This property expands the range of contraindications, and the dish can be consumed as a dessert without a therapeutic effect.

When making at home, it is worth observing the proportions provided for in the recipe: a violation can lead to quick spoilage or a cloying taste.

Would need:

  • blueberries/kg;
  • sugar / two kilograms.

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Sort the berry, remove the spoiled one, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  3. Dry by shaking a colander.
  4. In a bowl suitable for whipping, combine sugar with fruits.
  5. Beat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour into pre-sterilized containers, screw the jars with lids.

Keep the dish in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.

Blueberries with milk: benefits and harms

When buying a frozen berry, it’s hard not to notice on the packaging a recipe for making a drink with milk, where various manufacturers recommend adding the fruits of the plant to milk and whipping with a blender. The use of this dish should be treated with caution: the fact is that there are both minuses and pluses:

  • the laxative effect is enhanced;
  • the absorption of nutrients increases;
  • recommended for children
  • not recommended for adults to drink.

The fact is that when a person reaches the age of twenty, the amount in the body of enzymatic substances that can break down a substance called lactose gradually decreases. In this regard, the ability to digest this drink is lost, because the following disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are possible:

  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea.

You should not drink the described mixture to children who are under three years old, and at an older age, you can give the child only in the absence of allergic reactions. The dish has a number of positive effects:

  • improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improved brain function;
  • strengthening immunity.

Regular use serves as a prevention of colds and viral infections, to which the body is more susceptible during periods of autumn-spring beriberi.

Blueberry compote: benefits

According to doctors, it is worth preparing such dishes, where there is a long, lasting more than ten minutes, heat treatment, taking into account the loss of a positive effect. During the specified period of time, the complete destruction of useful substances occurs, because vitamins of group B, for example, destructure over time even in conditions of deep freezing.

Would need:

  • fruits / three hundred grams;
  • water / three liters;
  • sugar/to taste

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water, place in a colander to drain excess moisture. If we are talking about a frozen product, preliminary defrosting is not required.
  2. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put on the stove, set the heat.
  3. As it boils, pour in the fruits.
  4. Cook for no more than one minute under a closed lid (from the moment of boiling).
  5. Remove the compote from the stove, cool.

Kefir with blueberries: benefits and harms

The dish is part of a kind of dietary food system, which involves a three-day diet according to the scheme:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese (100 grams) + 100 grams of blueberries + a teaspoon of sour cream / kefir, one with so .;
  • snack: kefir (150 grams) + berries (250 grams);
  • lunch is similar to breakfast;
  • snack: yogurt (100 g) + berries (150 g);
  • dinner is similar to the first snack.

The specified nutrition system is not recommended in the presence of any deviations, because, despite all the health benefits of the berry, a three-day restriction from the use of familiar foods can lead to malfunctions of the internal organs and increase the symptoms of existing diseases. For this reason, the described scheme can be followed only in the absence of any deviations.

Due to the high fiber content, following the rules of this diet, you can lose up to three kilograms in just three days. In combination with kefir, the fruits of the plant act as a laxative that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so you can use the dish without adhering to the dietary system.

The use of blueberries in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, not only the pulp has found application, but also the juice, the extract of the fruits of the plant, as well as the seeds contained in the pulp, from which valuable oil is obtained by pressing (cold pressing). The fact is that visible problems with the epidermis, hair strands, nail plates are only a consequence of impaired functioning of internal organs, bad habits, contact with chemicals, the action of external factors and other reasons.

To restore the healthy appearance of these parts of the body, you should act in a complex way, combining proper nutrition with care procedures. To do this, you can use high-tech tools developed in laboratories that can solve existing problems in two or three applications, but the result will disappear as the course ends. You can achieve a stable result with homemade masks, which will cost a penny, but the first improvements should be expected after at least a month of regular use.

If there is excessive loss of strands, dandruff, itching, peeling of the epidermis of the face and other abnormalities, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

For home remedies, fresh berries or oil are suitable. The oil can be purchased ready-made and used to solve the following problems with the epidermis of the face:

  • acne
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive fat content;
  • redness;
  • uneven tone;
  • age-related changes;
  • the presence of dark circles in the eye area.

Benefits of using blueberry oil:

  • toning;
  • rejuvenation;
  • moisturizing;
  • food;
  • regeneration.

The product has no restrictions for use by type of epidermis, which cannot be said about fresh berries, which are not desirable for use on dry dermis. The disadvantage of fresh berries is a pronounced coloring effect. You can solve the problem by rinsing with lemon water.

Do not use metal utensils in the manufacture of home remedies: useful components may oxidize.

Blueberries: mask for the skin around the eyes

Would need:

  • berries / two tablespoons;
  • aloe vera gel / two tablespoons

Cooking: Rinse the fruits of the plant under running water, dry, put in the refrigerator for an hour. Mash the chilled berries to a puree state, add the gel, mix.

Application: After washing with a special tool, spread with a sponge in an even layer in the eye area. Twenty minutes after application, remove using warm water.

Result: Moisturizing, refreshing.

Blueberry face mask

Would need:

  • fruits / two tablespoons;
  • sour cream / two hundred.

Cooking: Rinse the berries under running water, dry, mash, pour in sour cream, mix.

Application: Using a sponge, distribute the mixture along the massage lines, after doing a deep cleansing of the dermis of the face. After fifteen minutes, remove using cool boiled water.

Result: Nutrition, toning, moisturizing, eliminating traces of fatigue, preventing early aging.

Blueberries: hair mask recipe

Would need:

  • fruits / three hundred grams;
  • water temperature not higher than 90 degrees / by the number of berries.

Cooking: Add hot water to the washed and dried berries and leave to cool. Next, drain off excess moisture, rub the mixture into a homogeneous mass.

Application: Rub into the root of the hair shafts, distribute the rest over the curls, warm the head first with a bag (a plastic cap is also suitable), then with a towel. After thirty minutes, remove with water.

Result: Shine, radiance, moisturizing, elimination of section.

Blueberries: how much per day

The use of excessively large amounts of a product with a pronounced laxative effect can cause diarrhea and other symptoms of rejection. To provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamin and mineral substances for a day, it is enough to eat 250-300 grams. For children, the maximum daily dose is from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. The indicated amount guarantees maximum benefit without side effects, because to improve health, the product should be used in small portions, but regularly.

Brief Summary

  1. It is known that the benefits and harms of blueberries, which depend on compliance with contraindications and the recommended daily allowance, grow in the northern regions of our country, but can be grown in the middle lane, taking into account a number of nuances.
  2. The chemical composition contains amino acids that regulate the functioning of the brain, improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels. B vitamins in combination with minerals improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  3. The rich shade of blueberries is determined by the concentration of substances called anthocyanins and have an antitumor effect.
  4. It is necessary to distinguish between the benefits of fruits, seeds, leaves, shoots - the effect of each part is determined by the chemical composition.
  5. Despite the positive effect, in the presence of any deviations, in order not to cause an increase in the symptoms of an existing disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor.