Bakery      08/17/2021

Dishes of the Kuban cuisine, which were treated by the hostess to the guests. Cossack cuisine. Snack from boiled pike perch

The history of the Kuban cuisine is inextricably linked with the history of the emergence and formation of the Kuban Cossacks.

Russian people, including runaway serfs who settled in small gangs, lived in the Kuban for a long time, but the mass development of the Kuban region by Russia began at the end of the 18th century. Cossacks from the Don and Ukraine, and then peasants, were resettled here for permanent residence.

It happened in 1792, that is, shortly after Catherine the Second destroyed the Zaporozhian Sich in 1775.

The settled region was divided into forty kurens: where an impartial lottery decided who would live and live for centuries. The Black Sea Cossacks built on the banks of the Kuban and cordons - exchange yards, where wheat, oats, honey, timber, Circassian cloaks were exchanged for military salt from the highlanders.

The beginning of modern agriculture was laid at the end of the 18th century, from the time of the Cossacks' resettlement in the Kuban steppes. The first grain seeds were brought by settlers in 1793 from Ukraine, and when in the spring of the next year they managed to settle down on the right-bank lands, wheat was sown on uprooted novina. The soil turned out to be fertile and the Cossacks took a good harvest, which completely paid off their work. These were the timid steps of the first Kuban farmers. This is how the Black Sea people settled down on the land granted to them ...

Thus, the Kuban Cossacks, being immigrants from Ukraine, brought with them the traditions and customs of their historical homeland during the development of the Kuban lands, which is why the Kuban cuisine is so much like the Ukrainian one.

The history of the development of the Kuban cuisine.

Many national cuisines are becoming common to all peoples with a common history. Any table can be decorated with Russian pies, Ukrainian borscht, Uzbek pilaf, Georgian barbecue, and Armenian dolma.

For the Kuban, this is especially characteristic, since, due to a number of historical, military-political processes, it is a territory where the intersection and coexistence of the cultures of the peoples of Europe and Asia has been taking place for a long time.

That is why, despite the fact that many nationalities managed to preserve their original national cuisines, their mutual influence contributed to the formation of a new kind of culinary sector - KUBAN CUISINE - the cuisine of the Kuban Cossacks, which at one time was based on dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisines.

A good custom is widespread in the Kuban, to serve greens for lunch and dinner at any time of the year. Together with greens, radishes, radishes, whole tomatoes, cucumbers are also served at any table. Cold vegetable snacks are prepared from raw, boiled, salted and pickled vegetables and herbs.

Eggplants, beans (green beans and grains), red and green tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables are widely used. In addition, a variety of fish and meat products are served on the table as an appetizer.

In the manufacture of dishes from meat and fish, all types of heat treatment are used: boiling, frying, stewing, baking.

Teaching children cooking skills, I collect recipes for Kuban cuisine.

Among them there are many who came to us from the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian tables, including old recipes.

From the past, we always take everything beautiful, kind, useful for our life.

therefore, interesting old recipes of Kuban cuisine and popular Cossack dishes have not been forgotten and have been very popular for many years.

You can trace the detailed culinary evolution on the example

His Majesty - Kuban borscht.

Borsch in the Kuban, on the one hand, is a completely everyday dish, and on the other hand, it is an absolutely special dish, and there is even something ritual in it.

The traditional dinner in the Kuban always began with borscht. But sometimes it could end with them. Anything happened, it also happened that in the house, even with a rolling ball and on the table, except for bread and bacon with garlic, the hostess had nothing to put, but if she still managed to cook a pot of rich Kuban borscht, consider that the dinner was a success, and the hostess no longer had to blush.

Borscht appeared in the Kuban along with the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who moved to the Kuban at the end of the eighteenth century. It is quite natural that Kuban borscht inherited many of its features and advantages from its famous great-grandfather - Ukrainian borscht.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the time that has passed since that distant time, the Kuban borsch, while retaining many of the features of its ancestor, has acquired a number of features.

And the main feature of the Kuban borscht can be called, if applicable in cooking, its democratic nature. Until now, there are no once and for all established and unshakable recipes for this Kuban dish. You will not find the same borscht in any city, in any village, in any house in the Kuban. Each hostess has her own little secrets that turn the Kuban borscht into a special, highly individual dish. Kuban and Ukrainian borscht have no equal in terms of the variety of components used in the preparation of borscht, the methods of preparing the products included in its composition, and the number of options for seasonings and dressings.

Here is the recipe for Ukrainian borscht.

Ingredients: Meat - 500g, beets about 250g, carrots 25g, potatoes 400g, onions - 50g, cabbage - 400g, fresh tomatoes 250g or tomato puree, garlic 10g (1-2 cloves), bacon - 20 g, butter 20 g, 3% vinegar 8 g, greens and parsley roots, dill, sour cream 20 g, water - 1.6 l, salt, pepper - to taste, sour cream -150 g.
Cooking method:
Borscht is cooked on bone and meat broth. Beets are cleaned and cut into strips, stewed with fat, vinegar and tomato or fresh tomatoes.
Carrots, onions, parsley roots, cut into thin strips, fried in butter. In the prepared broth put potatoes, cut into large cubes, coarsely chopped cabbage, stewed beets, salt and boil for 10-15 minutes in the broth, then add the stewed vegetables and bring to readiness, season with garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. Sour cream is put in borscht when serving.

Most delicious borscht- yesterday!!!

Pampushki with garlic sauce go well with borscht.

Kuban cuisine has many recipes for various sauces and dressings used for both hot and cold dishes.

Here are some of them:
mustard dressing, salad dressing, sour cream sauce with horseradish, red main sauce, horseradish sauce with sour cream, sour cream sauce, horseradish sauce with vinegar, table horseradish.

Filling soups are also common in Kuban cuisine. They are seasoned with vegetables, eggs, cereals, nuts, spicy sauces and other products: slimy soup made from wheat groats on the water, slimy semolina soup with a milk-egg mixture, Kuban bread soup, goose blood soup, Kuban quail soup, Kuban pickle, carrot puree soup , potato soup with oatmeal.

Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish are widely used to prepare various dishes.

Tender and soft fish meat, its taste and aromatic qualities, the ability to use a variety of seasonings, spices, spices, sauces - all this contributes to the preparation of a wide range of fish dishes. According to the method of heat treatment, boiled, poached, fried, stewed and baked fish are distinguished. Fish dishes of the Kuban cuisine: Cossack-style pike perch, stuffed pike, stewed crayfish with sour cream, catfish poached with rice, bream stuffed with buckwheat porridge, sturgeon stew with mushrooms. Meat cooking has about the same long history. At first, the meat was eaten raw, then they began to fry over a fire, boil, stew ... Today, several hundred different dishes can be prepared from meat. Kuban cuisine has a lot of meat and poultry dishes: Kuban meat stews, Kuban roast, Kuban roast with eggplant and cherry plum, pot roast, farm-style liver sausage, farm-style beef, home-made black pudding, stewed udder in milk and in a pot, Kuban-style chicken stuffed with rice, Kuban-style chicken sauce, Kuban-style poultry appetizer, Kuban-style meat platter, Kuban-style nutria.

Kuban cuisine is very diverse and refined in its own way. However, one of the most favorite dishes of the Kuban table are dishes fried on coals. On coals, both meat, fish, and vegetable, dairy (cheese) products are fried. Products are placed over coals burning without a flame and fried until cooked. The most favorite charcoal dishes are Kuban charcoal nutria, vegetables stuffed with bacon and herbs (tomatoes, eggplants).

Barbecue was once a purely national, characteristic of the cuisines of the peoples of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. But the historically long interethnic communication of the peoples inhabiting the Kuban has led to the "internationalization" of this dish.

In the Kuban, they love and know how to cook any kebabs - from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and fish in all sorts of variations. Fortunately, the Kuban abundance allows you not to restrain yourself either in the choice of the main source product, or in the choice of vegetables and herbs for garnish. Contrary to popular belief, Kuban shish kebab is not marinated in acidic liquids, because this meat loses its taste and natural color.

Since ancient times, an indispensable attribute holiday table were alcoholic drinks . The history of winemaking in the Kuban is famous. The taste of this drink, created in the Kuban, is distinguished by its variety and special aroma, having tasted it, it is impossible not to feel the freshness of the Kuban expanses, the smell of the wormwood of our fields and the power of the sun of the Kuban vine. After all, that is why many Kuban dishes are prepared on the basis of local wine.
And the Kuban ditties
From the Cossack "Medovushka"
You will be given a mood
Joy, dancing and fun.

food, reveal in detail in specific recipes the proven technological methods of cooking. I organically associate the cooking technology with the sequence of methods, starting from the preparation of products, the necessary utensils, the rules for mixing components and ending with the heat treatment and serving of dishes.

I think that a collection of interesting old recipes of the Kuban cuisine will be useful for masters of industrial training, culinary teachers and teachers of confectionery production technology.


Kuban bird appetizer.

Fat - 30, chicken pulp - 100, butter - 20, cheese - 20, wine - 20, nutmeg - 1, broth - 100, sauce - 50, garlic - 10, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method: In the pulp removed from the boiled chicken, add bacon fat, pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate twice. Then grated cheese, Kuban wine, butter are added, all this is diluted with strong chicken broth, seasoned with nutmeg, pepper, salt, stir well, pour into molds and cool in the refrigerator. Served with garlic mayonnaise sauce.


Cooking method: Herring is cut into fillets, passed through a meat grinder along with fried onions. Finely chopped hard boiled eggs. Rub the apples on a fine grater, combine everything with the herring mass, add mayonnaise, mix. The finished mass is placed in a herring, sprinkled with grated yolk on top.


Beef - 65, egg - 0.5 pcs., hard cheese - 20, mayonnaise - 25, herbs - 2, spices to taste. Output - 140.

Cooking method: boiled beef, boiled egg, cheese, cut into strips, combined, then add salt to taste and season with mayonnaise. Lay in a slide and decorate with herbs and an egg.


Beef - 121, walnut - 22, garlic - 2, sour cream -65, herbs - 7, citric acid - 1. Yield 170.

Cooking method: Boiled beef cut into strips. Sauce: walnuts are peeled and roasted. The garlic is crushed, the prepared walnut, garlic, salt are added to the sour cream, citric acid, greenery. The appetizer is laid on a serving plate with a slide and decorated with greens.


BORSCH KUBAN with bacon.

Potatoes - 200, beets -125, carrots - 25, onions - 25, fresh white cabbage - 80, sauerkraut - 85, tomato - 10, fresh tomatoes - 50, garlic - 10, tomato paste-10, lard - 40, butter - 50, fat -10, greens and parsley roots, dill, sour cream - 20, salt, pepper - to taste. The output is 1000.

Cooking method: Borscht is cooked on bone and meat broth. Salo-bacon is fried, served with borscht. Beets are cleaned and cut into strips, stewed with fat, vinegar and tomato or fresh tomatoes.
Carrots, onions, parsley roots, cut into thin strips, fried in butter. Boil potatoes, cabbage for 10-15 minutes in broth, then add stewed vegetables and bring to readiness, season with garlic, herbs, fried lard, salt and pepper.

Sour cream is put in borscht when serving.

Soup with lamb, rice and fresh tomatoes.

Lamb - 120, rice - 20, fresh tomatoes - 30, onion -25, parsley, dill, celery - 5, broth - 0.3 l., egg - 1 pc.,

Cooking method: Lamb is cut into pieces of 30-40g, put in a saucepan, poured with cold water and simmered until half cooked. Wash the rice well, add the broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Then put sliced ​​​​tomatoes, onions, red peppers.

Before serving, beaten eggs are poured into the soup and mixed, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, dill, celery.


Farm beef.

Beef - 150, garlic - 10, onion - 10, fat - 15, flour - 5, greens -3;

garnish - 150, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method: Cut the beef pulp into pieces, beat with a hammer, add peeled garlic, finely chopped onion and chop everything well with a knife, wrap the edges of the meat, shape the cutlets. Keep 1 hour in the cold. Sprinkle with salt and pepper before frying. Then they form in flour, Fry in a very hot frying pan with fat on both sides until golden brown. Close the lid, put in the oven or Russian stove, bring to readiness.

Served on the table with a vegetable side dish.

Beef with sauerkraut in a pot.

Beef - 150, sauerkraut - 100, melted butter - 10, broth -100, green onion - 20, tomato - 10.

Cooking method: Cut the beef into small pieces, then put the meat in a pot, sauerkraut add onion, pepper, broth, tomato, melted butter, salt. Close the pot with a lid, simmer for 2 hours. Serve on the table in a pot, sprinkled with herbs.

Shtrumby meat, Kuban

Premium flour - 55, pork meat - 30, butter -10, egg, milk - 10, onion -10, vegetable oil - 10, tomato -10. Exit -121.

Cooking method: The dough is kneaded like noodles. Minced meat is prepared from pork meat, seasoned with salt and pepper. The dough is rolled out with a thickness of 1.5 -2 mm, smeared with melted vegetable oil on top and the minced meat is evenly distributed, and then wrapped with a roll. The roll is cut into portions weighing 50 g, the edges are pinched and put into a saucepan in 2-3 layers, pour salted broth up to one third of the container, add sauteed onion and tomato. Stew for 5-10 minutes. When serving, they pour over the broth in which the shtrumbs are stewed.

Cutlet "Khutorskaya"

Boneless beef -110, pork bacon -20, egg -0.5 pcs., passivated onion -11, garlic -3.9, greens -3, ode -10.

For breading: bread -10, onion -14, pork fat -20.

Exit - 1 portion.

Cooking method: The meat is passed through a meat grinder, the lard is cut into cubes, the remaining components are finely chopped. Everything is thoroughly mixed, water is added, the mass is whipped, cutlets are formed; make a breading in breadcrumbs mixed with finely chopped onions. Fry in a skillet, bring to readiness in the oven.

Dumplings in pots in a stanitsa style

Pork loin -83, onion -30, carrot -15 bell pepper -20, margarine -10, potatoes -80, tomato puree -15, greens -4, garlic -2.

Dumplings: flour 1s.- 40, egg -0.2 pcs., water - 0.01 l, margarine - 5, salt.

Output -50\300.

Cooking method: The meat is cut into pieces weighing 20-30 g, poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes, then put the potatoes, cut into large cubes or cubes. The passivated vegetables, along with potatoes and meat, are stewed until tender.

Knead the dough for dumplings: roll it out to a thickness of 2 mm, cut into pieces, put in the oven for 5-10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs and garlic.

Tikhoretsky chicken cutlet

Chicken -83

Ground meat: chicken -100, beef liver -27, pork -26, peeled nuts -9, milk -10. The mass of minced meat is -172, margarine for frying -15, broth -50, pork oil for irrigation -10.

Output -200.

Cooking method: The skin is separated from the chicken carcass, the skin is removed with a stocking and cut at the knee joint. The bone remains with the skin.

To prepare minced meat: prepared chicken, pork, walnut pulp is passed through a meat grinder 2 times. Milk, spices are added to the meat mass, the liver is cut into cubes and beaten well. The skin of a bird with a bone is filled with prepared minced meat and fried on both sides. Fry for 15-20 minutes. Drizzle with butter when serving.

Pork in Krasnodar

Pork -74, boiled egg -0.5 pcs., hard cheese -20, butter -15, wheat flour -5, egg for lubrication -0.25 pcs., wheat bread -25, margarine -15.

Output -150.

Cooking method: Minced meat is placed on the cooked pieces of meat (butter is rolled in grated cheese and a boiled finely chopped egg), oval-shaped, breaded in flour, dipped in egg, breaded in white crumbs and deep-fried. Then sprinkle with the remaining (5g) grated cheese and bring to readiness in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Served with a side dish and garnished with herbs.

Cutlet "Kubanochka"

Beef or pork -115, milk -20, onion -20, fat 4, walnut oex 10, hard cheese -10, egg -0.25 pcs., greens -2, breadcrumbs -12, fat -15.

Output -150.

Cooking method: The prepared oil is passed through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, sautéed onions are added and passed through a meat grinder for the second time. Add water, mix well.

Ground meat: peeled, roasted and crushed nuts are combined with finely chopped eggs, herbs, grated hard cheese and mixed. The prepared mass is divided into portions in the form of cakes. Prepared minced meat is placed in the middle of the cake, the edges are pinched, and a cutlet is formed. Breaded in breadcrumbs and fried.

Kuban sausages

Pork -127, pork fat (lard) -20, peeled garlic -1, salt, pepper, cinnamon -3, fat -5, spices.

Cooking method: The prepared pork loin is cut into pieces 5-6 mm thick and beaten off. Lard (lard) is passed through a meat grinder, ground cinnamon, pepper, crushed garlic and salt are added and mixed well. Then pieces of the loin are smeared with the prepared mass and formed into sausages, fried under pressure in a frying pan. Serve 2 pieces per serving with a complex side dish.

Troika a la Kurenev

Fillet -270, cilantro -10, onion -10, garlic -10, peeled walnut -15, butter -15. Mass of minced meat - 60. Semi-finished product weight -330, fat -20, spicy sauce -50. Output -250\50.

Cooking method: The fillet is cut into 3 pieces of 90g.,

beat off up to 0.5 cm.

To prepare minced meat: cilantro, onion, garlic finely chopped, minced minced garlic is added Walnut, mix everything and lightly fry in butter for 2-3 minutes. Cooled minced meat is placed on beaten cakes of meat and wrapped in the form of sausages. Fry in fat, over low heat until tender. Served with sauce and herbs.

Nutria in Kuban

Nutria - 1pc, ham - 200, onion -100, wine -50, pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Stuff processed nutria carcasses with diced ham, onion, dry wine, pepper, salt. Withstand 1-2 hours.

Fry in the oven or Russian oven until half cooked, then pour a glass of broth and simmer until tender. Put the finished carcass on a plate, pour over the sauce in which it was stewed, garnish with parsley, dill, celery. Serve boiled rice, beans, soaked apples, stewed zucchini as a side dish.

Kuban-style chicken stuffed with rice

Chicken -1, rice -150, eggs - 3, lard - 100, greens -30, onion -150,

Salt to taste.

Cooking method: The rice is sorted and washed well in cold water. Then boiled, put on a sieve, seasoned with onions fried in homemade lard. Add chopped boiled eggs, parsley, butter and mix everything.

The chicken is processed, gutted, washed, dried, salted from the inside and filled with prepared rice. The hole is sutured. They are fried in an oven or a Russian oven, periodically pouring juice and fat over them, turning the carcass over. Decorate with rice, boiled apples, parsley and serve.

Goose stuffed with smoked meats

Goose-1, melted butter - 50, ham, tongue as much as needed, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method: Stuff the processed goose with smoked tongue and pork ham, sprinkle with pepper on top and inside. Then put on a baking sheet or large frying pan, greased with oil, and add a little water. Roast in the oven or Russian oven, pouring juice.

Bream stuffed with buckwheat porridge

Pepper 1pc. medium size, per 1 kg of porridge; eggs -3, fried onions -100, fats - 50, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Clean the bream from scales and gut, stuff with crumbly buckwheat porridge cooked with onions and eggs. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then pour sour cream sauce and bring to readiness in the oven.

Piglet cold boiled with horseradish

The processed pig is tied up with twine, wrapped in a napkin or parchment paper, and poured with cold water. Boil at a low boil for 50-60 minutes, with the addition of parsley roots and onions. Salt at the end of cooking. The finished piglet is cooled in the broth and then cut lengthwise into 2 pieces, which are then chopped crosswise at 1-2 pieces per serving. Before serving, the dish (the piglet can be served on a large dish, giving it the appearance of a whole carcass with a head) is decorated with a side dish seasoned with butter, cucumbers, tomatoes, chopped meat jelly, red cabbage and decorated with greenery. For banquet decoration, figured cutting of vegetables is used. Horseradish sauce with sour cream or horseradish sauce with vinegar are served separately.

horseradish sauce

Peeled horseradish roots (470 g) are ground on a grater, boiled with boiling water (450 g), closed with a lid and served to cool, sugar (20 g), salt (20 g), vinegar 3% (250 g) are added. You can add grated beets. Before serving, sour cream is added to make the sauce more tender.


(This is an old Cossack dish)

To prepare it, lamb ribs are cut into pieces, fried in a pan with butter. Potatoes, onions, eggplants, carrots, parsnips and parsley roots (there are no strict proportions), cut into large slices, are also fried separately. Vegetables are mixed with lamb, salted, put in a saucepan or pot, add a little baked eggplant rubbed through a sieve, mix, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven until cooked.

flour products

Dumplings with garlic sauce.

Wheat flour - 100, water - 300, sugar -5, yeast - 2, vegetable oil - 10, egg for lubrication;

Sauce: garlic - 3, vegetable oil - 5, salt - 1, water -25.

Cooking method: from yeast dough balls weighing 30 g are formed, placed on a greased baking sheet and left to proof.

Then the products are smeared with an egg and baked for 7-8 minutes.

When serving donuts pour sauce. To prepare it, garlic is rubbed with salt, combined with vegetable oil and cold boiled water.

Pies in Kuban style

Yeast dough-180.

Ground meat: lamb, beef or pork - 150, fresh potatoes - 50, onions - 30, garlic - 5, salt - 3, ground pepper - 3, fat for sheets -10, egg for lubrication - 0.15 pcs., butter - 10. Output of the finished product -360. Cooking method: grated peeled potatoes. The meat is passed through a meat grinder with a large grate. Potatoes and meat are mixed, finely chopped onion, garlic, salt, pepper are added. 2 oval-shaped cakes are made from the dough: a large one weighing 110 and a small one - 70. Prepared minced meat (235 g) is placed on a large cake, covered with a small cake, the edges of which are pinched in the form of a Christmas tree. The semi-finished oval cakes are smeared with an egg, after proofing they are baked in the oven until golden brown for 30 minutes. The finished cake is smeared with butter, kept in a sealed container.

Pancakes "Stanichnye"

Wheat flour - 70, yeast - 8, milk -80, millet - 50, milk - 140, salt - 3, egg - 0.2 pieces, butter - 10, table margarine - 10, sugar - 10.

Exit - 300/10.

Cooking method: From the sorted and washed millet, a viscous porridge is boiled in milk, allowed to cool, and then rubbed through a sieve. Pour 0.5 cups of milk into the pan, add butter, bring to a boil, add flour, brew a thick dough and let it cool to room temperature. After that, pour in the yeast diluted in warm water, stir and let it go. Whipped egg whites are added to the dough and pancakes are baked. Before serving, pancakes are poured with oil, sour cream is served separately.

I offer a translation of old Cossack (dialects) words related to food and kitchen utensils.

  1. Buryak - beets
  2. Garbuz - pumpkin
  3. Kavun - watermelon
  4. Kaymak - cream
  5. Karavay - large coarse bread
  6. Kovbas - sausage
  7. Krashenki - Easter eggs
  8. Nasinnya - seeds
  9. Ogirok - cucumber
  10. palyanytsya - bread
  11. Tyurya is a soup made from kvass, breadcrumbs, potatoes, salted and fresh vegetables.
  12. Uzvar - dried fruit compote
  13. Cold (jelly) - jelly
  14. Tsybulya - onion
  15. Chasnyk - chasnyk
  16. Yushka - broth, broth
  17. Mokva - carrot
  18. Loksha - noodles
  19. Lard - rendered pork fat
  20. Moderate - fatty foods (butter, meat, lard, eggs, milk, sour cream).
  21. Utensils - dishes
  22. Glechik - clay pot
  23. Dizha, dezha - a tub for making sourdough, sourdough
  24. Makitra - capacious earthenware
  25. Rogach - fork for the supply of cast iron and pots to the furnace
  26. Rushnyk (wash) - towel
  27. Skrynya - chest
  28. Tsibarka, cyberka - bucket
  29. Cheese - round not big table
  30. Kazanok - a boiler with a convex bottom
  31. Chaun - cast iron pot
  32. Rough - oven
  33. Sulfur matches - matches
  34. Scoop - ladle
  35. Krynka - mug
  36. Ladle - ladle
  37. Uslon - a long wooden bench for dishes
  38. Square - cupboard
  39. Vagans - a trough for washing clothes
  40. Lohan - basin for bathing
  41. Vikhot - a piece of a rag.
1. Yearn - feed
2. Cush - taste food
3. Cook - cook, cook
4. Snack - have breakfast
5. Trizna - lunch
6. Supper - have dinner
7. Krykhty - crumbs
8. Shmat - a piece of something.


The art of cooking has a rich centuries-old history, reflecting the most ancient branch of human activity, its material culture, which brought together the experience and skills of cooking methods of different peoples that have come down to our time.

Interest in the traditional culture of peoples, their languages, customs, rituals, and history has increased unusually in recent years. Appeal to the Kuban cuisine will help preserve the culture and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, the revival of patriotism and economic recovery.

From all of the above, we can conclude that national cuisine is created by a national community of people, a commonality of their characteristic features and taste perceptions. This does not mean at all that the national cuisine is something closed, frozen once and for all.

The basis of the Kuban cuisine at one time was the dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisines, which appeared in the Kuban along with the Russian troops and the Black Sea Cossack army. Nevertheless, many of these dishes, having “settled” in the Kuban and chosen it as their permanent “habitat”, over time, thanks to new natural, climatic and economic conditions, a multinational environment and a changed composition of raw materials, acquired new features and characteristics that and allowed to separate them into a separate group.

Bon Appetit!


  1. Pikalov N.V. "Kuban cuisine" (culinary guide). Krasnodar, 2007
  2. Turygin V.V. "Kuban cuisine". Krasnodar, 1984
  3. "Cuisines of the peoples of the world". Encyclopedia. M. - 2005
  4. Reader on the history of the Kuban. Krasnodar book. publishing house, 1982

How beautiful Kuban is, especially in summer! It is impossible to convey in words its beauty, these beautiful golden fields and the Don and Kuban rivers! If you plan to someday visit the Kuban, and at the same time go to see the delights of these rivers, be sure to walk along the coast and a little further. There you can see farms that have survived to this day.

Kuban is beautiful not only in nature, but also in national cuisine. In herself, she mixed all the traditions of her own, as well as the neighboring peoples. Most often, the Kuban table is characterized by various soups, meat and bread. However, Kuban cuisine also includes many other dishes. And also the traditions of the feast are observed.

Traditions of the Kuban feast

As soon as a person sits down at the table, first of all, hot bread is served, which is called palyanytsa. On holidays it is not customary to serve ordinary bread, it must be decorated with something. For example, on New Year a New Year tree can be depicted on a loaf, swans and rings for a wedding. The decoration symbolizes hospitality, as well as the strength of family relationships.

After bread, other pastries are served on the table: pies, kulebyaka and much more. Dairy products are used as drinks: fermented baked milk, spoiled milk, sour cream. As a snack, cold meat, as well as fish, must be present.

In addition, there must be a bottle of kvass on the table. The Russians are accustomed to drinking ordinary, bread kvass, while in the Kuban they love both beetroot and apple kvass.

An optional drink, but very good and tasty, is the local wine.


After appetizers, it's time for the main course. As mentioned above, the main king of the feast is soup. Especially appreciated is the red soup, so beloved in Russia and Ukraine, which is called borscht. Previously, the word borscht meant soup; it was cooked not from beets, but from hogweed (hence the name borscht).

Every Kuban hostess is considered an expert in cooking borscht. If you go to several women and ask to try this soup, you won’t be able to see anything similar in them, since each woman has a unique recipe for this soup. For example, someone adds more meat or beets, and some honor traditions and cook from cow parsnip. Most Kuban people like this soup so much that they are ready to eat it at all meals.


In addition, people from the Kuban also love meat. The most common dish in the Kuban are large pieces of chicken stuffed with apples and dried fruits. However, you can find other dishes, but they are not so popular.

Of course, this is not the whole list of dishes of the Kuban cuisine. Residents also love noodles, porridge, dumplings with various fillings, pancakes. There are not enough words to describe all this splendor, you just need to try the cuisine of the Kuban and understand its charm!

It's no secret that the Kuban is called the Russian granary. The culinary traditions of the region are inextricably linked with the history of the Cossacks.

Kuban cuisine is a symbiosis of culinary traditions of European and Asian peoples. The influence of Ukrainian and Caucasian cuisine is great. On the table, next to traditional pies, you can see shish kebab, Ukrainian borscht, pilaf borrowed from Uzbek cuisine, and Armenian dolma.

Variety and naturalness of the Kuban cuisine

Perhaps the main feature of Kuban dishes is the presence of a variety of fresh vegetables and a variety of herbs: parsley, lettuce, cilantro, dill, green onions and much more. Moreover, greens are not only a seasoning, but also a separate dish. Of the vegetables in season, eggplants, sweet tomatoes, cucumbers, white-, red-headed and cauliflower, radish and radish. Vegetables are served fresh, as well as pickled, salted and boiled.

Agriculture is developed in the Kuban, including animal husbandry. Meat dishes from pork, nutria, beef and lamb are classic treats. Poultry dishes are also popular: goose, chicken and duck recipes are used in the most different dishes. Poultry and meat are prepared in different ways: they are fried on wood, baked in the oven, stewed and boiled. In cafes and restaurants you will be offered a variety of snacks from meat, poultry and fish.

About Kuban borscht, dumplings and shtrumbs

Kuban borscht is the most popular of the region's first courses. A real dinner in the Kuban is not complete without borscht. The recipe has been known since the end of the 18th century, when the first Cossacks of the Zaporozhian Sich began to populate these lands. Borscht from a primordially Ukrainian dish, changing, has acquired a second life. I wonder what doesn't exist classic recipe kuban borscht. Each hostess or chef of the restaurant has his own.

Favorite dish borrowed from Ukrainian cuisine is dumplings. Even Gogol in "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" described a scene where fragrant dumplings themselves flew into Patsyuk's mouth. Each housewife prepares this dish according to her own recipe, the dough can be on water, on kefir or on milk. And how many toppings! For every taste: potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cracklings, cabbage, strawberries, cherries. There are even dumplings with pumpkin and beans.

Shtrumby Kuban - a dish that can be considered an analogue of dumplings. But these meat rolls are easier to make. Shtrumby can be called "lazy" dumplings. Pork and chicken meat, egg, onion, garlic and white bread are used for the filling. Juicy meat Kuban shtrumba is a tasty and satisfying dish.

About meat and vegetables

Nutria is a water rat, the animal is very clean. Dishes from nutria differ in taste from the usual beef and pork. Nutria meat has little cholesterol, it has a specific taste and is very useful. It can be fried, boiled and baked like any other.

The product is completely natural - black pudding (blood pudding). It has a rich taste and a homogeneous structure. You can find both homemade and industrial production. It is better to try with Kuban tomatoes.

Vegetable dishes are popular in the Kuban all year round. Vegetables are served whole or chopped, cooked in different combinations. Eggplant and tomatoes are traditional vegetables in the Kuban. They are marinated, boiled and salted. A salad of fresh tomatoes with cucumbers, bell peppers and onions is very popular.

As you can see, Kuban cuisine dishes can be prepared in different ways. The same dish has its own recipe in every family. One thing is for sure: a meal with hearty food and delicious wine is guaranteed on this earth.


Peel raw potato tubers, rinse thoroughly under cold water, cut into circles and salt to taste. Fry on both sides in vegetable oil until browned, so that the potatoes are laid in the pan in only one layer. Prepare minced pork and beef, taken in the right amount. Finely chop the onion and fry in the remaining oil in the pan, salt and pepper to taste during the frying process. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place a layer of fried potatoes on it, then a layer of minced meat, on top of which lay a second layer of potatoes. Sprinkle the casserole with ground breadcrumbs, mixing them to taste with grated cheese and chopped herbs. Drizzle with oil and bake hot oven until browned. Pour hot casserole portionwise with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can use various products in combination with potatoes - meat, vegetables, eggs, cheese, etc. Sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, milk with flour, egg and other mixtures are used to fill casseroles. The surface of potato casseroles is covered with grated cheese, fried ground breadcrumbs or corn flakes.


Chop lamb ribs into small pieces and fry in butter. It is also good to fry (each separately) potatoes, onions, carrots and white parsnip root and parsley. Bake whole eggplants in the oven. Vegetables are cut arbitrarily and proportioned to taste.

Mix half-cooked vegetables with lamb or pork, put in a saucepan or ceramic pot and add baked eggplants, mashed through a colander. Mix everything gently, seasoning with salt and ground black pepper. Close the pot with vegetables with a lid and simmer until tender in the oven.

Here are the recipes. who came to us from the distant past. Many of them are forgotten today. But the old Don cuisine has its own flavor… Try it and you will feel it…

CARP WITH WHITE TABLE WINE (early 19th century, Rostov).

Pieces of large carp with milk, chopped 2 celery, 4 parsley, 4 sour cucumbers, 2 nutmegs, put in a saucepan, sprinkle with simple and English pepper, pour cucumber pickle in half with white wine. Simmer over low heat. Mix a spoonful of butter with a spoonful of flour, dilute with strained fish sauce and pour over the fish on a dish.

KRUGLIK (village of Starocherkasskaya, 18th century).

Mix ground meat with chopped chicken meat, fry with parsley roots in goose or duck fat. Roll out the dough prepared for the pie in a large frying pan, spread the cooked minced meat on it with a layer. Bake in the oven or oven. Watch for juiciness.

TARANCHUK (Lunch from the kitchen of the lower Don, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Small pieces of lamb pulp are fried in boiling oil. Put in pots, pour vegetable broth and add chopped potatoes, carrots, parsnip root, spices and stew until tender with the addition of lamb fat, hot pepper pod and vinegar to taste.

SOLYANKA KAZACHIA (near the village of Starocherkasskaya, 19th century).

A kilogram of finely chopped pork, 150 grams of bacon, two cloves of garlic, an onion, a little broth are thoroughly mixed and stuffed with a thin pork intestine with bandaging through a quarter. Boil in salted water for 15 minutes. Then fry in pork fat with sauerkraut.

FISHING KULESH (known for a long time, recorded in the village of Vesely).

Washed millet is cooked for 10 minutes. Salted fish is boiled separately (more often - sula). It is cut into small pieces. Boiled millet is seasoned with onions fried in vegetable oil, pieces of fish, herbs, mixed thoroughly.

TRAVELING PIE (From the cuisine of the Middle Don, XVIII-XIX centuries).

A piece of pork, beef or lamb pulp is stuffed with garlic slices and fried in an oven or oven until tender. Cut into layers a centimeter thick and put on a rolled out dough (for a pie). Lay on top chopped tomatoes, pour fat and fried onions and cover with a net of dough. Bake in the oven or oven until done.

Porridge and Noodles (which are more than three hundred years old, Middle Don).

Wheat porridge boiled in milk, seasoned with suzma and raisins.
Deeply boiled noodles are seasoned with fried onions and small pieces of wild duck. Served with soaked blackthorn.

LUNCH IN ONE PAN (stanitsa Starocherkasskaya, 19th century).

Pork flesh, salted and peppered, fried in boiling fat. Placed in a cast iron or thick saucepan, along with chopped potatoes, white root, carrots, 2-3 onions, add cold water and stew. Before readiness, chopped tomatoes, soaked blackthorn, 2-3 cloves are added.

LENTEN BORSCH (Middle and Lower Don, XVIII century).

Several large raw onions are cooked on low heat.
Then they are taken out and shredded cabbage, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, green beans (peas) are put into the broth. Before readiness, crushed garlic, bay leaf, pepper are added and seasoned with onion and herbs fried in vegetable oil.


Small fish, ruff, perch, roach, rudd, bleak, gutted, gills removed. Filled with cold water. Onions, salt, spices are added. Boil over low heat for 40-60 minutes. Vinegar - to taste.

EAR IN ELIZABETH (Lower Don, the village of Elizavetinskaya).

The fish is gutted and the gills are removed. Fish, coarsely chopped 2-3 potatoes, onion, 2-3 tomatoes, spices are placed in cold water. Before readiness, dill and parsley are added.
Only broth and separately pieces of fish cooked and sprinkled with salted fish broth are served at the table.

FISH STuffed with Porridge (Lower Don, village Elizavetinskaya, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Don fish /bream, carp, carp/ are cleaned and gutted. Caviar is separated and mixed with semi-cooked rice or millet. The fish carcass is kept in white wine for an hour. Stuffed with caviar with porridge and placed in a deep frying pan. Pour in sunflower oil and fried onions and small fish broth and stew. Spices - to taste.

BREAM BAKED WITH PORRIDGE (it has long been known, especially in the Lower Don).

Large bream is cleaned of scales and entrails. Filled with millet porridge mixed with caviar. Sew up. Bake in the oven or oven, monitor the juiciness. You can lubricate with butter from time to time.

FISH DON, STEW (village Elizavetinskaya, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Cut off the heads and tails of the Don small fish. Gut, rinse well, salt, lay back up in a cast iron pan. Pour 1/3 cup of water and vinegar, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, put bay leaf and allspice.
Simmer over low heat for 3.4-5 hours until the oil has evaporated.

FISH SOLYANKA (Rostov, 19th century).

Finely chop the onion, fry, add one and a half tablespoons of flour and fry, dilute with water. Put small pieces of fish, bay leaf, pepper, 10 olives, 10 finely chopped champignons, 2 pickles, a little fresh and sour cabbage into the sauce.
When ready, add cucumber pickle, sour cream to taste, sprinkle with herbs, stew.

Crayfish in a festive way (village Elizavetinskaya, 19th century).

Pour one and a half glasses of fresh sour cream, half a glass of strong red wine into a saucepan with water, put a spoonful of butter, a little salt, cumin and dill. As soon as it boils, put in 20-30 crayfish, cover and cook for 30 minutes.


Bream cut, salt, pour boiling weak solution of vinegar. Keep covered for 5 minutes. Broth of parsley roots, celery, carrots, 2 onions, pour the fish in a saucepan and simmer over high heat. Put fish slices on a dish and shift with grated horseradish with sour grated apples and lemon slices.

BAKE PIKE WITH PORK LAD (Middle Don, XVII century).

Peel a large pike, salt it, cover it with thin plates of lard, tying it with threads. Roast on a spit, while pouring the dripping sauce. Fire - not hot, preferably burnt coals.

STARLET WITH CHAMPAGNE (A rare dish from the 18th century).

Peel 3-4 pounds of sterlet, cut into pieces, wash, wipe with a napkin, put in a single row in a silver saucepan. Put 1/4 pound butter, salt, juice of 1/2 lemon. Pour in 2 tbsp. champagne. Boil and serve immediately.

CHAPRA DONSKAYA (stanitsa Starocherkasskaya, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Place raw in a jar or pot: 3 bell peppers, half bitter, a few tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, a branch of dill, spice, bay leaf. Boil tomato juice and pour over vegetables. Close the lid tightly and pasteurize for 10-15 minutes. Seasoning for various meat and fish dishes.

DON gingerbread (Lower Don, 19th century).

To a pound of warmed nardek or honey, add a tablespoon of soda and a pound and a half of flour. Knead into a stiff dough and leave in the room for two days. Then mix and roll into a layer, cut with a mold and put on a frying pan poured with oil. Brush top with beaten egg or sprinkle with powdered sugar and raisins.

Kvass from blackthorn (village of Starocherkasskaya, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Wipe 1 kg of turn. Squeeze pour 4 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add 300 g of sugar, boil again. Cool the syrup and pour in the raw sloe juice. Add 15 g of yeast, stir, bottle, close tightly with corks, and stand for 5 days.

BREAD KVASS (Rostov-Don, XVII-XIX centuries).

Pour a kilogram of rye crackers with 8-10 liters of boiling water, close tightly, let stand for 4-5 hours. Strain, then add 25 g of yeast and 300 g of sugar. After the appearance of foam, strain a second time and pour into bottles, put 3-4 raisins into each and cork tightly, hold for 3 days.

REFRESHING DRINKS (Vesely Farm, XVIII century).

Pour a pinch of black and red pepper, a teaspoon of diluted mustard into a cup of cabbage brine. Before use, add half a teaspoon of baking soda.
A glass of syuzma /sour milk/, dissolve in a glass of cold water. Add raisins and some vanilla.

DRINKS WITH PICKED STURDY (known for a long time).

Mix one glass of soaked turn, 3 glasses of strong coffee. Honey - to taste. Mix half a glass of suzma with half a glass of soaked sloes and dilute with water.

DRINKS FROM HERBS (ancient folk remedies).

In a jug / 2.5 liters / put a tablespoon of thyme, sweet clover, mint, two cloves, a piece of ginger, two tablespoons of tea. Boil and strain. Add honey to taste. Drink hot. For 2.5 liters of water, a pinch of mint and tea, two cloves, two glasses of red wine. Drink hot.

DRINKS WITH DON WINE (Middle Don, XVIII-XIX centuries).

Linden blossom, thyme, mint, brew strong, strain, add an equal volume of white wine. Drink hot.
Mix a glass of Don wine, 2.5 cups of hot milk, a tablespoon of honey.

CHERRY DRESS (Middle Don, XVIII century).

Pour a full pot of ripe cherries, tie with rags, coat with dough, put in the oven after the bread. The next day, take it out, put it on a sieve, let the juice drain. Wipe the berries. For 2 st. puree - 1 tbsp. Sahara. Beat until sugar dissolves, put on ice.

FIGS FROM GRAPES (Rostov, Nizhny Don, 18th century).

Make syrup from one glass of water and sugar. Dip small bunches of grapes in hot syrup, then roll them in powdered sugar and dry them in a light oven or oven. Store in a dry closed jar.

NARDEK (watermelon honey) (Lower Don, XVIII century).

Squeeze the pulp of ripe table watermelons, pass through a press. Drain into an enameled or copper basin. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, cook over low heat, reducing to 1/8-1/10 volume. Store honey in dry glass jars in a cool place.

sour noodles

Homemade noodles (for noodles you will need flour, eggs, salt, water). Compote and dried fruits (for compote you will need various dry fruits, such as: apples, plums, pears, raisins, cherries, etc., and water).


Beat one or two eggs in a glass of warm water, salt to taste. Sift the flour, form a slide on the table, making a recess in it. Carefully pour water with eggs into the flour, stirring constantly. Knead a stiff dough. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 1-2 mm, sprinkle the layer with flour, roll three or four times, cut into noodles with a sharp knife. Disassemble the resulting noodles, sprinkle on a flat surface and dry in the air. Cook compote from dried fruits, drain, put the fruits separately in a bowl. Put the noodles into the boiling compote, cook until tender. Serve hot, cold, adding boiled dried fruits and sugar to the plate.


The appetizer is prepared from cold meat of boiled or fried poultry (duck, goose, turkey).

Preparing Sauce for Roasted Poultry


* 1 kg of onions or leeks * 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil * juice of 1 medium lemon * 1 large celery root * a pinch of cumin or coriander * 5-6 black peppercorns * salt to taste

Onion (onion or green) cut into small pieces. Peel the celery root and grate on a coarse grater. Put everything in a bowl and add vegetable oil and spices. Pour a small amount of boiling water, salt to taste, mix and simmer at a low boil for 10-12 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Cool the resulting sauce and serve to the bird along with salted or pickled vegetables. Serve with a lot of different fresh herbs. If the fried bird is served on the table as a whole carcass, then the prepared sauce is served on the table separately in a gravy boat. For a bird cut into pieces and served in portions, the sauce can be served immediately by laying it on the pieces of the bird.

Preparation of sauce for boiled poultry


* 200 g sour cream * 5–6 tbsp. spoons of kefir * 0.5 cups of crushed nuts * 3-5 cloves of garlic * a bunch of greens (cilantro or dill, mint, tarragon) to taste

Mix fresh homemade sour cream with kefir. Add garlic mashed with salt, crushed nuts and finely chopped greens.

Put the pieces of boiled poultry on a dish and, pouring the prepared sauce, refrigerate for 15–20 minutes, covering the dish with a bird with a large lid or an overturned plate.


Prepared chicken thighs without fat or chicken breasts boil in a small amount of salted water over low heat until tender. Finely chop the onion and saute in the melted chicken fat until completely transparent. Pass the cooled meat through a meat grinder, add the prepared onion along with the fat in which it was fried, finely chopped hard-boiled eggs and grated cheese. Mix the whole mass, lightly salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste. Put the appetizer on a flat dish or in a salad bowl and cover with chopped herbs. Lay beautifully chopped boiled or fresh vegetables around the edges of the dish. Boiled vegetable decorations prepared in the form of "bells" look very impressive. Cut thin strips 3-4 cm wide and up to 5 cm long from boiled carrots, beets or rutabaga. Roll them up in the form of a bell and place sprigs or chopped greens under each “bell”. Place a colored berry or olive in the middle of each bell.


Prepare the chicken legs, cut off the fatty layers, carefully remove the bones so that the pieces of pulp remain intact as much as possible. Lightly beat off the pieces of meat, salt, pepper, grease with crushed garlic with salt.

Roll the meat into rolls, wrap each roll in foil with an envelope and tie tightly with threads. Dip the prepared rolls into boiling salted water, add roots, onions to taste and cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Remove the finished rolls from the broth, cool and, without removing the foil, hold under pressure for about an hour. Then remove the foil and put the rolls in the refrigerator. Serve, cut into slices, with mayonnaise or mustard.



* carcass of a young chicken or broiler * 1.5 l of broth * 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin * 0.5 cups of water * 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar * 2 pickled cucumbers * 2 boiled potatoes * 3 boiled carrots * 3 hard-boiled eggs * 400 g of mayonnaise * 1 glass of green peas * salt and herbs to taste

Boil the prepared carcass of a young chicken or broiler so that the broth is no more than one and a half liters. Allow to cool completely without removing the carcass from the broth, and then cut into portions, removing the bones. Pour gelatin with water and leave in a warm place until swelling. Pour into a bowl, add half the norm of gelatin and beat thoroughly, placing the bowl with jelly in very chilled water. Cut peeled vegetables and hard-boiled eggs into small cubes, add sugar, green pea, a pinch of salt, the remaining mayonnaise and mix everything gently with two forks. In the middle of a deep dish, put 2 tbsp. spoons of gelled mayonnaise and lay the prepared chicken pieces. Lay chilled vegetables with mayonnaise along the edge of the dish and pour the pieces of poultry with the remaining mayonnaise jelly. Decorate the dish beautifully with sprigs of different greens and green salad leaves. Mayonnaise for jelly can be used both natural and mixed with various, to taste, tomato or spicy fillers.


Put the processed, washed and shaped chicken carcass into a large saucepan, pour white wine diluted with the same amount of water so that the liquid level is higher than the meat level. Add chopped carrots, onions and parsley to taste, salt, put a few black peppercorns and cook over low heat until tender, removing the resulting foam. Remove the finished chicken from the broth, peel from greens and vegetables, cool. From the remaining broth, prepare jelly (for 1 liter of broth, take from 30 to 50 g of dry gelatin). Pour the melted jelly with a layer of 3 cm into a large glass (to fit the chicken carcass) bowl or salad bowl, let it harden and put the whole chicken carcass. Pour more jelly up to about half of the salad bowl and cool again. Then pour the jelly so that the chicken is completely covered with it, let it harden well. When serving, carefully transfer the chicken with jelly to a deep dish. It is better to do it this way: lower the salad bowl into hot water for a few seconds, cover it with a deep dish on top and tip the contents onto it.

How to make liquid jelly for aspic

The amount of gelatin that must be put into the broth or broth to obtain jelly depends on the strength of the broth and broth remaining during the preparation of boiled fish. For example, for 1 glass of broth, in which pike perch was boiled along with the head and skin, it is enough to add 1–2 g of gelatin.

The broth or decoction should be boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then put the pre-soaked and strained gelatin and heat the jelly, stirring, until the gelatin boils and completely dissolves. After that, strain the hot jelly into another pan, let it cool slightly and pour over the prepared fish.

How to make jelly light and transparent

To get a more transparent jelly, you need to take one protein for every 4-5 glasses of ready-made fish broth raw egg. Beat the whites in a bowl with a whisk or fork and pour in a glass of chilled broth or broth. Add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice, mix and pour into the remaining boiling broth or decoction.

Cover the pot with broth and put on low heat. Bring to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and let the broth stand for 15-20 minutes, and then carefully, without shaking, strain.


For the preparation of jelly, heads, bones, fins are used, which remain after cutting the fish. You can cook jelly from any little thing (ruffs, minnows, perches or other fish).

Pour prepared fish strips and gutted fish fines with cold water (at least 1 kg of strips and fish per 1 liter).

Add whole peeled carrots and onions, bring quickly to a boil, and then cook at a slow boil, skimming occasionally, until the fish broth has a thick consistency.

Strain the finished broth, put in it pieces of large, but not fatty fish, such as pike or burbot, and cook them in the same broth until tender.

Place neatly cut pieces of boiled fish, decorations from chopped hard-boiled eggs, parsley and lemon slices into portion molds for aspic or into deep plates. Then carefully pour the molds with fish broth, allow to cool completely and refrigerate.

Serve as cold appetizer with horseradish root spices and fragrant vinegar.



* 1 kg fish fillet * 1 full tbsp. gelatin spoon * 200 g mayonnaise * boiled vegetables for decoration * salt and lemon juice to taste

From small-boned fish, cut the fillet (without skin and bones), cut it into pieces, lightly salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, roll up and secure with wooden pins. Boil the fillet for a couple (or stew in a very small amount of salted water) until tender. Transfer the fish rolls to a deep dish and let them cool well. Pour gelatin with cold water, let it swell and dissolve over very low heat.

Pour half of the prepared gelatin into mayonnaise, mix thoroughly, pour in the remaining gelatin and mix again. Pour pieces of cold fish fillet with mayonnaise-jelly, level the surface and let the aspic harden well in the refrigerator. Serve the aspic on the table, decorating it with boiled vegetables and fresh aromatic herbs.



* 1 kg fresh zander fillet * 1 carrot and parsley root each * 1 medium onion * 2–3 bay leaves * 30–40 g gelatin * salt to taste

Rinse the peeled pike perch carcass well, cut it into fillets and cut it, if possible, into equal portions.

Put the bones, head, strippings and caviar of chopped pike perch, peeled and chopped vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley) into a saucepan. Add 2-3 bay leaves, salt, pour cold water and boil the broth.

Strain the finished broth and separately boil portioned pieces of pike perch in it. Transfer the pieces of the finished fish with a slotted spoon to a deep dish and cool.

Make a jelly out of the fish broth. To do this, put gelatin soaked in cold water in the broth (the bookmark rate is given in the recipes above), dissolve it, bring to a boil, and then strain through gauze or a napkin,

On top of the pieces of pike perch, beautifully arranged on a dish, put circles of lemon, boiled carrots, garnish with parsley and carefully pour over the jelly. Serve pike perch well chilled with seasonings or a sauce of grated horseradish root with vinegar.



* 1-1.5 kg fillet of fresh pike or pike perch without skin * 1 root of parsley and celery * 3-4 onions * 2-3 stalks of leeks * 0.5 weak vinegar or sour white table wine * black peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, tarragon, cardamom and salt to taste

Prepare a fillet of fresh small-boned fish without skin. Cut into not very large portioned pieces, grind each piece with salt, put in an enamel bowl, press down with a circle and a heavy load. Soak the fish in salted juice for 2 days.

Boil celery and parsley roots, leek stems and onions in water. Transfer prepared pieces of fish fillet to a saucepan with vegetables, boil until half cooked, transfer to a sieve and let cool completely.

Boil vinegar or sour white table wine with black pepper and bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, tarragon and cardamom. Transfer the fish to the spicy boiling marinade and boil until tender. Put the pieces of fish in a salad bowl and pour over the cooled marinade. Marinated fish prepared in this way can be stored for a very long time, so you can marinate it in advance and use it as needed.

You can cook marinated fish by first frying the pieces in hemp or olive oil and drying them in the oven. Pour vinegar with spices first into a wooden cup, rubbed with garlic, and let stand for a while. Next, cook the fish as suggested in the recipe.



* 500 g of boiled pike perch * 1 onion * 2–3 apples * 1 celery root * 3–3 fresh cucumbers * 2 eggs * 1 tbsp. a spoonful of spicy ketchup * 100 g of mayonnaise * parsley * lettuce * salt to taste

Boil the prepared fish fillet in a small amount of salted water along with onions, avoiding a strong boil. Remove the fish from the broth, remove the skin from it, cut the fillet into small pieces and cool.

Mix together chopped apples fresh cucumbers, celery, parsley and mayonnaise, season with salt and spicy ketchup to taste. Add the prepared fish and gently mix the whole mass with a fork. Place the prepared foods on a deep dish in a pile, sprinkle with chopped parsley, finely chopped or grated hard-boiled eggs and garnish with lettuce leaves.

DON HERRING SPICY (an old family recipe)

Salted herring

Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of enameled or ceramic dishes. Lay the freshly caught and uncut Don herring on the salt “upright” on the belly, sprinkling each fish with dry salt. This is the bottom layer; herring in it should be stacked in rows close to each other and heads to one side. Sprinkle a layer of fish with plenty of salt.

The next layer of fish is prepared in the same way, only the fish in it should be turned with their heads in the other direction.

The top layer of the fish is also completely covered with salt and put the dishes with the fish in a cold place (preferably in the cellar).

Press the herring prepared in this way twice a day with your hands so that the air in it comes out. The fish will release juice and the brine in the bowl will become bloody. After 3-4 days, when the juice becomes not bloody, but slightly brownish, remove the herring from the brine and carefully wipe each fish from salt.

Preparation of brine and salted herring

Lay the herrings now flat in another dish, carefully compacting each row with your hands. From the dishes in which the fish was salted, very carefully, so as not to get salt crystals, drain the resulting brine. Add pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves and other spices to it to taste. Boil the brine with spices and boil at a gentle boil for 30–40 minutes until foam stops appearing (it must be removed during cooking).

Cool the brine and pour over the prepared herring. Lay a wooden circle on top of it and medium weight oppression. There should be enough brine in the fish so that it completely covers the herring and is about 4 fingers higher.

Store dishes with fish in a cellar or other cool place. With such salting, the herring can not be soaked before use.



* 1 pork leg * 1 shank (buldy) * 1 kg of young beef * 1 chicken or broiler carcass * 5-6 liters of water * 1-2 boiled carrots * salt, spices and bay leaf to taste * 2-3 hard-boiled eggs * 3 -5 cloves of garlic (optional) * horseradish root seasoning with sour cream or mayonnaise

Process meat products for jelly in the most thorough way (tar, scrape with a knife and rinse under running water) - the taste of the finished jelly will largely depend on this. Transfer the prepared products to a saucepan of a suitable capacity and pour cold water over it. There should be a lot of water, because the jelly is cooked for a long time and the remaining liquid will be less than half of the original volume. Quickly bring to a boil, carefully remove the foam, wipe the edges of the pan with a damp cloth from the remaining foam. The cooking time of the jellied meat depends on the prepared products - first the legs and shank are boiled, then the beef is added, and after about an hour of cooking, the chicken cut into 4 parts and peeled carrots are placed in the pan. Salt and spices should be added about half an hour before the end of cooking. Cool the boiled carrots until tender and cut into asterisks. The jellied meat is ready if the meat is well behind the bones. Transfer the cooked meat to a bowl, carefully removing the bones (especially small ones), and strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Finely chop the meat (it is better to pass the skin from the legs, shanks and poultry through a meat grinder), put it into portion molds or plates, putting chopped garlic, slices of carrots and circles of hard-boiled eggs on the bottom. Pour each mold with cooled concentrated broth (with such a laying of products, gelatin is not required to be added). Refrigerate molds with aspic for 10-12 hours.



* 2 kg pig's head* 1 each large carrot, celery root and onion * 3-4 bay leaves * 2 eggs * 50 g garlic * 1 g black pepper * 100 g horseradish * 100 g apples * 50 g vinegar

Thoroughly clean the part of the pig's head together with the ears, rinse and pour cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain the water, transfer the meat to a suitable pan, pour cold water again and cook, removing the foam formed during boiling. Put root vegetables, onions, bay leaves in a boiling broth, salt to taste and continue cooking over low heat for 5-6 hours, until the meat begins to completely separate from the bones. So that the broth does not get an unpleasant taste during long-term cooking and remains transparent, it is necessary to constantly remove the resulting fat from it during the cooking process. It will be more convenient to do this if you move the pan so that the fire is on one side. Remove the boiled pieces of the head from the broth, carefully separate the meat from the bones. Strain the broth twice so that there are no very small bones left. Finely chop the meat, peeled from bones and skin, and place it in bowls or bowls prepared for jelly. Add ground black pepper, crushed garlic, pour over hot strained broth and carefully mix meat with broth in bowls. From above, slightly drowning, put circles of hard-boiled eggs and sprigs of greenery.

Cut the cooled and frozen jelly into portions and serve with grated horseradish mixed with sweet and sour finely chopped apples and vinegar. To taste, you can serve seasonings from mustard or adjika, as well as thick homemade sour milk.


Prepare beef and pork legs, bones, drumsticks, chop them into pieces, hold for about an hour in cold water. Then pour the legs with fresh cold water, based on 1 kg of offal 1-1.5 liters of water. Let it boil and add the bird giblets, also carefully prepared, to the pan. Boil without adding more water for about 6 hours. After 2 hours of cooking, put 500-600 g of meat and half of the bird carcass into the pan.

1-1.5 hours before the end of cooking, add whole carrots, onions, bay leaves, black peppercorns to the broth. At the very end of cooking, salt the broth. Remove the cooked meat and bones from the broth, carefully separate the meat and chop it into small pieces. Strain the broth well, put chopped meat into it, heat to a boil, put garlic to taste. Finally taste for salt, stir and pour into shallow trays or bowls. If there is not enough gluten in the broth, you can make liquid jelly and add it to the prepared meat.

Preparation of liquid jelly

Separately, in a cup, soak 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin in 0.5 cups of warm water, keep warm until the gelatin swells. Strain the finished broth, pour out the amount necessary for filling (2-3 cups), add the swollen gelatin, bring to a boil, but do not boil and let cool. The jelly should harden well in a cold place. Serve with spicy spices, vinegar or bread kvass to the jelly.


Prepared poultry offal (preferably goose), except for livers, pour cold water (for 1.5 kg of offal - 2 liters of water) and cook for 3-4 hours on low heat under the lid, removing foam and collecting fat from the surface. An hour before readiness, put the liver, roots, onions, spices. Separate the finished offal from the bones, chop, put into molds.

In the strained and salted broth, add 1.5 tbsp. spoons of gelatin pre-soaked in water, warm to a boil. Pour hot broth with gelatin into molds with meat, cool and refrigerate. If desired, you can add circles of boiled carrots, sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs.



* 4 pork legs * 1-2 onions * 1 bay leaf * 4-5 black peppercorns * gelatin at the rate of 5-7 g per 1 liter of broth * salt to taste

Pour the pork legs prepared for cooking with cold water so that they are covered with it 4–5 cm higher and heat over high heat until boiling. Remove the foam, add onion, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt to taste to the pan and cook over low heat for about 4 hours, avoiding a strong boil, otherwise the broth will become an unpleasant white color. At the end of cooking, remove excess fat from the broth (fat, by the way, can be used for deep-frying), strain and separate the meat from the bones. Transfer the bones to the strained broth and cook for about 2 more hours at a gentle boil. Grind the meat, put it in special bowls or a deep dish. Pour the strained broth again, add gelatin pre-soaked in cold water (optional), finally taste for salt and mix. Allow the finished jelly to harden well and serve with seasoning from fresh or dried horseradish root.


Remove the beef tongue, well washed and boiled until half cooked in a small amount of water, from the pan, hold it under cold running water and peel it from the hard skin. Drain the broth, and put the tongue back in the pan, pour salted boiling water over it so that it is only covered with water. Bring to a boil quickly and cook the tongue over low heat until completely soft, adding spices to taste, bay leaf and a small peeled carrot to the broth.

Cool the finished tongue, cut into slices and place in molds or on a deep dish with a “tile”. Strain the remaining broth, make jelly out of it, adding 1-2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, previously soaked in cold water, and cool. Pour the prepared pieces of the tongue with slightly thickened jelly, after putting on them sprigs of greens and circles of boiled carrots cut into beautiful stars. If the tongue is prepared in portion molds, put the carrots and greens on the bottom.


Carefully sort out the trimming so that pieces with bristles do not get caught, rinse first with hot and then cold running water for 20-25 minutes. Cut into roughly equal pieces, adding, if the trim is not greasy, pieces of lard. Peel a small head of garlic, crush the cloves with salt, ground pepper and bay leaf, grind with a little hot water and mix with the prepared trimmings. If possible, add a glass of dry wine or 1-2 tablespoons of wine vinegar.

Transfer the whole mass into a tight plastic bag, tie with thick threads, put in a suitable dish, place oppression on top and keep in the refrigerator for a day. Then remove the bag, transfer the whole mass to a roasting pan, add about a glass of water and simmer in the oven over low heat for 3-4 hours. Cool the finished meat to heat, put it back in a plastic bag along with the rest of the liquid, evenly distributing them over the bag. Wrap the bag tightly, chill for 30-35 minutes in the freezer, and then store in the refrigerator and use as a cold snack. Trimming for brawn can also be taken mixed: beef, pork, lamb and poultry.


Carefully process the pork peritoneum with skin and cut it into pieces (approximately 10x15 cm). Rub the pieces with salt on the outside (skin) and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Separately, finely chop the meat with internal fat, salt with salt and crushed garlic and pepper to taste. Divide the minced meat into prepared pieces of peritoneum and tightly wrap each piece with a roll. Tie the resulting sausages very tightly with small intestines or twine, lower them into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove the pieces of the roll from the broth and carefully drain its remnants. Transfer the rolls to a baking sheet or oven rack and bake until done.

Ready rolls are well cooled and used as a cold appetizer, cut into thin slices, or cut into thin slices, put in a “tile” in a deep bowl and pour separately prepared strong jelly. If there is a need for longer storage, instead of jelly, pour pieces of roll with melted lard and store in a cold place. Such rolls can be cooked smoked.



* 1 kg of lamb pulp * 200 g of lamb fat * 0.5 tsp of sugar * 25–30 g of salt * 2 cloves of garlic * 0.5 tsp of cumin * 1 tsp of ground black pepper * 3-5 crushed peas allspice

Cut the lamb pulp into large pieces (150-200 g each), mix with salt and leave for 6-7 days at a temperature of no more than 6 ° C, so that the meat is well salted. At the same time, in another bowl, salt the lamb fat cut into pieces in the same way. Pass the prepared meat through a meat grinder, and cut the fat into small cubes. Mix meat and fat together, add spices and garlic and refrigerate for 18 hours. Fill the prepared sausage casings with minced meat about 3/4 of the volume, tie the ends with twine and press tightly. Keep Sujuk for 3 days at a temperature not exceeding 4°C, and then dry at 12°C for 15 days until it hardens.


Required products:
pork - 120 g;
minced meat - 100 g;
champignons - 2 pcs.;
pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
homemade noodles (spaghetti) - 50 g;
tomato sauce - 100 g;
sour cream 20% - 100 g;
coriander, paprika, black pepper, salt;
flour for breading.
Cooking method:
Break the pork through the film into a large square.
From fried minced meat, chopped mushrooms, chopped cucumber, boiled noodles and tomato sauce mix mince.
Salt and season the meat and minced meat.
Put the minced meat in the middle of the meat, wrap the edges and pinch with toothpicks.
Bread the bag in flour and fry.
When the meat is fried on both sides, carefully remove the toothpicks, make medium heat and add sour cream.

Simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes sprinkled with grated cheese.


Pass meat and bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder, add pepper, salt. Shape into meatballs, coat in breadcrumbs and fry. Season the rice with tomato or sautéed tomatoes, place meatballs on top, pour sour cream, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.
200 g of beef or pork, 90 g of bread, 100 g of milk, 50 g of crackers, 450 g of boiled rice, 40 g of tomato or 4 tomatoes, 300 g of sour cream, 20 g of cheese, butter, fat, pepper, salt.


Pour offal with water, bring to a boil, add salt, 1 onion and 1 carrot and cook for 30 minutes. Strain, put potatoes in cubes, after 10 minutes - browned flour, browned roots, poached cucumbers and cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, pour in the brine and put the spices. Serve with giblets and sour cream.
500 g chicken or duck giblets, 2.5 liters of water, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 3 potatoes, 2 tbsp flour, 2 parsley roots, 3 pickles, 50 ml cucumber pickle, 1 tbsp chicken fat, 6 peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, salt.

Kvass Cossack

Crackers pour 12 liters of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Separately dilute the yeast with flour. Strain the infusion, add yeast, sugar and keep in a warm place for 12 hours. Strain, pour into bottles, after putting a slice of lemon into each, cork and after 3 hours take it to the cold.
500 g rye crackers, 30 g yeast, 1 tsp flour, 700 g sugar, 1/2 lemon.


Mix pepper slices, diced tomatoes, peas and onions. Season with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. 4 sweet peppers, 4 tomatoes, 1/2 tbsp green peas, 2 tbsp green onions, 3 tbsp mayonnaise, 1/2 tsp red pepper, salt


Soak the liver for 2 hours in milk. Fry separately the liver, kidneys, lamb until half cooked. Fold in pots, add mushrooms fried in sour cream, onions, cubed potatoes, broth, butter, salt, pepper, herbs and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
40 g beef liver, 20 g milk, 50 g lamb, 50 g kidneys, 20 g melted butter, 20 g mushrooms, 20 g sour cream, 200 g potatoes, 20 g onions, 50 g broth, 5 g parsley and celery, pepper , salt.


Mix all components. Serve in small portions.
1/4 liter of strong coffee, 1/4 liter of red wine, 3 shots of vodka, 2 tablespoons of sugar.


Spread slices of bread with butter, put tomato slices on top, sprinkle with onion, garlic and pepper, pour over with mayonnaise and garnish with herbs.
200 g bread, 20 g butter, 1 tomato, 1 onion, garlic, red pepper, mayonnaise, parsley or dill.


Pour offal with water and milk, salt and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Drain in a colander, roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 5 minutes. Release the eggs on top, salt, pepper and fry over medium heat for another 5 minutes. Garnish with half a tomato and basil.
400 g chicken giblets (liver, heart, stomachs), 1/4 l milk, 1/4 l water, 50 g crackers, 40 g butter, 4 eggs, 1 tomato, basil, pepper.


Mushrooms pour cold water and boil. Cut beets, carrots and white roots into strips, add tomato, vinegar, 1/2 cup of water and simmer under the lid until tender. Fry the onion in butter, add boiled mushrooms, after 5-10 minutes - flour. Combine with vegetables. Put cabbage, potatoes into boiling mushroom broth, boil, add stewed vegetables and cook for 20-25 minutes. When serving, put olives, sour cream and herbs.

10 g vegetable oil, 15 g onions, 10 g dried mushrooms, 15 g carrots, 10 g white roots, 60 g potatoes, 10 g tomatoes, 70 g beets, 70 g cabbage, 20 g olives, 5 g flour, 30 g sour cream , 5 g parsley, 300 g water.

Sbiten "Cossack"

Boil honey with a little water, remove the foam. Boil sugar, combine with honey and boil over low heat under a lid for 15-20 minutes. Separately, boil the spices, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain, add honey and heat.
150 g of honey, 2 liters of water, 100 g of sugar, 5 g of St. John's wort, 5 g of cloves, 10 g of cinnamon, 5 g of mint, 10 g of ginger, 1 g of peppercorns.


In a jug (2.5 liters), put 1 tablespoon of thyme, sweet clover, mint, two cloves, a piece of ginger, two tablespoons of tea. Boil and strain. Add honey to taste. Drink hot.

For 2.5 liters of water, a pinch of mint and tea, two cloves, two glasses of red wine. Drink hot.


330 g chicken meat, 15 g carrots, parsley root, 15 g onions, 1.2 l water, 80 g homemade noodles, 100 g fresh tomatoes, 20 g butter or margarine, parsley, salt
Pour the chicken carcass with cold water, quickly bring to a boil, then cook over low heat for 1-2 hours.
During the cooking process, remove the foam and fat.
30-40 minutes before the chicken is ready, put parsley (root), roasted carrots, onions and salt into the broth.
Strain the finished broth, chop the chicken into portions of 75 g. Cut the tomatoes into quarters, fry in butter or margarine.
Put into boiling broth homemade noodles and cook for 10-15 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add fried tomatoes.
When serving, put the meat and finely chopped parsley in the spa.


Cossack stew with sorcerers
400 g meat, 80 g onion, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley, salt, pepper. For sorcerers: 75 g flour, 1 egg, 250 g beef, 250 g pork, 50 g onion, salt, pepper.
Cut the meat, pour 2.5 liters of water and cook the broth at medium power, adding half a glass of cold water 3-4 times during the cooking process. Ready broth to cool and strain. Meat with onions, scroll twice through a meat grinder, add a little water, salt, pepper, mix. Pour into flour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, break an egg, salt, knead a stiff dough. Roll out the dough in a thin layer, cut into circles. Put a little minced meat on each circle, pinch the edges. Dip the sorcerers for a few seconds in boiling water, and then transfer to the broth and cook for 4-5 minutes at 50% power.


Sturgeon: 62 g, head: 47 g, carrot: 20 g, parsley root: 15 g, onion: 35 g, pickled cucumbers: 30 g, capers: 10 g, olives: 20 g,
fresh tomatoes: 40 or tomato puree: 20 g, butter: 10 g, lemon: 4 g, bay leaf: 0.01 g, pepper: 0.01 g, herbs: 3 g, salt: 5 g.
Yield - 500 g
Shredded roots and onion sauté with tomato puree. Peel the pickled cucumbers, remove the seeds and cut into slices 2-3 mm thick, simmer until half cooked. Sort the capers, wash the olives, peel the lemon and cut into slices
Divide the sturgeon into 3-4 pieces per serving. Boil the cartilage until tender, and then chop.
In a boiling broth, put pieces of fish, cucumbers, capers, sautéed roots, onion and tomato puree, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, cut into slices fresh tomatoes and cook for 5-10 minutes.
In the finished hodgepodge put a slice of lemon and olives, finely chopped greens.

Source Cossack Volnitsa.

Borsch and solyanka, porridge and noodles, fish dishes, by the abundance of which you can study the inhabitants of the nearby river - Don or Terek, Yaik or Volga. Cossacks are solid people, and a meal for them does not tolerate fuss. Historically, the Cossacks included Russians and Ukrainians, steppe nomads and peoples of the North Caucasus, Siberians and representatives of Central Asia. That is why the Cossack cuisine is so diverse. The question is where will you have lunch? At home at the table, then bream baked with porridge can be expected at the table, and if it’s a hike, then the agile hostess knows how to bake a camp cake.

Lunch in one pot (stanitsa Starocherkasskaya, 19th century)

What do you need:

Pork, potatoes, white root, carrots, 2-3 onions, tomatoes, blackthorn, cloves.

How to cook:

Salt and pepper the pork pulp, fry in boiling fat. Put in a cast iron or thick-walled pan, add chopped potatoes, white root, carrots, add cold water and simmer. Before cooking, add chopped tomatoes, soaked blackthorn and 2-3 cloves.

Lenten borscht (Middle and Lower Don, XVIII century)

What do you need:

Several large onions, cabbage, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, green beans or peas, garlic, bay leaves, peppers, herbs.

How to cook:

Boil the onions over low heat. Taking the onion out of the broth, add chopped cabbage, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, beans or peas. Season with freshly crushed garlic, bay leaf and pepper before serving. Season the borscht with onion and herbs fried in vegetable oil.

Solyanka fish (Rostov, XIX century)

What do you need:

Fish, onion, 1.5 tablespoons of flour, water, bay leaf, pepper, 10 olives, 10 mushrooms, 2 pickles, fresh and sour cabbage, greens.

How to cook:

Finely chop the onion, fry, add one and a half tablespoons of flour, fry again and add water. Put finely chopped fish, champignons, cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers, olives, a little fresh and salted cabbage into the sauce. When ready, add cucumber pickle, sour cream, herbs to taste, simmer.

Fish stuffed with porridge (Lower Don, Elizavetinskaya village, 18th–19th centuries)

What do you need:

Don fish (bream, carp, carp), rice or millet, onion, white wine, spices to taste.

How to cook:

Clean the fish and remove the offal. If available, separate the caviar and mix with semi-finished rice or millet. Soak the fish carcass for an hour in white wine, then fill with porridge, put in a deep frying pan, add sunflower oil, fried onion and fish broth. Stew with spices.

Crayfish in a festive way (village Elizavetinskaya, 19th century)

What do you need:

20-30 crayfish, a glass of sour cream, 0.5 cups of strong red wine, a spoonful of butter, salt, cumin, dill.

How to cook:

Add sour cream, wine, butter, a little salt, cumin and dill to a pot of water. After boiling, crayfish are laid, covered with a lid and boiled for half an hour.

Taranchuk (lunch from the cuisine of the Lower Don, XVIII-XIX centuries)

What do you need:

Lamb, potatoes, carrots, parsnip root, spices, mutton fat, hot pepper pod, vinegar, vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Fry small pieces of lamb pulp in boiling oil, put in pots. Separately, boil the vegetables and pour the meat with vegetable broth, add chopped potatoes, carrots, parsnip root, spices. Simmer until cooked with the addition of fat, pepper and vinegar to taste.

Camping pie (from the cuisine of the Middle Don, XVIII-XIX centuries)

What do you need:

Pulp of pork, beef or lamb, garlic, any pie dough, tomatoes, animal fat, onions.

How to cook:

Stuff a piece of meat with garlic and fry in the oven or oven until tender. Cut into 1 cm thick layers and lay on the rolled out dough. Put a layer of tomatoes and fried onions on top, pour over with fat and cover with a net of dough. Bake in oven or oven until done.

Don gingerbread (Lower Don, XIX century)

What do you need:

A pound or about 450 grams of nardeca (watermelon honey) or flower honey, 1 tablespoon of soda, 1.5 pounds or about 700 grams of flour, vegetable oil, egg, powdered sugar, raisins.

How to cook:

Add a tablespoon of soda and flour to honey. Knead a stiff dough and leave in the room for two days. Knead and roll into a layer, cut into shapes and place on an oiled pan. Brush the top of the gingerbread with beaten egg or sprinkle with powdered sugar and raisins.

Nardek - watermelon honey (Lower Don, XVIII century)

What do you need:

Flesh of watermelon.

How to cook:

Squeeze the pulp of ripe watermelons, pass through a press. Place the resulting mass in an enameled or copper basin, put on fire and bring to a boil. Constantly stirring, keep on low heat, boiling down to 1/8-1/10 volume. Store honey in dry glass jars in a cool place.

Kvass from blackthorn (stanitsa Starocherkasskaya, 18th–19th centuries)

What do you need:

1 kilogram of turn, 300 grams of sugar, 15 grams of yeast.

How to cook:

Wipe the turn, add four liters of water, boil for 15 minutes. Cool the drink, strain and, adding 300 grams of sugar, boil again. Cool the resulting syrup and add raw blackthorn juice and yeast while stirring. Pour kvass into bottles, close tightly with corks and keep for five days.