Recipes      07/23/2024

Lamb eggs: benefits and harms, cooking methods. Dragon eggs

Lamb eggs are the testes of sheep; they belong to the category of offal, but are considered a delicacy. Unlike kidneys, which have a persistent, specific odor, lamb eggs have virtually no odor, so they do not require long pre-soaking.

Fresh lamb eggs are pink, with purple veins and quite elastic, so when purchasing, you need to choose exactly those, and in no case settle for a product that is gray in color.

It should be borne in mind that eggs shrink very much when boiled, so when purchasing, count on two eggs per serving.

Calorie content of lamb eggs

The calorie content of lamb eggs is 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of lamb eggs

The chemical composition of eggs is worthy of attention, it contains: choline, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, H and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese, iron , chlorine and sulfur, iodine, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, phosphorus and sodium.

Lamb eggs contain protein that is easily digestible by the human body; it is a healthy and nutritious product.

Lamb eggs in cooking

Lamb eggs are covered with a very dense shell, which needs to be removed, if it doesn’t work right away, with a “stocking”, then make a longitudinal shallow cut with a sharp knife and turn it inside out. Be sure to wash the lamb eggs, cut them into slices and then boil them in salted water for 7-10 minutes. After rinsing with boiling water, you can cut it as needed according to the recipe and cook the lamb eggs further.

Lamb eggs are traditionally prepared in the Caucasus and Asia; there are quite a few recipes for preparing them (calorizer). One of the simplest recipes is to fry lamb eggs with onions, cauliflower, bell pepper and garlic. Lamb eggs with couscous are good.

Bovine and lamb eggs: what are the benefits?

People have been eating eggs of domestic animals or, scientifically, testes for a long time. Dishes, the main ingredient of which are the reproductive organs of bulls and rams, are considered a delicacy in many countries around the world. And, as it turns out, not in vain.

Myths of Ancient Greece

Even in ancient times, legends circulated about the miraculous properties of livestock testes. For example, participants in the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece consumed bull testicles immediately before the competition. The Greeks believed that in this way the strength of this powerful animal was transferred to them, thanks to which the reward for victory would not be long in coming.

In many countries of the world, and in Europe in particular, the testes of bulls and rams were used for medicinal purposes. Basically, healers recommended them to men who, for one reason or another, were losing their virility. And in France, lamb testicles were even considered an excellent remedy for female frigidity.

But in fact...

In fact, animal testes contain a large amount of protein (13%), which is also easily absorbed by the human body. Lamb and bovine eggs are very nutritious, their calorie content is about 230 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it would not be surprising if the ancient Greeks actually experienced some kind of uplift after such a meal.

In addition, the testes of bulls and rams are not oversaturated with fat, of which these organs contain only 34%. That is why they can be eaten even by those who are on a diet or people prone to obesity.

Also, cattle testicles are rich in vitamins B, E, H and PP, as well as minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, sodium and iodine.

As for the treatment of impotence using the testes of a bull or ram, doctors are quite skeptical about this kind of witchcraft. Animal testicles do contain the male hormone testosterone. However, it is unlikely that animal hormones have any effect on the human body. Moreover, in order for this to actually happen, theoretically, the testes should be eaten raw, since during heat treatment the hormones simply disappear. Eating raw eggs is extremely dangerous to health, just like poorly cooked meat.

Is it delicious?

Many people are squeamish about bull or sheep testicles and that is the only reason they do not eat these organs. In fact, according to gourmets, the taste of the testes is quite pleasant and delicate, vaguely reminiscent of the taste of beef kidneys.

The secret of preparing testes, according to chefs, lies in the correct choice of these organs. Fresh testicles should be pink with bluish streaks. Immediately before cooking, remove the shell from the eggs, then cut the product into slices, boil for 5-7 minutes and fry in a frying pan with onions, carrots and sour cream.

Lamb eggs

Lamb eggs are an exquisite delicacy classified as offal. The product received the greatest recognition in Asia and the Caucasus.

The testes of a mountain animal resemble kidneys in taste, but differ from them in the absence of a specific smell and the need for soaking before cooking. The consistency of the product is very dense, the color is light pink with rare purple streaks.

Amazing world! In the culinary encyclopedia of France “Larousse”, lamb eggs can be found under the name “animel”; the name “roton blanc”, which means “white kidneys”, is somewhat less common.

In the USA they are called mountain oysters or prairie oysters.


Lamb eggs have a surprisingly valuable composition, represented by:

  • vitamins: H, PP, E, group B;
  • minerals: phosphorus, iron, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, calcium, sulfur, iodine, zinc, sodium, nickel, cobalt.
  • choline;

Did you know? Many are convinced that hormones from lamb eggs significantly improve male potency. This is a myth because heat treatment destroys all hormones.


Interesting feature! The protein contained in lamb eggs is absorbed by the human body more easily than the protein of other meat products.

Such a valuable composition is also reflected in the benefits brought by lamb eggs to the human body. Regular use of the product contributes to:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • reducing the risk of heart disease;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increasing sperm motility (thanks to choline);
  • normalization of fat metabolism;
  • increasing mental abilities;
  • enrichment with protein and energy;
  • improving skin condition;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • enrichment with minerals and vitamins.

To enjoy a tasty and nutritious delicacy, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Before cooking, lamb eggs must be peeled from the surface film. To do this, make an incision across the product and tighten the shell.
  2. Lamb eggs are usually cut into several identical pieces, following the grain.
  3. After cutting, the product must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  4. It is recommended to pre-boil lamb eggs, but do not boil for more than 5 minutes.
  5. Since lamb eggs shrink significantly when cooked, it is better to use at least 2 eggs per serving.
  6. Lamb eggs love spices and herbs.

What to cook

Many gourmets prefer to eat the delicacy as an independent dish, frying it in white sauce and sprinkling with dry wine. However, there are a huge number of original recipes with a delicious product. Some of them:

  • ox egg pie;
  • roast lamb;
  • lamb egg shashlik;
  • lamb eggs with scallop sauce (“Dragon”);
  • salad with lamb eggs.

Fried potatoes or couscous porridge are perfect as a side dish for lamb eggs.

Interesting fact! Lamb eggs are often used as a decoration for dishes, for example, the famous Asian pilaf.

How to choose

The main indicator of the quality and freshness of lamb eggs is their appearance:

  1. Fresh lamb testicles have a clear pink hue with sparse lilac veins. If greenish spots are observed on the surface of the product or a gray shade of meat predominates, it has begun to decompose, but the smell will not appear soon.
  2. The consistency is elastic, dense. Flabbiness indicates depravity.
  3. The surface should be damp, but not sticky.
  4. The smell is fresh, barely noticeable.


When refrigerated, lamb eggs can be stored for no more than 5 days, covered with cling film to avoid weathering. These eggs have a more delicate taste.

However, they can also be frozen by wrapping them in food foil (for longer preservation). This method will extend storage up to 5 months.

Energy value of the product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 13.0g. (∼52 kcal)

Fat: 19.0g. (∼ 171 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 0.1g. (∼ 0.4 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 22% | 74% | 0%

Lamb for men - beneficial properties

Lamb has great benefits for men, especially for the intimate area. Meat is an integral product of the menu of a healthy and strong man. It is a source of protein necessary for the body.

The chemical properties of lamb are similar to pork, but eating meat has great benefits for the body. It is not for nothing that in Eastern countries they prepare this particular type of meat product, adding lamb to pilaf and frying amazing kebabs.


It contains B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12, A, manganese, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium.

Lamb is considered a dietary food and the purest meat, since sheep eat plant foods. However, grass alone cannot satisfy the body's requirements for the necessary substances, and sheep feed on worms, snails and other insects.

Lamb fat is valued for the same unique culinary taste as meat. It is easily digestible and contains vitamin D, the lack of which causes rickets in young children and provokes the development of heart disease.

General benefit

Lamb has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and eliminates abdominal pain. The substances included in the composition affect the production of gastric juice.

People suffering from anemia especially need it because it contains the maximum amount of iron. Useful for teeth: fluoride reduces the risk of caries.

For the male body

A real man is as resilient as a rock, he is balanced, calm and ready to solve any difficult problem. The modern rhythm of life presents all inhabitants of the planet with a large amount of negativity.

Stress has a particularly negative effect on the stronger half, because it rarely gives vent to emotions. These situations affect a man, reduce sexual performance, and greatly affect morale.

Lamb has a positive effect on the entire body and strengthens the nervous system. A man will be pleasantly surprised when he can cope with stress more easily, become immune to depression and begin to sleep well at night.


How much benefit eating lamb will bring and whether it will cause harm depends on how the product is prepared correctly. Measurement is also always important.

Overeating provokes the formation of excess weight, causes allergic reactions, and increases cholesterol levels.

Not recommended for older people and children. Frequent consumption of such a product disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland, since meat contains little iodine.

There are ailments that are incompatible with eating lamb. These are diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, gastritis, high acidity. If a person suffers from gout or kidney or gallstones, he is contraindicated in consuming lamb liver due to the presence of uric acid.

Proper storage

Competent and correct conservation of meat contributes to extracting maximum benefits. The frozen piece is thawed gradually, in the future, without subjecting it to the freezing process again.

Ask women to cook this type of meat more often along with healthy vegetables and herbs: a huge number of years-tested recipes are kept by the peoples of Asia and the Caucasus.


Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

We bring to your attention a recipe with a photo of the preparation of a bovine delicacy - lamb eggs. The offal in combination with onions gives an unusual delicate taste. Also see how it is prepared.

- lamb eggs – 4 pcs.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- table salt – 1 tsp,
- vegetable oil – 80 ml.,
- ground black pepper.

Required information
The dish takes approximately 1 hour to prepare.
The key to a tasty dish is fresh bovine testes, dense and elastic, delicate pink in color with lilac venous veins. In addition, the surface of the eggs should not be mucus or have a slight odor.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. First, rinse the eggs under running cold water. Then carefully use a knife to make a longitudinal incision and remove the membrane from each testis.
Tip: Buy eggs the day before cooking: the shelf life is 5 days.
Tip: To easily remove the egg, you just need to press on the delicate surface film.

2. After this, rinse again with water, put in a plastic container, and fill with cold liquid. Leave to soak for half an hour.
Tip: Don't forget to change the water at least 3 times.
Tip: Instead of soaking, you can boil the eggs in salted boiling water for 15 minutes.

3. Then peel the onion and cut into small pieces. Place in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil and fry until golden brown.
Tip: Stir the onions periodically to prevent them from burning.
Tip: You can use mushrooms, bell peppers, and garlic as additional ingredients.

4. At the next stage, take the eggs, cut them into slices, add salt and pepper to taste. Fry until lightly browned, stirring occasionally.
Tip: One egg is cut into approximately 8 equal parts.
Tip: To make the bull testes softer, they need to be filled with water, covered tightly with a lid and simmered for 15 minutes at medium heat. The dish is ready when all the liquid has evaporated.
Tip: Make sure that the eggs do not turn dark. As a snack, I offer you an excellent recipe.

5. Place the prepared testes on a plate and decorate the top with fresh finely chopped herbs. Serve with a side dish: boiled cauliflower, pasta and cereals, mashed potatoes.
Tip: You can use mustard, horseradish, ketchup, and mayonnaise as a dressing.
Bon appetit everyone!

For some reason, in all the recipes representing fried lamb eggs, the first line is: “not for the faint of heart.” It's very strange, to be honest! For some reason, the recipes do not surprise anyone, but fried eggs are just a reason to worry, as if they were not the same piece of tripe.

In fact, you shouldn’t really wonder how your nerves will react to this dish; the main thing is how the stomach reacts, and I assure you, it will be delighted. The only question worth asking yourself is - how to fry lamb eggs correctly, and we will try to answer it as fully as possible.

Let's start with the fact that lamb eggs are a delicacy with an incomparable delicate taste and no less delicate texture. Many people do not like lamb because of its characteristic fatty taste; Well, there’s no such taste in eggs at all, not even an ounce. When cooked correctly, they melt in your mouth like young trout.

I came across numerous recipes that literally made my eyes pop out: either eggs were stewed with vegetables, or they were boiled... Now this is definitely a perversion! And they also warn: they say that there is a lot of water in lamb eggs, and when it evaporates, they will greatly decrease in size... Why evaporate it? To get hard rubber from a tender piece?! Just nonsense.

I wholeheartedly advise you of my option. It retains all the beneficial properties, all the vitamins and microelements contained in eggs, giving the dish the most elegant appearance and the best taste. If you like to get a handful of seemingly unappetizing mud at the exit, stew the eggs with vegetables. If you want to get real dish for a romantic dinner- welcome. We will be preparing fried lamb eggs with onion omelette for an appetizer.

So let's get started. We need just nothing: a couple of lamb eggs, breadcrumbs, flour, egg, onion, salt, paprika and ground black pepper.

Initially the eggs look like this:

They are protected by double film. The first one can be removed very easily, the second one can be removed with a sharp knife. We are interested in the delicate pink meat inside:

To make cleaning easier, after removing the first film, cut each egg in half:

Let's cut off all the excess, and in front of us there will be four small “cakes” - our future “cutlets”:

Now break the egg, beat it with salt, pepper and paprika:

Heat good vegetable oil in a frying pan. Let's start breading. Dip each half of the egg first in the egg, then roll in flour, then again in the egg and in breadcrumbs:

Fry our “cutlets” on both sides over low heat. Cut the onion into half rings and fry next to the eggs:

Lamb eggs, just like the testes of hogs and bulls, belong to the category of delicacy products. Residents of many Arab countries prefer to use this delicate and specific product as a decoration for delicious pilaf. Only the most honored and respected guests are given the right to taste this delicacy.

It should be noted that while lamb eggs are in a raw state, their size is much larger than after the heat treatment process - frying or boiling.

The quality of lamb eggs is quite easy to determine by eye - they are characterized by a pink color with veins that have a lilac tint. This product should feel elastic to the touch. Never buy lamb eggs that have a soft and inelastic consistency, as well as an unhealthy greenish or grayish color - such a product has already expired.

Before you start preparing a dish from lamb eggs, you need to completely peel them from the shell. Since it is quite durable, you should use a well-sharpened kitchen knife. First you need to make a small and shallow cut, after which you need to turn the eggs inside out and very carefully and carefully manually separate the core from the skin. At the next stage, the product must be cut into several equal parts and washed thoroughly.

It is worth noting that lamb eggs are prepared according to the same recipes as animal kidneys. In their taste properties, lamb eggs are similar to pork eggs, however, their taste is more subtle and delicate. One of the advantages of lamb eggs is that, unlike kidneys, they do not have to be soaked for some time.

Composition and beneficial properties

Lamb eggs are beneficial to human health as they are an excellent source of natural animal protein. This product is quite easily digested in the body and is very nutritious. Many people are confident that lamb eggs help increase potency. But in truth, for this it would be necessary to eat them raw, since any heat treatment completely destroys the hormones contained in lamb eggs that are responsible for male strength.

For those who are impressionable, please remove them immediately.
I’m glad to present everyone else, Lamb’s eggs, and the right “testicles”
Have you tried it? In vain...
This is just a name that is so scary and disgusting for some, but in fact it is the most delicate and delicious product!
And it takes about 15 minutes to prepare.
If you give someone a try without mentioning the real name of the product, you are unlikely to understand what you ate, you will only be surprised that it is tender, tasty and... at a loss, “Well, what was it anyway?”
Well, let's start...
Fried lamb eggs

- lamb eggs
- some favorite seasonings for meat. I use bharat 1-2 tsp
- black pepper
- salt
- 0.5-1 onion
- 2 tbsp olive oil

This exotic product for our tables can be purchased at the market from the butcher. I think in some places it will be completely exotic, but if you still want to try it and you sell lamb, then nothing is impossible! Just ask you to postpone (bring) this item next time.
If the butcher’s eyes become round and the question arises as to what you will do with this organ, then don’t hesitate! Before the “primera” it is better to practice at home so that the answer is convincing...
They say yes... we know, we ate... it’s healthy and finally it’s a delicacy!
Pay and walk away proudly!

So, eggs are usually sold “as is.” Small leather bags. We pay by the piece.
This time I was lucky, the butcher himself removed the skin on the spot. You'll have to do it yourself.
First, rinse each piece well and make a shallow cut 5-6 miles long with a sharp knife.
Use your fingers to separate the inner flesh and turn it out. We simply throw away the leather bag.
We get:

Heat a frying pan, pour in oil. We clean the onion, finely chop it (you don’t have to use onion at all, but it tastes better) and lightly fry it for 1-2 minutes in oil.
Meanwhile, cut the tender pulp into large pieces. Literally in half and then each half into 2-4 parts.

Place in a frying pan, pepper, add seasonings and fry over high heat for 5 minutes.

A lot of liquid will be released, we evaporate it by half. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
Place on a plate and sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

I wanted to add another option, but it didn’t work out. in general, you can do the same, but keep them in milk and then add fresh pepper during the process.

I cooked it, I really wanted to try it. I bought 5 of them, cooked them, and served them with mashed potatoes and salad. very tasty. I didn’t tell my husband))) he really liked it